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Forked from indented-automation/Find-String.ps1
Created February 26, 2018 13:34
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Binary searcher
function Find-String {
Find a matching string from an alphabetically sorted file.
Find-String is a specialised binary (half interval) searcher designed to find matches in sorted ASCII encoded text files.
Change log:
11/08/2014 - Chris Dent - First release.
param (
# The string to find. The string is treated as a regular expression and must match the beginning of the line.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the file to search.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ } )]
$FileName = $pscmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($FileName)
$FileStream = New-Object IO.FileStream($FileName, [IO.FileMode]::Open)
$BinaryReader = New-Object IO.BinaryReader($FileStream)
$Length = $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Length
$Position = $Length / 2
[Int64]$HalfInterval = $Length / 2
$Position = $Length - $HalfInterval
while ($Position -gt 1 -and $Position -lt $Length -and $Position -ne $LastPosition) {
$LastPosition = $Position
$HalfInterval = $HalfInterval / 2
$BinaryReader.BaseStream.Seek($Position, [IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null
# Track back to the start of the line
while ($true) {
$Character = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -eq 1) {
$BinaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(-1, [IO.SeekOrigin]::Current) | Out-Null
} elseif ($Character -eq [Byte][Char]"`n") {
} else {
$BinaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(-2, [IO.SeekOrigin]::Current) | Out-Null
# Read the line
$Characters = @()
if ($BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -lt $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Length) {
do {
$Characters += [Char][Int]$BinaryReader.ReadByte()
} until ($Characters[-1] -eq [Char]"`n" -or $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position -eq $BinaryReader.BaseStream.Length)
$Line = (New-Object String (,[Char[]]$Characters)).Trim()
} else {
# End of file
return $null
if ($Line -match "^$String") {
# Close the file stream and return the match immediately
return $Line
} elseif ($Line -lt $String) {
$Position = $Position + $HalfInterval
} elseif ($Line -gt $String) {
$Position = $Position - $HalfInterval
# Close the file stream if no matches are found.
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Used in passwordTest Script for searching textbased list of hashes

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