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Epic-R-R /
Created February 8, 2024 14:27
Python script demonstrating AES-128 encryption and decryption using the pycryptodome library. The script generates a random key, encrypts a user-input message, and then decrypts it, showcasing the AES-128 algorithm in EAX mode. Ensure to have the pycryptodome library installed (pip install pycryptodome).
Python script for encrypting and decrypting messages using AES-128 in EAX mode with the pycryptodome library.
## Usage:
1. Run the script.
2. Enter the message when prompted.
3. The script will output the ciphertext and decrypted message (if authentication succeeds).
## Note:
Ensure you have the required library installed ``(pycryptodome)``. Install it using ``pip install pycryptodome``