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Tuxedo Script Examples
<h1>TuxedoScript Examples</h1>
right-click a pen's content to open an editor<br>
double-click a pen's contents to open the original pen<br>
Ephellon Dantzler 2016
<!-- ⌘ - -->
<textarea default>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## Coffee Script-Like Examples, see
## Extendable features
## +advance
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## -hide
## -html-editor
## -ugly
## Assignment
#number = 42
#opposite = true
3.14 => PI
## Conditions
number = -42 if opposite.
/* or
number = -42 if opposite is true.
number = -42 unless opposite is false.
## Functions
$square x {
<- x^2
/* or, with +math
square(x) = x^2
$eat f {
$doc.writeln "I ate the ${f}<br>"
$discuss f {
// f[f.length-1]
#s = "s" if f#01 != 's'.
else s = "";
$doc.writeln "The ${f} look${s} good<br>"
$doc.writeln = $x {
$doc.body.$html += "${x}<br>"
## Arrays
#list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
## Objects
#math = {
root: @.sqrt
square: square
cube: $x {
<- x^3
## Splats + Interpolation
$race winner, runners... {
$doc.writeln "${winner}, ${runners}"
## Existence
alert "I knew it" if Elvis exists.
## Array comprehension
#menu = ['tacos', 'burritos', 'sushi', 'spaghetti']
if menu exists {
discuss food from menu
eat food from menu while the food isnt "sushi"
## Simple English
#sushi = "sushi" from menu
#third = 3 in menu
## Reserved words
#off = off
\off = off OR NOT on</textarea>
<textarea coffee>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## Coffee Script-Like Examples, see
## Extendable features
## +advance
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## -hide
## -html-editor
## -ugly
## Assignment
#number = 42
#opposite = true
3.14 => PI
## Conditions
number = -42 if opposite.
#*# or you can use
number = -42 if opposite is true.
number = -42 unless opposite is false.
## Functions
$square x {
<- x^2
$eat f {
$doc.writeln "I ate the ${f}<br>"
$discuss f {
#s = "s" if f#01 != 's'.
else s = "";
$doc.writeln "The ${f} look${s} good<br>"
$doc.writeln = $x {
$doc.body.$html += "${x}<br>"
## Arrays
#list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
## Objects
#math = {
root: @.sqrt
square: square
cube: $ x {
<- x^3
## Splats + Interpolation
$race winner, runners... {
$doc.writeln "${winner}, ${runners}"
## Existence
alert "I knew it" if Elvis exists.
## Array comprehension
#menu = ['tacos', 'burritos', 'sushi', 'spaghetti']
if menu exists {
discuss food from menu
eat food from menu while the food isnt "sushi"
## Simple English
#sushi = "sushi" from menu
#third = 3 in menu
## Reserved words
#off = off
\off = off OR NOT on</textarea>
<textarea wKpxKX>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## +advance
## +clean
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
$doc.writeln = $m {
$doc.body.$html += m + "<br>"
.system {
@(p) {
<- @purpose = p
toString() {
<- @purpose
$skeletal {
<- new system "<b func>provides structure</b> to the body and <b func>protects the internal organs</b>"
$muscular {
<- new system "<b func>provides structure</b> to the body and <b func>allows movement</b>"
$digestive {
<- new system "<b func>provides energy</b> from consumption of foods and drinks; and <b func>rids the body of waste</b>"
$respiratory {
<- new system "<b func>provides oxygen</b> and a way to release waste gases"
$nervous {
<- new system "<b func>provides sensation</b>, <b func>thought</b>, and <b func>commands</b> for most bodily functions"
$circulatory {
<- new system "<b func>provides roots</b> for oxygen, nutrient, and mineral rich blood; and <b func>rids</b> the body of waste"
$skin {
