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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#h:: ; Win+H hotkey | |
; 获取当前选择的文本. 使用剪贴板代替 | |
; "ControlGet Selected", 是因为它可以工作于更大范围的编辑器 | |
; (即字处理软件). 保存剪贴板当前的内容 | |
; 以便在后面恢复. 尽管这里只能处理纯文本, | |
; 但总比没有好: | |
AutoTrim on ; 保留剪贴板中任何前导和尾随空白字符. | |
ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll% | |
Clipboard = ; 必须清空, 才能检测是否有效. | |
Send ^c | |
ClipWait 1 | |
if ErrorLevel ; ClipWait 超时. | |
return | |
; 替换 CRLF 和/或 LF 为 `n 以便用于 "发送原始模式的" 热字串: | |
; 对其他任何在原始模式下可能出现问题 | |
; 的字符进行相同的处理: | |
StringReplace, Hotstring, Clipboard, ``, ````, All ; 首先进行此替换以避免和后面的操作冲突. | |
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `r`n, ``r, All ; 在 MS Word 等软件中中使用 `r 会比 `n 工作的更好. | |
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `n, ``r, All | |
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, %A_Tab%, ``t, All | |
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `;, ```;, All | |
Clipboard = %ClipboardOld% ; 恢复剪贴板之前的内容. | |
; 这里会移动 InputBox 的光标到更人性化的位置: | |
SetTimer, MoveCaret, 10 | |
; 显示 InputBox, 提供默认的热字串: | |
InputBox, Hotstring, New Hotstring, Type your abreviation at the indicated insertion point. You can also edit the replacement text if you wish.`n`nExample entry: :R:btw`::by the way,,,,,,,, :*:`::%Hotstring% | |
if ErrorLevel ; 用户选择了取消. | |
return | |
IfInString, Hotstring, :*`::: | |
{ | |
MsgBox You didn't provide an abbreviation. The hotstring has not been added. | |
return | |
} | |
; 否则添加热字串并重新加载脚本: | |
FileAppend, `n%Hotstring%, D:\SourceCode\AutoHotKey\addHotString.ahk ; 在开始处放置 `n 以防文件末尾没有空行. | |
Reload | |
Sleep 200 ; 如果加载成功, reload 会在 Sleep 期间关闭当前实例, 所以永远不会执行到下面的语句. | |
MsgBox, 4,, The hotstring just added appears to be improperly formatted. Would you like to open the script for editing? Note that the bad hotstring is at the bottom of the script. | |
IfMsgBox, Yes, Edit | |
return | |
MoveCaret: | |
IfWinNotActive, New Hotstring | |
return | |
; 否则移动 InputBox 中的光标到用户输入缩写的位置. | |
Send {Home}{Right 3} | |
SetTimer, MoveCaret, Off | |
return | |
:*:;;af:: | |
SendRaw, ()=>{} | |
Send, {Left}{Left}{Left}{Left}{Left} | |
Return | |
:*:;;ll:: | |
SendRaw, //// //////////// | |
Send, {home}{Right}{Right}{Right}{Right}{Right} | |
Return | |
:*:;;mm:: | |
SendRaw, //////// //////// | |
Send, {left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left} | |
Return | |
:*:;;rr:: | |
SendRaw, //////////// //// | |
Send, {left}{left}{left}{left}{left} | |
Return | |
; today string | |
:*:;;tm:: | |
FormatTime, today | |
Send,%today% | |
Return | |
:*:;;ipd::ipdw_project2018 | |
:*:;;js:: | |
send,\``\``\``js{enter}\``\``\``{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left} | |
Return | |
:*:;;cn:: | |
SendRaw, className='' | |
send,{left} | |
Return | |
:*:;;pc:: | |
SendRaw, {`` ${props.className?props.className:''}``} | |
Return | |
;下面都是脚本addHotString自动添加的 HotString | |
:*:;;lorem::Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt diam felis, sed tempor est pellentesque vel. Mauris tempus convallis. | |
:*:;;pcn::${{}props.className ? props.className : ''`{}} | |
