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### Paramour 28.0.0
author: Ephellon Dantzler
date: Fri Aug 5, 2016
time: 21:00 CST -06:00
license: "MIT"
# Version Emulation
# @1.5
# Phantoms (like "$1, \2, etc." in RegExp)
# $con -> console
# $win => window
# Tuples & MVSV Declaration (Multiple Variables, Same Value)
var(obj1, obj2, obj3) = {
property: "value"
"prop": "val"
var(catcher, value_1) = .{
{property: () -> "value to return"}
var(value_2, value_3) =;
### Results:
catcher - the Tuple itself
value_1 - "abc"
value_2 - 123
value_3 - /def/g
var value_4 =;
# value_4 - [123, 456, 789]
# RegExps & Quasis
phoneNo(String number):Boolean ->
^\(?(\d{3})\)? # area code, ignore optional parens
[-\s]?(\d{3}) # prefix, ignore optional dash or space
-?(\d{4}) # line-number, ignore optional dash
///.test number;
# Functions & DocStrings
/** (String message, String details..., Number error)
* logs a message and it's details
* @param {String} message The message to log
* @param {Spread of Strings} details The arguments that are considered extra "string" details
* @param {Number} error The error number
log(String message, String details..., Number error) =>
console.log(message, details, error);
/** (String message, details...)
* logs a message and it's details
* @param {String} message The message to log
* @param {Spread} details The arguments that are considered extra details
log(String message, details...) =>
$con.log message;
/** (String message)
* logs a message
* @param {String} message The message to log
log(String message) {
var begin = message[0];
switch(begin) {
case("a", "e", "i", "o", "u") {
$con.log "The message begins with a vowel: ${message}"
$con.log "The message begins with a number: ${message}";
default(".", "!", "?") {
$con.log "The message either begins with puncutation, or a consonant: ${message}"
# Classes
Employee {
init::(data = {}) {
for(var entry in data)
@[entry] = data[entry];
.call() {
if(defined(@number) && phoneNo(@number))
alert "Calling ${@name}, ${@number}";
.pull(entry) {
-> @[entry]
.push(data) {
for(var entry in data)
@[entry] = data[entry];
.remove(entry):Boolean -> {
-> @[entry] = undefined,
undefined (@[entry])
Employee Manager {
init::(data = {}) {
for(var entry in data)
@[entry] = data[entry];
@role = "Manager"
.remove(entries...) {
for(var x = 0; x < entries.length; x++)
var Bob = *Employee({
name: "Bob Dylan"
age: 41
role: "Cashier"
### Custom Operators
These behave as a sort-of "get" for operators
custom operators can take up to 4 spaces
! up to ====, for a grand total of 50,611 (15^4 - 7) possible operators
! ~ * / % + - < > & ^ | ? : =
[Number ^ Number]:Number =>
Math.pow($1, $2);
[Number = Number]:boolean =>
$1 === $2;
[Boolean?]:Boolean_Error -> {
-> $1;
+> SyntaxError "? Operator was given 'false'";
[!Any] =>
undefined $1;
# also accepts `name => ()`
=> (((2^2) = 4)?)
$con.log "Why, hello";
<pre class="prettyprint notranslate lang-paramour"></pre>
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Paramour (Old)

This version of Paramour will be replaced soon (see the new version at https;//

A Pen by The E.N.D. on CodePen.



A fantastic JavaScript interpreter! JavaScript/Python/Swift Syntax with ES7 recommendations and regular updates :D This version simply makes the code more developer friendly (proper variable names, commentation, etc.)

This is the public version of Paramour. It is regularly updated from

A Pen by The E.N.D. on CodePen.


var Global,
window = Global = (window == undefined || window == null)? {}: Global || window,
navigator = (navigator || {}),
Paramour =
Global.Paramour =
/** Paramour 31.4.1
* @author Ephellon Dantzler
* @syntax (input, options)
* @param {String} input: The string to compile
* @ {DOMObject} input: The HTML element who's text value will be compiled
* @ {Array} input: The array to join and compile
* @param {Object} options: Compiling options
* @return {String}
* @see
function Paramour(input, options) {
Paramour.version = "31.4.1";
Paramour.versionName = "Oxygen"; // Reference to "Oxygen" - Smino
/* Comment Syntax:
// Return Type: Parameter Type[, ...]
function fn(parameter[, ...]) {
// ...
// Types:
* - any type, including undefined and null
... - any number of types
!Type - expectedly, "Type," i.e. "!Function" means "expecting a Function"
[...] - optional
(type1|type2[|...]) - type1 or type2
// Simply throws a "prettier" error message
// Undefined: Error, String, String
function Throw(error, location, message) {
error.stack = error.stack.replace(/(\n\r?|\r\n?)[\s\S]*$/, "$1\tat [Paramour]: " + location);
error.message = message;
throw error;
// Convert the input into a string
switch(typeof input) {
case "string":
case "object":
if(input.value != undefined && input.value != null)
input = input.value;
else if(input.innerText != undefined && input.innerText != null)
input = input.innerText;
else if(input.innerHTML != undefined && input.innerHTML != null)
input = input.innerHTML;
else if(input.constructor == Array)
input = input.join("\n");
try {
input = input.toString();
// the second most trivial conversion (after input + "")
// doing this will catch "undefined" and "null"
} catch(error) {
Throw(error, "[" + (input = typeof input) + " -> String]", "Failed to convert " + (input) + " value");
(options = options || {}).native = (options.native == undefined)? /(#|\/\/)\s*@native/.test(input): options.native;
// Check for the __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__
/* JavaScript Manager Error
CAUSE: __defineGetter__ is undefined
__defineSetter__ is undefined
FIX: define __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__
var JavaScript_Manager = (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ == undefined || Object.prototype.__defineSetter__ == undefined);
if(JavaScript_Manager) {
// Rhino, NetBeans, and Eclipse (Java) would cause this to happen, so this fixes some "undefined" variables/properties
Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ =
// !Function: String, Function
function __defineGetter__(property, method) {
return (this[property] != undefined)?
Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
get: method
Object.prototype.__defineSetter__ =
// !Function: String, Function
function __defineSetter__(property, method) {
return (this[property] != undefined)?
Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
set: method
Global.navigator = navigator;
Global.navigator.__defineGetter__("runtime", function() {
return runtime;
Global.navigator.__defineGetter__("paramour", function() {
return Paramour;
var backup, newline, self,
strict = options.strict,
native = options.native,
condition = /[\&\|~]|[<>]=?|[!=]={1,2}/, // & | ~ < <= > >= != !== == ===
number = /([-+]?(?:0b[01]+|0o[0-7]+|0x[\da-f]+|(?:\.\d+|\d+\.?\d*)(?:e[-+]?\d+\.?\d*)?))\b/i, // numbers
tabs = false, // should the doublespaces be replaced with tabs?
RTS = {p: "prefix-", m: "media-", s: "suffix-", P: "Prefix_", M: "Media_", S: "Suffix_"},
reserved = /(\b(?:abstract|boolean|break|byte|ca(?:se|tch)|char|class|con(?:st|tinue)|de(?:bugger|fault|lete)|do(?:uble)?|else|enum|eval|ex(?:port|tends)|false|final(?:ly)?|float|for|function|goto|i[fn]|imp(?:lements|ort)|int(?:erface)?|long|native|new|null|package|pr(?:ivate|otected)|public|return|short|static|super|switch|synchronized|this|throws?|tr(?:ansient|ue|y)|(?:instance|type)?of|(?:un)?defined|var|vo(?:id|latile)|while|with|yield|[gsl]et|self)\b|(?:\binit\:\:|@|[\-\+\~\&]>))/,
errors = /(\s*var\s*;|[\b]*|.*[sp]ocket\?=[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*.*(?:\n\r?|\r)?)/g,
global_expressions = [],
// Reserved: eval
// Not Reserved: arguments constructor
// Paramour Reserved: init:: defined self @ -> +> ~> &>
operators = "!~*/%+-<>&^|?:=".split(""), // in order of priority (highest to lowest; "descending")
operators_regexp = /[\!~\*\/\%\+\-<>\&\^\|\?\:\=]/,
operator_names = {
"!": "Not_",
"~": "Tilde_",
"*": "Star_",
"/": "Slash_",
"%": "Cent_",
"+": "Plus_",
"-": "Minus_",
"<": "Less_Than_",
">": "Greater_Than_",
"&": "And_",
"^": "Caret_",
"|": "Or_",
"?": "Question_Mark_",
":": "Colon_",
"=": "Equals_"
/** Type of literals: U N E O A S
U - "Unknown", aka "Comments"
N - "Non-Escapable", aka "Opposing Pairs" (parenthesis, brackets, braces, etc.)
E - "Escapable", aka "Similar Pairs" (double quotes, single quotes, etc.)
O - "Operators"
A - "Alpha-numeric Characters", aka "Keywords", "Numbers", "Variables"
S - "Special Characters" (backslashes, etc.)
U: /(SU|VC|[MS]L|DS|EM|PN)\.(\d+)/, // Unknown - able to, but should not contain other U-type literals; may have a matching, ending sequence
N: /(TP|B[EK]|PR)\.(\d+)/, // Non-Escapable - able to, and may contain other N-type literals; must have a matching, ending sequence
E: /([DST][Qq]|ST|R[Xq]|QI)\.(\d+)/, // Escapable - able to, and may contain other E-type literals; must have a matching, ending sequence
Unesc: "SU VC ML SL DS EM PN",
Noesc: "TP BE BK PR",
Esc: "DQ Dq SQ Sq Tq ST RX Rq QI",
test: function(string) {
return L.E.test(string) || L.N.test(string) || L.E.test(string);
join: function(delimeter) {
var L = LITERALS, delimeter = delimeter || " ";
return [L.Unesc, L.Noesc, L.Esc].join(" ").split(" ").join(delimeter);
// Order of Completion: ML SL RX DQ SQ QI PR BK BE TP VC EM DL PN DS IG Dq Sq Tq SU Rq
// Order of Preference:
SU = [], // Strict Usage (similar to "use strict")
VC = [], // Version Control
ML = [], // Multi-line (###...###) or (/*...*/)
DS = [], // Docstrings (/*...*/)
EM = [], // Emus
PN = [], // Phantoms (# $...) or (// $...)
SL = [], // Single line (#...) or (//...)
TP = [], // Tuples (.{...})
PR = [], // Parenthesis ((...))
BE = [], // Braces ({...})
BK = [], // Brackets ([...])
DQ = [], // Double Quote ("...")
SQ = [], // Single Quote ('...')
RX = [], // RegExp (/.../[gimuy]*)
QI = [], // Quasi (`...`)
Dq = [], // Double Quasi ("""...""")
Sq = [], // Single Quasi ('''...''')
Tq = [], // Triple Quasi (```...```)
Rq = [], // RegExp Quasi (///...///[gimuy]*)
DL = [], // Dollar ($[_'&`+]|[1-9]\d*)
// No expressions
IG = [], // Ignored
ST = [], // Unfolded strings
patterns = {
// Order of Operations I
"SU": (!native?
/\/\/\s*?(\s?@(?:strict|mini|deps|embed|native))/), // # @option
"DL": /(\$(?:[_'&`+]))/, // $_ $' $& $` $+
"Dq": /("""(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?""")/, // """..."""
"Sq": /('''(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?''')/, // '''...'''
"Tq": /(```(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?```)/, // ```...```
"Rq": /((?:[\(\)\[\]\{\}\!\~\*\/%\+\-<>\&\^\|\?\:\=,;]|[\b\n\r])[\x20\t\v ]*)(\/{3}(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?\/{3}(?:[imguy]*\b)?)/, // ///...///imguy; // -> /(?:)/
"DQ": /("(?:[^\\\n\r]|\\.)*?")/, // "..."
"SQ": /('(?:[^\\\n\r]|\\.)*?')/, // '...'
"RX": /((?:[\(\)\[\]\{\}\!\~\*\/%\+\-<>\&\^\|\?\:\=,;]|[\b])[\x20\t\v ]*)(\/(?:[^\\\/\*\n\r]|\\.)*?\/(?:[imguy]*\b)?)/, // /.../imguy; // -> /(?:)/
"VC": (!native?
/\/\/\s*([\d\.]+\?[\s\S]*?)\/\/\?/), // # 1.1? ... #?
"ML": (!native?
/\/\*([^\*][\s\S]*?)\*\//), // ###...###
"DS": /\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\//, // /* ... */
"EM": (!native?
/\/\/\s*@([\d\.]+)/), // # @1.1
"PN": (!native?
/\/\/\s*\$([a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*\s*[\-\=]>.+)/), // # $a -> apple; $b => "banana"
"SL": (!native?
/\/\/(.*)/), // # ...
"QI": /(`(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?`)/, // `...`
"BK": /(\[[^\[\]\(\)\{\}]*?\])/, // [...]
"PR": /(\([^\(\)\{\}\[\]]*?\))/, // (...)
"TP": /\.\{([^\{\}]*?)\}/, // .{...}
"BE": /(\{[^\{\}\[\]\(\)]*?\})/ // {...}
_patterns_ = {
// Order of Operations II
"BK": /(\[[^\[\]\(\)\{\}]*?\])/, // [...]
"PR": /(\([^\(\)\{\}\[\]]*?\))/, // (...)
"BE": /(\{[^\{\}\[\]\(\)]*?\})/ // {...}
__patterns__ = {
// Order of Operations III
"BK": /(\[[^\[\]*?]\])/, // [...]
"PR": /(\([^\(\)]*?\))/, // (...)
"BE": /(\{[^\{\}]*?\})/ // {...}
// The return symbols, if needed (i.e. the [Fold] error)
DL: "",
Dq: "",
Sq: "",
Tq: "",
Rq: "",
DQ: "",
SQ: "",
RX: "",
SU: (native? "// @": "# @"),
VC: (native? ["//","//?"]: ["#","#?"]),
ML: (native? ["/*","*/"]: ["###","###"]),
DS: ["/*","*/"],
EM: (native? "// @": "# @"),
PN: (native? "// $": "# $"),
SL: (native? "//": "#"),
QI: "",
TP: [".{","}"],
PR: "",
BE: "",
BK: "",
ST: "",
IG: ""
// make all types easily accessible (without using eval)
native_types = {
"DL": DL,
"Dq": Dq,
"Sq": Sq,
"Tq": Tq,
"Rq": Rq,
"DQ": DQ,
"SQ": SQ,
"RX": RX,
"SU": SU,
"VC": VC,
"ML": ML,
"DS": DS,
"EM": EM,
"PN": PN,
"SL": SL,
"QI": QI,
"TP": TP,
"PR": PR,
"BE": BE,
"BK": BK,
"ST": ST,
"IG": IG
// Create a backup, optimize the input, and set the "tabs" boolean
backup = input = "\b" + input.replace(/[\t\v]/g, function($_) {
if($_ != undefined)
tabs = true;
return " ";
// Set the clock
clock = {
start: +(new Date),
stop: null,
span: null
// Create the runtime object
runtime = {
ECMAScript features
(All info. provided by the MDN:
is: function is(version) {
switch (version + "") {
case "*":
case "1.8.5":
if(undefined == Symbol || null == Symbol)
/* JavaScript 1.8.5
create, defineProperty, defineProperties, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, keys, getOwnPropertyNames, preventExtensions, isExpandable, seal, isSealed, freeze, isFrozen, isArray
case "1.8.1":
if(undefined == Object.getPrototypeOf || null == Object.getPrototypeOf)
/* JavaScript 1.8.1
trim, trimLeft, trimRight, startsWith
Et Cetra:
"native" JSON
// ^ ECMAScript 7
case "1.8":
if(undefined == Array.prototype.reduce || null == Array.prototype.reduce)
/* JavaScript 1.8
reduce, reduceRight
// ^ ECMAScript 6
case "1.7":
if(undefined != Array.prototype.indexOf && null != Array.prototype.indexOf && (undefined == Array.prototype.reduce || null == Array.prototype.reduce))
/* JavaScript 1.7
Et Cetra:
"destructing" @ {
[a, b, c, ...] = ["abc", 123, "xyz", ...]
