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Last active August 27, 2016 03:55
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TuxedoScript 16.9.6
---- Tuxedo Baseline ----
-- Special (a.k.a "" [patches]) --
<$n> ... </$n> -, any code put between the html-like tags will be treated as native JS
<$s> ... </$s> -, any code put between the html-like tags will be parsed as some TS, then JS (shorcuts, and threads can be used)
<$t> ... </$t> -, no need, just a proposal
-- Comments --
## - single line comment, or multi-line comment ending
#* - multi-line comment starter
#*# - multi-line comment starter ("author tags", or "embroider tags")
@aut - author
@lie - license
@dat - date
@tie - time
@url - url
@ver - version
##! - strict mode
## +thread - enable an html-attribute via inline script
can be: advance clean eval greek hide html-editor js-editor js-unit legacy math ugly wordy
## -thread - disable an html-attribute via inline script
can be: advance clean eval greek hide html-editor js-editor js-unit legacy math ugly wordy
## @x - emulates that JS version: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.8.5
## *a: b; - replace all $a with b (soft baste)
## **a: b; - replace all $a with parsed b (hard baste)
## /abc/gmiyu = $1 - replace with regexp
-- Sequences and Strings --
\c - escape character, for use in/out of strings (darns)
can be: / \ & ? : ; . @ # % $ < > + - * ( ) [ ] { } | ^
`...` - multiline string /runs script/
`...!white-sapce` - removes extra white space characters /!white-space can be put anywhere in the string/
-- Variables --
#a - var a
a--b - a_b
a#b - a[b]
a#0b - a[a.length - b]
@ - this or self, depending on the JS version
# - this or self, depending on the JS version
@a - this.a
$of - typeof
$del - delete
$args - arguments
$doc - document
$win - window
$nav - navigator
$loc - location
$cont - continue
$con - console
$# - Object
$Obj - Object
$obj - Object
.$id - getElementById
.$class - getElementsByClassName
.$tag - getElementsByTagName
.$html - innerHTML
.$text - innerText
.$val - value
.$qy - querySelector
.$Qy - querySelectorAll
...$args - depending on the JS version, either calls on the last constructor, or does nothing
a: b - if there isn't a comma after b, there will be one added, unless b is the last item
-- functions --
<- - return
<+ - throw
$a b, c, d - function a(b, c, d)
:$a, b, c - function(a, b, c)
=$a, b, c - function(a, b, c)
,$a, b, c - function(a, b, c)
$a b, c, d: - one line functions
$ { - function()
-- Loops and Statements --
a?? - test if a exists
a!?? - test if a doesn't exist
?a { - if a
}{ - else
}? a { - else if a
?#a, b - for a, to b by 1
?#a, b, c - for a = b, to c by 1
?#a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
-?#a, b - for a, to b by -1
-?#a, b, c - for a = b, to c by -1
-?#a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
?#a:b - for a in b
?#a:b ? c - for a, to b by 1, do c /!deprecated/ use ?#a,b {c}
@def - default
@a: - case a
---- "Advance thread" features ----
.a - class x
.a b - class a extends b
*. - super
@(a, b, c) - constructor(a, b, c)
b => a - const a = b
a --> b - a = (arguments) => b
-> - =>
$*a, b, c { - void function(a, b, c)
prom a - creates a promissory function (like Java's "interface", Tux "gusset"); see
Tux will automatically create a main function to call from, and switch through the number/type(s) of arguments to find a match
natively supported types: Array Boolean Function Number Object RegExp String Symbol * [any]
---- "Legacy thread" features ----
a ~= b - a = -(a - b)
a &= b - a = a && b
a |= b - a = a || b
a ^= b - if a != null, a = b
a ?= b - if a == null, a = b
-- Special --
@x..y: - "case x..y:" -- this will repeat "case ...:" for (x-y) times /i.e. "@4..6:" -> "case 4: case 5: case 6:"
-- Arrays (try limiting them to one per line) --
a[b..c] - a.slice(b, c)
a[..c] - a.slice(0, c)
a[b..] - a.slice(b)
a[.] - a.slice(0)
a[*] - a.split
a[+] - a.concat
a[++] - a.push
a[<] - a.shift
a[>] - a.unshift
a[~] - a.every
a[&] - a.join
a[?] - a.indexOf
a[-?] - a.lastIndexOf
a[=] - a.reverse
a[^] - a.sort
a[-] - a.pop
d[] - if d is a number, it creates a d-dimension array (Tux Array "gores"), i.e. 3[] === [[[]]] /called on as [x][y][z]/
r:a - if r is a reserved word, it will be double-quoted
.r - if r is a reserved word, it will be double-quoted and bracketed; ["r"]
-- Strings --
"${a}" - interpolation, ..." + a + "...
'${a}' - interpolation, ...' + a + '...
`${a}` - interpolation, ...` + a + `...
"..." "..." - automatic concatination, "..." + "..."
'...' '...' - automatic concatination, '...' + '...'
`...` `...` - automatic concatination, `...` + `...`
d * "..." - (Tux String "gores") if d is a number, then the string will be repeated d many times
d * '...' - if d is a number, then the string will be repeated d many times
d * `...` - if d is a number, then the string will be repeated d many times
"..." - '...' - string.replace(string, "")
"..." - a - string.replace(a, "")
-- RegExp --
\a - Alpha characters, [a-zA-Z]
\A - Non-alpha characters, [^a-zA-Z]
\j - JS variables, [a-zA-Z\$_][\w\d\$_]*
\J - non-JS variables, [^a-zA-Z\$_][\w\d\$_]*
\e - Greek letters
\E - Non-Greek letters
\k - lowercase, \k[A-fR-Z] = /[a-fr-z]/
\K - uppercase, \K[A-fR-Z] = /[A-FR-Z]/
---- "Math thread" features ----
a(b) = c - function a(b){ return c; }
da - if d is a number, then d * a
a~b - ((a % b + b) % b)
|a| - Math.abs(a)
a^b - Math.pow(a, b)
a**b - Math.pow(a, b)
/?a/ - Math.sqrt(a)
a/?b/ - "a" root of b, i.e. 3\x\ is the cube root of x
a%%b - Math.floor(a/b)
log a (b) - log, base a, of b /log(b) / log(a)/ -, i.e. @.PI = Math.PI, @.log = Math.log /notice the ./
---- "Wordy thread" features ----
-- Loops and Statements --
a exists - test if a exists
a exist - test if a exists
a !exists - test if a doesn't exist
a !exist - test if a doesn't exist
if a { - if a
else - automatic braces for else
else-if a { - else if a
else-when a { - else if a
else-where a { - else if a
if a then b else c - ternary operator, (a)?b:c
for a, b - for a, to b by 1
for a, b, c - for a = b, to c by 1
for a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
-for a, b - for a, to b by -1
-for a, b, c - for a = b, to c by -1
-for a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
for a: b - for a in b
for a in b - for a in b
for a: b? c - for a, to b by 1, do c
for a in b do c - for a, to b by 1, do c
while a - while a
until a - while !a
switch a - switch a
a(b) from c while d - for each item in c, if d is true, do b = c[...], a(b)
a(b) from c - for each item in c, do b = c[...], a(b)
a() from b while c - for each item in b, if c is true, do a
-- Baseline --
#r - if r is a Tuxedo reserved word, then it will be a variable
\r - if r is a Tuxedo reserved word, then it will be a variable
AND - &&
OR - ||
XOR - ^
NOT - !
does not - !
do not - !
doesnt - !
does - !!
on - true
yes - true
good - true
off - false
no - false
bad - false
maybe - true | false /uses tuxedo.random()/
is not - !==
isnt - !==
equals - ===
equal - ===
is - ===
the x is - x =
a = b in c - a = c[b]
a = b from c - a = c.indexOf(b)
<?> - ? armscye
<!> - ! armscye
<#> - # armscye
---- "Ugly thread" features ----
single line comments become multi-line
undefined - void 0
true - !0
!false - !0
!!true - !0
false - !1
!true - !1
!!false - !1
Number(a) - (+a)
a.toString() - a + ""
while(x) - for(;x;)
multiple zeros are "crunched" down to a 1eX form, i.e. 10000000 = 1e7
boolean tests become lazy, i.e. && = &, || = |
---- "JS-Unit thread" features ----
-- Baseline --
@@toconsole - redirect all output to the console
(@Test ... { ... }#) - test to run, and optional event arguments
(@Test ... { ... }) - "empty" test, doesn't run
@Before - code to run before every test
@After - code to run after every test
-- Assert Tests --
@@assert(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value
@@assertTrue(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be true
@@assertFalse(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be false
@@assertEquals(expected, recieved, [comment]) - log that you wanted recieved to equal expected
@@assertNotEquals(expected, recieved, [comment]) - log that you wanted recieved to not equal expected
@@assertNull(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be null
@@assertNotNull(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to not be null
@@assertUndefined(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted typeof value to be undefined
@@assertNotUndefined(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted typeof value to not be undefined
@@assertNaN(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be NaN
@@assertNotNaN(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to not be NaN
@@assertFail(comment) - log fail, "comment"
---- "Greek thread" features ----
-- <Word> --
<word> - each letter is turned into it's Greek counterpart (except q, v, and j)
word - if "word" is a Greek letter's name, it's turn into that letter (i.e. Pi and pi)
---- "Advance + Legacy cord [threads]" features ----
-- Splats --
$a b... - same as b = arguments
$a b, c... - c will be all arguments after b
$a b..., c - b will be all arguments before c
$a b, c..., d - c will be all arguments between b and d
a(b...) - same as a(b) uses .apply
a(b, c...) - a([b c]) uses .apply
a(b..., c) - a([b c]) uses .apply
a(b, c..., d) - a([b c d]) uses .apply
<@> - @ armscye
<&> - & armscye
---- Armscyes ----
! - "index_counter"
@ - "arguments"
# - "undefined"
? - "ANON"
* - "use strict"
& - "Array" or "[]"
---- Godets [Legacy] ----
a b - a(b)
a "b" - a("b")
a 'b' - a('b')
a `b` - a(`b`)
a /b/ - a(/b/)
---- Tuxedo Methods ----
* $ means executable
* ~ means "same as above," but with different arguments
* # means a property, that isn't a method
* tuxedo === tux
$ .data - get form data from the URI
$ .set[...] - set the local storage [name, data, name, data ...]
