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Last active November 29, 2016 06:45
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Save EoinMGB/40bfc0b3ef048d53cdd928bb7f68df84 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Irish Property Data
license: mit

Proof of concept of Irish Property Dashboard displaying number and price variance throughout the Republic.

Dummy data used data is scraped.

var north = [
{COUNTY:'Fermanagh', x:3, y:3},
{COUNTY:'Tyrone', x:4, y:2},
{COUNTY:'Armagh', x:5, y:5},
{COUNTY:'Lough Neagh', x:5, y:3},
{COUNTY:'Derry', x:5, y:1},
{COUNTY:'Down', x:6, y:4},
{COUNTY:'Antrim', x:6, y:2}
//province_var = {Leinster: true, Munster: true, Connacht: true, Ulster: true};
provinces = [
{PROVINCE: "Leinster", visibilty:true, counties:["Carlow", "Dublin", "Meath", "Westmeath", "Louth", "Kildare", "Kilkenny", "Offaly", "Laois", "Longford", "Wexford", "Wicklow"]}
, {PROVINCE: "Munster", visibilty:true, counties:["Cork", "Tipperary", "Kerry", "Waterford", "Clare", "Limerick"]}
, {PROVINCE: "Connacht", visibilty:true, counties:["Galway", "Mayo", "Sligo", "Leitrim", "Roscommon"]}
, {PROVINCE: "Ulster", visibilty:true, counties:["Cavan", "Monaghan", "Donegal"]}
sort_style = "abc"; //123 (alphabetical vs numerical)
// Leinster_province = ["Carlow", "Dublin", "Meath", "Westmeath", "Louth", "Kildare", "Kilkenny", "Offaly", "Laois", "Longford", "Wexford", "Wicklow"];
// Munster_province = ["Cork", "Tipperary", "Kerry", "Waterford", "Clare", "Limerick"];
// Connacht_province = ["Galway", "Mayo", "Sligo", "Leitrim", "Roscommon"];
// Ulster_province = ["Cavan", "Monaghan", "Donegal"];
//provinces = [Leinster_province, Munster_province, Connacht_province, Ulster_province];
county_counter = 26; //the number of counties with true variable- this will change as buttons are toggled
var order_counter_x=0; //this will count how many small multiples are in a line
var order_counter_y=0; //this will count how many small multiples are in a line
var order_counter_y2 =0; //this will count how many small multiples are in a line
var canvas ="#ireland_svg");
var canvas_2 ="#ireland_grid").append("svg")
.attr("width", 1100)
.attr("height", 900);
var small_m_height = 150;
var small_m_width = 180;
var spacer = 10;
var range_bands = ['d100' , 'd130' , 'd160' , 'd190' ,
'd220' , 'd250' , 'd280' , 'd310' ,
'd340' , 'd370' , 'd400' , 'd430' ,
'd460' , 'd490' , 'd520' , 'd550' ,
'd580' , 'd610' , 'd640' , 'd670' ,
'd700' , 'd730' , 'd760' , 'd790' ,
'd820' , 'd850' , 'd880' , 'd910' ,
'd940' , 'd970' , 'd1000'];
var range_bands2 = [100 , 130 , 160 , 190 ,
220 , 250 , 280 , 310 ,
340 , 370 , 400 , 430 ,
460 , 490 , 520 , 550 ,
580 , 610 , 640 , 670 ,
700 , 730 , 760 , 790 ,
820 , 850 , 880 , 910 ,
940 , 970 , 1000];
range = [];
for(i=1; i<31; i++){
north_counties = canvas.selectAll("g")
.attr("id", function(d,i){return d.COUNTY+"_svg"})
.attr("stroke", function(d,i){
if (d.COUNTY == 'Lough Neagh'){
return 'none'
return 'grey'
.attr("fill", function(d,i){
if (d.COUNTY == 'Lough Neagh'){
return 'white'
return 'grey'
.attr("class", "hex")
.attr("d", "M0 12.990381056766578L7.5 0L22.5 0L30 12.990381056766578L22.5 25.980762113533157L7.5 25.980762113533157Z")
.attr("transform", function(d,i){return "translate("+(26*d.x).toString()+ ","+ (15*d.y).toString() +")"});
var bb;
var data_array=[];
var alphabetical_order=[];
var county_total = [];
max_county_name = 'null';
var numerical_order;
var max_properties = 0; //max about of properties in a particular range band- needed for Y-axis and scale
small_ms_coords = [];
var hexagons;
var small_ms;
var bisect;
function get_numerical_order(data){
numerical_order = [];
while(numerical_order.length<data ){
for(i=0; i < county_total.length; i++){
indicator = false;
for(j=0; j<numerical_order.length; j++){
if(numerical_order[j].COUNTY == county_total[i].COUNTY){