:*:;;cln::${{}props.className ? props.className : ''`{}} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
;管理员权限运行本脚本 | |
Loop, %0% ; For each parameter: | |
{ | |
param := %A_Index% ; Fetch the contents of the variable whose name is contained in A_Index. | |
params .= A_Space . param | |
} | |
ShellExecute := A_IsUnicode ? "shell32\ShellExecute":"shell32\ShellExecuteA" | |
if not A_IsAdmin | |
{ | |
If A_IsCompiled | |
DllCall(ShellExecute, uint, 0, str, "RunAs", str, A_ScriptFullPath, str, params , str, A_WorkingDir, int, 1) | |
Else | |
DllCall(ShellExecute, uint, 0, str, "RunAs", str, A_AhkPath, str, """" . A_ScriptFullPath . """" . A_Space . params, str, A_WorkingDir, int, 1) | |
ExitApp | |
} | |
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. | |
#Persistent | |
#SingleInstance force | |
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000 | |
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff | |
Process, Priority,, High ;高优先级 | |
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. | |
;键盘映射 | |
#include KeyMap.ahk | |
;番茄钟脚本 ;;pomo | |
;; #include Pomo.ahk | |
;添加热词脚本 win + h | |
#include addHotString.ahk | |
;移动窗口脚本 alt + 空格 | |
#include altMove.ahk | |
;设置退出脚本的时候调用的函数 | |
OnExit("CleanUpFunc") | |
;退出脚本时自动调用的函数 | |
CleanUpFunc(exitReason,exitCode) | |
{ | |
ToolTip, %exitReason%---%exitCode% | |
;注销 OnWin 的消息监听 | |
Sleep, 1000 | |
} | |
;重启脚本快捷键; | |
^End:: | |
Send, ^s | |
ToolTip, Reloading Script | |
Reload ;重启脚本快捷键 | |
return | |
;锁定电脑 | |
:*:;;lock:: | |
key:= "magic" | |
i:=1 | |
BlockInput MouseMove | |
MouseMove,3, 3 | |
; MsgBox, , Locked up, 鼠标键盘已锁定 | |
Gui, locker:New | |
gui, locker: | |
gui, font,s15,MS sans serif | |
Gui, locker:Color,0x00000000 | |
Gui, locker:Add, Text,x280 y15 cWhite , Mouse and Keyboard Locked | |
Gui ,locker:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Owner | |
Gui, locker:Show,W800 H60 Center | |
Loop | |
{ | |
Input, c, L1 | |
if(c = SubStr(key, i, 1)){ | |
i++ | |
} | |
if(i>StrLen(key)){ | |
BlockInput, MouseMoveOff | |
BlockInput, Off | |
Gui, Hide | |
GuiClose: | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
Return | |
:*:;;tst:: | |
CustomColor := "EEAA99" ; Can be any RGB color (it will be made transparent below). | |
Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item. | |
Gui, Color, %CustomColor% | |
Gui, Font, s32 ; Set a large font size (32-point). | |
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cLime, XXXXX YYYYY ; XX & YY serve to auto-size the window. | |
; Make all pixels of this color transparent and make the text itself translucent (150): | |
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150 | |
SetTimer, UpdateOSD, 20 | |
Gosub, UpdateOSD ; Make the first update immediate rather than waiting for the timer. | |
Gui, Show, x0 y400 NoActivate ; NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window. | |
return | |
UpdateOSD: | |
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY | |
GuiControl,, MyText, X%MouseX%, Y%MouseY% | |
return | |
Gui, Add, Tab,, FirstTab|SecondTab|ThirdTabGuiEscape: | |
Gui, Submit ; Save each control's contents to its associated variable. | |