$ .check[name] - see if the local storage at the name exists
$ .get[name] - get the local storage at the name
$ .delete[name] - delete the local storage at the name
$ .attr[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
$ .id[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .id[element, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .id[element] - just return the element, by id
$ .class[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .class[element, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .class[element] - just return the element, by class name
$ .tag[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .tag[element, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .tag[element] - just return the element, by tag name
$ .ele[element, number, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .ele[element, number, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .ele[element, number] - just return the element, by element name (via querySelector)
$ .save[data, name] -, data)
$ .load[name] -
$ .delete[name] -
$ .typeof[object] - returns the typeof "object" to a string, i.e. true === "<true>", [1, 2, 3] === "[1, 2, 3]"
$ .typeOf[a, b, c] - returns a string of each arguments type
$ .precompiled - returns an object as if a snap-shot of the data being compiled
# .content - returns the actual "snap-shot"
# .channels - returns the channels {no}
# .comments - returns an object of the comments {plural, single}
# .regexps - returns the regexps
# .strings - returns an object of strings {double, grave, single}
# .threads - returns an object of threads {available, disabled, enabled}
$ .stamp - returns an object containing a start, stop, and difference of the TuxedoScript compile time {start, end, span}
# .version - the TuxedoScript version
$ .support - returns an array of all JS versions supported by the user's browser i.e. [1.1 ... 1.8.5]
$ .runtime - returns the JS version that has been detected
<textarea type=text/ts cols=128 rows=8>/* TuxedoScript 16.7.3
@aut: Ephellon Dantzler
@dat: Tue Sept 8, 2015
@tie: 23:51 CST -06:00
@lie: "Free for use, as long as my name, CoffeeScript, Python, and ECMA are mentioned"
##!, strict mode required for advanced features
## Coffee Script-Like Examples, see
## Extendable features
## +advance
## +eval
## +js-editor
## +legacy
## +math
## +wordy
## -hide
## -html-editor
## -ugly
## Assignment
#number = 42
#opposite = true
3.14 => PI
## Conditions
number = -42 if opposite;
/* or
number = -42 if opposite is true;
number = -42 unless opposite is false;
## Functions
$square x:
<- x^2
/* or, with +math
square(x) = x^2
$eat f {
$doc.writeln "I ate the ${f}<br>"
$discuss f {
// f[f.length-1]
#s = "s" if f#01 != 's';
else s = "";
$doc.writeln "The ${f} look${s} good<br>"
$doc.writeln = $x {
$doc.body.$html += "${x}<br>"
## Arrays
#list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
## Objects
#math = {
root: @.sqrt
square: square
cube: $x {
<- x^3
## Splats + Interpolation
$race winner, runners... {
$doc.writeln "${winner}, ${runners}"
## Existence
alert "I knew it" if Elvis exists;
## Array comprehension
#menu = ['tacos', 'burritos', 'sushi', 'spaghetti']
if menu exists {
discuss food from menu
eat food from menu while the food isnt "sushi"
## Promissories
#prom say
$say <String string> {
$doc.writeln string
$say <Number number> {
$doc.writeln "number, ${number}"
$say <* first, * rest...> {
$doc.writeln first
$doc.writeln rest
say "taco time"
say(["abc", 123], "this is extra", "and this", 123, "that as well")
## Simple English
#sushi = "sushi" from menu
#third = 3 in menu
## Reserved words
#off = off
off = off OR NOT on</textarea><br><br>
<a href="">Java compiler for TuxedoScript</a><br><br>
See above in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Lines by Kishin" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Organ Systems [Class]" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Piggy Bank [Class]" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Zoo [Class]" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Racers [Splats] by CofeeScript" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Ultimate Loader [Math] by Rauri" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Biology Example [Class and Shorthand]" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Secco by Tiffany Rayside" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "JS-Unit Example" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
See "Prommissory-Functions Example" in <a href="'')">Tux Editor</a>
body, body>* {
background: #1d1f20;
color: #efc371;
font-family: arial, monospace;
font-size: 14px;
overflow: hidden;
textarea {
background: #000;
border: 1px solid #fff;
max-width: 100vw;
overflow: auto;
width: 99vw;
b {
border-bottom: 3px solid #888;
cursor: pointer;
b:hover {
background: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5);
a {
border-bottom: 3px solid #00aced;
color: #00aced;
cursor: help;
text-decoration: none;
// TuxedoScript 16.9.6 - Ephellon Dantzler: Tue Sept 8, 2015 23:51 CDT -06:00
// Free for use, as long as my name ("Ephellon Dantzler" or "Mink CBOS"), CoffeeScript, Python, Java, and ECMA are mentioned
var TUX;
// the parsable string returned from Tuxedo()
function Tuxedo(__ts__, __os__) {
// main function, executes the code as [input-element, output-element*]
"use strict";
// use strict mode for all of TuxedoScript
var time, runtime, __dq__, __sq__, __ga__, __rx__, __cms__, __cmm__, dq_, sq_, ga_, rx_, cms_, cmm_, __, _, _o, x, y, z, a, b, c, _eval, _htmleditor, _jseditor, _clean, _math, _advance, _ugly, _hide, _legacy, _wordy, _jsunit, _greek, nch_, sch_, tch_, __nch__, __sch__, __tch__, _notch, _sotch, _totch, N, S, T, M, L;
// declare all variables that Tuxedo will use
__dq__ = /("[^"]*?")/;
// used to hide, and keep double quotes from being executed
__sq__ = /('[^']*?')/;
// single quotes
__ga__ = /(`[^`]*?`)/;
// grave accents
__rx__ = /([\!\=\?\:\[\(,]\s*)(\/[^\/\$\*\?\+].+?\/[gmiyu]*)/;
// regular expressions ** problem when using quotes and $1 within them **
__nch__ = /<\$n>([\w\W]*?)<\/\$n>/;
__sch__ = /<\$s>([\w\W]*?)<\/\$s>/;
__tch__ = /<([a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s+[a-z\$_][\w\$]*.*?)>/i;
__cms__ = /(^.*[^"'`\:]\s*\/\/.*(?!$))/;
// single-line comments, only replace them so parsing wont generate errors
__cmm__ = /(\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\/|#\*[\w\W]*?[\*#]#)/;
// multi-line comments
time = {
start: (new Date() + "").replace(/.+(\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}).+/, "$1") + "." + new Date().getMilliseconds(),
end: null,
span: null
dq_ = [];
// holder for double-quotes
sq_ = [];
// holder for single-quotes
ga_ = [];
// holder of grave accents
rx_ = [];
// holder of regular expressions
nch_ = [];
// holder of
sch_ = [];
// holder of
tch_ = [];
// holder of
cms_ = [];
// holder for sinlge-line comments
cmm_ = [];
// holder for multi-line comments ** error with @tags not switching **
runtime = {
ECMAScript features
(All info. provided by the MDN:
is: function(e) {
switch (e + "") {
case "*":
case "1.8.5":
if (undefined === Object.create || null === Object.create) return"1.8.1");
/* JavaScript 1.8.5
create, defineProperty, defineProperties, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, keys, getOwnPropertyNames, preventExtensions, isExpandable, seal, isSealed, freeze, isFrozen, isArray
case "1.8.1":
if (undefined === Object.getPrototypeOf || null === Object.getPrototypeOf) return"1.8");
/* JavaScript 1.8.1
"native" JSON
trim, trimLeft, trimRight, statrsWith
// ^ ECMAScript 7
case "1.8":
if (undefined === Array.prototype.reduce || null === Array.prototype.reduce) return"1.7");
/* JavaScript 1.8
reduce, reduceRight
"destructing" to NUL
// ^ ECMAScript 6
case "1.7":
if (undefined !== Array.prototype.indexOf && null !== Array.prototype.indexOf && undefined === Array.prototype.reduce || null === Array.prototype.reduce) return"1.6");
/* JavaScript 1.7
Et Cetra:
"destructing" @ {
[a, b, c, ...] = ["abc", 123, "xyz", ...]
{a, b, c, ...} = {a: "abc", b: 123, c: "xyz", ...}
case "1.6":
if (undefined === Array.prototype.indexOf || null === Array.prototype.indexOf) return"1.5");
/* JavaScript 1.6
indexOf, lastIndexOf, every, filter, forEach, map, some
Et Cetra:
XML support
// ^ ECMAScript 5
case "1.5":
if (undefined === Number.prototype.toExponential || null === Number.prototype.toExponential) return"1.4");
/* JavaScript 1.5
toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision
/(catch)+/ in try...catch
case "1.4":
if (undefined === Function.prototype.length || null === Function.prototype.length) return"1.3");
/* JavaScript 1.4
Function.arity to Function.length
case "1.3":
if (undefined === Function.prototype.apply || null === Function.prototype.apply) return"1.2");
/* JavaScript 1.3
apply, call
Date: *
Et Cetra:
case "1.2":
if (undefined === Array.prototype.concat || null === Array.prototype.concat) return"1.1");
/* JavaScript 1.2
concat, slice
charCodeAt, concat, fromCharCode, match, replace, search, slice, substr
"label" @ {
Et Cetra:
return "1.1";
return e + "";
has: function(e) {
if ( return > -1;
var r = [ "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.8.1", "1.8.5" ], t = 0;
return t = r.slice(0, r.indexOf("*")) + 1), Tuxedo.runtime = t.slice(t.length - 1, t.length)[0],
( = t).indexOf(e) > -1;
emulate: function(e) {
var r = [ "*", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.8.1", "1.8.5" ];
return = r.slice(0, (r.indexOf(e) || r.indexOf("*"))) + 1),
Tuxedo.runtime =[ - 1] + ".*",
if (!runtime.has("1.3"))
return console.error("TuxedoScript [" + tuxedo.version + "]:", '"Requires at least JavaScript 1.3 (Currently Running @' + Tuxedo.runtime + ') [1.3 - 19 October 1998]"');
x = y = z = a = b = c = N = S = T = M = L = 0;
// get all script tags, getting ready to test them
for (var K = document.querySelectorAll("script"), k = 0; k < K.length; k++)
if (/\*\*TS\*\*/.test(K[k].innerHTML)) {
// see if the innerHTML matches the pattern --TS--
K[k].setAttribute("type", "text/ts");
K[k].innerHTML = K[k].innerHTML
.replace(/\/\*\*TS\*\*/, "// TuxedoScript")
.replace(/\*\*TS\*\*\/\s*/g, "\n//");
// close off
__ts__ = K[k]
_ = [ "ts", "tux", "tuxs", "tuxedo", "tux-script", "tuxedoscript", "tuxedo-script", "tscript", "t-script" ];
// accepted types for the type attribute to execute tuxedo-script
for (var k = 0; k < _.length; k++) // find which one matches
__ts__ = __ts__ || document.querySelector('[type="text/' + _[k] + '"]');
// finds the first one
if (undefined === typeof __ts__ || null === __ts__) // stop execution here
return console.error("TuxedoScript [" + tux.version + "]:", '"No TuxedoScript element found"');
_o = [ "tso", "tuxo", "tuxso", "tuxedoo", "tux-script-out", "tuxedoscriptout", "tuxedo-script-out", "tscriptout", "t-script-o" ];
// accepted types for the type attribute to output tuxedo-script
for (var k = 0; k < _o.length; k++) // find which one matches
__os__ = __os__ || document.querySelector('[type="text/' + _o[k] + '"]');
// finds the first one
__os__ = __os__ || __ts__;
// copy, or hold the input-element
__ = (__ts__.value || __ts__.innerHTML) + "\n";
// ## parse runtime emulation
for (var rq = /##\s*@(\d\.\d\.?\d?)/; rq.test(__); ) {
var k = RegExp.$1, K = runtime.emulate(k);
__ = __.replace(rq, "\b// emulate " + k)
// ## parse phantom thread
for (rq = /##\s*\*\*([\w\$]+)\:\s*(.+)/; rq.test(__); ) {
// shorthand variables, parseable
var k = RegExp.$1, K = RegExp.$2.replace(/;/, ""), r = RegExp("\\$" + k + "([^\\w\\d\\$])", "g");
__ = __
.replace(r, eval(K) + "$1")
.replace(rq, "\b// " + eval(K) + " -> " + k)
// ## replace phantom thread
for (rq = /##\s*\*([\w\$]+)\:\s*(.+)/;rq.test(__); ) {
// shorthand variables, literal
var k = RegExp.$1, K = RegExp.$2.replace(/;/, ""), r = RegExp("\\$" + k + "([^\\w\\d\\$])", "g");
__ = __
.replace(r, K + "$1")
.replace(rq, "\b// " + K + " -> " + k)
// patches [use "illegal" characters, so that they never match user code (un)intentionally]
for (;__.match(__nch__); N++) {
// remove
__ = __.replace(__nch__, "\bnch[" + N + "]\b")
__nch__ = /([\b]nch\[\d+\][\b])/;
for (;__.match(__sch__); S++) {
// remove
__ = __.replace(__sch__, "\bsch[" + S + "]\b")
__sch__ = /([\b]sch\[\d+\][\b])/;
for (;__.match(__cmm__); M++) {
// remove multi-line comments
.replace(/#\*#?/g, "/*")
.replace(/[\*#]#|\/$/, "*\b/"));
__ = __.replace(__cmm__, "\bcmm[" + M + "]\b")
for (;__.match(__cms__); L++) {
// remove single-line comments
__ = __.replace(__cms__, "\bcms[" + L + "]\b")
__cms__ = /([^\:]\/\/.*|##.*)/;
__ = __
.replace(/\$[\b]?([1-9])/g, "$\b$1")
.replace(/(\d)(["'`])/g, "$1\b$2")
.replace(/\\\\/g, "\")
.replace(/\\\//g, "\")
.replace(/\\"/g, "\b.dq.")
.replace(/\\'/g, "\b.sq.")
.replace(/\\`/g, "\")
.replace(/\\$/g, "\b.dl.")
