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Last active September 17, 2021 17:46
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Save EntropyWorks/94055445c19dabe6a870 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is my script for mirroring a bunch of apt repos. This only touches the very basics of what (aptly)[] can do.
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Authored by Yazz D. Atlas <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Creating a tempfile directory to use later maybe
tempdir=$(mktemp -d ) || { echo "Failed to create temp file"; exit 1; }
# If I need tempfiles lets do it cleanly
function cleanup {
echo ${line}
# cat ${tempdir}/*
rm -rf ${tempdir}
echo "Removed ${tempdir}"
function fail {
errcode=$? # save the exit code as the first thing done in the trap function
echo "error $errorcode"
echo "the command executing at the time of the error was"
echo "on line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
# do some error handling, cleanup, logging, notification
# $BASH_COMMAND contains the command that was being executed at the time of the trap
# ${BASH_LINENO[0]} contains the line number in the script of that command
# exit the script or return to try again, etc.
exit $errcode # or use some other value or do return instead
# Catch the crtl-c and others nicely
trap fail ERR
# Wanted to output a nicer message while I debug things.
echo "$1"
echo "${line}"
# I needed this to get snapshots to work. Its not ideal to hardcode this
# but it is what it is right now.
# Using an associative array
declare -A MIRROR
MIRROR[stable_main]=" stable main"
MIRROR[stable_contrib]=" stable contrib"
MIRROR[stable_updates-main]=" stable-updates main"
MIRROR[stable_updates-contrib]=" stable-updates contrib"
MIRROR[testing_main]=" testing main"
MIRROR[testing_contrib]=" testing contrib"
MIRROR[testing_updates-main]=" testing-updates main"
MIRROR[testing_updates-contrib]=" testing-updates contrib"
MIRROR[wheezy_main]=" wheezy main"
MIRROR[wheezy_contrib]=" wheezy contrib"
MIRROR[wheezy_updates-main]=" wheezy-updates main"
MIRROR[wheezy_updates-contrib]=" wheezy-updates contrib"
MIRROR[jessie_main]=" jessie main"
MIRROR[jessie_contrib]=" jessie contrib"
MIRROR[jessie_updates-main]=" jessie-updates main"
MIRROR[jessie_updates-contrib]=" jessie-updates contrib"
### Adding some other repos
# Currently these could be mirrored but the logic right now in the script
# won't create the proper snapshots or publish them.
#MIRROR[salt]=" trusty main"
#MIRROR[docker]=" docker main"
#MIRROR[percona]=" trusty main"
# By lumping the componets all together may make things easier sometimes but has
# issues if you plan to audit where packages originated.
#MIRROR[ubuntu]=" trusty main restricted universe"
#MIRROR[ubuntu-security]=" trusty-security main restricted universe"
#MIRROR[ubuntu-updates]=" trusty-updates main restricted universe"
#MIRROR[ubuntu]=" trusty main restricted universe"
# This will create the mirror the first time if its not already on the machine.
date > ${tempdir}/start
echo -n "Start: "
cat ${tempdir}/start
# Timestamp for just to see how long it takes
echo -n "Finish: "
date > ${tempdir}/end
cat ${tempdir}/end
# Timestamp
# Just wanting a list of mirrors before I started
aptly mirror list > ${tempdir}/mirror-list
for mirror in "${!MIRROR[@]}"; do
if ! aptly mirror show $mirror > /dev/null ; then
print "aptly mirror create $mirror ${MIRROR[$mirror]}"
aptly mirror create $mirror ${MIRROR[$mirror]}
# Updating the mirrors and creates a snapshot for the day. Then publishes the mirror.
# The publishing off a new snapshot requires dropping the already published right now.
aptly mirror list -raw | xargs -n 1 aptly mirror update
for mirror in "${!MIRROR[@]}"; do
if ! aptly snapshot show ${mirror}-$(date +%Y%m%d) > /dev/null ; then
print "aptly snapshot create ${mirror}-$(date +%Y%m%d) from $mirror"
aptly snapshot create ${mirror}-$(date +%Y%m%d) from mirror $mirror
# start_time
for mirror in "${!MIRROR[@]}"; do
echo ${mirror} | sed -e s/_.*$//g >> ${tempdir}/distribution
for distribution in $(cat ${tempdir}/distribution | sort -u) ; do
snapshot_list=$(aptly snapshot list -raw | grep ${distribution}| grep -v updates | tr "\\n" " " )
snapshot_list_updates=$(aptly snapshot list -raw | grep ${distribution} | grep updates | tr "\\n" " " )
#print "aptly publish $1 -component="main,contrib" -distribution=${distribution} ${snapshot_list} atg"
aptly publish $1 -component="${components}" -distribution="${distribution}" ${snapshot_list} atg
#print "aptly publish $1 -component="main,contrib" -distribution=${distribution}-updates ${snapshot_list_updates} atg"
aptly publish $1 -component="${components}" -distribution="${distribution}"-updates ${snapshot_list_updates} atg
rm -f ${tempdir}/distribution
# end_time
# Do things here
#publish snapshot
publish switch
aptly publish list
# Clean up the aptly db of dangling references and packages nolonger used in the repos or
# snapshots
aptly db cleanup
aptly graph
mv /tmp/aptly-graph* /aptly/public/aptly-graph.png
# vim: tabstop=2:softtabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
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