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Last active July 14, 2019 15:35
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Save Ephellon/9b32cfe62954eb0ee6d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<h2 class="page paper-like fill-x-axis text-center text-to-none background=matte:black color=gold">SynQ</h2>
The shirt size won't be lost in a big ugly mess
<p class="page paper text-center background=matte:black .background color=gold .color text-to-none"> Your shirt size: <br/>
<select class="page text-to-none fill-x-axis border@x-axis border=gold" synq-data onchange=SynQ()>
<option value=x-small >X-Small</option>
<option value=small >Small</option>
<option value=medium >Medium</option>
<option value=large >Large</option>
<option value=x-large >X-Large</option>
The shirt color will always stay updated on each page
<p class="page paper text-center background=matte:black .background color=gold .color text-to-none"> Your shirt color: <br/>
<select class="page text-to-none fill-x-axis border@x-axis border=gold" synq-data onchange=SynQ()>
<option value=red >Red</option>
<option value=white >White</option>
<option value=blue >Blue</option>
<option value=tie-dye >Tie-Dyed</option>
As you type into this textarea, all versions of it will be updated immediately
<p synq-attr="class" class="page paper text-center background=matte:black color=gold text-to-none"> Your shirt text: <br/>
<textarea id=shirt-text class="page fill-x-axis text-center text-to-none background=black color=white" HelveticaN synq-data placeholder="enter your shirt's text" cols=24 rows=1 oninput=SynQ()></textarea>
<button class="page paper text-center background=matte:black color=gold text-to-none" onclick="time()"> Average Download Speed: <br/>
<b id="speed">0b</b>/s
The "use_global_synq_token" will tell SynQ to use "" instead of ""
The "use_cookie_synq_token" will tell SynQ to use cookies instead of localStorage
The "use_utf16_synq_token" will tell SynQ to use UTF16 characters
The "use_uuid_synq_token" will tell SynQ to use the specified value as the signature
The "use_vpn_synq_token" will tell SynQ to use a one-time password instance
// window.use_global_synq_token = true;
// window.use_cookie_synq_token = true;
// window.use_utf16_synq_token = true;
// window.use_uuid_synq_token = "my.signature";
// window.use_vpn_synq_token = "super-non-secret-password";
var SynQ, ready;
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', ready = () => {
if(document.readyState == 'complete' && SynQ)
return document.querySelector('h2').innerHTML += ` [<code>${ SynQ.signature }</code>]`;
var script = document.querySelector('script[type="module"]');
script && (eval(script.textContent) || script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'));
script && ready();
var time = (p = 0, x = 0) => {
p += ping.trip.uplink;
for(var k = ' kMGTPEZY', i = 0, n = 1024, s = p; s >= n**i; i++)
s /= n;
document.querySelector('#speed').innerHTML = (s / x).toPrecision(2) + k[i] + 'b';
time.timer = setTimeout(() => time(p, x), 100);
/** Ephellon Dantzler - 2015, 2018
* How to use ([...] is optional):
* Simply call on SynQ([attribute-name]), and that's it
* For in depth help, use[string:item-name])
* FAQ:
* Q0) How can I get help?
* A0) Use `[string:item-name])`
* Q1) What if I just want to update some storage data?
* A2) Use `SynQ.set(string:name, string:data[, string:password])`
`SynQ.get(string:name[, string:password])`
`SynQ.pop(string:name[, string:password])`
* Q2) What if I want to get rid of all of my data (in SynQ)?
* A2) Use `SynQ.clear([boolean:clear-all])`
+ See note #1
* Q3) What if I want to synchronize data across my entire domain?
* A3) Set the `use_global_synq_token` variable to a defined value (`null` counts as defined)
* Q4) How do I check on the status of my data?
* A4) You can use `SynQ.list([boolean:show-private])` to show your data
* Q5) What about the other things I see under SynQ?
* A5) Those are for future technologies, but you can use them as you see fit
* Q6) How much space do I have?
* A6) It depends on the browser but you can use `SynQ.size()` to find the current maximum.
The highest is 5 MiB (5,242,880 b, with UTF-16 enabled) because JS uses UTF-16 characters by default.
+ See note #3, #4
`SynQ.size([number:value[, number:base[, string:symbol]]])` also converts `value` into an SI foramatted string,
e.g. `SynQ.size(8214, 1000, "m")` returns "8.214km"
* Q7) What if I want more space?
* A7) Set the `use_utf16_synq_token` variable to a defined value; SynQ will then force UTF-8 data strings;
the space will be doubled, max being 10 MiB (10,485,760 b, with UTF-16 disabled/UTF-8 enabled).
+ See note #3
* Q8) How can I see how much space I am using?
* A8) Use `SynQ.used([boolean:synq-data-only])`
* Notes:
* 1) `SynQ.clear` will only remove "local" (see note #2a) items if the `use_global_synq_token` isn't set
* 2a) By "local" I mean per the unique page identifier (URL),
- i.e. "" NEQ "" (pathname: page-1/page-2)
- etc. "" NEQ "" (protocol: https/http)
* 2b) By "global" I mean per unique domain name (host),
+ i.e. "" EQU "" (domain:
- etc. "" NEQ "" (protocol: https/http)
* 3) Data units are given in bits and bytes (1B = 8b [0000 0000]), with no regard to encoding.
e.g. if `SynQ.used()` returns "16" it means 16 bits/2 Bytes (i.e. 1 UTF-16 character, or 2 UTF-8 characters)
* 4) According to [Mozilla](,
pretty sure they know what they're talking about
var NO_NAME_ERROR = "The resource name is missing.",
UTF8_ONLY_ERROR = "Only UTF-8 characters are allowed.",
NULL_KEY_ERROR = "The [use_vpn_synq_token] flag is set, therefore all entries require a password.",
IE = {
"addEventListener": "attachEvent",
"dispatchEvent": "fireEvent",
"Event": "CustomEvent"
}, SA = false,
window, global, self, top,
document, navigator,
localStorage, sessionStorage, storage, connection,
// SynQ Tokens
use_global_synq_token, // use a global state
use_utf16_synq_token, // use UTF16 character pairs
use_cookie_synq_token, // use cookies instead of localStorage
use_uuid_synq_token, // use a static UUID
use_vpn_synq_token, // use a VPN-like setup
internal = '[[InternalAccess]]';
window = window || global || top || self || this || {};
document = window.document || {};
navigator = window.navigator || {};
var CustomEvent;
// IE and Edge?