{a, b, c, ...} = {a: "abc", b: 123, c: "xyz", ...}
case "1.6":
if(undefined == Array.prototype.indexOf || null == Array.prototype.indexOf)
/* JavaScript 1.6
indexOf, lastIndexOf, every, filter, forEach, map, some
Et Cetra:
XML support
// ^ ECMAScript 5
case "1.5":
if(undefined == Number.prototype.toExponential || null == Number.prototype.toExponential)
/* JavaScript 1.5
toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision
catch @ try...catch
case "1.4":
if(undefined == Function.prototype.length || null == Function.prototype.length)
/* JavaScript 1.4
Function.arity ["Function.length"]
case "1.3":
if(undefined == Function.prototype.apply || null == Function.prototype.apply)
/* JavaScript 1.3
apply, call
Date: *
case "1.2":
if(undefined == Array.prototype.concat || null == Array.prototype.concat)
/* JavaScript 1.2
concat, slice
charCodeAt, concat, fromCharCode, match, replace, search, slice, substr
"label" @ {
Et Cetra:
/* JavaScript 1.1
join, reverse, sort, split
return "1.1";
return version
has: function has(version) {
if( != undefined)
return > -1;
var versions = [ "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.8.1", "1.8.5" ];
versions = versions.slice(0, versions.indexOf("*")) + 1);
Paramour.runtime = ( = versions)[versions.length - 1];
return versions.indexOf(version) > -1;
emulate: function emulate(version) {
var versions = [ "*", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.8.1", "1.8.5" ];
return = versions.slice(0, (versions.indexOf(version) || versions.indexOf("*"))) + 1),
(Paramour.runtime = runtime.emu = runtime.current =[ - 1]) + ".*",;
equals: function equals(version) {
return runtime.current == (version + "");
original: undefined,
emu: undefined,
current: undefined,
manned: JavaScript_Manager,
unmanned: !JavaScript_Manager
// Paramour defined objects
// Object: ...
Tuple =
Global.Tuple =
Paramour.Tuple =
Tuple = (function(__super__) {
(__super__ = Tuple).prototype = {constructor: Tuple};
function Tuple() {
this.index = 0;
this.arguments = [];
this.length = this.arguments.length;
return Tuple.last = this;
function find(common, object_a, object_b) {
var shares_common_property = false;
if("object" == typeof object_a[common] && object_a.hasOwnProperty(common))
shares_common_property = shares_common_property || find(object_a[common], object_a, object_b);
else if(object_a.hasOwnProperty(common) && object_a[common] == object_b[common])
shares_common_property = true;
shares_common_property = shares_common_property || (object_a[common] == object_b[common]);
return shares_common_property;
Tuple.prototype.every = function every() {
var index = 0, args = arguments, types = Types.apply(null, arguments).split(','), check = Types.check, oftype = Types.oftype;
switch(types + '') {
case ('Function' + ''):
return Tuple.prototype.every__Function.apply(this, args);
throw TypeError('Tuple.prototype.every(' + types + ') is undefined');
Tuple.prototype.every__Function = function every(fn) {
var iterator = 0, TupleArray = this.arguments, response = true, length = TupleArray.length;
iterator < TupleArray.length && response;
) response = fn.apply(null, TupleArray[iterator]);
return response;
Tuple.prototype.forEach = function forEach() {
var index = 0, args = arguments, types = Types.apply(null, arguments).split(','), check = Types.check, oftype = Types.oftype;
switch(types + '') {
case ('Function' + ''):
return Tuple.prototype.forEach__Function.apply(this, args);
throw TypeError('Tuple.prototype.forEach(' + types + ') is undefined');
Tuple.prototype.forEach__Function = function forEach(fn) {
var iterator = 0, TupleArray = this.arguments, response = true, length = TupleArray.length;
iterator < TupleArray.length && response;
) response = fn.apply(null, TupleArray[iterator]);
return response;
Tuple.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(item) {
var iterator = 0, TupleArray = this.arguments, response = false;
response = TupleArray[iterator];
if("object" == typeof item || item == response)
return iterator;
else if(item. constructor == response. constructor)
for(var property in item)
("object" == typeof item[ property] && item. hasOwnProperty(property))?
find(property, item, response):
item[property] == response[property]
return iterator;
else if(item.constructor == Array)
for(var _iterator_ = 0, length = item.length; _iterator_ < length; _iterator_++)
(item.length == 0 && response.length == 0) ||
("object" == typeof item[_iterator_])?
find(_iterator_, item, response):
item[_iterator_] == response[_iterator_]
return iterator; else;
else if(item.constructor == RegExp)
if(item.source == response.source && item.flags == response.flags)
return iterator; else;
return -1;
Tuple.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf(item) {
var iterator = 0, TupleArray = this.arguments, response = false, index = -1;
response = TupleArray[iterator];
if("object" == typeof item || item == response)
return iterator;
else if(item. constructor == response. constructor)
for(var property in item)
("object" == typeof item[property] && item. hasOwnProperty(property))?
find( property, item, response):
item[ property] == response[property]
index = iterator;
else if(item.constructor == Array)
for(var _iterator_ = 0, length = item.length; _iterator_ < length; _iterator_++)
(item.length == 0 && response.length == 0) ||
("object" == typeof item[_iterator_])?
find(_iterator_, item, response):
item[_iterator_] == response[_iterator_]
index = iterator; else;
else if(item.constructor == RegExp)
if(item.source == response.source && item.flags == response.flags)
index = iterator; else;
return index;
Tuple.prototype.join = function join(symbols) {
return this.arguments.join(symbols)
}; = function next(places) {
return places = places || 1, this.arguments.slice(this.index, (this.index += places, places))
Tuple.from = function from() {
var index = 0, args = arguments, types = Types.apply(null, arguments).split(','), check = Types.check, oftype = Types.oftype;
switch(types + '') {
case (types.slice(0, args.length) + ''):
return Tuple.from__Spread.apply(this, args);
throw TypeError('Tuple.from(' + types + ') is undefined');
Tuple.from__Spread = function from() {
var arity;
var arguments = [];
var index = 0, object, array = [];
(object = arguments[index]) || index < arguments.length;
("function" == typeof object)?
( || object.toString()):
(object == Global)?
return Tuple.constructor.apply(null, arguments);
Tuple.__defineGetter__("next", function() {
return Tuple;
// Object: String
NewLine =
Global.NewLine =
Paramour.NewLine =
(function() {
function NewLine(sequence) {
var sequences = {
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n\r": "\\n\\r",
"\r\n": "\\r\\n",
"\n\f": "\\n\\f",
"\f\n": "\\f\\n",
"\f\r": "\\f\\r",
"\r\f": "\\r\\f"
if(sequence == undefined || sequence == null || !/^[\n\r\f]{1,2}$/.test(sequence))
sequence = "\n";
this.sequence = sequence;
this.unescaped = this.unesc = sequence;
this.escaped = this.esc = sequences[sequence];
return this
NewLine.prototype.toRegExp = function toRegExp(capture, flags) {
return (capture)?
new RegExp("(" + this.escaped + ")", flags):
new RegExp("(?:" + this.escaped + ")", flags);
NewLine.prototype.toString = function toString(escape) {
return (escape)?
return NewLine;
// Set the original runtime
runtime.original = runtime.current ="*");
// Set the newline character
Global.newline = newline = new NewLine(RegExp.$1);
navigator.__defineGetter__("newline", function() {
return newline
// The operator function
var Operator =
Paramour.Operator =
// Undefined: String, Array, String, Function, Object, String
function(o, t, r, f, b, n) {
Operator.__defineGetter__("constructor", function() {
return Operator; // lie just in case of "fn(Operator o) => o;" or similar use
// future feature, 23.1.1+
});[o] = {
"operator": o,
"argument-types": t,
"root": r,
"function": f,
"brace": b,
"name": n
} = || {};
// The "typeof" method: converts all given constructors' names into a usable string
Types =
Paramour.types =
// String: ... Any
function types() {
for(var index = 0, results = [], args = [], arg; index < args.length; index++)
if(((arg = args[index]) != undefined && arg != null) && arg.constructor == Function && ( != undefined && != null && != ""))
else if(arg != undefined && arg != null)
results.push(typeof arg);
return results.join(',')
// The saved type functions
Paramour.NativeTypeFN = {}, Paramour.SubTypeFN = {}, Paramour.ClassTypeFN = {};
* Native: "top" level functions
fn(String string) {...}
* Sub: "middle" level functions
obj = {fn: (String string) {...}}
* Class: "class" level functions
cls {
init:: {...}
.fn(String string) {...}
// "Pullers" pull saved functions from an object-array
var Pull =
Paramour.Pull =
// Array: String, (String|Function), String
function Pull(type, fn, vari) {
var key = type.toLowerCase().replace(/\W|typefn$/gi, ""),
suf = "TypeFN";
key = key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1, key.length);
var typ = key + suf,
tmp = Paramour[typ];
fn = || fn;
switch(key.toLowerCase()) {
case "native":
return tmp[fn];
case "sub":
case "class":
return (vari == undefined || vari == null)?
return undefined;
// "Pushers" push saved functions to an object-array
var Push =
Paramour.Push =
// Number: String, (String|Function), String, String
function Push(type, fn, args, vari) {
// HELP: console.log("\t\tPush:", [type, fn, args, vari]); // :HELP
var key = type.toLowerCase().replace(/\W|typefn$/g, ""),
suf = "TypeFN",
spr = /^(?:([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+)?(?:\.{3}([@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*)|([@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*)?\.{3})/gi,
smp = /^([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)$/gi,
end = /\s*,\s*/;
key = key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1, key.length);
var typ = key + suf,
tmp = Paramour[typ];
fn = || fn;
args = args.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
for(var i = 0, j = [], k = args.split(end); i < k.length; i++)
j.push(k[i].replace(smp, "Any").replace(spr, "Spread/$1").replace(/\//g, "$").split(" ")[0].replace(/\$$/g, ""));
// HELP: console.log("\t\tPush[args]:", [args + "", j.join(";")]); // :HELP
args = j;
switch(key.toLowerCase()) {
case "native":
tmp[fn] = (tmp[fn] == undefined || tmp[fn].constructor != Array)?
return tmp[fn].push(args);
case "sub":
case "class":
// for(vari = vari.replace(dol, "$1"); ths.test(vari);)
// vari = vari.replace(ths, "$1* $2$3");
tmp[fn] = (tmp[fn] == undefined || tmp[fn].constructor != Object)?
tmp[fn][vari] = (tmp[fn][vari] == undefined || tmp[fn][vari].constructor != Array)?
return tmp[fn][vari].push(args);
return undefined;
// .prototype methods (in case JavaScript manager is true)
Object.assign =
// Object: Object
Object.assign || function assign(target) {
var args = [], arguments.length);
if(args.length < 1)
return target;
for(var x = 0; x < args.length; x++)
for(var prop in args[x])
target[prop] = args[x][prop];
return target;
options = Object.assign({
"deps": true,
"embed": false,
"mini": false,
"strict": false,
"native": false
}, options || {});
Array.prototype.indexOfRegExp =
Array.prototype.indexOfRegExp || function indexOfRegExp(regexp) {
for(var index = 0; index < this.length; index++)
return index;
return -1;
Array.prototype.lastIndexOfRegExp =
Array.prototype.lastIndexOfRegExp || function lastIndexOfRegExp(regexp) {
for(var index = 0, last = -1; index < this.length; index++)
last = index;
return last;
// The DocStrings and Stamps
var u, o = {}, D = DS; // meant to be undefined
for(var p in o)
o[p] = u;
// setup the @DocString property
Paramour["@DocStrings"] = (Paramour["@DocStrings"] || o);
Paramour["@Stamps"] = Paramour["@DocStrings"]["@Stamps"] =
(Paramour["@Stamps"] == undefined? [clock]: Paramour["@Stamps"].concat(clock));
String.prototype.setDocString =
// String: (String|Function)
String.prototype.setDocString || function setDocString(fn) {
var f = fn || "", P = Paramour || {}, D = D || [], newline = newline || "\r\n",
n = (!(+this <= Infinity)? this: D[+this]) || "",
d = P["@DocStrings"],
t, s, u;
u = d[t = (f != "")?
(typeof f == "function")? || "":
"Anonymous Expression"] =
(d[t] == undefined || d[t] == null || typeof d[t] != "object")? []: d[t];
s = d[t].push(
("'" + t + newline.esc + "'+" + newline + "'" +
.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/(\n\r?|\r)/g, newline.esc + "'+" + newline + "'")
+ "'")
.replace(/\+\s*''/g, "")
return f.DOCSTRING = eval(u[s - 1]);
String.prototype.repeat =
// String: Number
String.prototype.repeat || function repeat(times) {
for(var r = []; times > 0; --times)
return r.join("");
// handle type functions
function handle_typefn(string, type, fn, cls, head, tail) {
var u, R = RegExp, locket = (cls != u)? R("(static\\?=|\\*[\\b\\s]*)?([sp])ocket\\?=" + cls + ":" + fn): /$/;
type += "TypeFN";
string = string.replace(locket, head +
"\\type-fn() {\t" +
" var index = 0, args = arguments, types = Types.apply(null, arguments).split(','), check = Types.check, oftype = Types.oftype;\t" +
"\t switch(types + '') {\t" + tail);
var k = /\s*([@a-zA-Z_\$][\w\$]*)\.apply\b/, i = 0, m = [], L = l = Paramour[type];
for(var l = (cls != u? L[cls][fn]: L[fn]); i < l.length; i++)
for(var j = 0, a = m.push([]); j < l[i].length; j++)
m[i].push("Spread$" + R.$1),
j++; // ["Type.apply", "*" ...]
var statiks,
statik = ((statiks = R.$1 != undefined && R.$1 != "")? ".": ".prototype."),
prototype = (R.$2 == "p")? cls + statik + fn + " = function\b " + (fn || ""): (fn || "");
statiks = (statiks && runtime.has("1.6"))? "static ": "";
tail = (tail != ""? tail: /$/);
for(var x = 0, l = (cls != u? L[cls]: L), y = (l[fn] = m).sort().reverse(); x < y.length; x++)
string = string.replace(tail, build(type, cls, fn, x, tail, statik));
string = string.replace(tail,
" default:\t" +
" throw TypeError('" + fn + "(' + types + ') is undefined');\t" +
" break;\t" +
" }\t" +
return string.replace(/\\type-fn/, ((cls != u)? prototype: fn || "__")).replace(/\\statics/, statiks).replace(/\t/g, newline);
function build(t, c, f, x, l, p) {
// HELP: console.log("NativeType:", [fn]); // :HELP
var u, k, g = (function(s) {
k = s.join('_').replace(/\s+/g, "").replace(/\*/g, "Any").replace(/\.{3}/g, "Spread");
for(var e = 0, f, i, j, h, r, d, t = []; e < s.length; e++) {
s[e] = s[e].replace(/\bundefined\b/g, "?").replace(/\bAny\b/g, "*").replace(/\bSpread\b(?:\$([@a-zA-Z_\$][\w\$]*))?/g, "$1..."); // current type
d = RegExp.$1 || "";
f = !(s.length > (e + 1)); // length > next index
i = s[e] == (d + "..."); // is a spread (no type)
j = s.indexOf(d + "..."); // first spread (no type)
h = s.lastIndexOf(d + "..."); // (last spread, no type)
r = h == e; // last spread = this index
h = h == j; // last spread = first index
j = j > -1 && j < e; // spread is neither first, nor last
.replace(/\*/, function($_) {
return "' + types[index++] + '"
.replace(/([@a-z_\$][\w\d]*)\.{3}/i, function($_, $1) {
return "' + " + (h? f? "oftype('" + $1 + "', types.slice(index, index = args.length))": "oftype('" + $1 + "', types.slice(index, index = args.length" + (f? "": " - " + (s.length - (e + 1))) + "))": j? f? "oftype('" + $1 + "', types.slice(index, index = args.length))": r? "oftype('" + $1 + "', types.slice(index, index = args.length - " + (s.length - (e + 1)) + "))": "oftype('" + $1 + "', types[index++])": "oftype('" + $1 + "', types[index = " + e + "])") + " + '"
.replace(/\.{3}/, function($_) {
return "' + " + (h? f? "types.slice(index, index = args.length)": "types.slice(index, index = args.length" + (f? "": " - " + (s.length - (e + 1))) + ")": j? f? "types.slice(index, index = args.length)": r? "types.slice(index, index = args.length - " + (s.length - (e + 1)) + ")": "types[index++]": "types[index = " + e + "]") + " + '"
return t;
})((c != u? Pull(t, c, f): Pull(t, f))[x]);
g = g.join(";").replace(/\s*;\s*/g, ";").split(";").join(",").replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
return (
" case (" + ("'" + g + "'").replace(/^''\s*\+\s*|\s*\+\s*''$/g, "") + " + ''):\t" +
" return " + (c != u? c + p + f: f).replace(/\*/, "") + "__" + k + ".apply(null, args);\t" +
" break;\t" + (typeof l == "string"? l: ""));
// turn the string into an "argified" string
// String: String[, (Array|String), String]
function argify(args, types, spaces) {
// HELP: console.log("\t\t\t\targify:", [args, types, spaces]); // :HELP
if(types == undefined) {
types = [];
args = args.split(",");
for(var i = 0, j; i < args.length; i++) {
j = args[i]
.replace(/^\s*([@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*$/gi, "* $1")
.replace(/([@a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(\*|\.{3})/g, "$2 $1")
.replace(/(\*|\.{3})(\s*[@a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/g, "$1 $2")
if(j[1] == undefined)
types.push("*"), args[i] = j[0];
types.push(j[0]), args[i] = j[1];
types = types.join(",").replace(/\*/g, "Any").replace(/\.{3}/g, "Spread").replace(/\s/g, "").split(",");
if(typeof args == "string")
args = args.split(/\s*,\s*/);
// String: Number
function n(x) {
return (args.length - (x + 1)) > 0? " - " + (args.length - (x + 1)): "";
for(var x = 0, y = [], f, i, k, j, h, l, q, r = /^\s*$/, g; x < args.length; x++) {
f = x == args.length - 1; // is the last item
i = (l = /^Spread(\$[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)?/).test(types[x]); // is a spread
k = "Spread" + (RegExp.$1 || ""); // spread + type
j = types.indexOfRegExp(l); // index-of spread
h = types.lastIndexOfRegExp(l); // last-index-of spread
g = (j > -1) && j == h; // is the only spread
h = (j > -1) && x > j; // after a spread
j = g;
l = /\s*\=\s*([^\=].*)/.test(args[x]);
Is a Spread?
