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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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  • Save EntropyWorks/bf4ea89b5aceb7b206b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EntropyWorks/bf4ea89b5aceb7b206b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Looping into vagrant vm's
$ vagrant-loop "lsb_release -a"
#--- minion-01
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy)
Release: 7.8
Codename: wheezy
Connection to closed.
#--- minion-02
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
Connection to closed.
#--- minion-03
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Release: 8.0
Codename: jessie
Connection to closed.
#--- gatekeeper
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy)
Release: 7.8
Codename: wheezy
Connection to closed.
shared: &shared # Have some common items that all boxes need
shell: "scripts/"
ansible: "provisioning/main.yml"
ram: "512"
debian_stable: &debian_stable
<<: *shared
box_url: ""
box: "cargomedia/debian-7-amd64-cm"
debian_testing: &debian_testing
<<: *shared
box_url: ""
box: "binarydata/debian-jessie"
ubuntu_stable: &ubuntu_stable
<<: *shared
box_url: ""
box: "ubuntu/trusty64"
default: &default # I set this to what I want most times
<<: *debian_stable
- name: minion-01
<<: *default
ip: ""
- name: minion-02
<<: *ubuntu_stable
ip: ""
- name: minion-03
<<: *debian_testing
ip: ""
- name: gatekeeper
<<: *default
ram: "1024"
ansible: "provisioning/gatekeeper.yml"
shell: "scripts/"
ip: ""
# working on some ideas for IPv6 settings
ipv6_range: "fd32:1891:ba93:481b::/64"
ipv6_start: "fd32:1891:ba93:481b::10"
# Yazz D. Atlas <>
for i in $(vagrant status | grep running | awk '{ print $1}'); do
echo "#--- ${i} "
vagrant ssh ${i} -c "$1"
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