MsgBox You entered:`n%MyCheckbox%`n%MyRadio%`n%MyEdit% | |
ExitApp | |
;打开微信, 微信没打开就打开, 打开了就调用快捷键 | |
^+w:: | |
Process,Exist, WeChatStore.exe | |
if ErrorLevel ; 非0, 说明找到了该进程 值为进程的PID | |
{ | |
Send, ^!{w} | |
Return | |
} | |
{ | |
Send, #{7} | |
Return | |
} | |
Return | |
;鼠标无限连击 | |
#!c:: | |
Loop | |
{ | |
ToolTip, Clicking Mouse press <<T>> to stop | |
Sleep, 2 | |
GetKeyState, state, t, P | |
if state=D | |
{ | |
ToolTip | |
break | |
} | |
MouseClick | |
} | |
Return | |
;获取像素点颜色 | |
#c:: | |
MouseGetPos, mx, my | |
PixelGetColor, color, %mx%, %my%,RGB | |
color := SubStr(color, 3) | |
ToolTip, #%color% | |
Sleep, 300 ;等待c键释放 | |
counter:=0 | |
Loop{ | |
Sleep, 50 | |
counter+=50 | |
GetKeyState, state, c, P | |
if state=D | |
{ | |
ToolTip, Copied to Clipboard | |
Clipboard=%color% | |
break | |
} | |
; ToolTip, %counter% | |
if counter>2000 | |
break | |
} | |
sleep 500 | |
ToolTip | |
Return | |
#o:: ; Win+O 热键关闭显示器. | |
Sleep 1000 ; 让用户有机会释放按键 (以防释放它们时再次唤醒显示器). | |
; 关闭显示器: | |
SendMessage, 0x112, 0xF170, 2,, Program Manager ; 0x112 为 WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF170 为 SC_MONITORPOWER. | |
; 对上面命令的注释: 使用 -1 代替 2 来打开显示器. | |
; 使用 1 代替 2 来激活显示器的节能模式. | |
return | |
;屏幕顶部 wheel 切换虚拟桌面 | |
WheelUp:: | |
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen | |
MouseGetPos, mx, my, | |
if (mx<=4 || my<=10) | |
{ | |
send, #^{left} | |
IfWinExist,sPomodoro | |
{ | |
WinHide,sPomodoro | |
SetTimer, ReshowPomo, 1000 | |
} | |
} | |
Else Send, {WheelUp} | |
Return | |
WheelDown:: | |
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen | |
MouseGetPos,mx , my | |
If (mx<=4 || my<=10) | |
{ | |
Send, #^{Right} | |
IfWinExist,sPomodoro | |
{ | |
WinHide,sPomodoro | |
SetTimer, ReshowPomo, 1000 | |
} | |
} | |
Else Send, {WheelDown} | |
Return | |
; reshow pomo after change 虚拟桌面 | |
ReshowPomo: | |
SetTimer, ReshowPomo, Off | |
WinShow, sPomodoro | |
Return | |
;重启 WGestures | |
:*:;;wges:: | |
{ | |
Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\WGestures\WGestures.exe | |
} | |
; 重命名为scr后缀 | |
:*:;;wt:: | |
Send, {F2}{End}.scr{Enter} | |
Sleep, 20 | |
Send, {Enter} | |
Sleep, 20 | |
Send, {Enter} | |
Return | |
;鼠标移动一个像素 | |
^Left::MouseMove, -1, 0, , R | |
^Right::MouseMove, 1, 0, , R | |
^Up::MouseMove, 0, -1, , R | |
^Down::MouseMove, 0, 1, , R |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
;任意位置拖动窗口 | |
LAlt & Space:: | |
ToolTip, 移动鼠标以改变窗口位置 | |
;设置鼠标坐标模式为相对屏幕 | |
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen | |
;获取初始鼠标位置 | |
MouseGetPos, mX0, mY0 , hwnd | |
IfWinExist, ahk_id %hwnd% | |
{ | |
;获取初始窗口位置 | |
WinGetPos, wX0, wY0 | |
;激活鼠标下窗口 | |
WinActivate, ahk_id %hwnd% | |
} | |
Else | |
Return | |
Loop{ | |
GetKeyState, state, LAlt, P | |
if state = U | |
{ | |
ToolTip | |
break | |
} | |
GetKeyState, mState, Space, P | |
if mState = U | |
{ | |
ToolTip | |
break | |
} | |
;上面只要 m 或者 RAlt 松开都会退出 | |
;获取当前鼠标位置 | |
MouseGetPos, mX, mY | |
SetWinDelay, -1 | |
WinMove, ahk_id %hwnd%, , wX0+mX-mX0, wY0+mY-mY0 | |
} | |
Return |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