if(typeof CustomEvent == 'object') {
for(var property in IE)
window[ property ] = window[ IE[property] ] || window[ property ];
(function() {
function CustomEvent(event, parameters) {
var E = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
parameters = parameters || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined };
E.initCustomEvent(event, parameters.bubbles, parameters.cancelable, parameters.detail);
return E;
CustomEvent.prototype = Event.prototype;
window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent;
IE = true;
} else if(CustomEvent == undefined) {
(function() {
function CustomEvent(event, parameters) {
addEventListener(event, parameters || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined });
CustomEvent.prototype = Event.prototype;
window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent;
SA = true; IE = false;
} else {
IE = false;
/* Helper functions not under SynQ */
// repeat a string
String.prototype.repeat = String.prototype.repeat || function repeat(number) {
for(var string = this.toString(); number-- > 0;)
string += string;
return string;
// map values = function(callback, self) {
for(var index = 0, length = this.length, array = [], self = self || null; index < length; index++)
array.push(, this[index], index, this));
return array;
// ping an address
// Powered by: Lorem Picsum
function ping(address, options) {
return 'Currently pinging an address, please wait.';
var fallback = {
callback: function(trip) { return trip },
pass: function() {},
fail: function() {},
timeout: 10000
x = ((Math.random() * 638) | 0) + 126,
y = ((Math.random() * 638) | 0) + 126;
address = address || "" + y + "/" + x + "/?random";
options = options || fallback;
ping.inUse = true;
ping.address = address;
ping.callback = options.callback || fallback.callback;
ping.pass = options.pass || fallback.pass; = ||; = new Image();
ping.clear = function(status) {
ping.inUse = false;
var time = +(new Date) - ping.start,
size = ( * * 64) || 1;
return, ping.trip = {
time: time,
status: (status? "pass": "fail"),
address: ping.address,
size: size,
speed: ((size / time) | 0),
uplink: ((size / time / 2) | 0),
removed: delete
}; = function() { return ping.clear(!0),, arguments); }; = function() { return ping.clear(!1),, arguments); };
ping.start = +(new Date); = 'https://' + address;
ping.timeout = setTimeout(, options.timeout || fallback.timeout);
return ping.trip = ping.trip || { time: 0, status: 'fail', address: address, resolve: address, size: 0, speed: 0, uplink: 0 };
// The main function
var SynQ = function SynQ(name) {
name = name || null;
if(name == null)
name = SynQ.syn;
if(name instanceof Array)
name = name.join('],[');
var messages = [],
uuids = SynQ.get('.uuids'),
copies = {},
try {
query = document.querySelectorAll('[' + name + ']');
} catch(error) {
return error;
uuids = (uuids || "").split(',');
function fetch(e) {
var a = e.attributes,
n =
("synq-attr" in a)?
("synq-data" in a)?
("value" in e)?
("synq-text" in a)?
("synq-html" in a)?
if(n == "")
return n;
switch(n) {
case '#ATTR':
var o = {},
l = a['synq-attr'].value,
f = function(v, i, r) {o[v] = a[v].value};
return o;
return e[n];
for(var index = 0, element, uuid, name, value, info, id, attr, host, obj = false; index < query.length; obj = false, index++) {
// Element information
element = query[index];
info = element.tagName;
attr = element.attributes;
id = ('id' in attr)? null;
name = ('name' in attr)? null;
uuid = ('synq-uuid' in attr)? attr['synq-uuid'].value: null;
host = ('synq-host' in attr)? attr['synq-host'].value: null;
copies[info] |= 0;
// Setup hosts
if(host != null)
element.setAttribute('name', = host || id || uuid || name);
// Add copies of elements for the UUID to work properly
info += (id != null || uuid != null)?
"#" + (id || uuid):
":nth-child(" + (++copies[info]) + ")";
// Get, and test value
value = fetch(element);
if(obj = typeof value == 'object')
value = SynQ.deflate(value);
// Get/Set the element's UUID
if(uuid == null)
uuid = (obj? '!': '') + SynQ.sign(info);
else if(obj)
uuid = /^!/.test(uuid)? uuid: '!' + uuid;
// Set the element's UUID for future references
element.setAttribute('synq-uuid', uuid);
// Push the UUID
// Push the messages
uuid = ".values/#" + uuid;
messages.push( SynQ.encodeURL(value) );
SynQ.set(uuid, value);
SynQ.set('.values', messages.join(SynQ.esc));
SynQ.set('.uuids', uuids.join(',').replace(/^,+|,+$/g, ''));
SynQ.syn = "synq-attr synq-data synq-text synq-html synq-host".split(" ");
// change this accordingly; this is the syncronizing attribute for your elements
// synq-data: .innerText OR .value
// synq-text: .innerHTML
// synq-html: .outerHTML
SynQ.esc = "%%";
// change to your liking; this is the list delimeter
/* The event-listeners */
// eventlistener target
SynQ.eventlistener = function(event) {
var messages = SynQ.get('.values'),
uuids = SynQ.get('.uuids'),
copies = {},
try {
query = document.querySelectorAll('[' + SynQ.syn.join('],[') + ']');
} catch(error) {
return error;
messages = messages || "";
messages = (messages.length > 0)? messages.split(SynQ.esc): [];
uuids = uuids || "";
uuids = (uuids.length > 0)? uuids.split(','): [];
function write(e, m) {
var a = e.attributes,
n =
("synq-attr" in a)?
("synq-data" in a)?
("value" in e)?
("synq-text" in a)?
("synq-html" in a)?
if(n == "")
return n;
switch(n) {
case '#ATTR':
for(var p in m)
e.setAttribute(p, m[p]);
return a;
e[n] = m? m: e[n];
for(var index = 0, length = query.length, element, uuid, name, value, info, id, attr, host, obj = false, skip; index < length; obj = false, index++) {
// Element information
element = query[index];
info = element.tagName;
attr = element.attributes;
id = ('id' in attr)? null;
name = ('name' in attr)? null;
uuid = ('synq-uuid' in attr)? attr['synq-uuid'].value: null;
host = ('synq-host' in attr)? attr['synq-host'].value: null;
copies[info] |= 0;
// Don't overwrite skip elements (higher number = higher priority)
// synq-skip = number of times to ignore SynQ-ing
if('synq-skip' in attr) {
skip = +attr['synq-skip'].value | 0;
if(skip > 0) {
element.setAttribute('synq-skip', --skip);
continue updating;
} else {
if(host != null)
element.setAttribute('name', = || host || uuid);
info += (id != null || uuid != null)?
"#" + (id || uuid):
":nth-child(" + (++copies[info]) + ")";
// Get the element's UUID
if(uuid == null)
uuid = SynQ.sign(info);
// UUID is set
// Write confidently, even if the HTML document has changed
if(uuid != null) {
value = SynQ.get('.values/#!' + uuid);
value = (obj = value != null)?
SynQ.get('.values/#' + uuid);
value = value != null?