<- new system "along with <b sys>hair</b>, <b func>provides protection</b>, <b func>cooling</b>, and <b func>heating</b>"
$doc.writeln "The <b sys>nervous</b> system <b def>${nervous()}</b>"
$doc.writeln "The <b sys>digestive</b> system <b def>${digestive()}</b>"
$doc.writeln "The <b sys>skin</b> system <b def>${skin()}</b>"</textarea>
<textarea EVwgdJ>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## +clean
## +eval
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## +advance
## -hide
## -html-editor
## -js-editor
## -ugly
.PiggyBank {
@(max) {
@max = max
@coins = 0
@smashed = false
add(amount) {
amount = amount OR 1
if @coins < @max AND NOT @smashed {
@coins += amount
if @coins < @max {
@coins = @coins
@coins = @max
amount(value) {
if value {
<- value equals @coins
<- @coins
smashed() {
<- @smashed
smash() {
<- @smashed = true
toString() {
<- "$" + (@amount() * 0.01)
#bank = new PiggyBank(500) // $5
$doc.body.$html += ("<b val>${bank.amount()}</b> <br>")
$doc.body.$html += ("<b val>${bank.amount()}</b> <br>")
bank.add 23
$doc.body.$html += ("<b val>${bank.toString()}</b> <br>")
$doc.body.$html += ("<b val>${bank.amount()}</b> <br>")
bank.add 23
$doc.body.$html += ("<b val>${bank.toString()}</b> <br>")
<textarea zvdqpK>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
## +advance
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +wordy
.Animal {
@(name, sound, places) {
@name = name || ''
@sound = sound || 'makes a noise'
@places = places || 'somewhere'
speak(sound) {
$doc.body.$html += ('The ${@name} <b sound>${@sound}</b><br/>')
lives(places) {
$doc.body.$html += ('The ${@name} lives <b place>${@places}</b><br/>')
.Cat Animal {}
.Dog Animal {}
.Tiger Cat {}
.Wolf Dog {}
#siberian--tiger = new Tiger("Siberian Tiger", "roars", "Siberia")
#grey--wolf = new Dog("Grey Wolf", "howls", "in N\. America")
#worm = new Animal("Worm", "", "everywhere")
<textarea NGvdqW>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## +clean
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## +advance
#gold, silver, rest
$medals first, second, others... {
gold = first
silver = second
rest = others
#contenders = ["Michael Phelps", "Liu Xiang", "Yao Ming", "Allyson Felix", "Shawn Johnson", "Roman Sebrle", "Guo Jingjing", "Tyson Gay", "Asafa Powell", "Usain Bolt"]
medals contenders...
$doc.body.$html += ("<b gold>Gold</b>: <b name>${gold}</b><br/>")
$doc.body.$html += ("<b silver>Silver</b>: <b name>${silver}</b><br/>")
$doc.body.$html += ("<b other>Contenders</b>: <b name>${rest}</b><br/>")</textarea>
<textarea LpOXLj>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## +clean
## +eval
## +math
## +wordy
#d = "horizontal", c = 0, s = 100, m = 200
setInterval($ {
$dim {
c += @.random() * 5
s += @.random() * 15 if s-c < @.random() * 5.
s = m if s > m.
c = s if c > s.
#barSize = (c - 4) + "px", bgSize = s + "px", bgMargin = (s * -0.5) + "px"
if d is "horizontal" { = barSize = bgSize = bgMargin
}{ = barSize = bgSize = bgMargin
<- c is s AND c is m
if d is "horizontal" && dim() {
c = 0
s = 100
d = "vertical"
} else-if d is "vertical" && dim() {
c = 6
s = 100
d = "text"
} else-if d is "text" {
bar.$html = (@.round(c/m * 99) + @.round(@.random() * 9) /10) + "%"
}, 200)</textarea>
<textarea xwLEzx>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
## +advance
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +wordy
.Domain {
@(d, k, p, c, o, f, g, s) {
@domain = d || ''
@kingdom = k || ''
@phylum = p || ''
@class = c || ''
@order = o || ''
@family = f || ''
@genus = g || ''
@species = s || ''
@binomial--nomenclature = "${g} ${s}"
domain() {
<- @domain = d || ""
kingdom() {
<- @kingdom = k || ""