.replace(/\\(.)/g, "\b$1\b");
for (;__.match(__dq__); x++) {
// remove double-quotes
.replace(/^"\n|\n"$/g, '"')
.replace(/\n/g, " "));
__ = __.replace(__dq__, "\bdq[" + x + "]\b")
for (;__.match(__sq__); y++) {
// remove single-quotes
.replace(/^'\n|\n'$/g, "'")
.replace(/\n/g, " "));
__ = __.replace(__sq__, "\bsq[" + y + "]\b")
for (;__.match(__ga__); z++) {
// remove grave-accent quotes
__ = __.replace(__ga__, "\bga[" + z + "]\b")
for (;__.match(__rx__); a++) {
// remove regular
__ = __.replace(__rx__, RegExp.$1 + "\bre[" + a + "]\b")
for (;__.match(__tch__); T++) {
// remove
__ = __.replace(__tch__, "\btch[" + T + "]\b");
__tch__ = /([\b]tch\[\d+\][\b])/;
__ = __
.replace(/&gt;/g, ">")
.replace(/&lt;/g, "<")
.replace(/&amp;/g, "&")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(?:[\-]{2})([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "$1_$2")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s*([\&\|]{1,2})\s*([\w\$\.]+)\s*(\!\!)?\s*(\?\?)/gi, "(($1 $2 $4) !== undefined && ($1 $2 $4) !== null)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s*([\&\|]{1,2})\s*([\w\$\.]+)\s*\!\s*(\?\?)/gi, "(($1 $2 $3) === undefined || ($1 $2 $3) === null)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s*\!\s*(\?\?)/gi, "($1 === undefined || $1 === null)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s*(\?\?)/gi, "($1 !== undefined && $1 !== null)")
// .replace(/(\W.+)\?([^\:]+?)\:(\s*.+?)/g, "$1,,,$2,,,,$3")
// .replace(/\((.+?)\)\?([^\:]+?)\:(\s*.+?)/g, "($1),,,$2,,,,$3")
// .replace(/([\:\}])\?(.+)(\s*\{)/g, "} else if($2) {")
// .replace(/\?([^#\]])(.+)(\s*\{)/g, "if($1$2) {")
.replace(/\}\s*\{/g, "} else {") // .replace(/(\:\:|\}\s*\{)/g, "} else {")
.replace(/(\x20*)\?#([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\:\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(\s*\{)/gi, runtime.has("1.4") ? "$1for(var $2 in $3) {" : "$1for(var $2_in = 0; $3 = Array($3), $2_in < $3.length; $2_in++) {\n$1 var $2 = $2_in;");
for (k = /\-?\?#([^\n,;]+)([,;\s]+)([^\n,;]+)\2([^\n,;]+)\2([^\n,;]+)(\s*\{)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
var r = RegExp.$1, t = RegExp.$3, _ = RegExp.$4, a = RegExp.$5, n = "-" !== e[0] || +_ > +t ? "<" : ">", s = "<" === n ? "+" : "-";
return "for(var " + r + " = " + t + "; " + r + n + _ + "; " + r + s + "=" + a + ") {";
for (k = /\-?\?#([^\n,;]+)([,;\s]+)([^\n,;]+)\2([^\n,;]+)(\s*\{)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
var r = RegExp.$1, t = RegExp.$3, _ = RegExp.$4, a = "-" !== e[0] || +t > 0 ? "<" : ">", n = "<" === a ? "+" : "-";
return "for(var " + r + " = 0; " + r + a + t + "; " + r + n + "=" + _ + ") {";
for (k = /\-?\?#([^\n,;]+)([,;\s]+)([^\n,;]+)(\s*\{)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
var r = RegExp.$1, t = RegExp.$3, _ = "-" !== e[0] || +t > 0 ? "<" : ">", a = "<" === _ ? "++" : "--";
return "for(var " + r + " = 0; " + r + _ + t + "; " + r + a + ") {";
__ = __
// .replace(/\?\s*\:/g, "do {")
// .replace(/([^\*\/\+\-\%]\s*)\?(.+)(\s*[;\{])/g, "$1while($2)$3".replace(/;/, ",,"))
// .replace(/\?\((.+)\)/g, "switch($1) {\n")
// .replace(/(try|catch|finally)\s*\:/g, "$1 {")
.replace(/@def(a?u?l?t?\:?)/g, "default:")
.replace(/#\*#/g, "/**")
.replace(/#\*/g, "/*")
.replace(/##/g, "//")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)#00/gi, "$1[$1.length]")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)#0([\w\$]+)/gi, "$1[$1.length-$2]")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)#(\d+|[a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "$1[$2]")
.replace(/#([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "var $1")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$of([^\w\$])/g, "$1typeof$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$del([^\w\$])/g, "$1delete$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$args([^\w\$])/g, "$1arguments$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$doc([^\w\$])/g, "$1document$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$win([^\w\$])/g, "$1window$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$nav([^\w\$])/g, "$1navigator$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$loc([^\w\$])/g, "$1location$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$cont([^\w\$])/g, "$1continue$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$con([^\w\$])/g, "$1console$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])\$(#|[Oo]bj)([^\w\$])/g, "$1Object$3")
.replace(/\.\$id([^\w\$])/g, ".getElementById$1")
.replace(/\.\$class([^\w\$])/g, ".getElementsByClassName$1")
.replace(/\.\$tag([^\w\$])/g, ".getElementsByTagName$1")
.replace(/\.\$html([^\w\$])/g, ".innerHTML$1")
.replace(/\.\$text([^\w\$])/g, ".innerText$1")
.replace(/\.\$val([^\w\$])/g, ".value$1")
.replace(/\.\$qy([^\w\$])/g, ".querySelector$1")
.replace(/\.\$Qy([^\w\$])/g, ".querySelectorAll$1")
.replace(/<\-([^\w\$])/g, "return$1")
.replace(/<\+([^\w\$])/g, "throw$1")
.replace(/([\:\=,]\s*)\$([^\(\)\{\}\[\]\n]+)(\s*\{)/g, "$1function($2) {")
.replace(/([\:\=,]\s*)\$([^\(\)\{\}\[\]\n]+)\s*\:(\s*[^\n\r\f;]*)([\n\r\f;])/gm, "$1function($2) {$3}$4")
.replace(/(\W)\$([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+(.+)(\s*\{)/gi, "$1function $2($3) {")
.replace(/(\W)\$([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+(.+)\s*\:(\s*[^\n\r\f;]*)([\n\r\f;])/gmi, "$1function $2($3) {$4}$5")
.replace(/(\W)\$([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(\s*\{)/gi, "$1function $2() {")
.replace(/(\W)\$([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\:(\s*[^\n\r\f;]*)([\n\r\f;])/gmi, "$1function $2() {$3}$4")
.replace(/(\W)\$(\s*\{)/g, "$1function() {")
.replace(/function\s\(/g, "$(")
.replace(/@(.+)\:/g, "case $1:")
.replace(/([^\w\$\@])@([a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s*[^\:])/gi, "$1this.$2")
// .replace(/;([\s,\}\)]+)/g, "}$1")
.replace(/,,,,/g, ":")
.replace(/,,,/g, "?")
// .replace(/,,/g, ";")
.replace(/\/\/\!/g, '"use strict"; // use strict embed')
.replace(/(?!\?)([\w\$]+)\s*\:\s*(.+)([^,\{\[\(])(\s$)/gi, "$1: $2$3,$4");
// [experimental] enable/disable features via ## +feature / ## -feature
rq = /\/\/\s*\-\s*(advance|clean|eval|greek|hide|html-editor|js-editor|js-unit|legacy|math|ugly|wordy)/;
for (;rq.test(__); ) {
// disable attributes
var k = RegExp.$1;
__ts__.setAttribute(k, "");
__ = __.replace(rq, "\b// disable " + k + "\b");
rq = /\/\/\s*\+\s*(advance|clean|eval|greek|hide|html-editor|js-editor|js-unit|legacy|math|ugly|wordy)/;
for (;rq.test(__); ) {
// enable attributes
var k = RegExp.$1;
__ts__.setAttribute(k, "!");
__ = __.replace(rq, "\b// enable " + k + "\b");
// threads
_advance = __ts__.getAttribute("advance");
_clean = __ts__.getAttribute("clean");
_eval = __ts__.getAttribute("eval");
_greek = __ts__.getAttribute("greek");
_hide = __ts__.getAttribute("hide");
_htmleditor = __ts__.getAttribute("html-editor");
_jseditor = __ts__.getAttribute("js-editor");
_jsunit = __ts__.getAttribute("js-unit");
_legacy = __ts__.getAttribute("legacy");
_math = __ts__.getAttribute("math");
_ugly = __ts__.getAttribute("ugly");
_wordy = __ts__.getAttribute("wordy");
for (;__.match(__sch__); ) {
// put back
S = +__.match(__sch__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __.replace(__sch__, sch_[S]);
// ## parse regexps
for (var rq = /\/\/\s*(\/.+\/[gmiyu]*)\s*\=(.*)/; rq.test(__); ) {
var k = RegExp.$1, K = RegExp.$2, g, h;
var rep = function (e) {
e = e
.replace(/[\b]\.bs\./g, "\\\\")
.replace(/[\b]\.re\./g, "\\/")
.replace(/[\b]\.dq\./g, '\\"')
.replace(/[\b]\.sq\./g, "\\'")
.replace(/[\b]\.ga\./g, "\\`")
.replace(/[\b]\.dl\./g, "\\$")
.replace(/[\b](.)[\b]/g, "\\$1")
.replace(/(\\.|[^\\]\[.*?[^\\]\]|[^\\]\(.*?[^\\]\))\+\+/g, "$1$1+")
.replace(/\\a/g, "[a-zA-Z]")
.replace(/\\A/g, "[^a-zA-Z]")
.replace(/\\j/g, "[a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*")
.replace(/\\J/g, "[^a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*")
.replace(/\\e/g, "[A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9_]")
.replace(/\\E/g, "[^A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9_]");
for (var l = /\\k(\[.*?\])/; l.test(e); ) e = e.replace(l, function() {
return RegExp.$1.toLowerCase()
.replace(/(\w\-\w)\1/g, "$1")
for (var l = /\\K(\[.*?\])/; l.test(e); ) e = e.replace(l, function() {
return RegExp.$1.toUpperCase()
.replace(/(\w\-\w)\1/g, "$1")
for (var l = /[\b](sq|dq|ga|re)\[(\d+)\][\b]/; l.test(e); ) e = e.replace(l, function() {
var L = "sq sq dq dq ga ga re rx".split(" "),
n = +RegExp.$2,
N = RegExp.$1;
var p = L.indexOf(N) + 1;
return eval(L[p] + "_[" + n + "]")
return e.replace(/[\b]/g, "")
k = eval(rep(k));
K = rep(K);
h = ((g = /\seval\s/).test(K))?
eval(K.replace(g, "").replace(/\$([1-9])/g, "RegExp.\$$1").replace(/[\b]/g, "")):
__ = __
.replace(k, h)
.replace(rq, "\b// " + k + " -> " + h.replace(/\$/g, "$\b"))
for (;__.match(__cmm__); M++) {
// remove multi-line comments
.replace(/#\*#?/g, "/*")
.replace(/##|\/$/, "*\b/"));
__ = __.replace(__cmm__, "\bcmm[" + M + "]\b");
__cmm__ = /([\b]cmm\[\d+\][\b])/m;
for (;__.match(__cms__); L++) {
// remove single line comments
cms_.push(RegExp.$1.replace(/##/g, "//"));
__ = __.replace(__cms__, "\bcms[" + L + "]\b");
__cms__ = /([\b]cms\[\d+\][\b])/;
for (;__.match(__dq__); x++) {
// remove double-quotes
__ = __.replace(__dq__, "\bdq[" + x + "]\b");
__dq__ = /([\b]dq\[\d+\][\b])/;
for (;__.match(__sq__); y++) {
// remove single-quotes
__ = __.replace(__sq__, "\bsq[" + y + "]\b");
__sq__ = /([\b]sq\[\d+\][\b])/;
for (;__.match(__ga__); z++) {
// remove grave-accent quotes
__ = __.replace(__ga__, "\bga[" + z + "]\b");
__ga__ = /([\b]ga\[\d+\][\b])/;
for (;__.match(__rx__); a++) {
// remove regular
__ = __.replace(__rx__, "\bre[" + a + "]\b");
__rx__ = /([\b]re\[\d+\][\b])/;
// other features
if ("!" === _greek) {
// greek lettering
var a = "\u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3 \u03b4 \u03b5 \u03b6 \u03b7 \u03b8 \u03b9 \u03ba \u03bb \u03bc \u03bd \u03be \u03bf \u03c0 \u03c1 \u03c2 \u03c3 \u03c4 \u03c5 \u03c6 \u03c7 \u03c8 \u03c9 _ $",
A = a.toUpperCase(), // 0391 - 03a9
l = "abgdezhqiklmnxoprvstufcyo_$",
L = l.toUpperCase(),
k = "alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi ro cigma sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega",
K = "Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Ro Cigma Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega";
a = a.split(" ");
A = A.split(" ");
l = l.split("");
L = L.split("");
k = k.split(" ");
K = K.split(" ");
a = a.concat(A);
k = k.concat(K);
l = l.concat(L);
for(var i = 0; i < k.length; i++)
__ = __
.replace(RegExp("([^\\w\\$])" + k[i] + "([^\\w\\$])", "g"), "$1" + a[i] + "$2");
var j = /<([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)>/i;
__ = __.replace(j, function(e) {
var $1 = RegExp.$1;
e = "";
for(var I = 0; I < $1.length; I++)
e += a[l.indexOf($1[I])];
return e
if ("!" === _legacy) {
// JS related
__ = __
.replace(/([a-z\$_@][\w\.\$]*)\s*\~\=\s*([\w\d\$]+)/g, "$1 = -($1 - $2)")
.replace(/([a-z\$_@][\w\.\$]*)\s*([\&\|])\=/gi, "$1 = $1 $2$2")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\.\$]*)\s*\^\=(.+)/gi, "$1 = ($1 !== null)? $2: $1")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\.\$]*)\s*\?\=(.+)/gi, "$1 = ($1 === null)? $2: $1")
.replace(/\[(\-?[\w\$\.]+)\.\.(\-?[\w\$\.]+)\]/gi, ".slice($1, $2)")