;中文引用括号 | |
![::send,{U+300C} | |
!]::send,{U+300D} | |
; 左右移动4个字符 | |
$!^j::send,{left}{left}{left}{left} ; $ pre-fix to avoid self invoking | |
$!^l::send,{right}{right}{right}{right} | |
$+!^j::send,+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left} | |
$+!^l::send,+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right} | |
; 上下移动4个字符 | |
$!^i::send,{up}{up}{up}{up} ; $ pre-fix to avoid self invoking | |
$!^k::send,{down}{down}{down}{down} | |
$+!^i::send,+{up}+{up}+{up}+{up} | |
$+!^k::send,+{down}+{down}+{down}+{down} | |
; 左右移动 10 个字符 | |
$!^h::send,{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left} ; $ pre-fix to avoid self invoking | |
$!^;::send,{right}{right}{right}{right}{right}{right}{right}{right}{right}{right} | |
$+!^h::send,+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left}+{left} | |
$+!^;::send,+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right}+{right} | |
;listary | |
CapsLock & n::send,#{n} | |
;鼠标点击 | |
!c::MouseClick | |
CapsLock & ,::MouseClick | |
CapsLock & .::MouseClick, Right | |
;alt + lkji 上下左右 | |
!j::Send, {left} | |
!l::Send, {Right} | |
!i::Send, {Up} | |
!k::Send, {Down} | |
!o::Send,{End} | |
!u::Send,{Home} | |
; ;选取 | |
!+j::Send, +{Left} | |
!+i::Send, +{Up} | |
!+k::Send, +{Down} | |
!+l::Send, +{Right} | |
!+u::Send,+{Home} | |
!+o::Send,+{End} | |
;上页翻页键映射 | |
!h::Send {PgUp}{down} | |
!;::Send {PgDn}{up} | |
;媒体播放 上一首下一首 | |
^!p::Send, {Media_Play_Pause} | |
^+Right::Send, {Media_Next} | |
^+left::Send, {Media_Prev} | |
; Volumne | |
!-::send,{Volume_Down} | |
!=::send,{Volume_Up} | |
; Capslock + hjkl (left, down, up, right) | |
Capslock & j::Send {Blind}{Left DownTemp} | |
Capslock & j up::Send {Blind}{Left Up} | |
Capslock & k::Send {Blind}{Down DownTemp} | |
Capslock & k up::Send {Blind}{Down Up} | |
Capslock & i::Send {Blind}{Up DownTemp} | |
Capslock & i up::Send {Blind}{Up Up} | |
Capslock & l::Send {Blind}{Right DownTemp} | |
Capslock & l up::Send {Blind}{Right Up} | |
; uo (home, end) | |
Capslock & u::Send {Blind}{Home DownTemp} | |
Capslock & u up::Send {Blind}{Home Up} | |
Capslock & o::Send {Blind}{end DownTemp} | |
Capslock & o up::Send {Blind}{end Up} | |
; h; (pgup, pgdn) | |
Capslock & h::Send {Blind}{pgup DownTemp} | |
Capslock & h up::Send, {Blind}{pgup up} | |
Capslock & `;::Send {Blind}{pgdn DownTemp} | |
Capslock & `; up::Send {Blind}{pgdn up} | |
; Ctrl B | |
CapsLock & b::send,^{b} | |
; 切换虚拟桌面 | |
CapsLock & [::send,#^{left} | |
CapsLock & ]::send,#^{right} | |
; F11 | |
CapsLock & f:: send,{f11} | |
CapsLock & Tab:: send,{alt DownTemp}{Tab } | |
; telegram | |
+^x::send,#6 | |
; Capslock + num = F{num} | |
CapsLock & 1::send,{f1} | |
CapsLock & 2::send,{f2} | |
CapsLock & 3::send,{f3} | |
CapsLock & 4::send,{f4} | |
CapsLock & 5::send,{f5} | |
CapsLock & 6::send,{f6} | |
CapsLock & 7::send,{f7} | |
CapsLock & 8::send,{f8} | |
CapsLock & 9::send,{f9} | |
CapsLock & 0::send,{f10} | |
CapsLock & -::send,{f11} | |
CapsLock & +::send,{f12} | |
; Esc````` | |
CapsLock::Send {Esc Down} | |
CapsLock up::Send {Esc Up} | |
;; Capslock itself | |