Is the last item? // is a spread
Is the only Spread? // last item
"$1 = []{ x }, arguments.length)" // last item, and first spread
: "$1 = [], arguments.length)" // last item, not first spread
: Is the only Spread? // not last item
"$1 = []{ x }, arity = arguments.length{ n(x) })" // not last item, but first spread
: "$1 = [], arity = arguments.length{ n(x) })" // not last item, nor first spread
// is not a spread
: Sets a variable?
Is after any Spread? // last item, and sets a variable
"$1 = (arguments[arity++] != undefined? arguments[arity-1]: $2)" // last item, after a spread's existence, and sets a variable
: "$1 = (arguments[{ x }] != undefined? arguments[{ x }]: $2)" // last item, after a simple variable's existence, and sets a variable
: Is after any Spread? // not last item, and does not set a variable
"$1 = arguments[arity++]" // not last item, but after a spread
: "$1 = arguments[{ x }]"; // not last item, and not after any spread
// HELP: console.log("argify: types[index] {types[x]}:", types[x], "\narguments[index] {args[x]}:", args[x], "\nIs a Spread:", i, "\nIs the last item:", f, "\nIs the only spread ('IaS' must be true)", j, "\nAfter a Spread:", h, "\nSets a varialbe:", l, "\nOutput:", w({head: (reserved.test(args[x])? "__": ""), neck: (reserved.test(args[x])? "__": ""), body: /^\./.test(args[x])? " = @": ""})); // :HELP
q = "\\b(abstract|boolean|break|byte|ca(?:se|tch)|char|class|con(?:st|tinue)|de(?:bugger|fault|lete)|do(?:uble)?|else|enum|eval|ex(?:port|tends)|false|final(?:ly)?|float|for|function|goto|i[fn]|imp(?:lements|ort)|int(?:erface)?|long|native|new|null|package|pr(?:ivate|otected)|public|return|short|static|super|switch|synchronized|this|throws?|tr(?:ansient|ue|y)|(?:instance|type)?of|(?:un)?defined|var|vo(?:id|latile)|while|with|yield|[gsl]et|self)\\b";
// w({head, neck, body})
function w(s, t) {
var r = "[]",
a = i, b = f, c = j, d = h, e = l;
t = t || "undefined";
// a = is a spread
// b = is the last item
// c = is the only spread
// d = is after a spread
// e = sets a variable
// HELP: console.log("argify > w:", s, t, ["is a spread:", a, "is the last item:", b, "is the only item:", c, "is after a spread:", d, "sets a variable:", e]); // :HELP
return (
(c? s + " = " + r + "(" + x + ", arguments.length)" : s + " = " + r + "(arity++, arguments.length)")
: // b:
(c? s + " = " + r + "(" + x + ", arity = arguments.length" + n(x) + ")" : s + " = " + r + "(arity, arity = arguments.length" + n(x) + ")")
) // b
: // a:
(d? s + " = (arguments[arity++] != undefined? arguments[arity - 1]: " + t + ")" : s + " = (arguments[" + x + "] != undefined? arguments[" + x + "]: " + t + ")")
: // e:
(d? s + " = arguments[arity++]" : s + " = arguments[" + x + "]")
) // e
) // a
.replace(/\$/g, "$$")
.replace(/\bthis\b/, "$$" + (x + 1))
// .reserved = value
.replace(RegExp("^\\s*\\." + q + "\\s*(?:\\=\\s*([^\\=].*))?$"), function(__, _1, _2) {
return w("__" + _1 + "__ = @[\"" + _1 + "\"]", _2);
// .variable = value
.replace(/^\s*\.([@a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*(?:\=\s*([^\=].*))?$/i, function(__, _1, _2) {
return w(_1 + " = @" + _1, _2);
// reserved = value
.replace(RegExp("^\\s*" + q + "\\s*(?:\\=\\s*([^\\=].*))?$"), function(__, _1, _2) {
return w("__" + _1 + "__", _2);
// variable = value
.replace(/^\s*([@a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*(?:\=\s*([^\=].*))?$/i, function(__, _1, _2) {
return w(_1, _2);
.replace(/\.slice\(0,\s*arguments\.length\)/g, "")
.replace(/@([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/gi, "this.$1")
.replace(/@/g, "this")
.replace(/,/g, "\b0X2c\b")));
// HELP: console.log("\t\t\t\targify[out]:", y.join(spaces? ', ': ',$1 ')); // :HELP
return y.join((spaces)? ', ': ',$1 ')
// String: String
function ignore(t) {
return "\b\bIG." + (IG.push(t) - 1) + "\b\b";
// get rid of everything before starting Paramour
// String: String[, String[, (Array|String)]]
function fold(string, type, pattern_array) {
if(type == undefined || type == null)
type = global_expressions;
else if(typeof type == "string")
type = type.split(/\s|,/);
if(pattern_array == undefined || pattern_array == null)
pattern_array = (__patterns__[type] == undefined)? patterns: __patterns__;
for(var pattern in pattern_array) {
if(RegExp(type.join("|")).test(pattern)) {
for(var o, l, p, k = pattern_array[pattern], i, _1, _2; (o = /([MS]L|EM|PN|DS|SU)/.test(pattern)? "\b\b": ""), ((k.constructor == RegExp)? k.test(string): (k = RegExp((k + "").replace(/\\/g, "\\")).test(string)));) {
_1 = RegExp.$1;
_2 = RegExp.$2 || "";
i = _2 == "";
p = pattern.replace(/!/, "");
l = native_types[p].push(undol(i? _1: _2).replace(/(\s+)/g, ((o == "\b\b")? "\b$1": "$1"))) - 1;
string = string.replace(k, (!i? _1: "") + o + p + "." + l + o);
return string
// format the string ["\#" -> #.toString 16]
// String: String[, Boolean]
function shock(string, stand_alone) {
for(var k = /\\([^\d_'&`+])/; k.test(string);)
string = string.replace(k, function($_, $1) {
return "\b0" + (stand_alone && !/\d/.test($1)? "X": "x") + $1.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + "\b"
return string
// format the string [#.toString 16 -> {"\#" | "#"}]
// String: String
function unshock(string) {
for(var x = /[\b]0x([0-9a-f]{1,2})[\b]/; x.test(string);)
string = string.replace(x, "\\" + String.fromCharCode(+("0x" + RegExp.$1)));
for(x = /[\b]0X([0-9a-f]{1,2})[\b]/; x.test(string);)
string = string.replace(x, String.fromCharCode(+("0x" + RegExp.$1)));
for(x = /[\b](.+?)[\b]/; x.test(string);)
string = string.replace(x, "$1");
return string
// String: String[, Boolean]
function undol(string, more) {
return string.replace(/([^\w\$])\$([_'&`+]|[1-9]\d?)/g, "$1$$" + (more? "$$": "") + "$2");
for(var pattern in patterns)
if(global_expressions.indexOf(pattern) < 0)
// Create the kids for the Phantom Object = [];
input = shock(input);
input = fold(input, undefined, patterns);
input = fold(input, undefined, _patterns_);
input = fold(input, undefined, __patterns__);
// Stop execution here if "lazy" folding fails
input = input.replace(/(.*)([\(\)\[\]\{\}"'`])(.*)/, function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
var error = new SyntaxError(), ut = "Unmatched token", us = "Unterminated stream", io = "indexOf", lio = "lastIndexOf", errors = {
"{": [ut, io],
"}": [ut, lio],
"(": [ut, io],
")": [ut, lio],
"[": [ut, io],
"]": [ut, lio],
'"': [us, lio],
"'": [us, lio],
"`": [us, lio]
for(var exp = RegExp("(" + global_expressions.join("|") + ")\\.(\\d+)"), _1; exp.test($_);)
$_ = $_.replace(exp, ((SYMBOLS[_1 = RegExp.$1][0] || "") + (native_types[_1][+RegExp.$2] || "") + (SYMBOLS[_1][1] || "")));
$_ = $_.replace(/[\b]/g, "");
for(var x = 0, l = backup.replace(/[\b]/g, "").replace(/\$/g, "$$").split(newline), c, q = $_.split(newline), r; x < l.length; x++)
for(var i = 0; r = q[i], i < q.length; i++)
if(((l[x] == r) || (l[x] == r.slice(0, l[x].length))) && !/^\s*$/.test(l[x]) && (c = (r[errors[$2][1] || "indexOf"]($2))) > -1) {
c = (c > -1)? c + 1: "?";
break findline; // stop at the first error
if(c == undefined)
c = l[--x][errors[$2][1] || "indexOf"]($2) - 1;
function f(n) {
return (++n) + ":" + (" ".repeat(((l.length + "").length - (n + "").length) + 1))
function j(n) {
return (/^(\s*|undefined)$/.test(l[n = x + n] + ""))? "": f(n) + l[n] + "$1"
var y, m = (errors[$2][0] || "Unexpected token sequence");
("[String -> Array]$1\tat [" + (x + 1) + ":" + c + "]$1$1" +
j(-2) + // 2 lines before
j(-1) + // 1 line before
j(+0) + // the line with the error
((y = (" ".repeat(f(x).length + (c - 1)))),
(y.length > m.length + 4)?
(y.slice(0, y.length - (m.length + 3)) + "[" + m + "] ^"): // [Error] ^
(y + "^ [" + m + "]")) + "$1" + // ^ [Error]
j(+1) + // 1 line after
j(+2)) // 2 lines after
.replace(/[\b]/g, ""), m);
// Start emulation
for(var x = 0; x < EM.length; x++)
// Set Options
for(var x = 0, strict, deps, mini, embed; x < SU.length; x++)
switch(SU[x].replace(/\W+/g, "")) {
case "strict":
strict = options.strict = true;
case "deps":
deps = options.deps = true;
case "mini":
mini = = true;
case "embed":
embed = options.embed = true;
// RegExp handler
// String: String[, Boolean]
function randle(regexp, in_context) {
/* Reserved RegExp Escape Sequences
. - [^\n\r\u2028\u2029]
\d - [0-9]
\D - [^0-9]
\w - [A-Za-z0-9_]
\W - [^A-Za-z0-9_]
\s - [ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]
\S - [^ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]
\t - "horizontal tab"
\r - "carriage return"
\n - "newline feed"
\v - "vertical tab"
\f - "form feed"
\b - "zero width word"
\B - "zero width non-word"
[\b] - "backspace" [\u0008]
\0 - "NUL"
\c# - (# = [A-Z]) "control-#"
\x## - (# = [0-9a-f]) character code ##
\u#### - (# = [0-9a-f]) character code ####
Paramour Defined Escape Sequences
\#++ - (# = [0-9abcdefjklnrstuvxABDEJKLNS]) "repeat a sequence"
\a - "alpha characters" [a-zA-Z]
\A - "non-alpha characters" [^a-zA-Z]
\j - "JavaScript compliant name" [a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*
\J - "non-JavaScript compliant name" [^a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*
\l - "legal" [@\w\$\.]
\L - "illegal" [^@\w\$\.]