.replace(/\[\.\.(\-?[\w\$]+)\]/gi, ".slice(0, $1)")
.replace(/\[(\-?[\w\$]+)\.\.\]/gi, ".slice($1)")
.replace(/\[\.\]/g, ".slice(0)")
.replace(/\[\*\]/g, ".split")
.replace(/\[\+\]/g, ".concat")
.replace(/\[\+\+\]/g, ".push")
.replace(/\[<\]/g, ".shift")
.replace(/\[>\]/g, ".unshift")
.replace(/\[~\]/g, ".every")
.replace(/\[&\]/g, ".join")
.replace(/\[\?\s*\]/g, ".indexOf")
.replace(/\[\-\?\s*\]/g, ".lastIndexOf")
.replace(/\[\=\]/g, ".reverse")
.replace(/\[\^\]/g, ".sort")
.replace(/\[\-\]/g, ".pop")
.replace(/\-\s*([\b](dq|sq|ga|re)\[\d+\][\b])/g, ".replace($1, \"\")")
.replace(/([\b](dq|sq|ga|re)\[\d+\][\b])\s*\-\s*([\b](dq|sq|ga|re)[\b]|[\w\$\.\x20\t]+)/g, "$1.replace($2, \"\")");
// [-]
for (rq = /(\x20*)case[\b]?\s+(\d+)\.\.(\d+)\:/; rq.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(rq, function(e) {
e = [];
for (var r, t, _ = r = +RegExp.$2; _ <= (t = +RegExp.$3) && _ >= 0; _ += t - r > 1 ? 1 : -1) e.push(RegExp.$1 + "case " + _ + ":");
return e.toString()
.replace(/,/g, "\n");
__ = __
.replace(/\.([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\{/gi, ".$1 $2 {")
.replace(/([^\w\$])(abstract|arguments|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|delete|do|double|else|enum|eval|export|extends|false|final|finally|float|for|function|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|let|long|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|transient|true|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield|[A-Za-z\$_][\w\$]*\-[\w\$]*)\s*\:/g, '$1"$2":')
.replace(/\.(abstract|arguments|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|eval|export|extends|false|final|finally|float|for|function|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|let|long|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|transient|true|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield)([^\w\$])/g, '["$1"]$2')
.replace(/\(\s*(abstract|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|let|long|native|new|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|switch|synchronized|throw|throws|transient|try|typeof|var|volatile|while|with|yield)\s*\)/g, " $1 ")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.\.([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "$1().$2");
// a..b
for (;__.match(/([1-9][\d]*)\[\]/); ) {
// dimension arrays
k = +RegExp.$1 - 1;
__ = __.replace(/([0-9][\d]*)\[\]/, "[/?/]");
for (var x = 0; k - 1 > x; x++) __ = __.replace(/\/\?\//, "[/?/]");
__ = __.replace(/\/\?\//, "[]");
if ("!" === _advance) {
__ = __
.replace(/(\W)\.([\s\w\$]+)\s+([\s\w\$]+)\{/gi, runtime.has("1.6") ? "$1class $2 extends $3{" : "$1var $2_class --> new $3.apply(null, arguments);\n$1function $2() {\n$1 $2_class.apply(null, arguments)")
.replace(/(\W)\.([\s\w\$]+)\{/gi, runtime.has("1.6") ? "$1class $2{" : "$1function $2() {")
.replace(/([\x20\t]*)@\((.*?)\)/g, runtime.has("1.6") ? "$1constructor($2)" : "$1self = this;\n$1this.constructor = function($2)")
.replace(/\*\./g, "super.")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s*\=>\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, runtime.has("1.5") ? "$1const $3 = $2" : "$1var $3 = $2")
.replace(/([\s\w\$]+)\s*\-\->(.+)/gi, runtime.has("1.6") ? "$1 = () => $2" : "$1 = function() { return $2 }")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*|\(.+?\))\s*\->/g, runtime.has("1.6") ? "$1 =>" : "function($1)"
.replace(/(\(+|\)+)/g, "$1"))
.replace(/\$\*(.*?)\s*{/g, "void function($1) {")
.replace(/(?:var\s+)?prom\s+([a-z\$_][\.\w\$]*)/gi, "PROM <$1>");
var splatable = function(){};
if ("!" === _legacy && !runtime.has("1.7")) {
splatable = function(splat) {
// advance + legacy threads
// Splats
// empty beginning splats
for (var rq = /\(\s*\.\.\.,\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$,\s]*)\s?\)\s*\{/i; rq.test(__); ) {
// splats
var k = RegExp.$1.split(",");
__ = __.replace(rq, "( ){\n/splat/");
for (var e = 0; e < k.length; e++) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + k[e]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[<@>.length-" + (e + 1) + "];\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//g, "");
rq = /\(\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.\.\.\s*\)\s*\{/i;
// only splats
__ = __
.replace(rq, "( ){\n/splat/")
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + RegExp.$1 + " = <@>;");
rq = /\(\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.\.\.,\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$,\s]*)\s?\)\s*\{/i;
// beginning splats
for (;rq.test(__);) {
// splats
var k = RegExp.$1, K = RegExp.$2.split(",");
__ = __.replace(rq, "( ){\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + k.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = (" + K.length + " <= <@>.length)?<&>(<@>, 0, <@>.length-" + K.length + "):[];\n/splat/");
for (var e = K.length; e > 0; e--) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + K[e - 1]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[<@>.length-" + (K.length - e + 1) + "];\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//g, "");
rq = /\(\s*(.+),\s*\.\.\.\s*\)\s*\{/i;
// empty ending splats
for (;rq.test(__); ) {
// splats
var k = RegExp.$1.split(",");
__ = __.replace(rq, "( ){\n/splat/");
for (var e = 0; e < k.length; e++) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + k[e]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[" + e + "];\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//g, "");
rq = /\(\s*(.+),\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$,\s]*)\.\.\.\s*\)\s*\{/i;
// ending splats
for (;rq.test(__); ) {
// splats
var k = RegExp.$1.split(","), K = RegExp.$2;
__ = __.replace(rq, "( ){\n/splat/");
for (var e = 0; e < k.length; e++) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + k[e]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[" + e + "];\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + K.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = (" + (k.length + 1) + " <= <@>.length)?<&>(<@>, " + k.length + "):[];");
rq = /\(\s*(.+),\s*\.\.\.,\s*(.+)\s*\)\s*\{/i;
// empty middle splats
for (;rq.test(__); ) {
// splats
var K = RegExp.$1.split(","), k = RegExp.$2.split(",");
__ = __.replace(rq, "( ){\n/splat/");
for (var e = 0; e < K.length; e++) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + K[e]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[" + e + "];\n/splat/");
for (var e = k.length; e > 0; e--) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + k[e - 1]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[<@>.length-" + e + "];\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//g, "");
rq = /\(\s*(.+),\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$,\s]*)\.\.\.,\s*(.+)\s*\)\s*\{/i;
// middle splats
for (;rq.test(__);) {
// splats
var K = RegExp.$1.split(","), j = RegExp.$2, k = RegExp.$3.split(",");
__ = __.replace(rq, "( ){\n/splat/");
for (var e = 0; e < K.length; e++) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + K[e]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[" + e + "];\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + j.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = (" + (K.length + k.length + 1) + " <= <@>.length)?<&>(<@>, " + K.length + ", <@>.length-" + k.length + "):[];\n/splat/");
for (var e = K.length - 1; e < K.length + k.length - 1; e++) __ = __
.replace(/\/splat\//, " var " + k[e]
.replace(/\s/g, "") + " = <@>[<@>.length-" + (k.length - e) + "];\n/splat/");
__ = __.replace(/\/splat\//g, "");
var t = [/([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\(?\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.\.\.\s*\)?/gi, /([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\(?(.+),\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.\.\.\s*\)?/gi, /([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\(?([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.\.\.,\s*(.+?)\s*\)?/gi, /([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\(?\s*(.+),\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$,\s]*)\.\.\.,\s*(.+?)\s*\)?/gi],
u = ["$1.apply(null, $2)\n", "$1.apply(null, <&>(<&>($3)))\n", "$1.apply(null, <&>($3).concat([$2]))\n", "$1.apply(null, <&>($2).concat(<&>($3)))\n"],
h, j;
for(var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
if((h = __.match(t[i])) !== null)
__ = __.replace(t[i], /\Wfunction\W/.test(j = RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3)? u[i]: h.join("").replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.{3}/i, splat? "...$1": "$1"));
__ = __
.replace(/<@>/g, "arguments")
.replace(/<\&>/g, "[]")
} else if ("!" === _legacy) {
splatable = function(splat) {
__ = __
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.\.\./gi, splat? "...$1": "$1")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+\.\.\.([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "$1.apply(null, $2)")
} // end legacy cord
// Prom "Gussets"
for (;__.match(__tch__); ) {
// put back
T = +__.match(__tch__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __.replace(__tch__, "<" + tch_[T] + ">");
for (var n = /PROM\s<([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)>/i; __.match(n); ) {
__ = __.replace(n, "<\b$1>");
var m = RegExp.$1, // name
F = [], // splat or not
R = RegExp("(\\x20*)function\\s+" + m.replace(/\$/g, "\\$") + "\\s*\\(\\s*<\\.\\.\\.>\\s*\\)\\s*\\{"), r = RegExp("(\\x20*)function\\s+" + m.replace(/\$/g, "\\$") + "\\s*\\(\\s*<(.*)>\\s*\\)\\s*\\{");
if (-1 === Array(window).indexOf("@" + m)) {
window["@" + m] = {
args: [],
max: [],
name: m,
prototype: {},
splat: R.test(__),
stamp: new Date(),
toString: function() {
return function() {};
__ = __.replace(R, "function __" + m + "()\b {");
for (;r.test(__); ) {
var k = RegExp.$2.split(","), K = (/\.{3}|\+/.test(k + "")? Infinity: k.length), s = RegExp.$1, j = k, t = 0, T = [], E = [], u = 0, U = !1;
K = "" === k ? 0 : K;
__ = __.replace(r, s + "function " + m + "__" + K + "\bu\b(/?/)\b {\n" + k.every(function(e) {
var r = !1;
e = e
.replace(/\*/, "Any")
.replace(/\((.+)\)/, " $1")
.replace(/^\s(.+)/, "$1");
if (r = e.split(" ").length > 1)
e = e.split(" ");
return T.push((!r ? e : -1 === (E.push(e[0]), e[0]).indexOf("Any") ? e[1] : e[1]).replace(/\.{3}|\+/g, "...\b")),
.replace(/true/, ""))
.replace(/\/\?\//, T.join(", ").replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(\.{3}|\+)/gi, runtime.has("1.7")? "...$1": "$1"));
window["@" + m].args.push(E);
window["@" + m].max.push(K);
r = RegExp("<[\\b](" + m.replace(/\$/g, "\\$") + ")>");
__ = __
.replace(r, "function $1(){\n" + (s += " ") + "switch(" + ((U = "" !== (E + "")
.replace(/,/g, "")) ? "tux.typeOf.apply(null, arguments)" : "arguments.length") + "){\n" + s + "/\b/\n }\n}\n");
for (var K = 0; K < window["@" + m].max.length; K++) {
var g = window["@" + m].max[K],
G = (U ? (g = '"' + window["@" + m].args[u] + '"', window["@" + m].args[u]) : g) + "",
E = [];
__ = __
.replace(RegExp(m.replace(/\$/g, "\\$") + "__" + window["@" + m].max[K] + "[\\b]u[\\b]"), U ? m + "__" + window["@" + m].args[u++].toString()
.replace(/,/g, "_") : m + "__" + window["@" + m].max[K])
.replace(/\/[\b]\//, s + "case " + (g = (g + "").toUpperCase())
.every(function() {
for (var e = g.split(","), r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
if (/ANY/.test(e[r])) e[r] = 0 !== r ?