Capslock & Space:: | |
If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") = 1 | |
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff | |
Else | |
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOn | |
Return | |
;选择一行 | |
LAlt & a:: | |
CapsLock & a:: | |
Send {End} | |
Send +{Home} | |
; Send +{Home} | |
return | |
; Ctrol + 1234 for vscode | |
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe code.exe | |
Capslock & s::send,^{1} | |
Capslock & d::send,^{2} | |
Capslock & w::send,^{3} | |
Capslock & e::send,^{4} | |
alt::return | |
Capslock & t::send,^{w} | |
Capslock & p::send,^{p} | |
; line move/copy | |
^!i::Send, !{Up} | |
^!k::Send, !{Down} | |
+^!i::Send, !+{Up} | |
+^!k::Send, !+{Down} | |
; console | |
CapsLock & c:: send,^{``} | |
; side bar | |
CapsLock & b::send,^{b} | |
#if | |
; ;;;;;; For Chrome, Chrome_edge | |
; #IfWinActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe | |
#If WinActive("ahk_exe chrome.exe") || WinActive("ahk_exe msedge.exe") || WinActive("ahk_exe ApplicationFrameHost.exe")||WinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe") | |
; ctrl + w/r/t | |
CapsLock & w:: Send,^w | |
CapsLock & r:: Send,^r | |
CapsLock & t:: Send,^t | |
; switch TAB | |
CapsLock & j:: Send, ^+{Tab} | |
CapsLock & k:: Send,^{Tab} | |
#If | |
;; intellij idea | |
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe idea64.exe | |
; line move/copy | |
^!i::Send, ^+{Up} | |
^!k::Send, ^+{Down} | |
; alt+up down left Right | |
^i::Send,!{up} | |
^k::Send,!{down} | |
^j::Send,!{left} | |
^l::Send,!{right} | |
; format code | |
!f::SendInput,^!{l} | |
#if | |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
CapsLock & p:: | |
global showWin:=not showWin | |
Gosub, ToggleApp | |
Return | |
CapsLock & z:: | |
isPomo:=not isPomo | |
Return | |
CapsLock & q:: | |
:*:qwer:: | |
:*:;;pom:: | |
if not isInited{ | |
isInited:=True | |
Gosub, Init | |
} | |
WinShow, sPomodoro | |
Gui sPomo:+LastFound | |
if(PomoRunning){ | |
PomoRunning:=False | |
GuiControl,sPomo:,PomoStatus,(╯°Д° ) ╯ ┻━┻ | |
GuiControl,sPomo:Move,PomoStatus,x5 | |
WinSet, Region,0-0 w150 h40 R2-2 | |
Goto, ClosePomo | |
} | |
PomoRunning:=True | |
GuiControl,sPomo:,PomoStatus,(╯°Д° ) ╯ | |
WinSet, Region,0-0 w100 h40 R2-2 | |
; Gui, sPomo:Show,NoActivate | |
WinMove, sPomodoro,,0,%yPos% | |
Goto, StartPomo | |
Return | |
Init: | |
;; Variables | |
showWin=true | |
isPomo:=True ;; Pomo or EyeCare | |
AppRunning:=True | |
PomoRunning:=False | |
tomatoTime:=1500 ;;25min*60s | |
readingTime:=1200 ;;20min*60s | |
eyeCareTime:=20000 ;;20s*1000ms | |
relaxTime:=300000 ;;5min*60s*1000ms | |
yPos:=A_ScreenHeight*0.85 | |
isOnTop:=True | |
isHidden:=False | |
;; Register Windows Events | |
OnMessage(0x200,"WM_MOUSEMOVE") | |
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN") | |
OnMessage(0x202, "WM_LBUTTONUP") | |
OnMessage(0x204, "WM_RBUTTONDOWN") | |
;; Monitor tasks | |
SetTimer, CheckFullScrn, 3000 ; Periodically check Fullscreen application | |
;; GUI for eye care | |
Gui ,eyeCare:+LastFound +AlwaysOnTop | |
Gui, eyeCare:-Caption +Owner -SysMenu | |