// UUID isn't set
// Write, assuming the HTML document hasn't changed
else {
value = messages[index] || "";
// Set the element's UUID for future references
element.setAttribute('synq-uuid', uuid = (obj? '!': '') + uuid);
value = SynQ.decodeURL(value);
if(obj || /^!/.test(uuid))
value = SynQ.inflate(value);
write(element, value);
// add listener
SynQ.addEventListener = function(event, action) {
SynQ.prevent([event, action], [undefined, null, ""], "Failed to add event listener '" + event + "'", "addEventListener");
return action;
var event = SynQ.eventName + '/' + event + '/#',
events = SynQ.get(event + '!'),
fn = SynQ.parseFunction(action),
name = fn[2] || events.length;
events = events || "";
events = (events.length > 0)? events.split(SynQ.esc): [name];
if(events.indexOf(name) < 0)
SynQ.set(event + '!', events);
SynQ.set(event + name, action + "");
return --SynQ[internal], events.length - 1;
// remove listener
SynQ.removeEventListener = function(name, parent) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null, ""], "Failed to remove event listener '" + (parent || '*') + "." + name + "'", "removeEventListener");
return parent;
return --SynQ[internal], SynQ.pop(SynQ.eventName + '/' + parent + '/#' + name);
var events =' '),
popped = [];
for(var index = 0, listener, values; index < events.length; index++) {
parent = SynQ.eventName + '/' + events[index] + '/#';
listener = SynQ.pop(parent + name);
if(listener) {
values = SynQ.pop(parent += '!').split(',');
values.splice(values.indexOf(name) - 1, 1);
SynQ.set(parent, values + "");
return --SynQ[internal], popped;
// trigger listener
SynQ.triggerEvent = function(event, data) {
SynQ.prevent(event, [undefined, null, ""], "Failed to trigger event '" + event + "'", "triggerEvent");
return data;
var event = SynQ.eventName + '/' + event + '/#',
events = SynQ.get(event + '!');
events = events || "";
events = (events.length > 0)? events.split(SynQ.esc): [];
for(var index = 0, head, body, fn, host =; index < events.length; index++) {
fn = SynQ.parseFunction(SynQ.get(event + events[index]));
head = fn[0];
body = fn[1];
new Function(head, body).call(null, data);
return --SynQ[internal], data;
/* The URL-oriented functions */
// URI encoder
SynQ.encodeURL = function(url) {
for(var index = 0, characters = "% \"<>[\\]^`{|}", url = url.toString(); index < characters.length; index++)
url = url.replace(RegExp( "\\" + characters[index], "g" ), "%" + characters.charCodeAt(index).toString(16));
return url;
// URI decoder
SynQ.decodeURL = function(url) {
for(var regexp = /%(\d{2})/, url = url.toString(); regexp.test(url);)
url = url.replace(regexp, function($0, $1, $_) {
return String.fromCharCode(+("0x" + $1)) + "\r\f"; // prevent intentional %code from being removed
return url.replace(/(% "<>\[\\\]\^`\{\|\})\r\f/g, "$1");
/* The storage-oriented functions */
// List all of the current SynQ's data (paths)
SynQ.list = function(all) {
var signature = SynQ.shadow || SynQ.signature,
regexp = RegExp("^(" +
(use_global_synq_token != undefined || all? "synq://localhost:(443|80)\/|": "") +
signature.replace(/(\W)/g, "\\$1") +
")" + (all? ".+": "[^\\.].+") + "$"),
array = {};
for(var item in storage)
array[item] = storage[item];
return array;
// The "clear all" option
SynQ.clear = function(all) {
var signature = SynQ.shadow || SynQ.signature,
regexp = RegExp("^(" +
signature.replace(/(\W)/g, "\\$1") +
")" + (all? ".+": "(.*\/)?[^\\.].+") + "$");
for(var item in storage)
return SynQ.triggerEvent('clear');
// Import items from the storage
SynQ.import = function(name) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'import');
var data = storage.getItem(name);
storage.setItem(SynQ.signature + name, data);
return SynQ.triggerEvent('import', name);
// Export items to the storage
SynQ.export = function(name) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'export');
var data = storage.getItem(SynQ.signature + name);
storage.setItem(name, data);
return SynQ.triggerEvent('export', name);
// Push (set) a resource
SynQ.set = function(name, data, key) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'set');
data = data.toString();
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
var UTF16 = use_utf16_synq_token != undefined;
SynQ.prevent(data, /[^\u0000-\u00ff]/, UTF8_ONLY_ERROR);
if(key != undefined && key != null)
data = SynQ.lock(data, key),
key = /^\./.test(name)? '': '.';
key = "";
if(UTF16 && data)
data = SynQ.pack(data);
storage.setItem(SynQ.signature + key + name, data);
return SynQ.triggerEvent('set', name);
// Pull (get) a resource
SynQ.get = function(name, key) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'get');
var data, UTF16 = use_utf16_synq_token != undefined;
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
SynQ.prevent(data, /[^\u0000-\u00ff]/, UTF8_ONLY_ERROR);
if(key != undefined && key != null)
data = storage.getItem(SynQ.signature + "." + name);
data = storage.getItem(SynQ.signature + name);
if(UTF16 && data)
data = SynQ.unpack(data);
if(key != undefined && key != null)
data = SynQ.unlock(data, key);
return SynQ.triggerEvent('get', data);
// Append (push) a resource
SynQ.push = function(name, data, key, delimiter) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null, ""], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'push');
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
var last = SynQ.get(name, key) || "";
delimiter = delimiter || SynQ.esc;
data = (last.length > 0)? last.split(delimiter).concat(data): [data];
data = SynQ.set(name, data.join(delimiter), key);
return --SynQ[internal], SynQ.triggerEvent('push', data);
// Pull a resource
SynQ.pull = function(name, key, delimiter) {
delimiter = delimiter || SynQ.esc;
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
var data = SynQ.get(name, key);
data = data || "";
data = (data.length > 0)? data.split(delimiter): [data];
return --SynQ[internal], SynQ.triggerEvent('pull', data);
// Remove a resource
SynQ.pop = function(name, key) {
name = name || SynQ.last.pop();
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null, ""], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'pop');
var data = SynQ.get(name, key);
if(key != undefined && key != null)
storage.removeItem(SynQ.signature + "." + name);
storage.removeItem(SynQ.signature + name);
return --SynQ[internal], SynQ.triggerEvent('pop', data);
// Broadcast to a global storage
SynQ.upload = function(name, data, key) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'upload');
if(data == undefined || data == null) {
key = (key? '.': '');
return key + SynQ.sign(key + name)
.replace(/(.{1,4})(.{1,2})?(.{1,2})?(.{1,2})?(.{1,6})?(.{1,12})?/, "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5:$6")
.replace(/[\-\:]+$/, "");
data = data.toString();
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
var UTF16 = use_utf16_synq_token != undefined;
SynQ.prevent(data, /[^\u0000-\u00ff]/, UTF8_ONLY_ERROR);
if(key != undefined && key != null)
data = SynQ.lock(data, key),
key = /^\./.test(name)? '': '.';
key = "";
if(UTF16 && data)
data = SynQ.pack(data);
// ".name" and "name" won't be interchangeable
name = SynQ.sign(key + name)
.replace(/(.{1,4})(.{1,2})?(.{1,2})?(.{1,2})?(.{1,6})?(.{1,12})?/, "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5:$6")
.replace(/[\-\:]+$/, "");
storage.setItem('synq://localhost:' + (key.length? 443: 80) + '/' + name, data);
return SynQ.triggerEvent('upload', name);
// Retrieve a global item = function(name, key) {
name = name || SynQ.last_upload[SynQ.last_upload.length - 1];
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'download');
var data, UTF16 = use_utf16_synq_token != undefined;
SynQ.prevent(data, /[^\u0000-\u00ff]/, UTF8_ONLY_ERROR);
// ".name" and "name" won't be interchangeable
name = SynQ.sign((key? ".": "") + name)
.replace(/(.{1,4})(.{1,2})?(.{1,2})?(.{1,2})?(.{1,6})?(.{1,12})?/, "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5:$6")
.replace(/[\-\:]+$/, "");
if(key != undefined && key != null)
data = storage.getItem('synq://localhost:443/' + name);
data = storage.getItem('synq://localhost:80/' + name);
if(UTF16 && data)
data = SynQ.unpack(data);
if(key != undefined && key != null)
data = SynQ.unlock(data, key);
return SynQ.triggerEvent('download', data);
// Append (push) a global resource
SynQ.append = function(name, data, key, delimiter) {
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null, ""], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'append');
delimiter = delimiter || SynQ.esc;
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
data =, key).split(SynQ.esc).concat(data);
data = SynQ.upload(name, data.join(delimiter), key);
return --SynQ[internal], SynQ.triggerEvent('append', data);
// Pull a global resource
SynQ.recall = function(name, key, delimiter) {
delimiter = delimiter || SynQ.esc;
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
var data =, key);
data = data || "";
data = (data.length > 0)? data.split(delimiter): [data];
return --SynQ[internal], SynQ.triggerEvent('recall', data);
// Remove a global resource
SynQ.snip = function(name, key) {
name = name || SynQ.last_upload.pop();
key = key || use_vpn_synq_token;
SynQ.prevent(name, [undefined, null, ""], NO_NAME_ERROR, 'snip');
var data = SynQ.get(name, key),
name = SynQ.set(name, null, key);
if(key != undefined && key != null)
storage.removeItem('synq://localhost:443/' + name);
storage.removeItem('synq://localhost:80/' + name);
return --SynQ[internal], SynQ.triggerEvent('snip', data);
/* Search, and like-wise helpers */
// Search for entries
SynQ.find = function(query, all, results) {
results = results || [];
if(/^synq:\/\/([^\n\r\f\v]+)\/\?/.test(query)) {
var url = SynQ.parseURL(query),
original = SynQ.signature,
shadow = url.origin + '/',
params = url.searchParameters;
SynQ.shadow = shadow;
results = SynQ.find(params.query, params.all);
SynQ.shadow = null;
return results;
if(query instanceof Array) {
query.forEach(function(entry, index, array) {
results.concat(SynQ.find(entry, all, results));
return results;
var owned = SynQ.list(all), test;
if(query instanceof RegExp)
test = function(string) { return query.test(string) };
test = function(string) { return string == (query += "") || !!~string.indexOf(query) };
for(var entry in owned)
if(!~results.indexOf(entry) && (test(entry) || test(owned[entry] + "")))
return results;
/* The space-oriented functions */
// Test data limits (in Bytes -> iB) or return an SI formated value
SynQ.size = function(number, base, symbol) {
var backup = {},
size = function(n, b, s) {
b = b || 1024;
s = s || (n < 1024? 'b': 'iB');
if(n < b && n > -b)
for(var k = "m\u00b5npfaz", x = 0, g = k.length; (x < g) && (n < 1); x++)
n *= b;
for(var k = "kMGTPEZY", x = 0, g = k.length; (x < g) && (n >= b); x++)
n /= b;
return n + (k[x - 1] || "") + s;
number = number || null;
if((number == null || number == undefined))
if(IE && use_cookie_synq_token == undefined) {
for(var n in storage)
backup[n] = storage[n];
found = storage.remainingSpace | 0;
for(var n in backup)
storage[n] = backup[n];
} else {
for(var n in storage)
backup[n] = storage[n];
_1kiB: // 0 b - 1 kiB
for(var s = "_", i = 1, j, l = 1024, p = true; p && i < l; i *= 2)
try {
storage.setItem("SizeTest", s.repeat(i));
} catch(e) {
p = false;
break _1kiB;
_1MiB: // 1 kiB - 1 MiB
for(j = l, l *= 1024; p && i < l; i *= 2)
try {
storage.setItem("SizeTest", s.repeat(i));
} catch(e) {
p = false;
break _1MiB;
_1GiB: // 1 MiB - 1 GiB
for(j = l, l *= 1024; p && i < l; i += j)
try {
storage.setItem("SizeTest", s.repeat(i));
} catch(e) {
p = false;
break _1GiB;
for(var n in backup)
storage[n] = backup[n];
found = i;
} // :defined number
SynQ.size = function(number, base, symbol) {
return (number == undefined || number == null)?