indicator = true;
if(indicator == false ){
for(h=0;h<provinces.length; h++){
if(provinces[h].PROVINCE == county_total[i].PROVINCE && provinces[h].visibilty == true){
max_county_name = county_total[i].COUNTY
max_county = county_total[i].total;
if(county_total[i].total > max_county ){
indicator = false;
for(j=0; j<numerical_order.length; j++){
if(numerical_order[j].COUNTY == county_total[i].COUNTY){
indicator = true;
if(indicator == false){
for(h=0;h<provinces.length; h++){
if(provinces[h].PROVINCE == county_total[i].PROVINCE && provinces[h].visibilty == true){
max_county_name = county_total[i].COUNTY
max_county = county_total[i].total;
numerical_order.push({COUNTY:max_county_name, total: max_county})
max_county = 0;
function get_abc_order() {
alphabetical_order = [];
for(i=0; i<provinces.length; i++){
for(j=0; j < provinces[i].counties.length;j++){
function order_abc(){
sort_style = "abc";
.attr("x", function(d,i){
for(j=0; j < alphabetical_order.length; j++){
if(d.COUNTY == alphabetical_order[j]){
return small_ms_coords[j].x * small_m_width
.attr("y", function(d,i){
for(j=0; j < alphabetical_order.length; j++){
if(d.COUNTY == alphabetical_order[j]){
return small_ms_coords[j].y * small_m_height
function toggle_small_ms(){
.attr('opacity', function(d){
for(i=0;i<provinces.length; i++){
if(provinces[i].PROVINCE == d.PROVINCE){
if(provinces[i].visibilty == true){
return 1
return 0
if(sort_style =="abc"){
function toggle_hexagons(){
hexagons.attr("opacity", function(d){
for(i=0;i<provinces.length; i++){
if(provinces[i].PROVINCE == d.PROVINCE){
if(provinces[i].visibilty == true){
return 1
return 0.1
north_counties.attr("opacity", function(){
for(i=0;i<provinces.length; i++){
if(provinces[i].PROVINCE == 'Ulster'){
if(provinces[i].visibilty == true){
return 1
return 0.1
function toggle_province(province_name){
for(i=0;i<provinces.length; i++){
if(provinces[i].PROVINCE == province_name){
if(provinces[i].visibilty == true){
provinces[i].visibilty = false;
county_counter -= provinces[i].counties.length
provinces[i].visibilty = true;
county_counter += provinces[i].counties.length
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<title>Irish Property Market- Under Development</title>
<h3>Irish Property Data Proof of Concept (Dummy Data)</h3>
<div >
<div style="padding-left: 10px">
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<svg id="ireland_svg"id="color-fill" xmlns="" version="1.1" width="200px" height="300px" xmlns:xlink="">
<div style="float: right; top: 320px; position: fixed" >
<form action="">
<input type="radio" name="gender" checked onclick="order_abc()"> Alphabetically<br>
<input type="radio" name="gender" onclick="order_123()"> Numerically
<form action="">
<input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="Leinster" checked onclick="toggle_province('Leinster')"> Leinster<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="Munster" checked onclick="toggle_province('Munster')"> Munster<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="Connacht" checked onclick="toggle_province('Connacht')"> Connacht<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="Ulster" checked onclick="toggle_province('Ulster')"> Ulster<br>
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<script src=""></script>
<script src="functions.js"></script>
<script src="ireland.js"></script>
d3.json("property.json", function(error, property_data) {
//create arrays of number of properties for drawing paths
for(i=0; i < property_data.length; i++){
window[property_data[i].COUNTY + "_array"]=[] ;
for(j = 0; j < range_bands.length; j++){
window[property_data[i].COUNTY + "_array"].push(property_data[i]["d"+ String(100 + 30*j)])
for(i=0; i < property_data.length; i++){
county_total.push({COUNTY:property_data[i].COUNTY, PROVINCE:property_data[i].PROVINCE, total:0});