\e - "alpha/greek characters" [a-z\u03b1-\u03c9_A-Z\u0391-\u03a9]
\E - "non-alpha/greek characters" [^a-z\u03b1-\u03c9_A-Z\u0391-\u03a9]
\k[...] - "to lowercase"
\K[...] - "to uppercase"
\N - "number" [\-\+]?(?:[\d\.]+(?:[\-\+]?e[\-\+]?[\d\.]+)?|0(?:b[01]+|o[0-7]+|x[0-9a-f]+))
\q - "terminating character" [\n\r,;\{\}\(\)\[\]]
\Q - "non-terminating character" [^\n\r,;\{\}\(\)\[\]]
regexp = regexp
.replace(/(\\.|[^\\]\[.*?[^\\]\]|[^\\]\(.*?[^\\]\))\+\+/g, "$1$1+")
.replace(/\\a/g, "[a-zA-Z]")
.replace(/\\A/g, "[^a-zA-Z]")
.replace(/\\k\\j/g, (in_context)? "[\\b]?[@a-z\\$_][a-z\\d\\$_]*": "[a-z\\$_][a-z\\d\\$_]*")
.replace(/\\k\\j/g, (in_context)? "[\\b]?[^@a-z\\$_][a-z\\d\\$_]*": "[^a-z\\$_][\\w\\$]*")
.replace(/\\k\\e/g, "[a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9]")
.replace(/\\k\\E/g, "[^a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9]")
.replace(/\\K\\j/g, (in_context)? "[\\b]?[@A-Z\\$_][A-Z\\d\\$_]*": "[A-Z\\$_][A-Z\\d\\$_]*")
.replace(/\\K\\J/g, (in_context)? "[\\b]?[^@A-Z\\$_][A-Z\\d\\$_]*": "[^A-Z\\$_][A-Z\\d\\$_]*")
.replace(/\\K\\e/g, "[A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9]")
.replace(/\\K\\E/g, "[^A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9]")
.replace(/\\j/g, (in_context)? "[\\b]?[@a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*": "[a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*")
.replace(/\\J/g, (in_context)? "[^@a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*": "[^a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*")
.replace(/\\l/g, (in_context)? "[@\\w\\$\\.]": "\\l")
.replace(/\\L/g, (in_context)? "[^@\\w\\$\\.]": "\\L")
.replace(/\\e/g, "[A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9_a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9]")
.replace(/\\E/g, "[^A-Z\\u0391-\\u03a9_a-z\\u03b1-\\u03c9]")
.replace(/\\s/g, (in_context)? "[\\x20\\t\\v ]": "\\s")
.replace(/\\z/g, (in_context)? "[\\x20\\t\\v\\n\\r ]": "\\z")
.replace(/\\q[\b]/g, "[,;\\{\\}\\(\\)\\[\\]]")
.replace(/\\Q[\b]/g, "[^,;\\{\\}\\(\\)\\[\\]]")
.replace(/\\q/g, "[\\n\\r,;\\{\\}\\(\\)\\[\\]]")
.replace(/\\Q/g, "[^\\n\\r,;\\{\\}\\(\\)\\[\\]]")
.replace(/\\N/g, "[\\-\\+]?[\\d\\.]+[\\-\\+]?e?[\\-\\+]?[\\d\\.]*|0b[01]+|0o[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-f]+")
.replace(/\\#/g, (in_context)? "(\\.\\d+)": "\\#");
var k = /\\k(\[(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?\])/, K = /\\K(\[(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?\])/, j = /([^\\][a-z])/i;
// \k
for(; k.test(regexp);)
regexp = regexp.replace(k, function($_, $1) {
return $1.replace(j, function(__, _1) {
return _1.toLowerCase()
.replace(/(\w(?:\-\w|.*)?)\1/g, "$1");
// \K
for(; K.test(regexp);)
regexp = regexp.replace(K, function($_, $1) {
return $1.replace(j, function(__, _1) {
return _1.toUpperCase()
.replace(/(\w(?:\-\w|.*)?)\1/g, "$1");
// ${...}
for(j = /\$\{([^\{\}]+?)\}/; in_context && j.test(regexp);)
regexp = regexp.replace(j, function($_, $1) {
$1 = eval($1);
if($1.constructor == RegExp)
$1 = $1.source.replace(/\\/g, '\\');
return $1
return regexp
// TODO: clean up the code below
// String: String, Number
function handle(type, index) {
var spill = undol(native_types[type][index] || "", true), k;
function handle_interpolation(string, symbol, could_contain_double_quote, to_single_quote) {
if(to_single_quote) string = string
.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
.replace(newline.toRegExp(true, "g"), newline.esc)
.replace(/'/g, "\\'");
for(k = /\$(BE\.\d+)/; k.test(string);)
string = string.replace(k, symbol + " + " + fold("(" + (unfold(RegExp.$1).replace(/^\{|\}$/g, "")) + ")") + " + " + symbol);
string = (symbol + string + symbol);
return "ST." + (ST.push(undol(string
.replace(((could_contain_double_quote)? /(DQ\.\d+)/g: /^(?!$)$/), '"' + symbol + ' +$1+ ' + symbol + '"')
.replace(RegExp("^" + symbol + "{2}\\s*\\+|\\+\\s*" + symbol + "{2}$", "g"), "")
.replace(/\b0x(.+?)\b/g, "\b0x$1\b")
.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""))) - 1);
function handle_url(string) {
return unfold(string, "RX").replace(/([a-z\-]{3,})\:\/\(\?\:\)\//gi, "$1:\b/\b/\b");
function handle_before_interpolation(string, regexp, to_replace, symbol, quote_booleans) {
string = fold(unfold(string.replace(regexp, to_replace)), "BE");
return handle_interpolation(string, symbol, quote_booleans[0], quote_booleans[1]);
switch(type) {
case 'DS':
return DS[index] = unshock(handle_url(spill)), 'DS?=' + index
case 'ML':
return '\b/\b*\b' + handle_url(spill) + '\b*\b/\b';
case 'VC':
spill.replace(/^([\d\.]+)\?([\*\!])?\s*([\s\S]*)$/, "$1 $2");
var v = RegExp.$1, c = RegExp.$2, s = RegExp.$3;
if((c == "*")? runtime.has(v): (c == "!")? !runtime.equals(v): runtime.equals(v))
return compile(fold(handle_url(s)));
return fold("### @" + v + "?" + c + newline + unfold(s).replace(/#/g, "\b0X23\b") + "###");
case 'EM':
return ('\b/\b/\b JavaScript Emulation from "' + runtime.original + '" to "' + spill + '"\b')
case 'PN':
var r = /\s*\->\s*/, s = /\s*\=>\s*/, o = {},
R = spill.split(r, 2), S = spill.split(s, 2);
if(r.test(spill))[R[0].replace(/[\b]/g, "")] = unfold(R[1]), o));
else if(s.test(spill))[S[0].replace(/[\b]/g, "")] = eval(unshock( unstaple(S[1], unfold, unignore) ).replace(/[\b]/g, "")), o));
return '\b/\b/\b ' + spill + '\b';
case 'SL':
case 'SU':
return '\b/\b/\b' + handle_url(spill) + '\b';
case 'TP':
return "new Tuple(" + spill + ")";
case 'DQ':
spill = unshock(spill);
return handle_before_interpolation(spill, /^"|"$/g, "", '"', [false, false]);
case 'SQ':
spill = unshock(spill);
return handle_before_interpolation(spill, /^'|'$/g, "", "'", [true, false]);
case 'QI':
spill = unshock(spill);
return spill;
return handle_before_interpolation(spill, /^`|`$/g, "", "'", [true, true]);
case 'RX':
return shock(randle(unfold(unshock(spill).replace(/^\/{2}([imguy]*)?$/, "/(?:)/$1")).replace(/(@#)/g, "\\$1")));
case 'Rq':
spill = randle(unfold(unshock(spill).replace(/^\/{6}([imguy]*)?$/, "/(?:)/$1")).replace(/(@#)/g, "\\$1"));
spill = spill.replace(/^(\/{3})([\s\S]*?)\1([imguy]*)?$/g, "$2");
var f = RegExp.$3 || "";
for(var k = (options.native? /^((?:[^\\\/]|\\.)*?)\/\/.*/: /^((?:[^\\\#]|\\.)*?)#.*/); k.test(spill);)
spill = spill.replace(k, "$1");
spill = fold(unfold(spill.replace(/\s+/g, "")), "BE");
return "RegExp(" + handle_interpolation(spill, "'", true, true) + ", '" + f + "')";
case 'Dq':
case 'Sq':
case 'Tq':
return handle_before_interpolation(spill, /^(["'`]{3})([\s\S]*?)\1$/g, "$2", "'", [true, true]);
case 'IG':
case 'ST':
return spill;
return compile(spill);
return input;
// String: String[, Array|Boolean|String, Boolean|Number]
function unfold(string, expressions, all) {
var max = Infinity, R = RegExp;
if(typeof all == 'number')
max = all;
expressions =
(expressions == undefined || all == true)?
(expressions.constructor == Array)?
expressions.split(" ");
for(var expression = R("(" + expressions.join("|") + ")\\.(\\d+)"); expression.test(string) && max > 0; --max)
string = string.replace(expression, handle(R.$1, +R.$2));
if(expressions == false)
for(var expression = R("(" + global_expressions.join("|") + ")\\.(\\d+)"); expression.test(string) && max > 0; --max)
string = string.replace(expression, native_types[R.$1][+R.$2]);
for(var expression = R("(" + expressions.join("|") + ")\\.(\\d+)"); expression.test(string) && max > 0; --max)
string = string.replace(expression, handle(R.$1, +R.$2));
return string;
// String: String[, Boolean]
function unstaple(string, handler, callback, nopass) {
for(var k = /ST\.(\d+)/, l = ST.length, i = 0; k.test(string) && i < l; i++)
string = (handler? handler(string): string).replace(k, function($_, $1) {
return ST[+$1]
return (k.test(string)? unstaple(string, handler, callback): callback? callback(string, nopass? undefined: handler): string);
// String: String[, Boolean]
function unignore(string, handler, callback, nopass) {
for(var k = /IG\.(\d+)/, l = IG.length, i = 0; k.test(string) && i < l; i++)
string = (handler? handler(string): string).replace(k, function($_, $1) {
return IG[+$1]
return string = (k.test(string)? unignore(string, handler, callback): callback? callback(string, nopass? undefined: handler): string);
// String: String
function strip(string) {
return (string || "").replace(/^\(|\)$/g, "");
// String: String, String
function handle_operators(string, root) {
var o, m = ["", "Double_", "Triple_", "Quadruple_"], l = operator_names, h = operators.join("\\"), mock = string,
u = function(v, t) {
if(!(+v <= Infinity) && t != undefined)
return m[v] + t;
n = function(v, t) {
if(/^([\!\~\*\/%\+\-<>\&\^\|\?\:\=])\1*$/.test(v) && t != undefined) {
return m[v.length - 1] + t
} else {
v = ((v || "") + "").replace(/\\/g, "").split("");
for(var x = 0, y = {}; x < v.length; x++) {
y[v[x]] = (y[v[x]] == undefined)? 0: y[v[x]];
if(v[x] == v[x + 1])
var z = [], q = 0;
for(var o in y) {
if(q++ > 3)
z.push(u(y[o], l[o]));
return z.join("");
var s = string[0];
if(RegExp("^([\\" + s + "][\\" + h + "]{0,3})").test(string) && root == RTS.p)
string = string.replace(RegExp("^\\" + (o = RegExp.$1.split("").join("\\")) + "(.*)$"), n(o, l[s]) + RTS.P + "Operator\v$1\v");
else if(RegExp("([\\" + s + "][\\" + h + "]{0,3})$").test(string) && root == RTS.s)
string = string.replace(RegExp("^(.*)\\" + (o = RegExp.$1.split("").join("\\")) + "$"), n(o, l[s]) + RTS.S + "Operator\v$1\v");
else if(RegExp("^(.*?)([\\" + s + "][\\" + h + "]{0,3})(.*?)$").test(string))
string = string.replace(RegExp("^(.*)\\" + (o = RegExp.$2.split("").join("\\")) + "(.*)$"), n(o, l[s]) + "Operator\v" + ((RegExp.$1 != undefined)? "$1,": "") + "$2\v");
if(/((?:pre|suf)fix|media)-/.test(root)) {
root.replace(/^(\w)/, "");
root = RTS[RegExp.$1.toUpperCase()];
string = string.replace(root, (root != RTS.M)? root: "");
return string
PN.replace =
// String: String
function replace(s) {
for(var x = 0; x <; x++)
for(var kid in[x])
for(var k = RegExp("([\\b\\s]*)([\\a-zA-Z\\$_][\\w\\$]*)?(\\$" + kid + ")\\b"), j = []; k.test(s);)
s = s.replace(k, function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
if(($2 = $2 || "") != "")
return $1 + "\bP." + (j.push($2 + $3) - 1) + "\b";
return $1 + undol([x][kid] + "");
for(var k = /[\b]P\.(\d+)[\b]/; k.test(s);)
s = s.replace(k, function($_, $1) {
return j[+$1]
return s
var arrow_state = /\s*(?:(?:\:[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)?(?:\s*([\=\-\~\+\&])>))/,
variable_regexp = /\b(arguments|eval|false|null|this|true|undefined|void)\b/,
type_regexp = /((([a-z\$_][\w\$]*|\.{3})\s+|\*\s*)[a-z\$_][\w\$]*|[a-z\$_][\w\$]*(\*|\.{3})|\.{3}[a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s*[,\=])/i,
equals_regexp = /(?:[^\.]\.)?([@a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*\=/i,
dot_regexp = /^\.[@a-z\$_][\w\$]*|[^\.]\.[@a-z\$_][\w\$]*/i,
spread_regexp = /\.{3}\s+[@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*|[@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*\.{3}|\.{3}[@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s*[,\=]?/i,
type_spread_regexp = /([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+([@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.{3}/i;
function compile(string, index) {
var JU_A, JU_B, JU_C = 0,
Type_Name_RegExp = /(\*\s*|\.{3}\s*|[a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s+)([@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*)/ig,
Name_Type_RegExp = /([@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(\*|\.{3})/ig,
Type_Spread_RegExp = /([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+([@\.a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\.{3}/gi,
P = PN.replace;
function Strip_Paren_Spaces(string) {
return string.replace(/^(.*?)\(\s*/, "$1(").replace(/\s*\)(.*?)$/, ")$1")
function Random_Name(length) {
function n(e, f, g) {var k = Math.random(); return (typeof e == "number")? ((k * e) + f).toString(g): k + e};
return (n(22, 10, 36) + (n("") + n("") + n("")).replace(/^\d+|\./g, "")).slice(0, length);
function Argify_In_Braces(paren, braces) {
// HELP: console.log("\t\tArgify_In_Braces:", [paren, braces]); // :HELP
// PR, BE
paren = strip(unfold(paren, 'PR'));
braces = unfold(braces, 'BE');
var spaces = RegExp.$1.length < 1;
return braces.replace(/^\s*\{(\s*)/,
"{$1" + (/\.{3}/.test(paren) || type_spread_regexp.test(paren)? "var arity;$1": "") +
"var " + argify(paren.replace(Type_Spread_RegExp, "$2").replace(Name_Type_RegExp, "$1").replace(Type_Name_RegExp, "$2"),
paren.replace(Type_Spread_RegExp, "Spread/$1").replace(/\//g, "$").replace(Name_Type_RegExp, "$2").replace(Type_Name_RegExp, "$1").split(','), spaces) + ";$1"));
function Argify_In_Paren(paren) {
// HELP: console.log("\t\t\tArgify_In_Paren:", [paren]); // :HELP
if(paren == undefined) return "";
for(var k = /@|\bthis\b/, j = 1, paren = paren || ""; k.test(paren);)
paren = paren.replace(k, function() {
return "$" + j++
return paren;
function Argify_HTML_Tags(paren, has_native_types) {
var string = (
unfold(paren, 'PR').replace(/[\b]/g, "").replace(/^(.*)\(/, "$1 ").replace(/\)(.*)$/, " $1").replace(/([^\.])\.[\(\s]*/g, "$1."):
paren.replace(Type_Spread_RegExp, "Spread/$1 $2").replace(/\//g, "$").replace(Name_Type_RegExp, "$2 $1").replace(Type_Name_RegExp, "$1 $2").replace(/\.{3}\s*\*/, "...").replace(/\(/g, " ").replace(/\)/g, "")
.replace(/<(\*|All)>/gi, "HTMLAllCollection")
.replace(/<(\.{3}|Collection)>/gi, "HTMLCollection")
.replace(/<Document>/gi, "HTMLDocument")
.replace(/<Element>/gi, "HTMLElement")
.replace(/<(Form)(?:\.{3}|Controls(?:\.{3})?)>/gi, "HTMLFormControlsCollection")
.replace(/<(Options)\.{3}>/gi, "HTMLOptionsCollection"),
Register = {
"A": "Anchor",
"B": "Bold",
"Br": "BR",
"Hr": "HR",
"Datalist": "DataList",
"Dl": "DList",
"Dlist": "DList",
"Fieldset": "FieldSet",
"Frameset": "FrameSet",
"Iframe": "IFrame",
"Img": "Image",
"Li": "LI",
"Ol": "OList",
"Olist": "OList",
"Optgroup": "OptGroup",
"P": "Paragraph",
"Q": "Quote",
"Tablecaption": "TableCaption",
"Tablecell": "TableCell",
"Tablecol": "TaleCol",
"Tablerow": "TableRow",
"Tablesection": "TableSection",
"Textarea": "TextArea",
"Ul": "UList",
"Ulist": "UList"
for(var k = /<([A-Z]\w*)>/i; k.test(string);)
string = string.replace(k, function($_, $1) {
var element = ($1.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + $1.slice(1, $1.length).toLowerCase()),
head = "HTML",
tail = "Element";
if(Global != undefined && Global != null && !((head + element + tail) in Global))
element = Register[element] || "Unknown";
return head + element + tail;
return string;
function Should_Register(string, ignore_type_regexp) {
// HELP: console.log(string, ["type_regexp[\\j \\j]: " + type_regexp.test(string)], ["dot_regexp[.\\j]: " + dot_regexp.test(string)], ["spread_regexp[\\j...]: " + spread_regexp.test(string)], ["type_spread_regexp[\\j \\j...]: " + type_spread_regexp.test(string)], ["equals_regexp[\\j =]: " + (!runtime.has("1.8.5") && equals_regexp.test(string))]); // :HELP
return eval([type_regexp.test(string), dot_regexp.test(string), spread_regexp.test(string), type_spread_regexp.test(string), (!runtime.has("1.8.5") && equals_regexp.test(string))]
.slice((ignore_type_regexp? 1: 0), 5)
function Register_in_Pusher(pusher_type, type_options, foreign) {
// HELP: console.log("\tRegister in Pusher:", [pusher_type, type_options, foreign]); // :HELP
var a = type_options.a, b = type_options.b, c = type_options.c, d = type_options.paren_brace_array;
function g(s){return s.replace(type_spread_regexp, "Spread/$1 $2").replace(/\//g, "$");};
// HELP: console.log("\tRegister in Pusher[a,b,c] 0:", [a, b, c]); // :HELP
if(type_options.use_c_override) {
if(c != undefined)
c = g(c);
b = g(b);
// HELP: console.log("\tRegister in Pusher[a,b,c] 1:", [a, b, c]); // :HELP
if(c != undefined && type_options.indie != undefined)
c = Argify_HTML_Tags(c, type_options.indie);
b = Argify_HTML_Tags(b, type_options.indie);
// HELP: console.log("\tRegister in Pusher[a,b,c] 2:", [a, b, c]); // :HELP
var t = Register_in_Pusher.ending_error_regexp, u = Register_in_Pusher.equals_regexp,
x = ((!foreign)? Push(pusher_type, a, b.replace(u, "")): Push(pusher_type, a, c.replace(u, ""), b)) - 1,
s = ((!foreign)? Pull(pusher_type, a): Pull(pusher_type, a, b))[x]
.replace(/\.{3}/g, "Spread")
.replace(/\*/g, "Any"),
i = Should_Register(c || b, true);
// HELP: console.log("\tRegister in Pusher[s]:", [b, c, s], i); // :HELP
s = type_options.head + (type_options.strict? "": s) + (type_options.tail || "") +
("() " + Argify_In_Braces(d[0], d[1])):
("(" + Argify_In_Paren(d[0]).replace(u, "").replace(Type_Name_RegExp, "$2").replace(Name_Type_RegExp, "$1").replace(t, "$1") + ") " + d[1]));
// HELP: console.log(s); // :HELP
return (type_options.keep_dirty_braces)? s: Tidy_Up_Braces(s);
Register_in_Pusher.ending_error_regexp = /\s*([,\)]|$)/g, Register_in_Pusher.equals_regexp = /\s*\=\s*[^,]*/g;
function Tidy_Up_Braces(string) {
return fold(unfold(string, "BE"));
function Is_a_ClassTypeFN(fn, alt) {
var d, a = Paramour.ClassTypeFN, b = a[fn], c = (b != d? b[alt]: d);
return ((a != d && b != d && c != d) && a.hasOwnProperty(fn) && b.hasOwnProperty(alt));
function Is_a_NativeTypeFN(fn) {
var a = Paramour.NativeTypeFN, b = a[fn], c;
return (b != c && a.hasOwnProperty(fn));
function Handle_JSUNIT(t) {
return t.replace(/(?:@@\.?|this\.(?:prototype|this)\.)?\b(toconsole|std(in|out)|assert(True|False|Fail|(Not)?(Equals|Null|NaN|Undefined))?)\b/g, "JSUNIT.$1")
.replace(/(?:@@\.?|this\.(?:prototype|this)\.)([a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)/g, "JSUNIT.prototype.$1")
.replace(/(@@\.?|this\.(?:prototype|this))/g, "JSUNIT");
function handle_class_methods(brace, name, native, parent_class) {
if(!(native = native || false)) {
brace = fold((fold(unfold(brace, 'BE').replace(/^\{|\}$/g, "")) || ""))
.replace(/(?:\binit\:\:)/g, ".constructor")
.replace(/\.?\b(constructor)\b[\b\s]*(PR\.\d+)?(?:(?:\:[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)?(?:\s*([\=\-\~\+\&]>)))?[\b\s]*(BE\.\d+|[^,;\{\}\(\)\[\]]+)/, function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
return compile(fold($1 + " = " + ($2 || "()") + $3 + $4));
.replace(/\*[\b]*(\s*\.)?/g, "$1*");
for(var k = /(?:\bfunction[\b]*\s+|\.)?((?:\*\s*|\bstatic[\b]*\s+)?[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)[\b]*\s*(PR\.\d+)(?:(?:\:[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)?(?:\s*([\=\-\~\+\&])>))?\s*(BE\.\d+|[^,;\{\}\(\)\[\]]+)/; k.test(brace) && !native;)
brace = brace.replace(k, function(__, _1, _2, _3, _4) {
var _k = /(\*\s*|\bstatic\s+)/, _s = _k.test(_1)? "static?=": "", _v = runtime.has("1.6");
_1 = _1.replace(_k, "");
if(/^\bfunction\b/.test(_1)) _1 = "";
if((_3 = (_3 || "").replace("=", "-")) != "" && !/^BE\.\d+/.test(_4))
_4 = fold("{" + _3 + ">\b " + _4 + "}");
return compile((_v? "": "?" + _3) + _s + "srototype?=" + name + ":" + _1 + " [" + strip(unfold(_2)) + "] " + _4);
} else {
brace = (strict && runtime.has("1.5")? "const\b ": "var\b ") + name + " = (function(__super__) " + BE[+brace]
.replace(/^\{(\s*)/, (parent_class != undefined)?