SynQ.size.max | 0:
SynQ.size.convert(+number, base, symbol)
SynQ.size.convert = size;
SynQ.size.max = found *= 2;
if(number != null)
return SynQ.size(number, base, symbol);
return found;
// How much space is in use?
SynQ.used = function(exclusive) {
var size = 0,
signature = SynQ.shadow || SynQ.signature;
for(var item in storage)
if(exclusive && RegExp(signature.replace(/(\W)/g, "\\$1")).test(item))
size += storage[item].length | 0;
else if(!exclusive)
size += storage[item].length | 0;
return size * 2;
// Return a number from an SI formatted string
SynQ.parseSize = function(size, base, symbol) {
var e = "";
base = base || 1024;
symbol = symbol || (+size < 1024? 'b': 'iB');
size = (size || e)
.replace(/^\s*([\d\. ]+[zafpn\u00b5mkMGTPEZY]|[\d\., ]+).*/, "$1")
.replace(/[^\w\.]/g, e)
.replace(symbol, e)
.replace(/(\d+)?(\.\d+)?/, function($0, $1, $2, $_) {
$1 = $1 || e; $2 = $2 || e;
return $1 + $2.replace(/\./g, e);
var sizes = "zafpn\u00b5m kMGTPEZY",
tail = size.replace((size = parseInt(size)), e);
return size * Math.pow(base, sizes.indexOf(tail) - 7);
/* The "security" oritned functions */
// Lock and unlock data (weak security)
SynQ.lock = function(data, key) {
data = data || "";
key = SynQ.salt(SynQ.sign(key, 1));
for(var index = 0, salted = []; index < data.length; index++)
data.charCodeAt(index) ^ key.charCodeAt(index % 256)
return salted.join("");
SynQ.unlock = SynQ.lock;
// KSA algorithm
SynQ.salt = function(text) {
for(var index = 0, exdex = 0, swap = 0, salted = [], text = text || ""; index < 256; index++)
salted[index] = index;
for(index = 0; index < 256; index++)
exdex = (exdex + salted[index] + text.charCodeAt(index % text.length)) % 256,
salted[swap] = salted[index],
salted[index] = salted[exdex],
salted[exdex] = salted[swap];
for(index = 0; index < 256; index++)
salted[index] = String.fromCharCode( salted[index] );
return salted.join("");
// The hash/signature function (from Mi/o, by me)
SynQ.sign =
/** Siphun - hashing algorithm
* @author Ephellon Dantzler (Cliffton E.D. Tucker)
function Siphun(string, fidelity) {
var array = (string += '').split(/([^]{256})/),
gamma = 0,
result = [],
fidelity = +fidelity || 0;
var R = function(t) {
var s = [], S = [], N = 256, u = '', l = (t = (t || u) + u).length;
return u;
t = ' ' + t;
for(var n = 0; n < N;)
for(var n = 0, x = n, w = x; n < N; n++) {
x = (x + s[n] + t.charCodeAt(n % l)) % N;
s[w] = s[n];
s[n] = s[x];
s[x] = s[w];
for(var n = -1; n < N; n++)
S.push(t[s[n]] || u);
return S.join(u);
fidelity = 2 + ((fidelity * 14) | 0);
method = function(s) { return s? s.charCodeAt(0): s };
array.forEach(function(value, index, self) {
return (value == '')?
(self = self || this).splice(index, 1):
R(value).split('').forEach(function(character, position) { gamma += +R(character.charCodeAt(0) + index) * (position | 1) })
gamma = +R(gamma);
for(var index = 0, length = array.length, last = length - 1; index < length; index++)
for(var self = array[index], next = (array[index + 1] || ""), mirror = array[last], a, b, c, d, e, f, g = gamma, i = 0, j = self.length, k = mirror.length, l = length, m = k - 1, q = fidelity; i < j; ++i, --m, gamma = g += a + b + c + d + e + f)
a = (method(self[i]) | q) | 0,
b = (method(self[j - i - 1]) - a) | 0,
c = (method(mirror[m]) + b) | 0,
d = (method(mirror[k - m]) ^ c) | 0,
e = (method(next[i]) | d) | 0,
f = (method(next[m]) ^ e) | 0,
(((a ^ ~b) << (i + k)) | (j & e) | g) ^
(((b | -c) ^ (m + j)) | (j & f) | g) ^
(((c & ~d) << (e - k)) >> (k ^ q) + g) ^
(((d << a) ^ (f - j)) >> (k ^ q) + g) ^
((a & b | c ^ d) ^ e - f) << (q & e & f)
result.splice(fidelity, result.length - fidelity);
base = ((gamma % 20) + (fidelity % 16)) | 16;
result.forEach(function(value, index, self) { return self.splice(index, 1, Math.abs(value ^ gamma).toString(base)) });
result = result.join('').slice(0, 256);
gamma = gamma.toString(base);
base = (base * (fidelity || 1)).toString(base);
return R(result) + base + gamma;
/* Helpers under SynQ */
// Parse a function (returns a "head" and "body")
SynQ.parseFunction = function(fn) {
SynQ.prevent(fn, [undefined, null, ""], "Failed to parse empty function", "parseFunction");
fn = fn.toString().replace(/(?:\bfunction(\s+[a-zA-Z\$_]\w*)?)?\s*(\(.*?\))\s*(\{[^]*\})/, "$2 => $3");
var name = (RegExp.$1 || "").replace(/\s+/g, "");
fn = fn.split(/\s*\=>\s*/, 2);
return [fn[0].replace(/^\(|\)$/g, ""), fn[1].replace(/^\{|\}$/g, ""), name];
// Parse all URL types (even unconventional ones)
SynQ.parseURL = function(url) {
if(url == undefined || url == null)
return {};
var url = url.toString(),
data = url.match(/^((([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/{2})?)(?:([^:]+):([^@]+)@)?(([^:\/?#]*)?(?:\:(\d+))?)?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/),
i = 0,
e = "";
data = data || e;
return {
href: data[i++] || e,
origin: (data[i++] + data[i + 4]) || e,
protocol: data[i++] || e,
scheme: data[i++] || e,
username: data[i++] || e,
password: data[i++] || e,
host: data[i++] || e,
hostname: data[i++] || e,
port: data[i++] || e,
pathname: data[i++] || e,
search: data[i] || e,
searchParameters: (function(sd) {
for(var i = 0, s = {}, e = "", d = sd.slice(1, sd.length).split('&'), n, p, c; sd != e && i < d.length; i++) {
c = d[i].split('=');
n = c[0] || e;
p = c.slice(1, c.length).join('=');
s[n] = (s[n] != undefined)?
s[n] instanceof Array?