(/\.{3}|\+/.test(T[r])? // splats
'"+tux.typeOf.apply(null, []' + r + ', arguments.length))+"':
'"+tux.typeOf(arguments[' + r + '])+"'):
(/\.{3}|\+/.test(T[r])? // splats
'tux.typeOf.apply(null, []' + r + ', arguments.length))+"':
if (r === e.length - 1) e[r] = e[r]
.replace(/\+"$/, "");
return E = e, !0
.replace(/true/, E) + ":\n" + s + " return " + m + "__" + G.replace(/,/g, "_") + ".apply(null, arguments);\n" + s + " break;\n /\b/");
__ = __
.replace(/\n?(\s*)\/[\b]\//, R ? "\n$1 default:\n$1 if(typeof __" + m + " === '" + typeof Function() + "'){\n$1 return __" + m + ".apply(null, arguments)\n$1 } else {\n$1 throw Error('\b@\b" + m + " (" + tux['typeof'](window["@" + m].args.join("; \b"))
.replace(/,/g, ", ") + " > ['+tux.typeOf.apply(null, arguments)+'])\\n \b No\b case\b found\b')\n$1 }" : "");
for(var i = 0, h = 0; i < window["@" + m].args.length; i++)
for(var j = 0; j < window["@" + m].args[i].length; j++)
window["@" + m].args[i][j] += F[h++]? "...": "";
if ("!" === _math) {
__ = __
.replace(/\|\s*\|/g, "/or/")
.replace(/\|\=/g, "/ore/")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\((.+)\)\s*\=\s*(.+)/gi, "function $1($2){return $3}\n")
.replace(/([^a-z\$_]\d+)(\x20*)([a-z\$_@][\w\$]*)/gi, "$1$2*$2$3")
.replace(/([\w\$\-\.@]+)\s*~\s*([\w\$\-\.@]+)/gi, "(($1 % $2 + $2) % $2)")
.replace(/\|(.+?)\|/g, " @.abs($1)")
.replace(/([^\\][\w\$@]+)\/\?\n?(.+?)\//gi, " @.pow($2, 1/$1)")
.replace(/\/\?\n?(.+?)\//g, " @.sqrt($1)")
.replace(/([\w\.\$_\-@]+)\s*(?:\^|\*\*)\s*([\w\.\$_\-@]+)/gi, " @.pow($1, $2)")
.replace(/([\w\$\-@]+)\s*%%\s*([\w\$\-@]+)/gi, " @.floor($1 / $2)")
.replace(/(\W)log\s(.+)\s\((.+)\)/g, "$1(@.log($3) / @.log($2))")
.replace(/@\.([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "Math.$1")
.replace(/\/or\//g, "||")
.replace(/\/ore\//g, "|=")
.replace(/([^\d])0\s*\*\s*([ex])(\-?\d+)/g, "$10$2$3")
.replace(/(\d)\s*\*\s*e(\-?\d+)/g, "$1e$2");
// fix e numbers
Math.modulo = function(e, r) {
e = +e;
// Number(a)
r = +r;
// Number(b)
return (e % r + r) % r;
if ("!" === _wordy) {
// words
__ = __
.replace(/var\s(does|do|NOT|AND|XOR|OR|isnt|on|yes|good|off|no|bad|equals?|is|when|where|from|unless|until|the|maybe)/g, "#0$1")
.replace(/(does|do|NOT|AND|XOR|OR|isnt|on|yes|good|off|no|bad|equals?|is|when|where|from|unless|until|the|maybe)(\s*\=)/g, "#00$1$2")
.replace(/\.(does|do|NOT|AND|XOR|OR|isnt|on|yes|good|off|no|bad|equals?|is|when|where|from|unless|until|the|maybe)/g, "#000$1")
.replace(/([^a-z\$_])(does|do|NOT|AND|XOR|OR|isnt|on|yes|good|off|no|bad|equals?|is|when|where|from|unless|until|the|maybe)\((.+?)\)/g, "$1$2 $3")
.replace(/\s(does\snot|doesnt|NOT)\s/g, "!")
.replace(/\s?(does|do)\s?\!\s/g, "!")
.replace(/\sdoes\s/g, "!!")
.replace(/([^\w\$])(on|yes|good)([^\w\$])/g, "$1true$3")
.replace(/([^\w\$])(off|no|bad)([^\w\$])/g, "$1false$3")
.replace(/([^\w\$])(maybe)([^\w\$])/g, "$1tux.random()$3")
.replace(/\s(isnt|is\snot)\s/g, " !== ")
.replace(/\!\s*(equals|equal|is)\s/g, " !== ")
.replace(/\s(equals|equal|is)\s/g, " === ")
.replace(/\sthe\s([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, " $1")
.replace(/([^a-z\$_])AND([^a-z\$_])/gi, "$1 && $2")
.replace(/(\!?)\sAND(\W)/g, "&& $2$1")
.replace(/([\w\$]+)\s+XOR\s+([\w\$]+)/gi, "$1,,,,,$2")
.replace(/([^a-z\$_])OR([^a-z\$_])/gi, "$1||$2")
.replace(/(\!?)\sOR(\W)/g, " ||$2$1")
.replace(/(\s*)(var|const)\s+([@\w\$\.]+)\s*([\*\/\+\-\%\&\|]?)\=\s*(.+)\s+(if|when|where)(\W.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/gi, "$1$2 $3;\n$1if $7 {\n$1 $3 $4= $5\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)([@\w\$\.]+)\s*([\*\/\+\-\%\&\|]?)\=\s*(.+)\s+(if|when|where)(.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/gi, "$1if $6 {\n$1 $2 $3= $4\n$1}")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+(if|when|where)(.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/g, "$1if $4 {\n$1 $2\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(var|const)\s+([@\w\$\.]+)\s*([\*\/\+\-\%\&\|]?)\=\s*(.+)\s+(unless)(.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/gi, "$1$2 $3;\n$1if !$7 {\n$1 $3 $4= $5\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)([@\w\$\.]+)\s*([\*\/\+\-\%\&\|]?)\=\s*(.+)\s+(unless)(.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/gi, "$1if !$6 {\n$1 $2 $3= $4\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+(unless)(.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/g, "$1if !$4 {\n$1 $2\n$1}\n")
.replace(/if\s+(.+)\s+then\s+(.+)\s+else\s+(.+)/g, "($1),,, $2,,,, $3")
.replace(/(\})\s*else\s+(if|when|where)(.+)(\{)/g, "} else-if ($3) {")
.replace(/unless\s+(.+)(\{)(\s+)/g, "if !$1 {\n$3")
.replace(/if([^\w\$])(.+)([^\)]\s*)\{/g, "if($1$2$3) {")
.replace(/if([^\w\$])(.+)([^\)]\s*)\{/g, function(e) {
var r = e.replace(/\{$/, ""), t = 0, _ = "", a = "", n = 0;
e = r.replace(/\(|\)/g, function(e) {
if ("(" === e) t--; else t++;
if (0 === t) return r + "{"; else n = t > 0 ? -1 : 1;
e = r;
for (0 > t ? _ = "\\(" : a = "\\)"; 0 != t; t += n) if (/\($/.test(e)) e = e.replace(/\($/, ""); else e = e.replace(RegExp(_ + "(.+?)" + a), "$1");
return "if (" + e
.replace("if", "")
.replace(/\(\s*/g, "(")
.replace(/\s*\)/g, ")") + ") {";
.replace(/([\.;\}]\s+)else(\s+[^\{])/g, "} else {$2")
.replace(/([^\}]\s+)else(\s+[^\{])/g, "$1} else {$2")
.replace(/(\s*)\}\s*else\s*\{(.+)[\.;]/g, "\n$1} else {\n$1 $2\n$1}")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\=\s*(.+)\s+in\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1 = $3[$2]\n")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\=\s*(.+)\s+from\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1 = $3.indexOf($2)\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+from\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+while\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([^;\n]+)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1for(var $3_<!> = 0; $3_<!> < $3.length; $3_<!>++){\n$1 var $4 = $3[$3_<!>],,\n$1 if($4$5){\n$1 $2\n$1 }\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+from\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+while\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1for(var $3_<!> = 0; $3_<!> < $3.length; $3_<!>++){\n$1 var $4 = $3[$3_<!>],,\n$1 if($4){\n$1 $2\n$1 }\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([^\)]*)\s+from\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1for(var $5_<!> = 0; $5_<!> < $5.length; $5_<!>++){\n$1 var $3 = $5[$5_<!>],,\n$1 $2($3)\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+from\s+\[([\w\W]+)\]\s+while\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([^;\n]+)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1var <?> = [$3],,\n$1for(var <?>_<!> = 0; <?>_<!> < <?>.length; <?>_<!>++){\n$1 var $4 = <?>[<?>_<!>],,\n$1 if($4$5){\n$1 $2\n$1 }\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+from\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+while\s+\[([\w\W]+)\]([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1var <?> = [$3],,\n$1for(var <?>_<!> = 0; <?>_<!> < <?>.length; <?>_<!>++){\n$1 var $4 = <?>[<?>_<!>],,\n$1 if($4){\n$1 $2\n$1 }\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([^\)]*)\s+from\s+\[([\w\W]+)\]([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1var <?> = [$5],,\n$1for(var <?>_<!> = 0; <?>_<!> < <?>.length; <?>_<!>++){\n$1 var $3 = <?>[<?>_<!>],,\n$1 $2($3)\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(?:var\s)?([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\+?\=\s*(?!var\s?)([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+in\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+while\s+(in|\.\.\.?)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1var $2 = [],,\n$1for(var $3 in $4){\n$1 $2.push($4[$3])\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(?:var\s)?([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\+?\=\s*(?!var\s?)([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+in\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+while\s+\2\s+in\s+\3([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1var $2 = [],,\n$1for(var $3 in $4){\n$1 $2.push($4[$3])\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(?:var\s)?([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\+?\=\s*(?!var\s?)([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s+in\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)([\.;\n]\s?)/gi, "$1var $2 = [],,\n$1for(var $3 in $4){\n$1 $2.push($4[$3])\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+(while)(.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/gi, "$1while($3){\n$1 $2\n$1}\n")
.replace(/(\s*)(.+)\s+(until)(.+)([\.;][^\w\$])\)?/gi, "$1while(!$3){\n$1 $2\n$1}\n");
for (k = /\-?for\s+([^\n"'`,;]+)([,;]+)([^\n"'`,;]+)\2([^\n"'`,;]+)\2([^\n"'`,;]+)\s*(\{)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
var r = RegExp.$1, t = RegExp.$3, _ = RegExp.$4, a = RegExp.$5, n = "-" !== e[0] || +_ > +t ? "<" : ">", s = "<" === n ? "+" : "-";
return "for(var " + r + " = " + t + ";\b " + r + n + _ + ";\b " + r + s + "=" + a + ") {";
for (k = /\-?for\s*\s+([^\n"'`,;]+)([,;]+)([^\n"'`,;]+)\2([^\n"'`,;]+)\s*(\{)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
var r = RegExp.$1, t = RegExp.$3, _ = RegExp.$4, a = "-" !== e[0] || +t > 0 ? "<" : ">", n = "<" === a ? "+" : "-";
return "for(var " + r + " = 0;\b " + r + a + t + ";\b " + r + n + "=" + _ + ") {";
for (k = /\-?for\s*\s+([^\n"'`,;]+)([,;]+)([^\n"'`,;]+)\s*(\{)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
var r = RegExp.$1, t = RegExp.$3, _ = "-" !== e[0] || +t > 0 ? "<" : ">", a = "<" === _ ? "++" : "--";
return "for(var " + r + " = 0;\b " + r + _ + t + ";\b " + r + a + ") {";
__ = __
.replace(/(\s*)for\s*\s+(var\s+)?([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(?:\s+in\s+|\s*\:\s*)([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+(\{)/gi, runtime.has("1.4") ? "$1for($2$3 in $4) {" : "$1for($2$3_in = 0; $4_in = Array($4), $3_in < $4_in.length; $3_in++) {\n$1 var $3 = $4_in[$3_in];")
.replace(/(\s*)for\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(?:\s+in\s+|\s*\:\s*)([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+(?:do|\?)\s+(.+)/gi, "$1for(var $2 = 0; $2 < $3.length; $2++) {\n$1 $4\n$1}\n")
.replace(/\sdo\:?\s*\n/g, "do {")
.replace(/while\s+(.+?)([\{\n])/g, "while($1)$2")
.replace(/until\s+(.+?)([\{\n])/g, "while(!$1)$2")
.replace(/switch\s+(.+)(\{)/g, "switch($1) {")
.replace(/\(\s*([\w\$\.])\s*(\&\&|\|\|)\s*([\w\$\.])\s*([\=\!]\=+)\s*([^\)]+?)\s*\)/gi, "($1 $4 $5 $2 $3 $4 $5)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s*(\&\&|\|\|)\s*([\w\$\.]+)\s?\!\!\s?(exists?)/gi, "(typeof ($1 $2 $3) !== '<#>' && ($1 $2 $3) !== null)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s*(\&\&|\|\|)\s*([\w\$\.]+)\s?\!\s?(exists?)/gi, "(typeof ($1 $2 $3) === '<#>' || ($1 $2 $3) === null)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s*(\&\&|\|\|)\s*([\w\$\.]+)\s+(exists?)/gi, "(typeof ($1 $2 $3) !== '<#>' && ($1 $2 $3) !== null)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s+\!\s?(exists?)/gi, "(typeof $1 === '<#>' || $1 === null)")
.replace(/([\w\$\.]+)\s+(exists?)/gi, "(typeof $1 !== '<#>' && $1 !== null)")
.replace(/else[-\s](if|when|where)/g, "else if")
.replace(/,,,,,/g, "^")
.replace(/,,,,/g, ":")
.replace(/,,,/g, "?")
// .replace(/,,/g, ";")
.replace(/#000/g, ".")