"{$1" + ignore(name + ".prototype = Object.assign((__super__ = " + parent_class + ").prototype, {constructor: " + name + "});") + newline + "$1":
"{$1" + ignore("(__super__ = " + name + ").prototype = {constructor: " + name + "};") + newline + "$1")
.replace(/(?:\binit\:\:|\.?\bconstructor)\s*(PR\.\d+)?\s*(?:(?:\:[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)?(?:\s*([\=\-\~\+\&])>))?(BE\.\d+|[^,;\{\}\(\)\[\]]+)/, function(__, _1, _2, _3) {
return (_2 || "") + "constructor?=" + name + " [" + (_1 || "") + "] " + _3
.replace(/(?:\*\s*|\bstatic\s+)\.?([a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*(PR\.\d+)\s*(?:(?:\:[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)?(?:\s*([\=\-\~\+\&])>))?\s*(BE\.\d+|[^,;\{\}\(\)\[\]]+)/g, "$3static?=prototype?=" + name + ":$1 [$2] $4")
.replace(/\.?([a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*(PR\.\d+)\s*(?:(?:\:[a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)?(?:\s*([\=\-\~\+\&])>))?(BE\.\d+|[^,;\{\}\(\)\[\]]+)/g, "$3prototype?=" + name + ":$1 [$2] $4")
.replace(/(\s*)\}$/, "$1 -> " + name + ";$1})();");
return brace;
var patterns = {
// rehandlers
"class\\?=(\\j)\\s*BE\\.(\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return handle_class_methods($2, $1, true);
"extends\\?=(\\j)\\:(\\j)\\s*BE\\.(\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
return handle_class_methods($3, $2, true, $1);
// "\Q[\b]+" - ignore newline/return
"(\\s*)([\\=\\-\\~\\+\\&])?constructor\\?=(\\j)\\s*\\[(PR\\.\\d+)?\\]\\s*(BE\\.\\d+|\\Q\b+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
// $1 Spaces, $2 Arrow Statement, $3 Class, $4 PR, $5 BE
var spaces = $1.slice(0, -2), r = "__super__", s = (spaces != ""? newline + spaces: "");
$2 = ($2 || "").replace("=", "-");
$4 = ($4 || false)? $4: "()";
$4 = fold(strip(unfold($4, "PR")));
if(!/^BE\.\d+/.test($5) && $2 != "")
$5 = ("{" + ($2 != ""? s + $2 + ">\b ": "") + $5.replace(/^\s*/g, "") + "}");
$5 = unfold($5.replace(/[\b]/g, ""), "BE");
// HELP: console.log("constructor:", [$2, $3, $4]); // :HELP
for(var k = /\bsuper\b\s*([^\(\)\[\]\.][^\n\r;]*)/; k.test($5);)
$5 = $5.replace(k, function(__, _1) {
_1 = strip(unfold(fold(_1), "PR").replace(/^\((.*)\)(.*?)$/, "$1$2"));
return (/^[\b\s]*((?:BK|PR)\.\d+|\.)/.test(_1))?
r + _1:
r + "(" + _1 + ")"
$5 = fold(unfold($5.replace(/\bsuper\b/g, r).replace(/\s*\}$/, s.slice(0, -2) + "}"), "BE"));
return Register_in_Pusher("class", {
head: $1 + $2 + "function\b " + $3,
a: $3,
b: "constructor",
c: $3,
paren_brace_array: [$4, $5],
strict: true
}, true);
// "\Q[\b]+" - ignore newline/return
"(\\s*)([\\=\\-\\~\\+\\&])?(static\\?=|\\*\\s*)?prototype\\?=(\\j)\\:(\\j)\\s*\\[([^\\[\\]]*)\\]\\s*(BE\\.\\d+|\\Q\b+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
// $1 Spaces, $2 Arrow Statement, $3 Static, $4 Class, $5 method, $6 PR, $7 BE
// HELP: console.log($_, [$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7]); // :HELP
var spaces = $1.slice(0, -2) || $7.replace(/^(?:[\n\r]*)(\s*)[\s\S]*$/, "$1"),
r = "__super__", c = ".constructor", f = "function", s = (spaces != ""? newline + spaces: "");
$1 = $1 || "";
$2 = ($2 || "").replace("=", "-");
$3 = $3 || false;
$6 = fold(strip(unfold($6.replace(/[\b]/g, ""), "PR")));
if(!/^BE\.\d+/.test($7) && $2 != "")
$7 = ("{" + ($2 != ""? s + $2 + ">\b ": "") + $7.replace(/^\s*/, "") + "}");
$7 = unfold($7.replace(/[\b]/g, ""), "BE");
// HELP: console.log("prototype:", [$1, $2, $3, $4, $6, $6, $7]); // :HELP
var typed = (($3)? $4 + "." + $5: $4 + ".prototype." + $5);
for(var k = /\bsuper\b\s*([^\(\)\[\]\.][^\n\r;]*)/; k.test($7);)
$7 = $7.replace(k, function(__, _1) {
_1 = strip(unfold(fold(_1), 'PR').replace(/^\((.*)\)(.*?)$/, "$1$2"));
return (/^[\b\s]*((?:BK|PR)\.\d+|\.)/.test(_1))?
r + _1:
r + "(" + _1 + ")"
$7 = fold(unfold($7.replace(/\bsuper\b/g, r).replace(/\s*\}$/, s.slice(0, -2) + "}"), "BE"));
$3 = (($3)? "static?=": "");
s = $1.slice(0, -2);
return ignore(Should_Register($6)?
Register_in_Pusher("class", {
head: $1 + $2 + $3 + "pocket?=" + $4 + ":" + $5 + newline + " " + s + typed + "__",
tail: " = " + f + "\b " + $5,
a: $4,
b: $5,
c: $6,
paren_brace_array: [$6, $7]
}, true):
newline + " " + s + typed + " = " + f + "\b " + $5 + "(" + $6 + ") " + $7);
"(\\s*)(?:\\?([\\=\\-\\+\\~\\&]))?(?:[\\b]*\\bfunction[\\b\\s]+|\\.\\s*)?(static(?:\\?=|\\s+)|\\*\\s*)?srototype\\?=(\\j)\\:(\\j)\\s*\\[([^\\[\\]]*)\\]\\s*(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
$5 = $5.replace(/__([a-z\$][\w\$]*)?$/i, "");
$6 = ($6 || "").replace(/[\b]/g, "");
$7 = unfold($7, "PR BK BE");
var s, x, $6, t = Register_in_Pusher.ending_error_regexp, u = Register_in_Pusher.equals_regexp, A, B, D, E, Q = (($3)? "static " + $5: $5), H = $1;
$3 = $3 != s;
// HELP: console.log("srototype:", [$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7]); // :HELP
for(var k = /\bsuper\b\s*([^\(\)\[\]\.][^\n\r;]*)/; k.test($7);)
$7 = $7.replace(k, function(__, _1) {
_1 = strip(unfold(fold(_1), 'PR').replace(/^\((.*)\)(.*?)$/, "$1$2"));
return (/^[\b\s]*((?:BK|PR)\.\d+|\.)/.test(_1))?
"\bsup\ber\b" + _1:
"\bsup\ber\b(" + _1 + ")"
$7 = fold($7, "BE");
if(Is_a_ClassTypeFN($4, $5) || Should_Register($6)) {
return Register_in_Pusher("class", {
head: (($1 == H)? ($1 = $1.slice(0, -2), H): $1) + (($3)? "static?=": "") + "socket?=" + $4 + ":" + $5 + newline + " " + $1 + Q + "__",
a: $4.replace(/^[\b]/, ""),
b: $5,
c: $6,
paren_brace_array: [$6, $7],
z: [A, B, D, E],
keep_dirty_braces: true
}, true);
return ($1 + Q + Strip_Paren_Spaces(Should_Register($6)?
"()\b " + Argify_In_Braces($6, $7):
"(" + Argify_In_Paren($6).replace(Type_Name_RegExp, "$2").replace(t, "$1") + ")\b " + $7));
"([\\=\\-\\~\\+\\&])?arrow\\?=\\[([^\\[\\]]*)\\]\\s*\\[([^\\[\\]]*)\\]\\z*(BE\\.\\d+|\\Q+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
// HELP: console.log(unfold($_), [$1, $2, $3, $4]); // :HELP
$1 = ($1 || "").replace("=", "-");
$2 = ($2 || "").replace(/[\b]/g, "").replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*$/i, "$1");
var d = strip(unfold($3, "PR")), n = "", f = ((/[\=\:]/.test($3))? (n = "function\b ", ""): "function\b "),
A, B, D, E, t = Register_in_Pusher.ending_error_regexp, u = Register_in_Pusher.equals_regexp, v = /\s*[\=\:]\s*/, w = v.test($2), x = "", y, l;
// HELP: console.log("Native[" + $1 + ">]:", [$2, $3, $4]); // :HELP
l = fold(f + $2 + n + (d != ""? "(" + Argify_In_Paren(d) + ")": "()") + " {" + ($1 != ""? $1 + ">\b ": "") + unfold($4, 'PR') + "}");
else if(/^BE\.\d+$/.test($4))
l = fold(f + $2 + n + (Should_Register(d, true)?