[s[n], p]:
return s;
})(data[i++] || e),
hash: data[i++] || e
// Handle errors
SynQ.prevent = function(variable, failures, message, helper) {
function prevent(a, b, c, d) {
if(a == b)
throw new Error(c + (d? ", please see'" + d + "').": "."));
// Array, *, *
if(variable instanceof Array)
for(var index = 0, length = variable.length; index < length; index++)
SynQ.prevent(variable[index], failures, message, helper);
// *, Function, *
else if(failures instanceof RegExp)
prevent(failures.test(variable), true, message, helper);
// *, Array, *
else if(failures instanceof Array)
for(var index = 0, length = failures.length; index < length; index++)
prevent(variable, failures[index], message, helper);
/* Data oriented functions */
// Pack UTF8 characters
SynQ.pack = function(string) {
for(var index = 0, length = string.length, array = []; index < length;)
array.push(SynQ.pack16(string[index++], string[index++]));
return array.join("");
// Unpack UTF16 characters
SynQ.unpack = function(string) {
for(var index = 0, length = string.length, array = [], data = []; index < length;)
for(array = array.join("").split(/([01]{8})/), index = 0, length = array.length; index < length; index++)
if(array[index] != "")
data.push(String.fromCharCode(+("0b" + array[index])));
return data.join("");
// Pack UTF8 characters (helper)
SynQ.pack16 = function(a, b) {
var s = function(c) {return ("00000000" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(2)).slice(-8)};
return String.fromCharCode(+("0b" + s(a) + (b? s(b): "")));
// Unpack UTF16 characters (helper)
SynQ.unpack16 = function(a) {
var b, s = function(c) {return (((b = c.charCodeAt(0)) < 0xff? "": "00000000") + b.toString(2)).slice(-16)};
return s(a);
// Stringify objects
var JSON, Symbol,
Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet,
Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array,
Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Uint16Array, Uint32Array,
Float32Array, Float64Array;
SynQ.deflate =
// (JSON && JSON.stringify)?
// JSON.stringify:
function(object, filter, space, indent) {
var pack = SynQ.deflate,
json = [],
blacklist = [],
list = [],
max = 10,
ltypes = [Boolean, Number, String],
atypes = [Array, Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet],
otypes = [Object, Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array],
constructor = ((object && object.constructor)? object.constructor: null),
type =
(object && typeof object == 'object' && 'toJSON' in object)?
(object !== undefined && object !== null)?
if(object === undefined || object === null || !!~ltypes.indexOf(object.constructor))
return ((object && object.constructor == String)?
'"' + object.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') + '"':
(object !== undefined && object !== null && (object.constructor == Boolean || (object.constructor == Number && (object.valueOf() < Infinity && object.valueOf() > -Infinity))))?
null) + '';
filter = filter || function(key, value) { return value };
space = space || '';
indent = indent || space.length;
space = ((typeof space == 'number')?
space).slice(0, max);
function format(string, data) {
if(!filterfn(data.key, data.value))
return '';
for(var regexp = /#\{(\w+)\}/; regexp.test(string);)
string = string.replace(regexp, function($0, $1, $$, $_) {
if(data.string && data[$1].constructor == String)
return data[$1].replace(/[\\"]/g, '\\$&').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r');
return data[$1];
return space + string.replace(/\:\s+/, space? ': ': ':');
filterfn = function(key, value) { return !!~filter.indexOf(key) };
else if(filter instanceof Function)
filterfn = filter;
filterfn = function(key, value) { return value };
for(var data, index = 0, length = object.length | 0; index < length; index++)
json.push(format('#{value}', { value: pack(object[index], filter, space) }));
else if('toJSON' in object)
json.push(format('#{value}', { key: 'toJSON', value: object.toJSON() })),
type = '';
else serializing:
for(var key in object) {
var value = object[key];
if(value == object || !!~blacklist.indexOf(key)) {
continue serializing;
if(value === undefined || value === null || value.constructor == Function || value.constructor == Symbol)
json.push(format('"#{key}": null', { key: key, value: value }));
else if(value.constructor == RegExp)
json.push(format('"#{key}": #{value}', { key: key, value: pack(value.source + '$=' + value.flags, filter, space) }));
else if(value.constructor == String)
json.push(format('"#{key}": "#{value}"', { key: key, value: value, string: true }));
else if(!!~ltypes.indexOf(value.constructor))
json.push(format('"#{key}": #{value}', { key: key, value: value }));
else if(!!~atypes.indexOf(value.constructor))
json.push(format('"#{key}": #{value}', { key: key, value: pack(value, filter, space) }));
else if(!!~otypes.indexOf(value.constructor))
json.push(format('"#{key}": #{value}', { key: key, value: pack(value, filter, space + space, space.length) }));
else if(/^synq\:\/\//.test(key))
json.push(format('"#{key}": "#{value}"', { key: key, value: value, string: true }));
/* foreign SynQ token */;
else if(value instanceof Object && !value instanceof Function)
json.push(format('"#{key}": #{value}', { key: key, value: pack(value = Object.assign(value, {constructor: Object}), filter, space, space.length) }));
else if(value instanceof Object)
json.push(format('"#{key}": #{value}', { key: key, value: '{}' }));
json.push(format('"#{key}": "#{value}"', { key: key, value: value, string: true }));
var head = (type[0] || '') + (space? '\n': ''),
tail = (space? '\n' + space.slice(indent, space.length): '') + (type[1] || '');
function trim(array) {
for(var index = 0, length = json.length; index < length; index++)
if(array[index] == '' || array[index] == undefined)
array.splice(index, 1);
return array;
for(var index = 0; index < max && !~json.indexOf(undefined); index++)
return (head + json.join(',' + (space? '\n': '')) + tail).replace(/\{\s*\}/g, '{}').replace(/(".+?"\:\s*)undefined\b/g, '$1null');
// Parse JSON strings
SynQ.inflate = function(string, mutator) {
var object, R = RegExp, regexp,
parse = SynQ.inflate,
type =
mutator = mutator || function(key, value) { return value };
switch(type) {
case 'object':
object = {};
for(var regexp = /\s*\{([^]*)\}\s*/, string = string.replace(/^\s*\{/, '^').replace(/\}\s*$/, '$'), dummy; regexp.test(string);)
string = string.replace(regexp, function($0, $1, $$, $_) {
for(var layer = 0, index = 0; layer >= 0 && index < $1.length; index++)
layer += $1[index] == '{'? 1: $1[index] == '}'? -1: 0;
index -= +(layer < 0);
return (dummy = $1.split('')).splice(index, 1, ')@'), dummy = dummy.join(''),
'@(' + dummy.slice(0, index).replace(/\{/g, '#(').replace(/\}/g, ')#') + dummy.slice(index, dummy.length) + (layer < 0? '}': '');
string = string/* All */.replace(/#\(/g, '{').replace(/\)#/g, '}')/* First */.replace(/@\(/, '{').replace(/\)@/, '}');
.map(function(value) {
if(/^([\{\s,\}]+|[\^\$])$/.test(value = value.replace(/@\(/g, '{').replace(/\)@/g, '}')) || /^\^|\$$/.test(value)) return;
return (R.$2 && R.$2.length)?