.replace(/#00/g, "")
.replace(/#0/g, "var ")
.replace(/<\?>/g, "ANON")
.replace(/<\!>/g, "index_counter")
.replace(/<#>/g, "undefined")
.replace(/\(\s*([\&\|\=\!]+)\s*\)/g, "$1");
if ("!" === _legacy) {
// expelled: "typeof, false, null, super, this, true, eval"
for (var L = "abstract|boolean|break|byte|case|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|final|finally|float|function|goto|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|let|long|native|new|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|synchronized|throw|throws|transient|try|undefined|var|void|volatile|with|yield", k = /(<?[a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\x20+([\w\$@#][\w\$\.]*[^;\n\)\{]*|[\b]([ds]q|ga|re)\[\d+][\b])/i; k.test(__); ) {
// experimental [apply without ()] // all godets
var $1 = RegExp.$1, $2 = RegExp.$2, R = RegExp("([^\\w\\$]|^)(" + L + ")([^\\w\\$]|$)"), _1 = L.split("|").indexOf($1), _2 = L.split("|").indexOf($2);
if (-1 === _1 && !R.test($2) && -1 === "typeof false null true var".split(" ").indexOf($1)) __ = __
.replace(k, "$1($2)")
.replace(/\(\s+/g, "(")
.replace(/\s+\)/g, ")"); else __ = __.replace(k, "$1//$2");
__ = __.replace(/\/\//g, " ");
if ("!" === _advance) {
__ = __
.replace(/function\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "function $1\b");
var j = /([a-z\$_][\w\$]*[^\u0008\s])\s*\((.*?)\)\s*\{/i;
for(var i = 0;j.test(__) && !runtime.has("1.6") && i < 60; i++) {
__ = __
.replace(j, function (e) {
var E = "for function if switch while"
.split(" "),
$1 = RegExp.$1,
$2 = RegExp.$2;
if(E.indexOf($1) > -1)
return e.replace($1, $1 + "\b");
if($2.indexOf("(") !== -1 || $2.indexOf(")") !== -1)
return e.replace($1, $1 + "\b");
return "this." + $1 + " = function\b (" + $2 + ") {"
__ = __
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\(([^\(\)\n\r\u2028\u2029]+)\)\s*\{/gi, runtime.has("1.6") ? "$1 ($2) {" : "this.$1 = function($2) {")
.replace(/this\.function\s*\=\s*function/g, "function")
.replace(/this\.(abstract|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|let|long|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|switch|synchronized|throw|throws|transient|try|typeof|undefined|var|volatile|while|with|yield)\s*\=\s*function/g, "$1")
.replace(/function\s+this\.([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\=\s*function/g, "function $1");
if ("!" === _ugly) {
__ = __
.replace(/([^\:])\/\/(.+)/g, "$1/*$2*/")
.replace(/\*\/(\s*)\/\*/g, "$1")
.replace(/([^\w\$])undefined([^\w\$])/g, "$1void 0$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])(true|\!false|\!\!true)([^\w\$])/g, "$1!0$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])(false|\!true|\!\!false)([^\w\$])/g, "$1!1$2")
.replace(/([^\w\$])while\s*\((.+)\s?\)/g, "$1for(;$2;)")
.replace(/([^\w\$])Number\s*\(/g, "$1(+")
.replace(/\.toString\s*\(\s*\)/g, '+""')
.replace(/([\&\|])\1/g, "$1")
.replace(/([\+\-])\s*\=\s*1(\D)/g, "$1$1$2")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\=\s*\1\s*([\&\|]+|[\*\/\+\-\%])/gi, "$1 $2= ");
for (var zero = 1; __.match(/00+/); ) {
__.replace(/00+/, "$1");
k = RegExp.$1;
__ = __.replace(/0(?=0)/, "/e/");
__ = __
.replace(/\/e\/0/, "e" + zero + " ")
.replace(/(\/e\/)+/g, "");
for (k = /(\d*)\.e(\d+)\s(\d+)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
e = e.split(/[\.\s]/);
var r = 0 == +e[0] ? e[2] : e[0] + "+" + e[2];
return zero = -zero, r + e[1]
.replace("e", "e-");
__ = __
.replace(/\n{2,}|\n\x20+\n/g, "\n")
.replace(/\.(\s*)([\)\]\}])/g, "$2.$1")
.replace(/(\s*)\}\.\n/g, ".\n$1}")
.replace(/([\]\}])\s+(\)|\])/g, "$1$2")
.replace(/([^;\.,])\n/g, "$1;\n")
.replace(/,?\s*;(\s*[a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\:/gi, ",$1:");
if ("!" === _htmleditor || "!" === _jseditor) {
__ = __
.replace(/\n+/gm, "\n")
.replace(/\n([a-z])/gi, "\n\n$1")
.replace(/(.+)([\{\:])\s*\n(.+)/g, "$1$2\n $3\bind\b");
for (rq = /[\b]ind[\b]\n([^\}\n]+)/; rq.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(rq, function() {
for (k = /[\b]ind[\b]\n([^\}\n]+)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, "\n $1\bind\b");
return __.replace(k, "");
__ = __
.replace(/\}\n+else([^\w\$])/g, "} else$1")
.replace(/\{\s+\}/g, "{}")
.replace(/\n+/g, "\n")
.replace(/function\s+([^\(\)]+?)\{/g, "function($1) {");
// rebuild
Tuxedo.precompiled = {
channels: {
no: nch_,
to: tch_
comments: {
plural: cmm_,
single: cms_
content: __
.replace(/[\b]\.bs\./g, "\\\\")
.replace(/[\b]\.re\./g, "\\/")
.replace(/[\b]\.dq\./g, '\\"')
.replace(/[\b]\.sq\./g, "\\'")
.replace(/[\b]\.ga\./g, "\\`")
.replace(/[\b]\.dl\./g, "\\$")
.replace(/\\(.)/g, "\b$1\b")
.replace(/(\W)var\s*\=.+/g, "$1")
.replace(/@@/g, "this.@")
.replace(/([^\w\$])@([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "$1this.$2")
.replace(/(?![\b])@(?![\b])/g, "this")
.replace(/([\(\[\{,;\:\?\!\*\/\+\-\=%<>]\s*);(\s*)/g, "$1$2")
.replace(/;(\s*[\*\/\+\-\=%,\.\}\]\?\:]|\s*else|\s*while)/g, "$1")
.replace(/\*(\s*[\/\+\-%,\.\}\]\?\:]|\s*else|\s*while|\s*\={2,3})/g, "$1")
.replace(/;(\s*[\)])/g, "$1")
.replace(/(\s+);(\s+)/g, "$1$2")
.replace(/(["'])use\sstrict\1/g, "$1use strict$1;")
.replace(/([^\w\$])switch\((.+)\)\s*;/g, "$1switch($2) {")
.replace(/([^\w\$])break([,\n])/g, "$1break;\n")
.replace(/,,/g, ";")
.replace(/;+/g, ";")
.replace(/([\(\[\{\:]\s*),/g, "$1")
.replace(/,\s*([\)\]\}])/g, "$1")
.replace(/([\w\$]+)@([\w\$]+)/gi, "$1.prototype.$2")
.replace(/([^\\])\.([\s;\}]+)/g, "$1;$2")
.replace(/function\s+([^\(\)]+?)\s?\{/g, "function($1) {")
.replace(/([\{\[\(])\n+/g, "$1\n")
.replace(/(\$)[\b]([1-9])/g, "$1$2")
.replace(/[\b](.)[\b]/g, "\\$1")
.replace(/;\s*[,;]/g, ";")
.replace(/,\s*[,;]/g, ",")
.replace(/\*(\s*[\&\|\!\^])/g, "$1")
.replace(/\$\\([1-9])/g, "\$$1")
.replace(/^\s|\s+$/g, "")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s*)\.\s*function\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s*)\((.+)\)\s*\{\s*return\s+(.+)\}/gi, "$1.$2($3) = $4")
.replace(/function\s+this\./g, "this."),
regexps: rx_,
strings: {
"double": dq_,
grave: ga_,
single: sq_
threads: {
available: "advance clean eval greek hide htmleditor jseditor jsunit legacy math ugly wordy".split(" "),
disabled: function() {
a = "advance clean eval greek hide htmleditor jseditor jsunit legacy math ugly wordy".split(" ");
b = [];
for (var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) if ("!" !== eval("_" + a[x])) b.push(a[x]);
return b;
enabled: function() {
a = "advance clean eval greek hide htmleditor jseditor jsunit legacy math ugly wordy".split(" ");
b = [];
for (var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) if ("!" === eval("_" + a[x])) b.push(a[x]);
return b;
rq = /(abstract|boolean|byte|case|catch|char|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|final|finally|float|for|function|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|let|long|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|switch|synchronized|throw|throws|transient|try|typeof|undefined|var|volatile|while|with|yield|@|#|\$)/g;
for (;__.match(__cmm__); ) {
// put multi-line comments back
M = +__.match(__cmm__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __
.replace(__cmm__, cmm_[M]
.replace(rq, "\b$1\b"));
for (;__.match(__cms__); ) {
// put single line comments back
L = +__.match(__cms__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __
.replace(__cms__, cms_[L]
.replace(rq, "\b$1\b"));
// @embroideries and fix
__ = __.replace(/\[\*([^\[]+?)\]/g, function(e) {
return e
.replace(/\*/, "")
.replace(/\s*[\*,]\s*\]/g, "]")
.replace(/\s/g, ",")
.replace(/,+/g, ", ");
.replace(/\s*\+\s*,/g, "")
.replace(/(.+)\/\/(.+)([;,]+)/g, "$1$3 //$2")
.replace(/\/\/(.+)\n+(;\s*)+/g, "//$1")
.replace(/([\b]@[\b]|this\.)aut\:(.+[^,])/g, "author: $2")
.replace(/([\b]@[\b]|this\.)lie\:(.+[^,])/g, "license: $2")
.replace(/([\b]@[\b]|this\.)dat\:(.+[^,])/g, "date: $2")
.replace(/([\b]@[\b]|this\.)tie\:(.+[^,])/g, "time: $2")
.replace(/([\b]@[\b]|this\.)url\:(.+[^,])/g, "URL: $2")
.replace(/([\b]@[\b]|this\.)ver\:(.+[^,])/g, "Version: $2")
.replace(/[\b](.)[\b]/g, "$1");
if("!" === _legacy)
for(var reg = /[\b](sq|dq|ga)\[(\d+)\][\b]?\s+[\b]?\1\[(\d+)\][\b]/; __.match(reg);) {
var k = RegExp.$1, K = RegExp.$2, j = RegExp.$3;
__ = __.replace(reg, j = "\b$1[$2]\b + \b$1[$3]\b");
for (;__.match(__sq__); ) {
// put single quotes back
y = +__.match(__sq__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __
.replace(__sq__, sq_[y]
.replace(RegExp(__dq__.source, "g"), function(e) {
return dq_[+e
.replace(/\D/g, "")]
.replace(/''/g, "'\b'");
if ("!" === _legacy) {
// TS related, and interpolation
for (;__.match(r = /([1-9][\d]*)\s*\*\s*'(.*?)'/); ) {
// dimension strings
k = +RegExp.$1;
K = RegExp.$2;
__ = __.replace(r, "/str/");
for (var y = 0; k > y; y++) __ = __.replace(/\/str\//, "'" + K + "' + /str/");
__ = __.replace(/\s\+\s\/str\//, "");
__ = __
.replace(/\$\{([^'\}]+?)\}/g, "' + ( $1 ) + '")
.replace(/''\s\+\s|\s\+\s''/g, "");
for (;__.match(__dq__); ) {
// put double quotes back
x = +__.match(__dq__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __
.replace(__dq__, dq_[x])
.replace(/""/g, "\"\b\"");
if ("!" === _legacy) {
// TS related, and interpolation
for (;__.match(r = /([1-9][\d]*)\s*\*\s*"(.*?)"/); ) {
// dimension strings
k = +RegExp.$1;
K = RegExp.$2;
__ = __.replace(r, "/str/");
for (var x = 0; k > x; x++) __ = __.replace(/\/str\//, '"' + K + '" + /str/');
__ = __.replace(/\s\+\s\/str\//, "");
__ = __
.replace(/\$\{([^"\}]+?)\}/g, '" + ( $1 ) + "')
.replace(/""\s\+\s|\s\+\s""/g, "");
__ = __.replace(/([^\\])`/g, "$1\\'");
// embeded grave accents
for (;__.match(__ga__); ) {
// put grave accents back
z = +__.match(__ga__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __
.replace(__ga__, ga_[z]
.replace(/'/g, "\b.sq.")
.replace(/;\n/g, " ")
.replace(/``/g, "`\b`"));
if ("!" === _legacy) {
// TS related, and interpolation
for (;__.match(r = /([1-9][\d]*)\s*\*\s*`(.*?)`/); ) {
// dimension strings
k = +RegExp.$1;
K = RegExp.$2;
__ = __.replace(r, "/str/");
for (var z = 0; k > z; z++) __ = __.replace(/\/str\//, "`" + K + "` + /str/");
__ = __.replace(/\s\+\s\/str\//, "");
__ = __
.replace(/\$\{([^`\}]+?)\}/g, runtime.has("1.6") ? "$\b{$1}" : "` + ( $1 ) + `")
.replace(/``\s\+\s|\s\+\s``/g, "");
// Again
for (;__.match(__sq__); ) {
// put single quotes back, again
y = +__.match(__sq__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __
.replace(__sq__, sq_[y]
.replace(/'/g, "\b.sq.")