"() " + Argify_In_Braces($3, $4):
"(" + Argify_In_Paren(d) + ")" + $4));
l = fold(f + $2 + n + $3 + " {" + ($1 != ""? $1 + ">\b": "") + (/^[\x20\t\v ]/.test($4)? "": " ") + unfold($4, 'PR') + "}");
$3 = Argify_HTML_Tags($3);
if(Should_Register(d, true)) {
$2 = ((w)? (x = $2, ""): $2);
// HELP: console.log("Native[" + $1 + ">]:", [$2, $3, $4]); // :HELP
return Register_in_Pusher("native", {
head: x + "\bfunction\b " + $2 + "__",
a: $2.replace(/^[\b]/, ""),
b: $3,
z: [D, B, E],
paren_brace_array: [$3, "{" + $1 + ">\b " + $4 + "}"],
keep_dirty_braces: true,
indie: true
// HELP: console.log("Native[=>]:", [Paramour.NativeTypeFN[$1] != Paramour.SubTypeFN[$1], Paramour.NativeTypeFN == undefined, Should_Register($2)]); // :HELP
return l;
// short-hands::
"\\binit\\:\\:": function($_) {
return ".constructor"
"(\\j)(@|[\\:\\.]{2})(\\j)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
return $1 + ".prototype." + $3
"(\\j)\\s+get\\s+(\\j)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
return $1 + ".__defineGetter__(\"" + $2 + "\", function() " + $3 + ")"
"(\\j)\\s+get\\?\\s*(\\j)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return $1 + ".__lookupGetter__(\"" + $2 + "\")"
"(\\j)\\s+set\\s+(\\j)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
return $1 + ".__defineSetter__(\"" + $2 + "\", function(" + $2.replace(reserved, "__$1__") + ") " + $3 + ")"
"(\\j)\\s+set\\?\\s*(\\j)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return $1 + ".__lookupSetter__(\"" + $2 + "\")"
// reserved words
// statement {}
"\\b(do|else|finally|return|try|typeof|while)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return "\b" + $1 + "\b " + $2 + "\b"
// statement () {}
"\\b(catch|for|function|if|switch|while|with|\\.\\j)\\z*(PR\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return "\b" + $1 + "\b" + $2 + "\b"
"(\\s*(?:case|default))\\z*(BK\\.\\d+)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+|([\\:]\\z*)?\\Q+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
$2 = unfold($2, "BK");
var s = function(g) {
return {"":10,"0b":2,"0o":8,"0x":16}[g.toLowerCase()];
}, R = RegExp;
return ignore($_);
for(var i = +(R.$1 || 0), u, t = s(u = R.$2||""), e = +(R.$4 || 1), n = (R.$3 == ".."), j = [], k = i < e;
n? i < e + 1: i < e:
n? i > e - 1: i > e);
i += k? 1: -1)
// HELP: console.log("[", i, (k?"<":">") + (n?"=":""), e, ";", (k?"++":"--"), "]"), // :HELP
j.push(u + i.toString(t));
return fold($1 + " (" + j.join(", ") + ") " + $3)
"(\\s*)case\\z*(PR\\.\\d+)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+|([\\:]\\z*)?\\Q+\\q)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
$2 = fold(strip(unfold($2, 'PR'))).split(/,\s*|\s+/);
for(var x = 0, f = []; x < $2.length - 1; x++)
f.push($1 + "\bca\bse\b " + $2[x] + ":");
f.push($1 + "\bca\bse\b " + $2[x] + (/^\s*\:/.test($3)? "": ":" + newline + $1 + " "));
return f.join(newline) + unfold($3, 'BE').replace(/^\{\s*/, "").replace(/\s*(\}|;|\b|\B)$/, ";" + newline + $1 + " break;") + newline;
"(\\s*)default\\z*(PR\\.\\d+)?\\z*(BE\\.\\d+|([\\:]\\z*)?\\Q+\\q)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
if($2 == undefined && /^\s*\:\s*/.test($3))
return $1 + "\bdef\baul\bt\b" + $3;
$2 = fold(strip(unfold($2, 'PR'))).split(/,\s*|\s+/);
for(var x = 0, f = []; x < $2.length; x++)
f.push($1 + "\bca\bse\b " + $2[x] + ":");
f.push($1 + "\bdef\baul\bt\b" + (/^\s*\:/.test($3)? "": ":" + newline + $1 + " "));
return f.join(newline) + unfold($3, 'BE').replace(/^\{\s*/, "").replace(/\s*(\}|;|\b|\B)$/, ";" + newline + $1 + " break;") + newline;
// Custom Operators
"(\\s*)?(\\*?\\j)?\\s*(BK\\.\\d+)${arrow_state}?\\z*(BE\\.\\d+|\\Q+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
var t, d, n, f, g, k, p = RTS.p, P = RTS.P, m = RTS.m, M = RTS.M, s = RTS.s, S = RTS.S, q, C = $2 == q,
word_operator = /^\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*\s+|\*|\.{3})?(\s*;\s*|\s*(?:[a-z\$_][\w\$]*|\*|\.{3})\s*)?(\s+[a-z\$_][\w\$]*|\*|\.{3})?\s*$/i,
symbol_operator = /^\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*|\*|\.{3})?\s*([\!~\*\/%\+\-<>\&\^\|\?\:\=]{1,4})\s*([a-z\$_][\w\$]*|\*|\.{3})?\s*$/i;
$1 = $1 || "";
$2 = ($2 || "").replace(/[\b]/g, "");
$3 = unfold($3, 'BK').replace(/^\[\s*|\s*\]$/g, "");
$4 = ($4 || "").replace("=", "-");
if($4 == "")
return ignore($_);
$5 = fold("{" + $4 + ">\b " + $5 + "}");
if(!symbol_operator.test($3) && !word_operator.test($3))
return fold($1 + $2 + " [" + $3 + "]," + newline + $1 + " " + $4 + $5);
function y(s) {return s.replace(/\bSpread\b/g, "...")};
if(C) {
$3 = $3
.replace(symbol_operator, function(__, _1, _2, _3) {
if(_1 == q && _3 != q)
t = P, d = p, k = false, g = [y(_3)];
else if(_1 != q && _3 == q)
t = S, d = s, k = false, g = [y(_1)];
else if(_1 != q && _3 != q)
t = M, d = m, k = true, g = [y(_1), y(_3)];
$2 = _2.replace(/\s+/g, "");
return __
n = handle_operators($2, d).replace(/\([,\s]*\)$/, "");
} else {
$3 = undol($3
.replace(/\(/g, " ")
.replace(/\)/g, "")
.replace(word_operator, function(__, _1, _2, _3) {
var ___ = RegExp("\\b" + $2 + "\\b|[;]");
_1 = _1 || "", _2 = _2 || "", _3 = _3 || "";
if(___.test(_1) && !___.test(_2) && _3 == "")
t = P, d = p, k = false, g = [y(_1)], n = _1;
else if(_1 == "" && !___.test(_2) && ___.test(_3))
t = S, d = s, k = false, g = [y(_3)], n = _3;
else if(!___.test(_1) && ___.test(_2) && !___.test(_3))
t = M, d = (_1 == ""? s: _3 == ""? p: m), k = true, g = [y(_1), y(_3)], n = _2;
n = n.replace(";", $2);
return __
$2 = undol($2);
for(var x = 0; x < g.length; x++)
g[x] = g[x].replace(/^\s*(\*|\.{3}|[a-z\$\_][\w\$]*)/i, "$1 @");
g = g.join(", ");
f = (!C? $2: n = n.replace(/^.*?([a-z\$_][\w\$]*).*?$/i, "$1")) +
fold(("(" + unshock(g) + ")").replace(/\(\s*,/, "(").replace(/,\s*\)/, ")")) +
" " + $5;
Operator($2, g, d, unfold(f, 'PR'), $5, (n || $2));
return $1 + f;
// JS-Unit
"([\\b]*DS[\\.#]\\d+[\\b]*\\z*)?@(After|Before)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
eval("JU_" + $2[0] + " = true");
return ($1 == undefined? "": $1.replace(/(\s)?$/, ".setDocString(JSUNIT." + $2 + ");$1" + newline)) + fold("JSUNIT." + $2 + " = () " + Handle_JSUNIT(unfold($3, 'BE')));
"([\\b]*DS[\\.#]\\d+[\\b]*\\z*)?@Test\\z*(PR\\.\\d+)?(?:\\:\\j)?\\z*(BE\\.\\d+)(\\z*PR\\.\\d+)?": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
var n = "JSUNIT.Test[" + (JU_C++) + "]";
$1 = $1 || "";
return (/^\s*$/.test($1)? "": $1.replace(/(\s)?$/, ".setDocString(" + n + ");$1" + newline)) + compile(fold("(" + (n + "\b = " + ($2 || "()")) + Handle_JSUNIT(unfold($3, 'BE'))
.replace(/^\{(\s*)/, JU_B? "{$1JSUNIT.Before();$1": "{$1")
.replace(/(\s*)\}$/, JU_A? "$1 JSUNIT.After();$1}": "$1}") + ")" + ($4 || "()")));
// arrow functions
"([\\.\\:\\=]\\s*)?(\\*?\\j\\z*[\\:\\=]?\\z*)?(PR\\.\\d+)${arrow_state}\\z*(BE\\.\\d+|\\Q+)": function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $$, $_) {
// .\j = (...) => {...}
var _1 = "", _2 = "", _3, _4, _5, R = RegExp;
$1 = $1 || "";
$2 = $2 || "";
$3 = unfold($3, "PR");
$4 = $4.replace("=", "-");
_5 = /^\./.test($1);
// HELP: console.log("Native Arrow[function]:", unfold($0), [$1, $2, $3, $4, $5], $$, $_); // :HELP
// if((Paramour.NativeTypeFN[$2] != Paramour.SubTypeFN[$2] && Paramour.NativeTypeFN != undefined) || Should_Register($3))
// return ignore($0);
// else
// $3 = fold($3);
if((reserved.test($2) && $1 == "") || ($4 == "" && !/^BE\.\d+/.test($5)))
return ignore($1 + $2 + $3 + " " + $4 + $5);
if(!runtime.has("1.6") && $0 != strip($_) && /^PR\.\d+$/.test($5) && $2 == "") {
$0.replace(/^(\(+)?(.+?)(\)+)?$/g, "$1$2$3");
_1 = R.$3.slice(0, R.$1.length - 1);
self.pattern.test(R.$2.replace(/\)+$/, function(_0, _$, __) {
return _2 = _0
$0 = R.$_, $2 = (R.$1 || ""), $3 = R.$2, $5 = R.$3;
_3 = strip(unfold($3, 'PR')).replace(/\(+/g, " ").replace(/\)+/g, "");
_4 = (/[\:\=]/.test($2) || _5? "": " = ");
return "\b" + $1 + (((runtime.has("1.6") && !type_regexp.test(_3) && !type_spread_regexp.test(_3)))?
$2 + _4 + "(" + _3 + ") => " + $5 + _2:
compile("." + $2 + _4 + "(" + _3 + ") => " + $5 + _2):
compile("\b" + $4 + "arrow?=[" + $2 + "] [" + $3 + "] " + $5) + _2)
"(\\s*)(\\.)?(\\j\\z*)?\\s*([~\\*%\\/\\+\\-\\^\\?\\:]|[\\!\\&\\|\\=]{1,2}|[<>]{1,3})?\\s*\\=>\\z*(${operators_regexp}+)?\\s*(PR\\.\\d+)(\\Q*)\\s*(${operators_regexp}+)?": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) {
$3 = $3 || "";
$4 = $4 || "";
$5 = $5 || "";
$7 = $7 || "";
if($5 != "" || $7 != "")
$6 = fold("(" + $5 + $6 + $7 + ")");
$5 = "", $7 = "";
for(var k = /([^\(]*?)\s*(PR\.\d+|[\!~\*%\/\+\-<>\&\^\|\?\:\=]+)\s*(.*)/i, hty = [], R = RegExp, j = $6, q; k.test(j);)
j = j.replace(k, function(__, _1, _2, _3) {
var k = /([\!~\*%\/\+\-<>\&\^\|\?\:\=]+)/, l = /^\(|\s+|\)$/g, o, g;
(_1 = _1.replace((g = _2), _2 = R.$1, "").replace(l, "")) + (_3 = g.replace(l, ""));
else if(k.test(_3))
(_1 = _2.replace(l, "")) + (_3 = _3.replace(_2 = R.$1, "").replace(l, ""));
if((o =[_2]) != q)
return + shock("\\(" + (_1 + ((_3 != "")? ((_1 != "")? ", ": "") + _3: "")) + "\\)", true);
return _1 + "\b " + ((k.test(_2))? shock("\\" + _2.split("").join("\\"), true): unfold(_2, 'PR')) + "\b " + _3
j = unshock(j).replace(/^\s*(\(+)\s*(.*?)\s*(\)+)\s*$/, function($_, _1, _2, _3) {
return _2 + _3.slice(0, -_1.length)
j = unfold(fold(j, "PR").replace(/\((?:\s*,)?|(?:,\s*)?\)/g, ""), "PR");
for(var k = /\b([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\b/i, A, B, C, p = RTS.p, m = RTS.m, s = RTS.s, u = /[\b]/g, w, l =; k.test(j);)
j = j.replace(k, function(__, _1, _2, _3) {
_1 = _1.replace(u, "");
_2 = _2.replace(u, "");
_3 = _3.replace(u, "");
if((A = l[_1]) != w || (B = l[_2]) != w || (C = l[_3]) != w)
if((A || {}).root == s || (C || {}).root == p)
return _1 + "(" + _2 + ((_3 != "")? ", " + _3: "") + ")";
else if((A || {}).root == p || (C || {}).root == s)
return _3 + "(" + _1 + ((_3 != "")? ", " + _2: "") + ")";
else if((B || {}).root == m)
return _2 + "(" + _1 + ((_3 != "")? ", " + _3: "") + ")";
else return _1 + "\b" + _2 + "\b" + _3
for(k = /\b([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s+([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\b/i; k.test(j);)
j = j.replace(k, function(__, _1, _2) {
_1 = _1.replace(u, "");
_2 = _2.replace(u, "");
if((A = l[_1]) != w || (B = l[_2]) != w)
if((A || {}).root == s || (B || {}).root == p)
return _1 + "(" + _2 + ")";
else if((A || {}).root == p || (B || {}).root == s)
return _2 + "(" + _1 + ")";
return (reserved.test(_1))?
_1 + "\b" + _2 + "\b":
_1 + "(" + _2 + ")":
_1 + "\b" + _2 + "\b";
var f_ = "", _f = "", c_ = "", _c = "", h, h_, _h, o_, _o, c = $8, f = $7;
f = (((h_ = (o_ = l[f]) != w)? f) || "").replace(/\(\s*\)/, "");
f = (f != "" && h_)? (f_ = "(", _f = ")", f): f;
c = (((_h = (_o = l[c]) != w)? c) || "").replace(/\(\s*\)/, "");
c = (c != "" && _h)? (c_ = "(", _c = ")", c): c;
// j = handle_operators(j);
if(h_ && _h)
h = f + f_ + c + c_ + j + _c + _f; // f(c(j))
else if(h_)
h = c + c_ + f + f_ + j + _f + _c; // c f(j)
else if(_h)
h = f_ + c + c_ + j + _c + _f + f; // c(j) f
h = c + j + f; // c j f
$1 = unshock($1 + ($2 || "") + ($3 == ""? "": (reserved.test($3) && $2 == w)? $3: $3 + $4 + "= ") + h).replace(/(\))?\s*,\s*\)/g, "$1)");
return $1;
// classes
"(?:\\bclass\\s+)?(\\j)(?:\\s+extends\\s+|\\.|\\s+)(\\j)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
if(runtime.has("1.6")) {
$3 = handle_class_methods($3, $2);
return "\bclass\b " + $2 + "\b extends\b " + $1 + " {" + $3.replace(/\.[\b]class[\b]\s*/g, "").replace(/\*\s*\./g, ".*") + "}"
return compile("extends?=" + $1 + ":" + $2 + " " + $3);
"(?:\\bclass\\s+)?(\\j)\\z*(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2) {
if(runtime.has("1.6")) {
$2 = handle_class_methods($2, $1);
return "\bclass\b " + $1 + " {" + $2.replace(/\.[\b]class[\b]\s*/g, "").replace(/\*\s*\./g, ".*") + "}"
return compile("class?=" + $1 + " " + $2, [$1]);
// functions
"\\.?(?:\\b(?:function|[gs]et|static)[\\b]?\\s+)?(\\*?\\j\\z*[\\:\\=]?\\z*)?(PR\\.\\d+)${arrow_state}?\\z*(BE\\.\\d+|\\Q+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
$1 = ($1 || "").replace(/[\b]/g, "").replace(/([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)\s*$/i, "$1");
$3 = $3 || "";
var A, B, D, E, t = Register_in_Pusher.ending_error_regexp, u = Register_in_Pusher.equals_regexp, v = /\s*[\=\:]\s*/, w = v.test($1), x = "", y, f = "function";
if(!/^BE\.\d+/.test($4) && $3 == "")
return ignore($_);
// HELP: console.log("Native[function]:", unfold($_), [$1, $2, $3, $4]); // :HELP
if(w) // handle .= functions
return (($4 = compile($1 + $2 + $4), reserved.test($1))? "." + $4: "\b.\b" + $4);
else // ignore prototypes
return ignore($_);
y = Argify_HTML_Tags($2);
if(/^[\b]?\b(([gs]et|static|function)[\b]?\s+)/.test($_) && !Should_Register(y))
return ignore($_);
$2 = y;
// TODO: Setup SubTypeFN for methods of literal objects
// Paramour:
// fn: (String message) => "'${message}' has been logged";
// JavaScript:
// fn: function fn() { #{ Choose-Appropiate-Function }# };
// fn__String: function fn(message) {return "'" + (message) + "' has been logged"};
if(Is_a_NativeTypeFN($1) || Should_Register($2)) {
$1 = ((w)? (x = $1, ""): $1);
// HELP: console.log("Native[function]1:", [$1, $2, $3, $4]); // :HELP
return Register_in_Pusher("native", {
head: x + "\b" + f + "\b " + $1 + "__",
a: $1.replace(/^[\b]/, ""),
b: $2,
z: [D, B, E],
paren_brace_array: [$2, $4],
keep_dirty_braces: true,
indie: true
return Strip_Paren_Spaces(Should_Register($2)?
$1 + f + "() " + Argify_In_Braces($2, $4):
f + "\b " + $1 + "() " + Argify_In_Braces($2, $4):
$1 + f + "(" + $2.replace(Type_Name_RegExp, "$2").replace(t, "$1") + ") " + $4:
f + "\b " + $1 + "(" + Argify_In_Paren($2).replace(Type_Name_RegExp, "$2").replace(t, "$1") + ") " + $4);
// Arrow Statements
"([^\\-])\\->": function($_, $1) {
return $1 + "return\b"
"\\~>": function($_) {
return "throw\b"
"([^\\+])\\+>": function($_, $1) {
return $1 + "throw\b new\b"
"\\&>": function($_) {
return "yield\b"
"\\b((?:[DST][Qq]|QI|ST)\\.\\d+)\\s*(\\j)\\s*([\\=\\:])\\s*(\\Q+)((\\s*\\:)\\s*\\Q+)?": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) {
var d = runtime.has("1.4") && strict,
q = (/\.\d+/.test($1) && !d? ".name": ""),
r = ($5 == undefined? " undefined": $5.replace($6, "")),
c = d? " instanceof": ".constructor ==";
$1 = !d? $1: unfold($1, LITERALS.Esc).replace(/(["'`]{1,3})(.+)\1/, "$2");
if($3 == "=")
return $2 + " = ((" + $2 + " = " + $4 + ")" + c + q + " == " + $1 + ")? " + $2 + ":" + r;
return $2 + ": ((Global['." + $2 + "'] = " + $4 + ")" + c + q + " == " + $1 + ")? Global['." + $2 + "']:" + r;
"\\b((?:[DST][Qq]|QI|ST)\\.\\d+)\\s*(\\j)": function($_, $1, $2) {
if(!/^(["'`]|["'`]{3})(boolean|function|null|number|object|string|symbol|(?:un)?defined)\1$/.test($1 = unfold($1, "DQ SQ QI Dq Sq Tq")))
return $1 + " + " + $2;
return (RegExp.$2 == "defined")?
fold($1.replace(RegExp.$2, "undefined")) + " != typeof\b " + $2:
fold($1) + " == typeof\b " + $2
"\\b((un)?defined|null)\\s+(\\j\\l+|\\$[1-9]\\d?)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
return shock((($2 == "un" || $1 == "null")?