county_total[i].total = (property_data[i]['d100'] + property_data[i]['d130'] + property_data[i]['d160'] + property_data[i]['d190'] + property_data[i]['d220'] + property_data[i]['d250'] + property_data[i]['d280'] + property_data[i]['d310'] + property_data[i]['d340'] + property_data[i]['d370'] + property_data[i]['d400'] + property_data[i]['d430'] + property_data[i]['d460'] + property_data[i]['d490'] + property_data[i]['d520'] + property_data[i]['d550'] + property_data[i]['d580'] + property_data[i]['d610'] + property_data[i]['d640'] + property_data[i]['d670'] + property_data[i]['d700'] + property_data[i]['d730'] + property_data[i]['d760'] + property_data[i]['d790'] + property_data[i]['d820'] + property_data[i]['d850'] + property_data[i]['d880'] + property_data[i]['d910'] + property_data[i]['d940'] + property_data[i]['d970'] + property_data[i]['d1000'])
for(i=0; i<property_data.length; i++){
for(j=0; j < range_bands.length; j++){
if (property_data[i][range_bands[j]] > max_properties){
max_properties = property_data[i][range_bands[j]];
for(i=0; i<property_data.length; i++){
small_ms_coords.push( {x:order_counter_x, y:order_counter_y} );
order_counter_x +=1;
if (order_counter_x == 6){
order_counter_x = 0;
order_counter_y += 1;
var colorScale=d3.scale.linear()
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var xScale2=d3.scale.linear()
//.domain([100, 970])
.domain([0, 30])
.range([0, small_m_width - spacer*4 ])
var yScale=d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, max_properties + 10])
.range([small_m_height - spacer*4, 0])
//define axes
var xAxis=d3.svg.axis()
//.attr('style', 'display:none')
var yAxis=d3.svg.axis()
.innerTickSize(-small_m_width - spacer*4)
// Define the line
var valueline = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d,i) {return xScale(i)})
.y(function(d) { return yScale(d) });
var area = d3.svg.area()
.x(function(d,i) { return xScale(i) })
.y0(small_m_height - spacer*4)
.y1(function(d) { return yScale(d) });
var bisect = d3.bisector(function(datum) {
return datum;
.attr("id", function(d,i){return d.COUNTY +"_svg"})
.attr("stroke", "grey")
// return colorScale(
// d.d100 + d.d130 + d.d160 + d.d190 + d.d220 + d.d250 + d.d280 + d.d310 + d.d340 + d.d370 + d.d400 + d.d430 + d.d460 + d.d490 + d.d520 + d.d550 + d.d580 + d.d610 + d.d640 + d.d670 + d.d700 + d.d730 + d.d760 + d.d790 + d.d820 + d.d850 + d.d880 + d.d910 + d.d940 + d.d970
// )
.attr("fill", function(d,i){
return colorScale(
d.d100 + d.d130 + d.d160 + d.d190 + d.d220 + d.d250 + d.d280 + d.d310 + d.d340 + d.d370 + d.d400 + d.d430 + d.d460 + d.d490 + d.d520 + d.d550 + d.d580 + d.d610 + d.d640 + d.d670 + d.d700 + d.d730 + d.d760 + d.d790 + d.d820 + d.d850 + d.d880 + d.d910 + d.d940 + d.d970 + d.d1000
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return small_ms_coords[i].y * small_m_height
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//this will be used to test for hover over- when hovering over path area, brushing tooltip will appear- we want the same when hovering over white space
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if(d == 0|| d == 30){
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return 'visibility: hidden'
//target ticks
d3.selectAll(".tick > text")
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//TOOL TIP____________________________________________________________________ -->
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hexagons.on("mousemove", function(d,i){
.html( function(){
for(j=0; j<county_total.length; j++){
if(d.COUNTY == county_total[j].COUNTY){
return d.COUNTY + "<br/>" + String(county_total[j].total)
.style("opacity", 1)
.style("left", function(){
if(d3.event.pageX+200<$( window ).width()){
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.style("opacity", 0)
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.style("top", "-100px")
north_counties.on("mousemove", function(d,i){