.replace(/''/g, "'\b'"));
if ("!" === _legacy) // TS related, and interpolation
__ = __.replace(/\$\{([^\}]+?)\}/g, "' + ( $1 ) + '");
for (;__.match(__dq__); ) {
// put double quotes back, again
x = +__.match(__dq__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __
.replace(__dq__, dq_[x]
.replace(/""/g, "\"\b\""));
if ("!" === _legacy) // TS related, and interpolation
__ = __.replace(/\$\{([^\}]+?)\}/g, "' + ( $1 ) + '");
for (;__.match(__rx__); ) {
// put regular expressions back
a = +__.match(__rx__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __.replace(__rx__, rx_[a]);
if ("!" === _legacy) {
/* Reserved RegExp Escape Sequences
. - [^\n\r\u2028\u2029]
\d - [0-9]
\D - [^0-9]
\w - [A-Za-z0-9_]
\W - [^A-Za-z0-9_]
\s - [ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]
\S - [^ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]
\t - "horizontal tab"
\r - "carriage return"
\n - "newline feed"
\v - "vertical tab"
\f - "form feed"
\b - "zero width word"
\B - "zero width non-word"
[\b] - "backspace" [\u0008]
\0 - "NUL"
\c# - (# = [A-Z]) "control-#"
\x## - (# = [0-9a-f]) character code ##
\u#### - (# = [0-9a-f]) character code ####
__ = __
.replace(/[\b](.)[\b]/g, "\\$1")
.replace(/(\\.|[^\\]\[.*?[^\\]\]|[^\\]\(.*?[^\\]\))\+\+/g, "$1$1+")
.replace(/\\a/g, "[a-zA-Z]")
.replace(/\\A/g, "[^a-zA-Z]")
.replace(/\\j/g, "[a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*")
.replace(/\\J/g, "[^a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*")
.replace(/\\e/g, "[A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9_]")
.replace(/\\E/g, "[^A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9_]");
// \k
for (k = /\\k(\[.*?\])/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function() {
return RegExp.$1.toLowerCase()
.replace(/(\w\-\w)\1/g, "$1");
// \K
for (k = /\\K(\[.*?\])/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function() {
return RegExp.$1.toUpperCase()
.replace(/(\w\-\w)\1/g, "$1");
__ = __
.replace(/[\b]\.bs\./g, "\\\\")
.replace(/[\b]\.re\./g, "\\/")
.replace(/[\b]\.dq\./g, '\\"')
.replace(/[\b]\.sq\./g, "\\'")
.replace(/[\b]\.ga\./g, "\\`")
.replace(/[\b]\.dl\./g, "\\$");
// string multi-lining
__ = __.replace(/`([^`]+?)`/gm, runtime.has("1.6") ? "`$1`" : function(e) {
if (/[\!\\]white-space/.test(e)) e = e
.replace(/[\!\\]white-space/, "")
.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
return e
.replace(/\n/g, " ")
.replace(/`/g, "'");
__ = __
.replace(/\\(.)/g, "\b$1\b")
.replace(/(\W)var\s*\=.+/g, "$1")
.replace(/@@/g, "this.@")
.replace(/([^\w\$])@([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "$1this.$2")
.replace(/(?![\b])@(?![\b])/g, "this")
.replace(/([\(\[\{,;\:\?\!\*\/\+\-\=%<>]\s*);(\s*)/g, "$1$2")
.replace(/;(\s*[\*\/\+\-\=%,\.\}\]\?\:]|\s*else|\s*while)/g, "$1")
.replace(/\*(\s*[,\}\]\?\:]|\s*else|\s*while|\s*\={2,3})/g, "$1")
.replace(/;(\s*[\)])/g, "$1")
.replace(/(\s+);(\s+)/g, "$1$2")
.replace(/(["'])use\sstrict\1/g, "$1use strict$1;")
.replace(/([^\w\$])switch\((.+)\)\s*;/g, "$1switch($2) {")
.replace(/([^\w\$])break([,\n])/g, "$1break;\n")
.replace(/,,/g, ";")
.replace(/;+/g, ";")
.replace(/([\(\[\{\:]\s*),/g, "$1")
.replace(/,\s*([\)\]\}])/g, "$1")
.replace(/([\w\$]+)@([\w\$]+)/gi, "$1.prototype.$2")
.replace(/([^\\])\.([\s;\}]+)/g, "$1;$2")
.replace(/function\s+([^\(\)]+?)\s?\{/g, "function($1) {")
.replace(/([\{\[\(])\n+/g, "$1\n")
.replace(/(\$)[\b]([1-9])/g, "$1$2")
.replace(/[\b](.)[\b]/g, "\\$1")
.replace(/;\s*[,;]/g, ";")
.replace(/,\s*[,;]/g, ",")
.replace(/\*(\s*[\&\|\!\^])/g, "$1")
.replace(/\$\\([1-9])/g, "\$$1")
.replace(/^\s|\s+$/g, "")
.replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s*)\.\s*function\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s*)\((.+)\)\s*\{\s*return\s+(.+)\}/gi, "$1.$2($3) = $4")
.replace(/function\s+this\./g, "this.");
// handle other features
window.JSUNIT = {};
if ("!" === _jsunit) {
window.JSUNIT = {
after: "",
before: "",
count: 1,
out: function(e) {
if (!JSUNIT.toconsole) document.body.innerHTML += e
.replace(/\n\s\s/g, "\n&nbsp;&nbsp;")
.replace(/\n/g, "<br>"); else console.log(e);
test: {},
toconsole: !1
for (k = /this\.(Before|After)/; k.test(__); ) __ = __.replace(k, function(e) {
e = e.replace(/this\./, "");
if (/Before/.test(e)) JSUNIT.before = "\n" + e + "();"; else if (/After/.test(e)) JSUNIT.after = e + "();\n";
return "function " + e + "()";
__ = __
.replace(/\(this\.Test(.*)\{/g, "(function($1){" + JSUNIT.before)
.replace(/\}(#|self)\);?/g, JSUNIT.after + "})();")
.replace(/this\.this/g, "JSUNIT")
.replace(/JSUNIT\.toconsole/g, function(e) {
JSUNIT.toconsole = !0;
return e;
JSUNIT.assert = function(e, r) {
r = "[Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assert(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](r);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertTrue = function(e, r) {
if (e === !0) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertTrue(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n expected: true\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertFalse = function(e, r) {
if (e === !1) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertFalse(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n expected: false\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertEquals = function(e, r, t) {
if (e === r) return JSUNIT.count++;
t = t || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertEquals(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ", " + tux['typeof'](t) + ") >\n expected: " + tux['typeof'](e) + "\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](r);
JSUNIT.out(t + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertNotEquals = function(e, r, t) {
if (e !== r) return JSUNIT.count++;
t = t || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertNotEquals(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ", " + tux['typeof'](t) + ") >\n did not expect: " + tux['typeof'](e) + "\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](r);
JSUNIT.out(t + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertNull = function(e, r) {
if (null === e) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertNull(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n expected: null\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertNotNull = function(e, r) {
if (null !== e) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertNotNull(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n did not expect: null\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertUndefined = function(e, r) {
if (undefined === e) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertUndefined(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n expected: undefined\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertNotUndefined = function(e, r) {
if (undefined !== e) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertNotUndefined(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n did not expect: undefined\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertNaN = function(e, r) {
if (0/0 === e || 0/0 === +e) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertNaN(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n expected: NaN\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertNotNaN = function(e, r) {
if (0/0 !== e && 0/0 !== +e) return JSUNIT.count++;
r = r || "[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertNotNaN(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ", " + tux['typeof'](r) + ") >\n did not expect: NaN\n recieved: " + tux['typeof'](e);
JSUNIT.out(r + "\n");
JSUNIT.assertFail = function(e) {
JSUNIT.out("[Error: Test #" + JSUNIT.count + "]\n < assertFail(" + tux['typeof'](e) + ") >\n");
if (!runtime.has("1.6")) {
__ = __
.replace(/\.\.\["arguments\"]/g, "this.constructor.apply(null, arguments)")
.replace(/([^\w\$\.])this([^\w\$\.])/g, "$1self$2")
.replace(/self\.([a-z\$_][\w\$\.]*)\s*\=\s*function/g, "this.$1 = function")
.replace(/self\s*\=\s*self/g, "var self = this")
.replace(/self\.constructor/g, "this.constructor")
.replace(/\\(.)/g, "\b$1\b")
.replace(/([^\u0008])#([^\u0008])/g, "$1this$2")
.replace(/[\b](.)[\b]/g, "\\$1");
} else {
__ = __
.replace(/\s*\.\.\["arguments\"]/g, "")
.replace(/([^\w\$\.]this)\s*\=\s*(this[^\w\$\.])/g, "")
.replace(/\\(.)/g, "\b$1\b")
.replace(/([^\u0008])#([^\u0008])/g, "$1this$2")
.replace(/[\b](.)[\b]/g, "\\$1");
for (;__.match(__nch__); ) {
// put back
N = +__.match(__nch__)[0]
.replace(/\D/g, "");
__ = __.replace(__nch__, nch_[N]);
__ = __.replace(/[\b]/g, "");
// remove trailing \b, fix \char
TUX = __
.replace(/&amp;/g, "&")
.replace(/&lt;/g, "<")
.replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
// eval or not
if ("!" === _htmleditor) {
__ = __
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>")
.replace(/\t/g, " ")
.replace(/\s/g, "&nbsp;");
__ += // clean-up, make more readable
"!" !== _clean ? "<br/>/* - TuxedoScript " + tux.version + " - Ephellon Dantzler: Tue Sept 8, 2015 23:51 CDT -06:00 - */<br/>" : "";
if (!__os__.value) __os__.innerHTML = __; else __os__.value = __
.replace(/&amp;/g, "&")
.replace(/&lt;/g, "<")
.replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
if ("!" === _hide) __os__.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
// hide or not
return time.end = (new Date() + "")
.replace(/.+(\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}).+/, "$1") + "." + new Date().getMilliseconds(),
time.span = (-(+time.start
.replace(/:/g, "") - +time.end
.replace(/:/g, "")) + "s")
.replace(/\.(\d{0,4})\d*s/g, ".$1s")
.replace(/0+s/, "s"),
("!" === _eval)? eval(TUX): "", // parse or not
Tuxedo.stamp = time, Tuxedo.toString = function() {}, TUX;
var tux, tuxedo, nm;
tux = tuxedo = {};
tux = tuxedo = nm || {
// nm
runtime: function() {
return Tuxedo.runtime;
support: function() {
stamp: function() {
return Tuxedo.stamp;
version: "16.9.6",
get: {
form: {
data: function() {
var e = 0, r = + "";
if (/\?/.test(r) === !1) return !1;
r = r
.replace("?", "")
.replace(/\\("|')/g, "\\\\\\$1")
.replace(/[^\\]("|')/g, "\\$1");
if (!r || "" === r) return !1;
for (var t = encodeURI(r)
.replace(/=/g, '":"').split("&"), _ = '{"'; e < t.length - 1; e++) _ += t[e] + '","';
_ += t[e] + '"}';
_ = (_ + "")
.replace(",\n", ",");
_ = /\:/.test(_) ? _ : _.replace("}", ':""}');
return JSON.parse(decodeURI(_));
storage: {
set: function() {
for (var e = 0, r = !1; e < arguments.length; ) {
if (undefined !== Storage) {
localStorage.setItem(arguments[e], arguments[e + 1]);
e += 2;
r = !0;
e += 2;
return r;
check: function(e) {
return !!;
get: function(e) {
return localStorage.getItem(e);
"delete": function(e) {
localStorage.setItem(e, null);
return !;
attr: function(e, r, t) {
if (e) if (!t) return e.getAttribute(r); else return "!" != t ? e.setAttribute(r, t) : e.getAttribute(r);
id: function(e, r, t) {
if ("!" != e && e) {
var _ = document.getElementById(e) || document.getElementById(e + " ");
if (t) return tux.attr(_, r, t);
if (r) if ("$html" != r) _.innerHTML = r; else return _.innerHTML;
return _;
"class": function(e, r, t, _) {
if ("!" != e && e) {
var a = document.getElementsByClassName(e);
if (!_) {
if (t) if ("$html" != t) a[r].innerHTML = t; else return a[r].innerHTML;
return a;
} else tux.attr(a[r], t, _);
tag: function(e, r, t, _) {
if ("!" != e && e) {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName(e);
if (!_) {
if (t) if ("$html" != t) a[r].innerHTML = t; else return a[r].innerHTML;
return a;
} else tux.attr(a[r], t, _);
ele: function(e, r, t, _) {
if ("!" != e && e) {
var a = document.querySelectorAll(e);
if (a.length < 2) r = 0;
if (!_) {
if (t) if ("$html" != t) a[r].innerHTML = t; else return a[r].innerHTML;
return a;
} else tux.attr(a[r], t, _);
save: function(e, r) {
var t = window.location.pathname + "";
r = r || t.substring(t.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, t.length) + ".cache";, e);
load: function(e, r) {
e = r ? encodeURI(e) : e;
var t = window.location.pathname + "";
e = e || t.substring(t.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, t.length) + ".cache";
"delete": function(e) {
var r = window.location.pathname + "";
e = e || r.substring(r.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, r.length) + ".cache";
"typeof": function(e) {
if (arguments.length > 1)
return tux.typeOf.apply(null, arguments);
var r = "";
switch (typeof e) {
case typeof Boolean():
r = "";
case typeof Function():
r = "";
case typeof Number():
r = "";
case typeof Object():
switch (e.constructor) {
case RegExp:
r = "";
case Array:
r = "[]";