"\\(" + $3 + " == " + $1 + "\\)":
"\\(" + $3 + " == undefined || " + $3 + " == null\\)":
"\\(" + $3 + " != " + $1 + "\\)":
"\\(" + $3 + " != undefined && " + $3 + " != null\\)"), true)
"\\bNaN(\\s+|\\s*[\\!\\=]\\={1,2}\\s*)([\\+\\-]{0,2}\\l+|\\l+[\\+\\-]{2}?)": function($_, $1, $2) {
var isNaN;
return $1.replace(/[\=\s]+/g, "").replace(/^!/, "\\!") +
((isNaN)? "isNaN(" + $2 + ")": fold(shock("\\!(" + $2 + " <= Infinity\\)", true)))
"([\\+\\-]{0,2}\\l+|\\l+[\\+\\-]{2}?)\\s*([\\!\\=]?\\={1,2})\\s*NaN": function($_, $1, $2) {
var isNaN;
return $1.replace(/[\=\s]+/g, "").replace(/^!/, "\\!") +
((isNaN)? "isNaN(" + $1 + ")": fold(shock("\\!(" + $1 + " <= Infinity\\)", true)))
// variables
"\\b(var|const|let)\\z*(PR\\.\\d+)(\\z*[\\:\\=]\\Q+)?": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
var c, s, d;
$3 = $3 || "";
$3 = $3.replace(/;$/, "").replace(/^\s*([\:\=])\s*/, "");
c = RegExp.$1;
s = (c == ":" || $1 == "const"? "const ": $1 + " ") + strip(unfold($2, 'PR')).replace(/(^\s*|,\s*)([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(\s*,|\s*$)/gi, $3 == ""? "$1$2$3": "$1$2 = " + $3 + "$3").replace(/(^\s*|,\s*)([a-z\$_][\w\$]*)(\s*,|\s*$)/gi, $3 == ""? "$1$2$3": "$1$2 = " + $3 + "$3");
s = fold(s);
for(var k = /(?:\.BE|\bTP)\.(\d+)\b/, j, i = {}; k.test(s);)
// HELP: console.log("set variable:", [$1, $2, $3], [s, j, i[j]]), // :HELP
s = s.replace(k, function(__, _1) {
if(i[j = __] == undefined)
return i[j] = /\.BE\b/i.test(j)?
"TP.\b" + (TP.push(BE[+_1].replace(/^\{|\}$/g, "")) - 1):
unfold(__, "TP");
return ""
return s.replace(/\.[\b]/g, ".")
// statements and handlers
"@(\\j)\\#?": function($_, $1, $2) {
var w;
if($2 != w && LITERALS.test($1))
return "this" + $1 + $2
else if($2 != w)
return "this." + $1 + $2
return "this." + $1
"@": function($_, $1) {
return "this"
"(\\j)\\s*(PR\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return $1 + unfold($2, "PR")
"(\\j)\\s*(BK\\.\\d+)(\\z*)(\\=\\z*[^\\=](?:\\j(?:\\.\\d+)?))?": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
$2 = unfold($2, "BK");
$4 = $4 || "";
var start, stop, type, from, R = RegExp;
return ignore($1 + "\b" + fold($2) + "\b" + $3 + $4);
start = R.$1 || 0,
stop = R.$3 || 0,
type = ((R.$2 == ".." && $4 == "")? "slice": "splice"),
from = ((/^[^\-,]*?\-\d+/.test(start) || (+start < 0 && +start < Infinity))? $1 + ".length " + (start + "").replace(/^\s*\-\s*/, "- "): start);
return $1 + "." + type + "(" + (type == "slice"? from: start) + ", " + stop + (unfold($4, "BK").replace(/^(\=[\b\s]*)\[|\]\s*$/g, "$1").replace(/^\=[\b\s]*/, ", ")) + ")";
"((?:[\\:\\=,\\(\\[\\{]|\\b)\\z*)(BK\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2) {
$2 = unfold($2, "BK");
var s = function(g) {
return {"":10,"0b":2,"0o":8,"0x":16}[g.toLowerCase()];
}, R = RegExp;
return ignore($_);
for(var i = +(R.$1 || 0), u, t = s(u = R.$2||""), e = +(R.$4 || 1), n = (R.$3 == ".."), j = [], k = i < e;
n? i < e + 1: i < e:
n? i > e - 1: i > e);
i += k? 1: -1)
// HELP: console.log("[", i, (k?"<":">") + (n?"=":""), e, ";", (k?"++":"--"), "]"), // :HELP
j.push(u + i.toString(t));
return ignore($1 + "[" + j.join(", ") + "]");
// etc.
"([\\:\\=,;\\(\\[\\{]\\z*)(\\.?(B[EK]|TP)\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
var l = {"BE": "{}", "BK": "[]", "TP": "()"}[$3], g = "", h = {"TP": "new Tuple"}[$3] || "", w;
$2 = fold(unfold($2, "BE BK TP").replace(/^new\sTuple/, "").replace(/^[\{\[\(]|[\)\]\}]$/g, ""));
return $1 + l;
if($3 == "TP")
$2 = unfold($2, "PR");
$2 = $2.split(newline);
for(var x = 0, y = 3, f, i = [], s = /^[\s\b]*$/; x < $2.length - 1; x++)
if(!s.test($2[x]) || (s.test($2[x]) && !s.test($2[x + 1])))
i.push($2[x].replace(/^(\s*)([^,]*?)?(,)?(\s*[\b]*(VC|[MS]L|DS|EM|PN)\.\d+[\b]*)?\s*?$/, function(__, _0, _1, _2, _3) {
f = {
a: _1 != w,
b: _2 != w,
c: _3 != w
y += +f.c;
_1 = (_1 != w)? _1 + ",": "";
g = g || _0;
if(f.a && !f.b && !f.c)
return _1 + newline;
return _1 + (_3 || "") + newline
if(i.length < 1)
i = $2;
return ignore(fold(
$1 + h + (l[0] + ((i.length > 3)? newline + i.join(g).replace(/(\s*)$/, newline + "$1"): i.join(g)) + l[1])
"$1" + (i.length > 1? newline + g.slice(2, g.length): "") + l[1])
.replace(/([\:\{\[\(]\s*),\s*/g, "$1")
_patterns_ = {
"\\.${reserved}": function($_, $1) {
return '["' + $1 + '"]'
"${reserved}\\s*\\:": function($_, $1) {
return '"' + $1 + '":'
"\\b(?:var|const|let)\\s+(\\j)\\.(\\j)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return $1 + "." + $2
"(\\l+)\\s*(${condition})\\s*(\\l+)\\s*(${condition})\\s*(\\l+)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
return $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 + " && " + $3 + " " + $4 + " " + $5
// custom operators
"(\\j\\#?|\\N)(\\s+)(\\j)(\\s+)(\\j\\#?|\\N)": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
var o, p, q, r = RTS.p, s = RTS.s, t = RTS.m, l =, w;
$2 = $2 || "";
$7 = $7 || "";
function g(n){return (reserved.test(n) && !variable_regexp.test(n))}
if(g($1) || g($4) || g($6) || (LITERALS.E.test($1) && LITERALS.E.test($6)))
return ignore(unfold($_));
if(l != w)
if((o = l[$1]) != w || (p = l[$4]) != w || (q = l[$6]) != w)
if((o = o || {}).root == s || o.root == r)
return $4 + $5 + "\b" + $1 + "(" + $6 + ")";
else if((q = q || {}).root == r || q.root == s)
return $1 + $3 + "\b" + $6 + "(" + $4 + ")";
else if((p || {}).root == t)
return $4 + "(" + $1 + ", " + $6 + ")";
return unfold($1).replace($2, "") + "(" + $4 + " " + $5 + compile(unfold($6).replace($7, "")) + ")"
"(\\j\\#?|\\N)(\\s+)(\\j\\l+)(\\.{3})?": function($_, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
var o, p, r = RTS.p, s = RTS.s, l =, w;
$2 = $2 || "";
$5 = ($5 || "");
var g = $5 == "...";
function h(n){return (reserved.test(n) && !variable_regexp.test(n))}
if(h($1) || h($4) || (LITERALS.E.test($1) && LITERALS.E.test($4)))
return ignore(unfold($_));
if(l != w)
if((o = l[$1]) != w || (p = l[$4]) != w)
if((o = o || {}).root == s || o.root == r)
return (g)? $1 + ".apply(null, " + $4 + ")": $1 + "(" + $4 + ")";
else if((p = p || {}).root == r || p.root == s)
return (g)? $4 + ".apply(null, " + $1 + ")": $4 + "(" + $1 + ")"
return $1 + $3 + "*" + $3 + $4;
$1 = unfold($1).replace($2, "");
return (g)? $1 + ".apply(null, " + compile(unfold($4).replace($5, "")) + ")": $1 + "(" + $4 + ")";
"(\\d+|\\.)(?:\\.(\\d{3}))(\\.[\\.\\d]+)?": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
if($3 == undefined && $1 != ".")
return ignore($1 + "." + $2);
return ($1 + $2 + $3).replace(/\./g, "");
"([\\!~\\*%+\\-<>&\\^\\|\\?\\:\\=,;\\(\\[\\{\\}]|${reserved})[\\b\\s]*\\*\\s*": function($_, $1) {
return ignore(($1 == "function")? $_: $1 + " \bnew\b ")
"\\.(BE\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1) {
return "new\b Tuple(" + unfold($1, "BE").replace(/^\{|\}$/g, "") + ")"
"(\\j)\\s*((?:[DST][Qq]|QI|ST|R[Xq])\\.\\d+)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return $1 + "(" + $2 + ")"
function run(Patterns) {
for(var pattern in Patterns) {
var flags = "", reg = randle(pattern, true)
.replace(/^\*([imguy]+)/, function(e) {
flags = e
.replace(/^\*/, function() {
Throw(new SyntaxError(), "[String -> RegExp]", "'^*' in /" + pattern + "/" + flags);
compile.start = compile.start || +(new Date);
reg = RegExp(reg, flags), string = fold(string, 'Dq Sq Tq Rq DQ SQ RX QI ML SL');
reg.test(string) && (compile.counts += +(compile.last == reg)) < 1000;
compile.last = reg
self = Patterns[pattern], = pattern,
string = P(string).replace(self.pattern = self.regexp = reg, self);
if(compile.counts >= 1000)
Throw(new RangeError(), "[String -> String]:" + (index | 0) + "$1\tat /" + + "/", "Maximum call stack size exceeded [" + (+(new Date) - compile.start) + " ms].");
for(var k = /(?:[\b]{0,2})IG\.(\d+)(?:[\b]{0,2})/, l = IG.length, i = 0; k.test(string) && i < l; i++)
string = string.replace(k, function($_, $1) {
return IG.splice(+$1, 1, "")
run([patterns, _patterns_][+index | 0]);
return string;
}; // End of compile
compile.counts = 0;
var Reel = {}, SnapShot = Paramour.SnapShot = (Paramour.SnapShot || []);
(SnapShot = SnapShot.length < 50? SnapShot: SnapShot.slice(1, 50)).push((StampTime(input), Reel));
Global.SnapShot = Paramour.SnapShot = SnapShot;
function StampTime(string, description) {
var now = +(new Date);
return Reel[now] = string, Reel[now + "-message"] = description, string;
StampTime(input, "Setup complete. Run {compile} I");
// Options
input = input.replace(/\b([DE]?[MS][LU]?|VC|PN)\.\d+\b/g, "");
// console.log("Starting brain...");
input = compile(input, 0);
StampTime(input, "{compile} I complete. Run {compile} II");
// console.log("End brain #1");
input = unfold(input, 'Dq Sq Tq Rq DQ SQ RX QI ML SL TP BK PR BE');
input = compile(input, 1);
StampTime(input, "{compile} II complete. Replace {LITERALS.S}, and {errors}");
// console.log("End brain #2");
input = unfold(input);
input = unshock(input);
// console.log("End brain #3");
input = unignore(input);
// scope independent
input = unfold(
fold(input, "PR")
.replace(/\.([a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*[\b\s]*PR\.\d+[\b\s]*\{[\s\S]*?\})/g, "$1")
.replace(/([a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*)\.{3}/g, "...$1")
input = unfold(input)
.replace(/([\&\|\?\:\=,;\(\[\{\}]\s*)\*[\x20\t\v\u0008 ]*/g, "$1new\b ")
.replace(RegExp("(" + reserved.source + "[\\x20\\t\\v\\u0008 ]+)\\*", "g"), "$1new\b ")
.replace(/\bfunction[\b\s]+new[\b\s]+/g, "function *");
input = unstaple(input, unfold);
StampTime(input, "Replacing complete. Replace <Phantoms>");
input = PN.replace(input);
StampTime(input, "Replacing complete. Handle <Native-Typed-Functions>");
// Paramour typed functions
// Native
for(var fn in Paramour.NativeTypeFN)
if(Paramour.NativeTypeFN[fn] && Paramour.NativeTypeFN[fn].constructor == Array)
input = handle_typefn(input, "Native", fn, undefined, "\tfunction ", "");
StampTime(input, "Handling complete. Handle <Class-Typed-Methods>");
// Class
for(var cls in Paramour.ClassTypeFN)
for(var fn in Paramour.ClassTypeFN[cls])
if(Paramour.ClassTypeFN[cls] && Paramour.ClassTypeFN[cls][fn] && Paramour.ClassTypeFN[cls][fn].constructor != Array)
break ClassType;
input = handle_typefn(input, "Class", fn, cls, "\t ", "\\locket");
StampTime(input, "Handling complete. Handle <Docstrings>");
// DS
var q = {
"DS\\?=(\\d+)((?:\\z|[\\b])*\\j(?:[\\.\\w]+)?)((?:\\z|[\\b])+\\j(?:[\\.\\w]+)?)": function($_, $1, $2, $3) {
return "(\"" + unstaple(unfold(DS[+$1]), unfold, unignore).replace(/"/g, "\\\"").split(newline.toRegExp()).join(newline.esc + "\" +" + newline.unesc + "\"") + "\").setDocString(" + $3.replace(/\s/g, "") + ");" + newline + $2 + $3
"DS\\?=(\\d+)((?:\\z|[\\b])*\\j(?:[\\.\\w]+)?)": function($_, $1, $2) {
return "(\"" + unstaple(unfold(DS[+$1]), unfold, unignore).replace(/"/g, "\\\"").split(newline.toRegExp()).join(newline.esc + "\" +" + newline.unesc + "\"") + "\").setDocString(" + $2.replace(/\s/g, "") + ");" + newline + $2
"DS\\?=(\\d+)": function($_, $1) {
return "(\"" + unstaple(unfold(DS[+$1]), unfold, unignore).replace(/"/g, "\\\"").split(newline.toRegExp()).join(newline.esc + "\" +" + newline.unesc + "\"") + "\")"
for(var o in q)
for(var k = RegExp(randle(o, true)); (!mini) && k.test(input);)
input = input.replace(k, q[o]);
input = input.replace(/\bfunction[\b\s]+([a-zA-Z\$_][\w\$]*\.)/g, "$1");
Paramour.DocStrings = DS;
StampTime(input, "Handling complete. Handle <Paramour-Methods>, <Paramour-Properties>, and {JSUNIT}");
/* End of Paramour's "Brain"
Add-ons and other goodies
var p = {
getFormData: function getFormData(url) {
if(url == undefined || url == null)
url = Global.location;
else if(!(url.constructor == URL))
url = new URL(url);
var data = + "";
return {};
data = data
.replace(/^\?/, "")
.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\\\")
.replace(/(["'])/g, "\\$1");
if(data == "")
return {};
data = '{"' + (
(encodeURI(data).split("&").join('","')) || "="
).replace(/=/g, '":"')
.replace(/,(\n\r?|\r\n?)+/g, ",")
+ '"}';
return JSON.parse(decodeURI(data));
storage: {
"set": function set() {
if(undefined != Storage)
for(var index = 0, length = arguments.length; index < length; index++)
localStorage.setItem(arguments[index], arguments[++index]);
return !1;
return !0;
check: function check(name) {
return != undefined
"get": function get(name) {
return localStorage.getItem(name)
"delete": function del(name) {
localStorage.setItem(name, undefined);
return !