phylum() {
<- @phylum = p || ""
class() {
<- @class = c || ""
order() {
<- @order = o || ""
family() {
<- @family = f || ""
genus() {
<- @genus = g || ""
species() {
<- @species = s || ""
applyName(n) {
<- @name = n || "", @
## *k: kingdom, $p;
## *p: phylum_, $c;
## *c: class_, $o;
## *o: order_, $f;
## *f: family_, $g;
## *g: genus_, $s;
## *s: species_;
## Domains
$Bacteria {
<- new Domain("Bacteria", "Bacteria")
$Archaea {
<- new Domain("Archaea", "Archaea")
$Eukaryota $k {
<- new Domain("Eukaryota", $k)
## Kingdoms: Eukaryota
$Animalia $p {
<- new Eukaryota("Animalia", $p)
$Excavata $p {
<- new Eukaryota("Excavata", $p)
$Amoebozoa $p {
<- new Eukaryota("Amoebozoa", $p)
$Opisthokonta $p {
<- new Eukaryota("Opisthokonta", $p)
$Rhizaria $p {
<- new Eukaryota("Rhizaria", $p)
$Chromalveolata $p {
<- new Eukaryota("Chromalveolata", $p)
$Archaeplastida $p {
<- new Eukaryota("Archaeplastida", $p)
## Phyla
$Chordata $c {
<- new Animalia("Chordata", $c)
## Classes
$Mammalia $o {
<- new Chordata("Mammalia", $o)
## Orders
$Primates $f {
<- new Mammalia("Primates", $f)
$Proboscidea $f {
<- new Mammalia("Proboscidea", $f)
## Families
$Hominidae $g {
<- new Primates("Hominidae", $g)
$Elephantidae $g {
<- new Proboscidea("Elephantidae", $g)
## Genera
$Homo $s {
<- new Hominidae("Homo", $s)
$Loxodonta $s {
<- new Elephantidae("Loxodonta", $s)
## Species
$Sapien {
<- new Homo "Sapien"
$Erectus {
<- new Homo "Erectus"
$Africana {
<- new Loxodanta "Africana"
## et cetra
$Human name {
<- new Sapien..applyName name
$Elephant name {
<- new Africana..applyName name
#myData = new Human "Ephellon"
$win.myData = myData
$doc.body.$html += ("me:<br>")
for obj in myData {
$doc.body.$html += ("My <b var>${obj}</b> is '<b val>${myData[obj]}</b>'<br>")
<textarea zvRPWv>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## 5: lines by Kishin
## +advance
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## -hide
## -html-editor
## -ugly
## *rand: @.random()
## *req: requestAnimationFrame
($ {
$Line x, y, hue {
@x = @ox = x
@y = @oy = y
@hue = hue
@a = 360$rand
@va = 0.2$rand - 0.1
@vx = 20$rand
@radius = 150$rand
@delay = 100$rand
Line.prototype = {
constructor: Line,
update: $ {
<- @delay-- if @delay > 0.
@ox = @x
@oy = @y
@x += @vx * $rand
@vx += 2$rand - 1
@y = c.height/2 + @.sin(@a += @va * $rand) * @radius
ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsl(${@hue}, 100%, 50%)'
ctx.lineWidth = 1 + @.cos @a * 5$rand
ctx.moveTo(@ox, @oy)
ctx.lineTo(@x, @y)
if @x > c.width {
@x = 0
@vx = 20$rand
@hue = 360$rand
@va = 0.2$rand - 0.1
if @x < 0 {
@x = c.width
@vx = -20$rand
@hue = 360$rand
@va = 0.2$rand - 0.1
#c = $doc.$id("c")
#ctx = c.getContext("2d")
c.width = $win.innerWidth
c.height = $win.innerHeight
#lines = [], maxLines = 100, hue = 0, hueInc = 360/maxLines
for i, 0, maxLines, 1 {
lines.push(new Line(0, c.height/2, hue += hueInc))
$con.log lines
$req($loop {
$req loop
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height)
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
for i, 0, lines.length, 1 {
lines[i].update ctx
<textarea rOJExb>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## +advance
## +clean
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## -hide
## -html-editor
## -ugly
#c = $doc.$id 'canv'
#$ = c.getContext '2d'
($ {
#s = $win.innerWidth/2
#h = $win.innerHeight/2
c.width = s
c.height = h
$.miterLimit = 0.1
#arr = []
#idx = -1
#p = {
x: s
y: s/1.5
#r = 0.005
#sz = 8
#crv = 0.1
#circ = 8
#p3 = -0.05
#p4 = 0.5
#f1 = 250
#f1d = on
#stop = on
#u = 0
$add p, q {
<- {
x: p.x + q.x
y: p.y + q.y
$cart r, a {
<- {
x: @.cos a * r,
y: @.sin a * r
$coord ti, r {
arr#idx = 0 if !arr#idx.
