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Last active November 18, 2021 08:37
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Export HTML tables to Excel

Export HTML tables to Excel

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javascript:{let $=(e="",t=!1,o=document)=>t?[...o.querySelectorAll(e)]:o.querySelector(e),{body}=document,exportButton=document.createElement("button");function exportToExcel(e,t="download"){let o=e?.outerHTML?.replace(/<a[^>]*>(?:.*?)<\/a>/gi,"")?.replace(/<img[^>]*>/gi,"")?.replace(/<input[^>]*>/gi,"")?.replace(/cursor:default/g,"$_; background:#dddddd");if(!o)throw"Expected a table element";let{userAgent:r}=top.navigator;if(!!~r.indexOf("MSIE ")||/Trident.*rv\:11\./.test(r))throw error="Internet Explorer is not supported",alert(error),error;{let e=document.createElement("a");e.href=`data:application/,${encodeURIComponent(o)}`,`${t}.xls`,document.body.append(e),,e.remove()}}exportButton.innerText="Export table to Excel",exportButton.onmouseup=e=>exportToExcel($(".tableContainer table[summary]"),prompt("Enter a filename:","download")),body.append(exportButton)}
/* Saves table data as an Excel document */
let $ = (query = '', multiple = false, container = document) => multiple? [...container.querySelectorAll(query)]: container.querySelector(query);
let { body } = document;
let exportButton = document.createElement('button');
// Job specific...
exportButton.innerText = 'Export table to Excel';
exportButton.onmouseup = event => exportToExcel($('.tableContainer table[summary]'), prompt('Enter a filename:', 'download'));
function exportToExcel(table, name = 'download') {
let data = table?.outerHTML
?.replace(/<a[^>]*>(?:.*?)<\/a>/gi, '') // Removes links
?.replace(/<img[^>]*>/gi, '') // Removes images
?.replace(/<input[^>]*>/gi, '') // Removes inputs
// Add some of the styling back...
?.replace(/cursor:default/g, `$_; background:#dddddd`)
throw 'Expected a table element';
let { userAgent } = top.navigator,
MSIE = !!~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ');
if(MSIE || /Trident.*rv\:11\./.test(userAgent)) {
// Internet Explorer - it shouldn't even get here...
error = 'Internet Explorer is not supported';
throw error;
} else {
// All other browsers
let link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = `data:application/,${ encodeURIComponent(data) }`; = `${ name }.xls`;
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