Qy: function Qy(selector, index) {
return selector = document.querySelectorAll(selector),
(index == undefined)? selector: selector[+index];
save: function save(name, data) {
var location = Global.location.pathname + "";
name = data? encodeURI(name): name;
data = data || location.substring(location.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, location.length) + ".cache";
return, name);
load: function load(name, data) {
var location = Global.location.pathname + "";
name = data? encodeURI(name): name;
name = name || location.substring(location.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, location.length) + ".cache";
"delete": function del(name, data) {
var location = Global.location.pathname + "";
name = data? encodeURI(name): name;
name = name || location.substring(location.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, location.length) + ".cache";
"typeof": function type(parameter) {
if(arguments.length > 1)
return Paramour.typeOf.apply(null, arguments);
var r = "";
switch (typeof parameter) {
case typeof Boolean():
case typeof Function():
case typeof Number():
padding = "";
case typeof Object():
switch (parameter.constructor) {
case RegExp:
padding = "";
case Array:
padding = "[]";
padding = "{}";
case typeof String():
padding = '""';
case typeof Symbol():
padding = [ "(@@", ")" ];
parameter = parameter + "";
case "undefined":
padding = "";
padding = "";
return (padding[0] || "") + parameter + (padding[1] || "");
typeOf: Paramour.types,
random: function random() {
return Boolean(Math.round(Math.random()));
/* JSUNIT functions
e - expected
r - recieved
c - comment
f - function name
Global.JSUNIT =
Paramour.JSUNIT = {
assert: function assert(e, r) {
JSUNIT.count = JSUNIT.count || 0;
JSUNIT.log("Message: [" + e + "]\v\tat <Test " + (JSUNIT.count++) + ">" + ((r != undefined)? "\v\tassert:\v\t[" + r + "]": ""));
assertTrue: function assertTrue(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertEquals(true, r, c, "True");
assertFalse: function assertFalse(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertEquals(false, r, c, "False");
assertEquals: function assertEquals(e, r, c, f) {
JSUNIT.count = JSUNIT.count || 0;
if(r == e) return JSUNIT.count++;
JSUNIT.out("Exception in assert" + (f || "Equals") + ((c != undefined? " [" + c + "]": "")) + "\v\tat <Test " + (JSUNIT.count++) + ">\v\texpected: '" + (e + "").slice(0, 12) + ((e + "").length > 12? "...": "") + "'\v\treceived: '" + (r + "").slice(0, 12) + ((r + "").length > 12? "...": "") + "'");
assertNotEquals: function assertNotEquals(e, r, c, f) {
JSUNIT.count = JSUNIT.count || 0;
if(r != e) return JSUNIT.count++;
JSUNIT.out("Exception in assertNot" + (f || "Equals") + ((c != undefined? " [" + c + "]": "")) + "\v\tat <Test " + (JSUNIT.count++) + ">\v\tunexpected: '" + (e + "").slice(0, 12) + ((e + "").length > 12? "...": "") + "'");
assertNull: function assertNull(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertEquals(null, r, c, "Null");
assertNotNull: function assertNotNull(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertNotEquals(null, r, c, "Null");
assertUndefined: function assertUndefined(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertEquals(undefined, r, c, "Undefined");
assertNotUndefined: function assertNotUndefined(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertNotEquals(undefined, r, c, "Undefined");
assertNaN: function assertNaN(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertEquals("NaN", (r + ""), c, "NaN");
assertNotNaN: function assertNotNaN(r, c) {
JSUNIT.assertNotEquals("NaN", (r + ""), c, "NaN");
assertFail: function assertFail(c) {
JSUNIT.out("Exception in assertFail" + ((c != undefined? " [" + c + "]": "")) + "\v\tat <Test " + (JSUNIT.count++) + ">\v\t undefined Error");
count: 0,
out: function out(c) {
if(!JSUNIT.toconsole && (JSUNIT.toconsole = (JSUNIT.html = document.querySelector("#jsunit-stdout")) != null))
JSUNIT.html.innerHTML += c
.replace(/([\n\v]\r?|\r)\s\s/g, "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;")
.replace(/([\n\v]\r?|\r)/g, "<br>");
console.error(c.replace(/\v/g, newline));
log: function log(c) {
if(!JSUNIT.toconsole && (JSUNIT.toconsole = (JSUNIT.html = document.querySelector("#jsunit-stdout")) != null))
JSUNIT.html.innerHTML += c
.replace(/([\n\v]\r?|\r)\s\s/g, "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;")
.replace(/([\n\v]\r?|\r)/g, "<br>");
console.log(c.replace(/\v/g, newline));
stderr: function stderr(c) {
stdout: function stdout(c) {
stdin: function stdin(c, e) {
return prompt(c, e)
Test: {},
prototype: {},
toconsole: false
for(var o in p)
Paramour[o] = p[o];
function minify(string) {
return string
.replace(/\btrue\b/g, "!0")
.replace(/\bfalse\b/g, "!1")
.replace(/\bundefined\b/g, "void 0")
.replace(/[\b]+/g, " ")
.replace(/\s*(\W)\s*/g, "$1");
// Options
for(var option in options)
switch(option) {
case "strict":
input = input.split(/[\b]*#BARRIER#[\b]*/);
if(input.length > 1)
input = input.slice(0, input.length - 1) + newline + "(function() {" + newline + input[input.length - 1] + newline + "}).call(this);";
input = "(function() {" + newline + input.join("") + newline + "}).call(this);";
case "embed":
input += "\b#SEA-REPORT#\b";
case "mini":
input = unfold(minify(fold(input, "DQ SQ RX QI")));
case "deps":
var m = "var Paramour = Paramour || {prototype: {}}, JSUNIT = JSUNIT || (function(){return function Tuple(){return this};}()), Tuple = Tuple || {prototype: {}}, Types;" + newline,
t = minify(
"Types.check = function(a, b) {"+
"var c = RegExp(\"^(\\\\b\" + a + \"\\\\b,?)+$\").test(b),"+
"d = (c)? RegExp.$_: b.replace(RegExp(\"^(\\\\b\" + a + \"\\\\b,?)+\"), \"\").split(\",\"),"+
"i = Types.check.failIndex = ((c)? -1: ((b = b.split(\",\")).length - d.length));"+
"return = ((c)? \"\": b.slice(i, b.length) + \"\"), c};"+
"Types.oftype = function(a,b) {"+
"return Types.check.index = null,"+
"Types.check(a, b + \"\")? b: b.slice(0, Types.check.index = Types.check.failIndex)};"
a = newline + m;
// Type Controlled Functions
for(var p = [Paramour.NativeTypeFN, Paramour.SubTypeFN, Paramour.ClassTypeFN], i = 0, j; i < p.length; i++)
for(var q in p[i])
if(j = p[i].hasOwnProperty(q))
break types;
a += "Types=" + minify(Types.toString().replace(/function(?:\s+types\b\s*|\s*)\((.*)\)/i, "function Types($1)")) + ";" + newline + t;
// DocStrings
if(DS.length > 0)
a += minify("String.prototype.setDocString = String.prototype.setDocString || function setDocString(){return this}") + ";";
// .prototype methods
for(var p = "String. Object. Tuple Tuple. NewLine JSUNIT Array.".split(" "),
q = [/(?:["'`][\s\)]*|\bString\.prototype)\.(repeat)\b/,
i = 0, r, s, t = {}, u = input, v = [];
i < p.length;
for((q[i] = q[i] || q[i - 1]).test(u);
q[i].test(u) && t[r = (p[i] = p[i] || p[i - 1]).replace(".", ".prototype") + "." + RegExp.$1] == undefined;
t[r] = true)
u = u.replace(RegExp("\\b" + r + "\\b", "g"), "") + eval(r),
for(var i = 0, j; i < v.length; i++)
!/\bfunction\s+([a-zA-Z$_][\w\$]*)\s*\{\s*\[(native\scode|Command\sLine\sAPI)\]\s*\}/.test(eval(j = v[i]))
&& !RegExp("(\\b" + (j.replace(/\./g, "\\.")) + "\\s*=[^=]\\s*)\\bfunction\\b").test(input)
&& !/\[([a-z])\s\1\]/i.test(j)
a += (t.constructor == Object)? j + ";": t + " = " + t + " || function(){return this};";
input += newline + a;
input = a + "\b#BARRIER#\b" + newline + input;
// END options
t = function(n, b) {
var ms = 1, sec = 1000, min = 60, hr = 60, dy = 24, yr = 365, Y = Infinity;
for(var x = 0, y = "ms sec min hr dy yr Y".split(" "), z; x < y.length && n >= (z = ({ms:ms,sec:sec,min:min,hr:hr,dy:dy,yr:yr,Y:Y})[y[x]]); x++)
n /= z;
return n + " " + y[x - 1];
// stop and count the clock
clock.stop = +(new Date);
clock.span = clock.stop - clock.start;
clock.start = new Date(clock.start);
clock.stop = new Date(clock.stop);
clock.span = t(clock.span, true);
var j = input.split(newline).length, p = backup.split(RegExp["$&"]).length, J = input.length, P = backup.length, d, e, i = [], r = 0;
function f(n) {
return Math.round(+n)
.replace(/(\d{3})/g, "$1,")
.replace(/,$/, "")
function h(n, l, m) {
for(var k = "YZEPTGMK\b".split(""), s = +n > 0? 1: -1, n = Math.abs(+n); n >= Math.pow((m = (m == true)? 1000: 1024), (l || 0) + 1) && k.length > 1; n /= m)
return ((s*n) + "").replace(/\.(\d{3}).*/, ".$1") + (k.reverse()[0]) + (m == 1000? "": "b")
function c(a, b) {
return ["1%", "10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%", "60%", "70%", "80%", "90%", "99%"][Math.round((a/b) > 1? (a/b)/100: 10 * (a/b))]
function s() {
for(var a = arguments, b = [], c = 0, d, e; c < a.length; c++)
b.push((d = (e = (a[c] + "").replace(/[\b]/g, "")).length) <= 12? e + " ".repeat(12 - d): e.slice(0, 9) + "..." );
return b.join("| ").replace(/[\b]/g, "")
function w(d) {
return d? (r++, "Paramour"): "JavaScript"
Paramour.SEA = Paramour.SEA || [];
Paramour.SEA.push( =
("\t/* Paramour Self Evaluation Article (SEA)\t\t * How useful was Paramour?\t\t " +
(d = s("Category", "Paramour", "JavaScript", "Difference", "Winner", "Ranking")) + "\t " +
("-".repeat(d.length)) + "\t " +
s("Version", Paramour.version, (runtime.emu || runtime.original) + " - " + (runtime.emu == undefined? "RAW": "EMU"), "", "", Paramour.versionName) + "\t " +
s("Lines", f(p), f(j), (e = j - p), w(e > 0), "~ " + c(p, j)) + "\t " +
s("Characters", f(P), f(J), (e = J - P), w(e > 0), "~ " + c(P, J)) + "\t " +
s("Size x1024", h(P), h(J), h(e = J - P), w(e > 0), (c(P, J), " N/A")) + "\t " +
s("Size x1000", h(P, 0, true), h(J, 0, true), h(e = J - P, 0, true), w(e > 0), (c(P, J), " N/A")) + "\t " +
s("Benefits", r, 4 - r, Math.abs(r - (4 - r)), w(r > 1), "~ " + c(r, 5)) + "\t " +
s("Compile Time", clock.span) + "\t\t" +
" " + (r > 2? "Paramour": "JavaScript") + " was ~ " + (100 - eval(c(4 - ((p/j) + (3 * (P/J))), 4) + "+100")) + "% useful\t " +
("=".repeat(d.length)) + "\t\t " +
"* What was compiled?\t\t " +
// Comments
s("U. Literals", "Docstrings", "Multiline", "Single line", "Phantoms", "Ver. Control", "Ver. Query") + "\t " +
s("Amount", DS.length, ML.length, SL.length, PN.length, EM.length, VC.length) + "\t " +
s("Total", i[0] = DS.length + ML.length + SL.length + PN.length + EM.length + VC.length) + "\t " +
("-".repeat(d = 123)) + "\t " +
// Non-Escapable Literals
s("N. Literals", "Braces", "Brackets", "Parenthesis", "Tuples") + "\t " +
s("Amount", BE.length, BK.length, PR.length, TP.length) + "\t " +
s("Total", i[1] = BE.length + BK.length + PR.length + TP.length) + "\t " +
("-".repeat(d)) + "\t " +
// Escapable Literals
s("E. Literals", "\" Strings", "' Strings", "` Strings", "/ RegExps", "\"\"\" Strings", "''' Strings", "``` Strings", "/// RegExps") + "\t " +
s("Amount", DQ.length, SQ.length, QI.length, RX.length, Dq.length, Sq.length, Tq.length, Rq.length) + "\t " +
s("Total", i[2] = DQ.length + SQ.length + QI.length + RX.length + Dq.length + Sq.length + Tq.length + Rq.length) + "\t " +
("-".repeat(d)) + "\t " +
s("Grand Total", eval(i.join("+")) + " items") + "\t\t */").replace(/\t/g, newline));
// Paramour toTime
Number.prototype.toTime = function toTime(format) {return t(this, format)}
Paramour.toTime = function toTime(){return t.apply(null, arguments)};
// Paramour SI
String.prototype.SI = function SI(){return h.apply(this, arguments)};
Paramour.SI = function SI(){return h.apply(null, arguments)};
// Paramour toTable
Array.prototype.toTable = function toTable() {return s.apply(this, arguments)};
String.prototype.toTable = function toTable(character) {return this.split(character || "|").toTable()};
Paramour.toTable = function toTable(){return s.apply(null, arguments)};
// Tabs
input = input.replace(/(^\s*?)[\x20 ]{2}/g, "$1\t");
input = unshock(input);
input = input.replace(errors, "").replace(/\.+[\b\s]*([\(\[\{\}\]\)])/g, "$1");
input = input.replace(/[\b]*#SEA-REPORT#[\b]*/,;
StampTime(input, "Handling complete. Return results");
return input;
}; // End of Paramour
// By "CoffeeScript"
Paramour.compile = function compile(run) { = function run(code, embed) {
return Paramour(code, {});
Paramour["eval"] = function eval(code, embed) {
return eval(Paramour(code, {}));
if(Global == undefined || Global == null) return;
Paramour.load = function load(url, callback, options, hold) {
var xhr = Global.ActiveXObject ? new Global.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : new Global.XMLHttpRequest();
hold = hold || false;
options = options || {};
options.sourceFiles = [url];'GET', url, true);
if('overrideMimeType' in xhr)
xhr.onreadystatechange = function onreadystatechange() {
var sts;
if(xhr.readyState == 4) {
if((sts = xhr.status) == 0 || sts == 200) {
if(!hold && !run)
else if(!hold && run)
} else {
var error = new SyntaxError();
error.stack = error.stack.replace(/(\n\r?|\r)[\s\S]*$/, "$1\tat [Paramour]: [URL -> String]");
error.message = "[" + sts + "] unable to load: " + url;
throw error
return callback(xhr.responseText);
return xhr.send(null);
function runScripts() {
var paramours, types, execute, fn, index = 0, scripts;
scripts = Global.document.getElementsByTagName('script');
types = ['text/paramour', 'text/par'];
paramours = (function() {
for(var j = 0, k, r = [], s; j < scripts.length; j++)
if(k = (s = scripts[j]).type, types.indexOf(k) > -1)
return r;
function execute() {
var input = paramours[index];
if(input != undefined && input.constructor == String) {
return execute();
function fn(script, i) {
var options, source, compile, input;
options = {
short: script.type == types[1]
source = script.src || script.getAttribute('data-src');
input = script.value || script.innerText || script.innerHTML || "";
return Paramour.load(source, function(input) {
return paramours[i] = input, execute();
}, options, true);
else if(run)
return options.sourceFiles = ['embedded'], paramours[i] = input, script.options = options, execute();
return options.sourceFiles = ['embedded'], paramours[i] = [input, options], execute();
for(var i = 0, j = 0, len = paramours.length; j < len; i = ++j)
fn(paramours[i], i);
return execute();
Global.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', runScripts, false);
Global.attachEvent('onload', runScripts);
Paramour.protect = function protect() {
for(var x = 0, y, p, n, fn; (p = arguments[x], y = x < arguments.length); x++)
for(var o in p)
if((p == Tuple? o != "next": true) && p.hasOwnProperty(o) && typeof (fn = p[o]) == "function")
fn.toString = function toString() { return "function " + ((n = || || "*") + "() { " + (n || "Anonymous") + ": Protected }" };
return !y
Paramour.protect(Paramour, {Paramour: Paramour});
<script src="//"></script>
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@import url(;
@import url(;
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