.html( function(){
if(d.COUNTY == 'Lough Neagh'){
return d.COUNTY
return d.COUNTY
.style("opacity", 1)
.style("left", function(){
if(d3.event.pageX+200<$( window ).width()){
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tracker = small_ms.append("line")
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tracker_dot = small_ms.append("circle")
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.attr("cx", spacer*3+30)
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.attr("stroke", "none")
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tracker_text_no = small_ms.append("text")
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d3.selectAll(".tracker").on("mousemove", function(d,i){
mouse_x = xScale.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0]);
mouse_x_index = (bisect(range, mouse_x));
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.attr("cy", function(d, i){return spacer + yScale(window[String(d.COUNTY) + "_array"][mouse_x_index])})
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.html(function(d){return window[String(d.COUNTY) + "_array"][mouse_x_index]})
.attr("x", spacer*3+ xScale(mouse_x_index))
.attr('text-anchor', function(d, i){if(mouse_x_index >=10){
return 'start'
return 'end'
} )
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.attr("visibility", "show");
.html(function(){return String(range_bands2[mouse_x_index]) + " - " + String(range_bands2[mouse_x_index]+30) + "k"})
.attr("x", spacer*3+ xScale(mouse_x_index))
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attay = document.getElementsByClassName("axisText0");
m1.attr("visibility", "hidden");
k100.attr("visibility", "hidden");
.on("mouseout", function(){
.attr("visibility", "hidden");
.attr("visibility", "hidden");
.attr("visibility", "hidden");
m1.attr("visibility", "show");
k100.attr("visibility", "show");
function order_123(){
sort_style = 123;
.attr("x", function(d,i){
for(j=0; j < numerical_order.length; j++){
if(d.COUNTY == numerical_order[j].COUNTY){
return small_ms_coords[j].x * small_m_width
.attr("y", function(d,i){
for(j=0; j < numerical_order.length; j++){
if(d.COUNTY == numerical_order[j].COUNTY){
return small_ms_coords[j].y * small_m_height
"COUNTY": "Carlow",
"PROVINCE": "Leinster",
"x": 4,
"y": 12,
"d100": 40,
"d110": 1,
"d120": 5,
"d130": 3,
"d140": 4,
"d150": 2,
"d160": 2,
"d170": 5,
"d180": 3,
"d190": 2,
"d200": 0,
"d210": 0,
"d220": 2,
"d230": 0,
"d240": 1,
"d250": 0,
"d260": 2,
"d270": 0,
"d280": 5,
"d290": 1,
"d300": 0,
"d310": 0,
"d320": 4,
"d330": 0,
"d340": 1,
"d350": 2,
"d360": 1,
"d370": 0,
"d380": 0,
"d390": 0,
"d400": 0,
"d410": 0,
"d420": 0,
"d430": 0,
"d440": 0,
"d450": 0,
"d460": 0,
"d470": 0,
"d480": 0,
"d490": 0,
"d500": 0,
"d510": 0,
"d520": 0,
"d530": 0,
"d540": 0,
"d550": 0,
"d560": 0,
"d570": 0,
"d580": 0,
"d590": 0,
"d600": 0,
"d610": 0,
"d620": 0,
"d630": 0,
"d640": 0,
"d650": 0,
"d660": 0,
"d670": 0,
"d680": 0,
"d690": 0,
"d700": 0,
"d710": 0,
"d720": 0,
"d730": 0,
"d740": 0,
"d750": 0,
"d760": 0,
"d770": 0,
"d780": 0,
"d790": 0,
"d800": 0,
"d810": 0,
"d820": 0,
"d830": 0,
"d840": 0,
"d850": 0,
"d860": 0,
"d870": 0,
"d880": 0,
"d890": 0,
"d900": 0,
"d910": 0,
"d920": 0,
"d930": 0,
"d940": 0,
"d950": 0,
"d960": 0,
"d970": 0,
"d980": 0,
"d990": 0,
"d1000": 0
"COUNTY": "Cavan",
"PROVINCE": "Ulster",
"x": 4,
"y": 6,
"d100": 52,
"d110": 7,
"d120": 6,
"d130": 4,
"d140": 6,
"d150": 28,
"d160": 11,
"d170": 10,
"d180": 7,
"d190": 6,
"d200": 2,
"d210": 3,
"d220": 3,
"d230": 0,
"d240": 3,
"d250": 8,
"d260": 2,
"d270": 4,
"d280": 0,
"d290": 27,
"d300": 3,
"d310": 0,
"d320": 0,
"d330": 0,
"d340": 4,
"d350": 3,
"d360": 0,
"d370": 2,
"d380": 1,
"d390": 1,
"d400": 0,
"d410": 0,
"d420": 1,
"d430": 0,
"d440": 0,
"d450": 1,
"d460": 0,
"d470": 3,
"d480": 0,
"d490": 2,
"d500": 0,
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