gui, eyeCare:font,s16 w700 q5,Tahoma | |
Gui, eyeCare:Color,000000 | |
WinSet, Transparent, 180 | |
xx:=A_ScreenWidth/3 | |
Gui, eyeCare: Add,Text,cWhite w%A_ScreenWidth% x%xx%, 眼睛可以休息一下 | |
Gui,eyeCare:Show,NoActivate center, eyeRelax | |
WinHide,eyeRelax | |
;; GUI | |
Gui ,sPomo:+LastFound +AlwaysOnTop | |
Gui, sPomo:-Caption +Owner -SysMenu | |
gui, sPomo:font,s16 w700 q5,Tahoma | |
Gui, sPomo:Color,000000 | |
Gui, sPomo:Add, Text, xp-15 yp+7 w200 cWhite vPomoStatus,(╯°Д° ) ╯ | |
WinSet, Transparent, 210 | |
WinSet, Region,0-0 w100 h40 R2-2 | |
Gui, sPomo:Show,NoActivate x0 y%yPos%,sPomodoro | |
;; Righ Click Menu | |
Menu, rMenu, Add, Hide, ToggleApp | |
Menu, rMenu, Add ; Add a separator line. | |
Menu, rMenu, Add, sPomo by @GnimOay, rMenuHandler | |
;; Tray Menu | |
Menu,Tray,Add | |
Menu,Tray,Add,Heyyyy,ClosePomo | |
Return | |
StartPomo: | |
WinShow, sPomodoro | |
WinHide,eyeRelax | |
SoundPlay, start.mp3 | |
SetTimer, StartPomo, Off | |
SetTimer, TickTick, 1000 | |
timeElapsed:=0 | |
energy:=1 | |
min:=1 | |
Return | |
TickTick: | |
timeElapsed+=1.0 ;; +1s | |
totalTime:=isPomo?tomatoTime:readingTime | |
timeLeft:=totalTime-timeElapsed | |
min:=Format("{:02i}",Floor(timeLeft/60)) | |
sec:=Format("{:02i}",Floor(timeLeft-min*60)) | |
; energy:=1-timeElapsed/() | |
if(energy<=0 or min<0){ | |
SetTimer, TickTick, Off | |
SoundPlay, end.mp3 | |
Goto, Relax | |
} | |
; display:=energy*10 | |
display=%min%`:%sec% | |
GuiControl,sPomo:Text,PomoStatus,%display% | |
GuiControl,sPomo:Move,PomoStatus,x18 | |
Return | |
Relax: | |
if(isPomo){ | |
GuiControl,sPomo:,PomoStatus,(╯°Д° ) ╯ | |
GuiControl,sPomo:Move,PomoStatus,x5 | |
} | |
else{ | |
WinHide,sPomodoro | |
WinShow, eyeRelax | |
} | |
tmpTime:=isPomo?relaxTime:eyeCareTime | |
SetTimer, StartPomo, %tmpTime% | |
Return | |
ClosePomo: | |
SetTimer, TickTick, Off | |
SetTimer, StartPomo, Off | |
Goto, CloseBeep | |
; Gui,sPomo:Destroy | |
Return | |
CloseBeep: | |
SoundBeep,800, 230 | |
Return | |
ToggleApp: | |
if not showWin | |
WinHide,sPomodoro | |
Else | |
WinShow, sPomodoro | |
Return | |
rMenuHandler: | |
; Tooltip, You selected %A_ThisMenuItem% from the menu %A_ThisMenu%. | |
return | |
WM_MOUSEMOVE( wparam, lparam, msg, hwnd ){ | |
if wparam = 1 ; LButton | |
PostMessage, 0xA1, 2 ; WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN | |
} | |
Menu,rMenu,Show | |
} | |
CheckFullScrn: | |
global showWin | |
WinGetActiveTitle, title | |
if isWindowFullScreen(title){ | |
if not isHidden{ | |
WinHide,sPomodoro | |
isHidden:=True | |
} | |
} | |
else if isHidden and showWin{ | |
WinShow, sPomodoro | |
isHidden:=False | |
} | |
Return | |
isWindowFullScreen( winTitle ) { | |
;checks if the specified window is full screen | |
winID := WinExist( winTitle ) | |
If ( !winID ) | |
Return false | |
WinGet style, Style, ahk_id %WinID% | |
WinGetPos ,,,winW,winH, %winTitle% | |
; 0x800000 is WS_BORDER. | |
; 0x20000000 is WS_MINIMIZE. | |
; no border and not minimized | |
Return ((style & 0x20800000) or winH < A_ScreenHeight or winW < A_ScreenWidth) ? false : true | |
} |
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