object[R.$1] = mutator(R.$1, parse(R.$2.replace(/^\^|\$$/g, ''), mutator)):
object[R.$1] = mutator(R.$1, R.$1.replace(/^\^|\$$/g, ''), mutator);
case 'array':
object = [];
for(var regexp = /\s*\[([^]*)\]\s*/, string = string.replace(/^\[/, '^').replace(/\]$/, '$'), dummy; regexp.test(string);)
string = string.replace(regexp, function($0, $1, $$, $_) {
for(var layer = 0, index = 0; layer >= 0 && index < $1.length; index++)
layer += $1[index] == '['? 1: $1[index] == ']'? -1: 0;
index -= +(layer < 0);
return (dummy = $1.split('')).splice(index, 1, ')@'), dummy = dummy.join(''),
'@(' + dummy.slice(0, index).replace(/\[/g, '#(').replace(/\]/g, ')#') + dummy.slice(index, dummy.length) + (layer < 0? ']': '');
string = string/* All */.replace(/#\(/g, '[').replace(/\)#/g, ']')/* First */.replace(/@\(/, '[').replace(/\)@/, ']');
var index = 0;
.map(function(value) {
if(/^([\[\s,\]]+|[\^\$])$/.test(value = value.replace(/@\(/g, '[').replace(/\)@/g, ']')) || /^\^|\$$/.test(value)) return;
object.push(mutator(index++, parse(value.replace(/^\^|\$$/g, ''), mutator)));
case 'literal':
var isString, flags;
object = (isString = /^"(.*)"$/.test(string))? R.$1: string.length && +string <= +Infinity? +string: /\b(true|false)\b/.test(string)? !(string.length - 4): null;
if(isString && /\$\=([imguy]+)$/.test(object)) {
flags = R.$1;
object = R(object.replace(R['$&'], ''), flags);
return object;
// Help = function(item) {
if(item == undefined || item == null)
item = "help";
item = item.replace(/[^a-z\d]|synq([\.\-]|_token)/gi, "");
var m, i = item.toLowerCase();
switch(i) {
/* HTML */
case 'attr':
m = "Synchronizes an element's attributes. The list should be space separated./~Usage: <% $-@=attributes-to-sync>...<\\%>/~Interpreted Type: Array//$-@: defaults to all attributes if no value is given."
case 'data':
m = "Synchronizes an element's value, or innerText (priority to value)./~Usage: <% $-@>...<\\%>/~Interpreted Type: Boolean"
case 'host':
m = "Creates a main object (for multiple frames), and is given the highest priority. Also sets the element's [NAME] to its [ID], or [SYNQ-UUID]./~Usage: <% $-@=host-name>...<\\%>/~Interpreted Type: String"
case 'html':
m = "Synchronizes an element's outerHTML./~Usage: <% $-@>...<\\%>/~Interpreted Type: Boolean"
case 'skip':
m = "Delays synchronizing an element. Especially useful for multiple IFRAMEs with access to the parent document./~Usage: <% $-@=number-of-delays>...<\\%>/~Interpreted Type: Number//$-@: defaults to 0 if no value is given."
case 'text':
m = "Synchronizes an element's innerHTML./~Usage: <% $-@>...<\\%>/~Interpreted Type: Boolean"
case 'uuid':
m = "The UUID that $ generates for each synchronized element./~Usage: <% $-@=static-uuid>...<\\%>/~Interpreted Type: String//$-@: if you set [$-@], all copies of the element (including across frames) will need to have the same value. Otherwise, SynQ will handle this assignment automatically."
/* JS */
case 'addeventlistener':
m = "Adds an event listener to $'s {events} method./~Usage: $.@(event-name, callback)/~Arguments: String, Function/~Returns: Number//event-name: {events}./return: the number of events attached."
case 'append':
m = "Pushes data to a global array./~Usage: $.@(array-name, data[, key[, delimiter]])/~Arguments: String, String[, String[, String]]/~Returns: <array-name>//key: {key}."
case 'clear':
m = "Removes all owned items from storage (related to $)./~Usage: $.@([remove-all])/~Arguments: [Boolean]/~Returns: Undefined//remove-all: if set to true, will remove all private items too."
case 'decodeurl':
m = "Decodes a URL string (e.g. '%20' -> ' ')./~Usage: $.@(URL)/~Arguments: String/~Returns: String"
case 'deflate':
m = "Polyfill of JSON.stringify. Defaltes\\serializes objects (turns them into strings)./~Usage: $.@(object[, filter[, spaces]])/~Arguments: *[, Function[, String | Number]]/~Returns: String => '<object>'//object: any JavaScript object./filter: searches for true\\non-empty entries. Called on as:/~for(var key in <object>)/~~<filter>(key, <object>[key]);//spaces: if set, then the ouput will be stylised using indentation."
case 'download':
m = "Retruns data from the global storage item (see also, '$.get')./~Usage: $.@(name[, key])/~Arguments: String[, String]/~Returns: String//key: {key}."
case 'encodeurl':
m = "Encodes a URL string (e.g. ' ' -> '%20')./~Usage: $.@(URL)/~Arguments: String/~Returns: String"
case 'esc':
m = "The list delimeter for $ to use when storing element values./~Usage: $.@ = delimeter/~Types: String/~Current: '{esc}'/~Default: '%%'"
case 'export':
m = "Exports (copies) data to the storage object./~Usage: $.@(name)/~Arguments: String~/Returns: <name>"
case 'eventlistener':
m = "The Event Listener for $ (fires automatically from $)./~Usage: $.@(event)/~Arguments: Object/~Returns: Undefined"
case 'find':
m = "Searches $ for the given item(s). Can also traverse foreign (unowned) entries./~Usage: $.@(query[, search-private[, previous-finds]])/~Arguments: Array | RegExp | String[, Boolean[, Array]]//query: if you have a $ URL to another site (verbatim), you can search its entries via:/~synq:{uuid}\\?auth=<BtoA {username}:{password}>&all=<search-private>&query=<query>&query=...//previous-finds: used to prevent $ from duplicating entries/URL => auth: btoa(username + ':' + password), only used for VPN searches, where 'password' is the original key (before being signed)"
case 'get':
m = "Returns data from the local storage item./~Usage: $.@(name[, key])/~Arguments: String[, String]/~Returns: String//key: {key}."
case 'help':
m = "Displays help messages./~Usage: $.@(item-name)/~Arguments: String/~Returns: String"
case 'import':
m = "Imports (copies) data from the storage object./~Usage: $.@(name)/~Arguments: String~/Returns: <name>"
case 'inflate':
m = "Polyfill of JSON.parse. Inflates\\deserializes strings (turns them into objects)./~Usage: $.@(json-string[, mutator])/~Arguments: String[, Function]/~Returns: Array | Boolean | Object | Number | String | null | undefined => <object>//string: a JSON compliant string./mutator: mutates each entry. Called on as:/~for(var key in <object>)/~~<mutator>(key, <object>[key]);"
case 'isnan':
m = "Tests to see if an object is a number or not./~Usage: @(object)/~Arguments: */~Returns: Boolean"
case 'last':
m = "An array that's used to hold each item's name in the order they're created./~Usage: $.@ = ['name-1', 'name-2'...]/~Types: Array"
case 'lastupload':
m = "An array that's used to hold each item's name in the order they're created./~Usage: $.@ = ['name-1', 'name-2'...]/~Types: Array"
case 'list':
m = "Returns the currently owned storage items./~Usage: $.@([show-all])/~Arguments: Boolean/~Returns: Object//show-all: when set to true, will return private items as well."