r = "{}";
case typeof String():
r = '""';
case typeof Symbol():
r = [ "(@@", ")" ];
e = e.toString();
case "object":
r = "";
case "undefined":
r = "";
r = "";
return (r[0] || "") + e + (r[1] || "");
typeOf: function() {
for (var e = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length && undefined !== arguments[r] && null !== arguments[r]; r++) e.push(arguments[r] || arguments[r];
return (e + "")
.replace(/\*/g, "ANY").toUpperCase();
random: function() {
return Boolean(Math.round(Math.random()));
precompiled: function() {
return Tuxedo.precompiled;
if (void 0 !== typeof document.onreadystatechange)
document.onreadystatechange = function() {
// Tuxedo() when the page is ready
if ("complete" === document.readyState)
TUX = Tuxedo();
}; else document.onload = function() {
// Tuxedo() when the page is ready (mobile users)
TUX = Tuxedo();
---- Tuxedo Baseline ----
-- Special (a.k.a "" [patches]) --
<$n> ... </$n> -, any code put between the html-like tags will be treated as native JS
<$s> ... </$s> -, any code put between the html-like tags will be parsed as some TS, then JS (shorcuts, and threads can be used)
<$t> ... </$t> -, no need, just a proposal
-- Comments --
## - single line comment, or multi-line comment ending
#* - multi-line comment starter
#*# - multi-line comment starter ("author tags", or "embroider tags")
@aut - author
@lie - license
@dat - date
@tie - time
@url - url
@ver - version
##! - strict mode
## +thread - enable an html-attribute via inline script
can be: advance clean eval greek hide html-editor js-editor js-unit legacy math ugly wordy
## -thread - disable an html-attribute via inline script
can be: advance clean eval greek hide html-editor js-editor js-unit legacy math ugly wordy
## @x - emulates that JS version: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.8.5
## *a: b; - replace all $a with b (soft baste)
## **a: b; - replace all $a with parsed b (hard baste)
## /abc/gmiyu = $1 - replace with regexp
-- Sequences and Strings --
\c - escape character, for use in/out of strings (darns)
can be: / \ & ? : ; . @ # % $ < > + - * ( ) [ ] { } | ^
`...` - multiline string /runs script/
`...!white-sapce` - removes extra white space characters /!white-space can be put anywhere in the string/
-- Variables --
#a - var a
a--b - a_b
a#b - a[b]
a#0b - a[a.length - b]
@ - this or self, depending on the JS version
# - this or self, depending on the JS version
@a - this.a
$of - typeof
$del - delete
$args - arguments
$doc - document
$win - window
$nav - navigator
$loc - location
$cont - continue
$con - console
$# - Object
$Obj - Object
$obj - Object
.$id - getElementById
.$class - getElementsByClassName
.$tag - getElementsByTagName
.$html - innerHTML
.$text - innerText
.$val - value
.$qy - querySelector
.$Qy - querySelectorAll
...$args - depending on the JS version, either calls on the last constructor, or does nothing
a: b - if there isn't a comma after b, there will be one added, unless b is the last item
-- functions --
<- - return
<+ - throw
$a b, c, d - function a(b, c, d)
:$a, b, c - function(a, b, c)
=$a, b, c - function(a, b, c)
,$a, b, c - function(a, b, c)
$a b, c, d: - one line functions
$ { - function()
-- Loops and Statements --
a?? - test if a exists
a!?? - test if a doesn't exist
?a { - if a
}{ - else
}? a { - else if a
?#a, b - for a, to b by 1
?#a, b, c - for a = b, to c by 1
?#a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
-?#a, b - for a, to b by -1
-?#a, b, c - for a = b, to c by -1
-?#a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
?#a:b - for a in b
?#a:b ? c - for a, to b by 1, do c /!deprecated/ use ?#a,b {c}
@def - default
@a: - case a
---- "Advance thread" features ----
.a - class x
.a b - class a extends b
*. - super
@(a, b, c) - constructor(a, b, c)
b => a - const a = b
a --> b - a = (arguments) => b
-> - =>
$*a, b, c { - void function(a, b, c)
prom a - creates a promissory function (like Java's "interface", Tux "gusset"); see
Tux will automatically create a main function to call from, and switch through the number/type(s) of arguments to find a match
natively supported types: Array Boolean Function Number Object RegExp String Symbol * [any]
---- "Legacy thread" features ----
a ~= b - a = -(a - b)
a &= b - a = a && b
a |= b - a = a || b
a ^= b - if a != null, a = b
a ?= b - if a == null, a = b
-- Special --
@x..y: - "case x..y:" -- this will repeat "case ...:" for (x-y) times /i.e. "@4..6:" -> "case 4: case 5: case 6:"
-- Arrays (try limiting them to one per line) --
a[b..c] - a.slice(b, c)
a[..c] - a.slice(0, c)
a[b..] - a.slice(b)
a[.] - a.slice(0)
a[*] - a.split
a[+] - a.concat
a[++] - a.push
a[<] - a.shift
a[>] - a.unshift
a[~] - a.every
a[&] - a.join
a[?] - a.indexOf
a[-?] - a.lastIndexOf
a[=] - a.reverse
a[^] - a.sort
a[-] - a.pop
d[] - if d is a number, it creates a d-dimension array (Tux Array "gores"), i.e. 3[] === [[[]]] /called on as [x][y][z]/
r:a - if r is a reserved word, it will be double-quoted
.r - if r is a reserved word, it will be double-quoted and bracketed; ["r"]
-- Strings --
"${a}" - interpolation, ..." + a + "...
'${a}' - interpolation, ...' + a + '...
`${a}` - interpolation, ...` + a + `...
"..." "..." - automatic concatination, "..." + "..."
'...' '...' - automatic concatination, '...' + '...'
`...` `...` - automatic concatination, `...` + `...`
d * "..." - (Tux String "gores") if d is a number, then the string will be repeated d many times
d * '...' - if d is a number, then the string will be repeated d many times
d * `...` - if d is a number, then the string will be repeated d many times
"..." - '...' - string.replace(string, "")
"..." - a - string.replace(a, "")
-- RegExp --
\a - Alpha characters, [a-zA-Z]
\A - Non-alpha characters, [^a-zA-Z]
\j - JS variables, [a-zA-Z\$_][\w\d\$_]*
\J - non-JS variables, [^a-zA-Z\$_][\w\d\$_]*
\e - Greek letters
\E - Non-Greek letters
\k - lowercase, \k[A-fR-Z] = /[a-fr-z]/
\K - uppercase, \K[A-fR-Z] = /[A-FR-Z]/
---- "Math thread" features ----
a(b) = c - function a(b){ return c; }
da - if d is a number, then d * a
a~b - ((a % b + b) % b)
|a| - Math.abs(a)
a^b - Math.pow(a, b)
a**b - Math.pow(a, b)
/?a/ - Math.sqrt(a)
a/?b/ - "a" root of b, i.e. 3\x\ is the cube root of x
a%%b - Math.floor(a/b)
log a (b) - log, base a, of b /log(b) / log(a)/ -, i.e. @.PI = Math.PI, @.log = Math.log /notice the ./
---- "Wordy thread" features ----
-- Loops and Statements --
a exists - test if a exists
a exist - test if a exists
a !exists - test if a doesn't exist
a !exist - test if a doesn't exist
if a { - if a
else - automatic braces for else
else-if a { - else if a
else-when a { - else if a
else-where a { - else if a
if a then b else c - ternary operator, (a)?b:c
for a, b - for a, to b by 1
for a, b, c - for a = b, to c by 1
for a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
-for a, b - for a, to b by -1
-for a, b, c - for a = b, to c by -1
-for a, b, c, d - for a = b, to c, by d
for a: b - for a in b
for a in b - for a in b
for a: b? c - for a, to b by 1, do c
for a in b do c - for a, to b by 1, do c
while a - while a
until a - while !a
switch a - switch a
a(b) from c while d - for each item in c, if d is true, do b = c[...], a(b)
a(b) from c - for each item in c, do b = c[...], a(b)
a() from b while c - for each item in b, if c is true, do a
-- Baseline --
#r - if r is a Tuxedo reserved word, then it will be a variable
\r - if r is a Tuxedo reserved word, then it will be a variable
AND - &&
OR - ||
XOR - ^
NOT - !
does not - !
do not - !
doesnt - !
does - !!
on - true
yes - true
good - true
off - false
no - false
bad - false
maybe - true | false /uses tuxedo.random()/
is not - !==
isnt - !==
equals - ===
equal - ===
is - ===
the x is - x =
a = b in c - a = c[b]
a = b from c - a = c.indexOf(b)
<?> - ? armscye
<!> - ! armscye
<#> - # armscye
---- "Ugly thread" features ----
single line comments become multi-line
undefined - void 0
true - !0
!false - !0
!!true - !0
false - !1
!true - !1
!!false - !1
Number(a) - (+a)
a.toString() - a + ""
while(x) - for(;x;)
multiple zeros are "crunched" down to a 1eX form, i.e. 10000000 = 1e7
boolean tests become lazy, i.e. && = &, || = |
---- "JS-Unit thread" features ----
-- Baseline --
@@toconsole - redirect all output to the console
(@Test ... { ... }#) - test to run, and optional event arguments
(@Test ... { ... }) - "empty" test, doesn't run
@Before - code to run before every test
@After - code to run after every test
-- Assert Tests --
@@assert(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value
@@assertTrue(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be true
@@assertFalse(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be false
@@assertEquals(expected, recieved, [comment]) - log that you wanted recieved to equal expected
@@assertNotEquals(expected, recieved, [comment]) - log that you wanted recieved to not equal expected
@@assertNull(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be null
@@assertNotNull(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to not be null
@@assertUndefined(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted typeof value to be undefined
@@assertNotUndefined(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted typeof value to not be undefined
@@assertNaN(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to be NaN
@@assertNotNaN(value, [comment]) - log that you wanted value to not be NaN
@@assertFail(comment) - log fail, "comment"
---- "Greek thread" features ----
-- <Word> --
<word> - each letter is turned into it's Greek counterpart (except q, v, and j)
word - if "word" is a Greek letter's name, it's turn into that letter (i.e. Pi and pi)
---- "Advance + Legacy cord [threads]" features ----
-- Splats --
$a b... - same as b = arguments
$a b, c... - c will be all arguments after b
$a b..., c - b will be all arguments before c
$a b, c..., d - c will be all arguments between b and d
a(b...) - same as a(b) uses .apply
a(b, c...) - a([b c]) uses .apply
a(b..., c) - a([b c]) uses .apply
a(b, c..., d) - a([b c d]) uses .apply
<@> - @ armscye
<&> - & armscye
---- Armscyes ----
! - "index_counter"
@ - "arguments"
# - "undefined"
? - "ANON"
* - "use strict"
& - "Array" or "[]"
---- Godets [Legacy] ----
a b - a(b)
a "b" - a("b")
a 'b' - a('b')
a `b` - a(`b`)
a /b/ - a(/b/)
---- Tuxedo Methods ----
* $ means executable
* ~ means "same as above," but with different arguments
* # means a property, that isn't a method
* tuxedo === tux
$ .data - get form data from the URI
$ .set[...] - set the local storage [name, data, name, data ...]
$ .check[name] - see if the local storage at the name exists
$ .get[name] - get the local storage at the name
$ .delete[name] - delete the local storage at the name
$ .attr[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
$ .id[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .id[element, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .id[element] - just return the element, by id
$ .class[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .class[element, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .class[element] - just return the element, by class name
$ .tag[element, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .tag[element, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .tag[element] - just return the element, by tag name
$ .ele[element, number, attribute, value] - set the attribute as the value
~ .ele[element, number, html] - set the innerHTML as the value
~ .ele[element, number] - just return the element, by element name (via querySelector)
$ .save[data, name] -, data)
$ .load[name] -
$ .delete[name] -
$ .typeof[object] - returns the typeof "object" to a string, i.e. true === "<true>", [1, 2, 3] === "[1, 2, 3]"
$ .typeOf[a, b, c] - returns a string of each arguments type
$ .precompiled - returns an object as if a snap-shot of the data being compiled
# .content - returns the actual "snap-shot"
# .channels - returns the channels {no}
# .comments - returns an object of the comments {plural, single}
# .regexps - returns the regexps
# .strings - returns an object of strings {double, grave, single}
# .threads - returns an object of threads {available, disabled, enabled}
$ .stamp - returns an object containing a start, stop, and difference of the TuxedoScript compile time {start, end, span}
# .version - the TuxedoScript version
$ .support - returns an array of all JS versions supported by the user's browser i.e. [1.1 ... 1.8.5]
$ .runtime - returns the JS version that has been detected
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