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Created July 26, 2024 16:58
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Save Enweave/786d10bfb067725d3f6fbb1e65d14aff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Godot 4 build web and publish to
# Settings -------------------------------
$BUTLER_PATH = "$ENV:AppData\itch\apps\butler\butler.exe"
$GODOT_PATH = "C:\Program Files `(`x86`)\Steam\steamapps\common\Godot Engine\"
$ITCH_USER = "JohnyDoe"
$ITCH_GAME = "PorkSouls"
$EXPORT = "--export-debug" # "--export-debug" or "--export-release"
$BUILD_DIR = "build"
# settings end ---------------------------
# building
$VERSION = git log -1 --format="%h"
$INDEX_HTML = "$BUILD_DIR/index.html"
# create directory if doesn't exist
if (!(Test-Path $BUILD_DIR)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BUILD_DIR
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $BUILD_DIR
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BUILD_DIR
$godotStartParams = @{
FilePath = $GODOT_PATH
ArgumentList = $EXPORT, '--headless', $GODOT_TEMPLATE, $INDEX_HTML
Wait = $true
PassThru = $true
$proc = Start-Process @godotStartParams
echo "Build done, uploading to"
$butlerStartParams = @{
ArgumentList = "push", $BUILD_DIR, "$ITCH_USER/$ITCH_GAME`:$ITCH_CHANNEL", "--userversion", $VERSION
Wait = $true
PassThru = $true
$proc = Start-Process @butlerStartParams
echo "Uploading done"
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