case 'lock':
case 'unlock':
m = "Locks and unlocks a string./~Usage: $.@(data, key)/~Arguments: String, String/~Returns: String"
case 'pack':
m = "Packs (encodes) a UTF-8 string into UTF-16 characters./~Usage: $.@(string)/~Arguments: String/~Return: String => UTF16"
case 'pack16':
m = "Packs (encodes) a UTF-16 character, by using two UTF-8 characters./~Usage: $.@(character[, character])/~Arguments: Character[, Character]/~Returns: String//return: if the second character is missing, then the first character will be returned."
case 'parsefunction':
m = "Returns an array of function data./~Usage: $.@(function-string)/~Arguments: String/~Returns: Array => {0: [function parameters], 1: [function statements], 2: [function name], length: 3}"
case 'parsesize':
m = "Returns a number from an SI formatted* string./~Usage: $.@(number[, base[, symbol]])/~Arguments: String[, Number[, String]]/~Returns: Number//* Does not recognize 'd' (deci), 'h' (hecto) or 'c' (centi)"
case 'parseurl':
m = "Returns a URL object./~Usage: $.@(URL)/~Arguments: String/~Returns: Object => {href, origin, protocol, scheme, username, password, host, port, path, search, searchParameters, hash}"
case 'ping':
m = "Pings an address. If no address is given, then pings a random address. Powered by Lorem Picsum ( $.@(address[, options])/~Arguments: String[, Object => {callback, pass, fail, timeout}]/~Returns: Undefined//address: must be an address to an image./return: calls on <callback> using: <callback>.call(null, ping.trip);//ping.trip => {/~address: <address>/~resolve: [image address]/~size: [image height * image.width]/~speed: [image size \\ time]/~status: 'pass' | 'fail'/~time: [ping time]/~uplink: [speed \\ 2]/}"
case 'pop':
m = "Removes, and returns the item from the local storage./~Usage: $.@([name[, key]])/~Argumments: [String[, String]]/~Returns: String//name: the name of the item to fetch. If left empty, will use the name of the last item created./key: {key}."
case 'prevent':
m = "Used to prevent a value from being used./~Usage: $.@(value-to-test, illegal-values, error-message[, helper-link])/~Arguments: Array | String, Array | RegExp, String[, String]/~Returns: Undefined/~Throws: Error(<message[ + helper-link]>)//helper-link: the word, or phrase used by $.help to display the help message,/~~e.g. $.prevent($.doesNotExist, [null, undefined], 'This is an example error', 'example')/~~throws Error => 'This is an eample error, see $.help('example')'."
case 'pull':
m = "Returns data from a local storage array./~Usage: $.@(array-name[, key[, delimiter]])/~Arguments: String[, String[, String]]/~Returns: Array//key: {key}"
case 'push':
m = "Pushes data to a local storage array (delimited by $.esc)./~Usage: $.@(array-name, data[, key])/~Arguments: String, String[, String]/~Returns: String<array-name>//key: {key}"
case 'recall':
m = "Gets data from a global array (see also, '$.pull')./~Usage: $.@(array-name[, key[, delimiter]])/~Arguments: String[, String[, String]]/~Returns: Array//key: {key}"
case 'removeeventlistener':
m = "Removes a(n) event listener(s)./~Usage: $.@(function-name[, event-name])/~Arguments: String[, String]/~Returns: Array | String//event-name: {events}./~If left empty, will remove <function-name> from every event."
case 'salt':
m = "Salts (encrypts) a string, usually a password./~Usage: $.@(string)/~Arguments: String/~Returns: String"
case 'set':
m = "Adds the item to storage./~Usage: $.@(name, data[, key])/~Arguments: String, String[, String]/~Returns: <name>//key: {key}."
case 'sign':
m = "Hashes a string (think of SHA, or MD5)./~Usage: $.@(string[, fidelity-level])/~Arguments: String[, Float]/~Returns: String//fidelity-level: determines the output of the string. Rolls the input."
case 'signature':
m = "The UUID of the current page (if use_global# is undefined), or current domain.//Current Signature: {signature}/Global Token Flag: {global#}"
case 'size':
m = "1. Returns the maximum amount of space for the storage (in bytes; 1B = 8b)/~Usage: $.@()/~Arguments: NONE/~Returns: Integer//2. Returns the SI formatted version of the given number./~Usage: $.@(number[, base[, symbol]])/~Arguments: Number[, Number[, String]]/~Returns: String//base: the base to use, e.g. 1000; default is 1024./symbol: the symbol to append to the returned string, default is 'iB'."
case 'snip':
m = "Removes, and returns the item from the global storage (see also, '$.pop')./~Usage: $.@(name[, key])/~Arguments: String[, String]/~Returns: String//key: {key}."
case 'syn':
m = "The attribute name(s) for elements to update./~Usage: $.@ = ['name-1', 'name-2'...]/~Types: Array | String/~Default: {syn}"
case 'synq':
m = "The main function and container. Updates the storage, while also updating all 'attached' elements./~Usage: $([attribute-names])/~Arguments: String | Array/~Returns: Undefined//attribute-name: if you want to use multiple names, you can also set $.syn"
case 'triggerevent':
m = "Triggers all event listeners for an event./~Usage: $.@(event-name[, data])/~Arguments: String[, Array]/~Returns: <data>//data: the arguments to pass onto each listener."
case 'unpack':
m = "Unacks (decodes) a UTF-16 string into UTF-8 characters./~Usage: $.@(string)/~Arguments: String/~Return: String => {UTF8}"
case 'unpack16':
m = "Unpacks (decodes) a UTF-16 character into two UTF-8 characters./~Usage: $.@(character)/~Arguments: Character/~Returns: String//return: automatically handles UTF-8 characters, and returns the character iteslf."
case 'upload':
m = "Adds data to global storage (see also, '$.set')./~Usage: $.@(name[, data[, key]])/~Arguments: String[, String[, String]]/~Returns: String//return: a UUID for the data./data: if no data is given, still returns the UUID./key: {key}."
case 'used':
m = "Returns the number of bytes (1B = 8b) in use./~Usage: $.@([$-only])/~Arguments: [Boolean]/~Returns: Integer//$-only: when set to true, will ony return the amount of owned space $ is using."
case 'usecookie':
m = "Forces the page to use cookies instead of the localStorage./This may increase storage capcity on some browsers*, but not all. See the table below.//Browser (version)/~UTF-16 \\ UTF-8//Chrome (65.0.3325.181)/~22 \\ 44 MiB/Firefox (59.0.2)/~22 \\ 44 MiB/Opera (52.0.2871.40)/~22 \\ 44 MiB/Safari (7534.57.2)**/~22 \\ 44 B/Edge (41.16299.248.0)/~22 \\ 44 MiB/Internet Explorer (11.309.16299.0)**/~32 \\ 64 B//* Obtained values by hand (Windows 10 PC, x64)./** Note that this browser wasn't intended for my machine. Also, the cookie size can be changed by the user."
case 'useuuid':
m = "TODO!Forces $ to use the assigned value as the 'UUID.'/This can be useful for dynamic pages that change their name often (like CodePen's debug feature), but still need a static ID.//Basically, a manual, selective version of 'global#'"
case 'useglobal':
m = "Used to determine if $ should use a local* or global** name.//* $ will save all data for the current URL only, i.e.\\page-1 will not have access to\\page-2./** $ will save all data for the current host, i.e. will be used by $, instead of\\page-n."