arr#idx += ti
<- cart(r, arr#idx)
$.fillStyle = 'hsla(0, 0%, 10%, 1)'
$.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height)
$draw {
u -= 0.3
#rp = coord(r, sz)
$.fillStyle = 'hsla(0, 0%, 10%, 0.001)'
$.moveTo(p.x, p.y)
$.lineWidth = 4
$.shadowColor = 'hsla(0, 0%, 10%, 0.2)'
$.shadowBlur = 25
for i, 0, 127, 1 {
idx = -1
p = add(p, add(coord(crv, circ), add(coord(p3, rp.x), coord(p4, rp.y))))
$.lineTo(p.x, p.y)
$.strokeStyle = 'hsla(${u}, 100%, 55%, 1)'
$msp e {
<- {
x: ((e.clientX - c.offsetLeft) - h) / h
y: ((e.clientY - c.offsetTop)) / h
$go {
$win.requestAnimationFrame go
$win.addEventListener('mousemove', $e {
#p = msp e
r = 0.01 * (1 - |p.y|)
crv = 0.1 + 0.00025p.x
}, no)
$win.addEventListener('resize', $ {
#s = $win.innerWidth/2
#h = $win.innerHeight/2
c.width = $win.innerWidth
c.height = $win.innerHeight
$.miterLimit = 0.1
$.fillStyle = 'hsla(0, 0%, 10%, 1)'
$.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height)
}, no)
<textarea meQEbx>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
## +advance
## +eval
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## +js-unit
$time d {
<- d + 's' if d < 60.
#h = parseInt(d / 3600)
h = "0" + h if h < 10.
#m = parseInt(|d - 3600h| / 60)
m = "0" + m if m < 10.
#s = | d - 3600h - 60m | OR 0
s = "0" + s if s < 10.
<- '${h}h:${m}m:${s}s'
#* JS-Unit ##
@Before {
## @@ toconsole
@@x = 'value'
(@Test {
@@assert( '2m 0s', time 120)
@@assertFalse( $loc.toString..match(/codepen/) )
(@Test {
@@assertEquals( @.PI, 3.141592653589793 )
## pass
@@assertEquals( @.PI, 3.14159265358979 )
## fail
@@assertEquals( 'value', @@x )
## pass
@After {
## afterwards
<textarea MKWaja>/* TuxedoScript 11.2.8
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
## +advance
## +eval
## +math
## +legacy
## +wordy
#prom contact
## *num: number.substr
$contact <Contact person> { // ideal situation, contact
<- "the best way to contact ${} is by ${}"
$contact <String name, Number number> { // name, telephone number
number = |number|.toString()
switch number.length {
number = "+1" + ("(" + $num(0,3) + ") " + $num(3,3) + "-" + $num(6,4))
number = "+" + (number[0] + "(" + $num(1,3) + ") " + $num(4,3) + "-" + $num(7,4))
// a valid number was given
number += " is not a valid number"
<- "The best way to contact <b var>${name}</b> is by telephone, <b val>${number}</b>"
$contact <String name, String email> { // name, email
<- "The best way to contact <b var>${name}</b> is by e-mail, <b val>${email}</b>"
$contact <String name, Array list> { // name, list of ways
<- "${name} has specified a list of ways to reach them:<br>${list}"
$contact <String name, * type> { // name, any type
<- "${name} exists, but they didn't provide a valid way to contact them;<br>${type}"
$contact <...> {
<- "Contact does not exist"
#test = contact("John Doe", 8005555555)
$doc.body.innerHTML += (
.replace(/\n/g, "<br>")
.replace(/\s\s/g, "  ")
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.replace(/%20/g, "+");
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