case 'useutf16':
m = "Used to instruct $ to save data as UTF-16 streams, e.g. 'acdf' will be combined into 'be' (as an example)./It does this by combining UTF-8 characters (\u0000 - \u00ff), and generating a UTF-16 character (\u0100 - \uffff)."
case 'usevpn':
m = "Forces $ to use a VPN-like setup with a 'private' session. This uses sessionStorage; a one-time, non-iterable signature; and a forced local state./~Usage: vpn# = <value>/~Interpreted Type: String"
case '':
case '*':
m = "Help can be used for the following items://<!-- HTML -->//$-attr/$-data/$-host/$-html/$-skip/$-text/$-uuid//\\* JavaScript *\\//ping/$/~addEventListener/~append#push/~clear/~decodeURL/~deflate/~download#get/~enocdeURL/~esc/~eventlistener/~find/~get/~help/~host/~inflate/~last/~list/~lock/~pack/~pack16/~parseFunction/~parseSize/~parseURL/~pop/~prevent/~pull/~push/~recall#pull/~removeEventListener/~salt/~set/~sign/~signature/~size/~snip#pop/~syn/~triggerEvent/~unlock/~unpack/~unpack16/~upload#set/~used/cookie#/global#/utf16#/uuid#/vpn#"
m = "Sorry, couldn't find '@'; try $.help('*') to list all items that have help messages."
m = ("/" + m + "/")
.replace(/\bTODO!/, "This feature (@) is not yet ready, but is planned for future releases./Please note that the documentation for '@' is not final, and may change or be removed.//")
.replace(/\//g, "\n")
.replace(/~/g, "\t")
.replace(/\\/g, "/")
.replace(/\$-/g, "synq-")
.replace(/\$/g, "SynQ")
.replace(/\b(?:use_?)?(\w+)#(?!\b)/g, "use_$1_synq_token")
.replace(/%/g, "element")
.replace(/#(\w+)/g, " - Global $1")
.replace(/@/g, item)
.replace(/\b(https?|synq)\:/g, "$1://")
.replace(/(\w+\s+\|(?:[\w \|]+?))( ?[^\w |])/g, '($1)$2')
.replace(/\B'([^']+?)'\B/g, '"$1"')
.replace(/\{key\}/gi, "the password to lock/unlock the data with")
.replace(/\{events\}/gi,' ').join(', ').replace(/(.+),\s*(.+?)$/, "$1, or $2"))
.replace(/\{syn\}/gi, '["' + SynQ.syn.join('","') + '"]');
for(var r = /\{(\w+?)\}/, e = [], i = 0; r.test(m) && !~e.indexOf(RegExp["$&"]);)
m = m.replace(r, function($0, $1, $$, $_) {
return ($1 in SynQ)? SynQ[$1]: ($1 in window)? window[$1]: e[i++] = $0;
return m;
/* Polyfills */
// localStorage - Mozilla
if(!("localStorage" in window || "sessionStorage" in window) || (use_cookie_synq_token != undefined && !SA))
Object.defineProperty(window, "localStorage", new(function() {
var keys = [],
StorageObject = {},
try {
onstorage = new CustomEvent("storage", {bubbles: false, cancelable: false, composed: true});
} catch(error) {
onstorage = window.onstorage;
Object.defineProperty(StorageObject, "getItem", {
value: function(key) {
return (key)?
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(StorageObject, "key", {
value: function(keyID) {
return keys[keyID];
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(StorageObject, "setItem", {
value: function(key, value) {
if(key == undefined || key == null)
document.cookie = escape(key) + "=" + escape(value) + ";expires=Thu, Dec 31 2099 23:59:59 GMT;path=/";
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(StorageObject, "length", {
get: function() {
return keys.length;
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(StorageObject, "removeItem", {
value: function(key) {
if(key == undefined || key == null)
document.cookie = escape(key) + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;path=/";
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(StorageObject, "clear", {
value: function() {
if(keys.length == undefined || keys.length == null)
for(var key in keys)
document.cookie = escape(key) + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;path=/";
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(StorageObject, "type", {
value: 'cookie',
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
this.get = function() {
var index;
for(var key in StorageObject) {
index = keys.indexOf(key);
if(index == -1)
StorageObject.setItem(key, StorageObject[key]);
keys.splice(index, 1);
delete StorageObject[key];
for(keys; keys.length > 0; keys.splice(0, 1))
for(var cookie, key, index = 0, cookies = (document.cookie || '').split(/\s*;\s*/); index < cookies.length; index++) {
cookie = cookies[index].split(/\s*=\s*/);
if(cookie.length > 1)
key = unescape(cookie[0]),
StorageObject[key] = unescape(cookie[1]),
return StorageObject;
this.configurable = false;
this.enumerable = true;
storage = (use_vpn_synq_token == undefined)?
window.sessionStorage || window.localStorage;
// navigator.connection - Mozilla, Ephellon
if(!("connection" in navigator))
Object.defineProperty(window, "NetworkInformation", new(function() {
var keys = [],
NetworkObject = {},
try {
onnetwork = new CustomEvent("online", {bubbles: false, cancelable: false, composed: true});
} catch(error) {
onnetwork = null;
ping("", {
callback: function(TripInformation) {
var k = 1000, M = k * k,
t = TripInformation, s = t.speed, m = t.time,
r = function(x, y) { return (x / y) - ((x / y) % y) };
s = r(s, 25);
m = r(m, 25);
Object.defineProperty(NetworkObject, "downlink", {
value: s,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(NetworkObject, "downlinkMax", {
value: s,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(NetworkObject, "effectiveType", {
value: (function(speed) {
if(speed < 500)
return '4g';
if(speed < 500 * k)
return '3g';
if(speed < 500 * M)
return '2g';
return 'slow-2g';
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(NetworkObject, "onchange", {
value: null,
writable: true,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(NetworkObject, "rtt", {
value: m,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(NetworkObject, "saveData", {
value: false,
writable: true,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(NetworkObject, "type", {
value: 'unknown',
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
this.get = function() {
return NetworkObject;
this.configurable = false;
this.enumerable = true;
connection = navigator.connection;
/* Setup and auto-management */
// Auto-update & run
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(event) {
if(use_uuid_synq_token != undefined)
Object.defineProperty(SynQ, "signature", {
value: ("synq://" + use_uuid_synq_token + "/"),
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
else if(use_vpn_synq_token != undefined)
Object.defineProperty(SynQ, "signature", {
value: "synq://" + SynQ.sign(+(new Date)) + ":" + (use_vpn_synq_token = SynQ.sign(use_vpn_synq_token, 0.75)) + "@" + SynQ.sign(location, 1) + ":443/",
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
else if(use_global_synq_token != undefined)
Object.defineProperty(SynQ, "signature", {
value: "synq://" + SynQ.sign(location.origin) + "/",
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(SynQ, "signature", {
value: "synq://" + SynQ.sign(location.origin + location.pathname) + "/",
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
SynQ.eventName = '.events'; = "set get pop push pull upload download snip append recall import export clear copy";
SynQ.last = [];
SynQ.last_upload = []; = null;
SynQ.shadow = null;
SynQ[internal] |= 0;
if('addEventListener' in window)
window.addEventListener("storage", window.onstorage = SynQ.eventlistener, false);
<script src=""></script>
code {
font-family: monospace, arial, sans, sans-serif;
font-weight: 100;
font-size: 0.75em;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />


Synchronize your data across multiple tabs and iframes! This JS library keeps each version of your page updated using localStorage. The example of shirts is modified from HTML5Rocks.

Has built-in help via and the comments.

A Pen by The E.N.D. on CodePen.



Sync your data across multiple tabs and iframes! (I modified the shirt idea from some other source, but I can't find it, I'm pretty sure it was from "HTML5 Rocks.")

There's also built-in help, see'*').

A Pen by Mink CBOS - Ephellon Dantzler on CodePen.


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