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EpicSquid / MysticModsPlans.txt
Last active August 26, 2018 01:14
Plans for the Future of Embers, Roots and more!
So after looking into Elucent's mods and brainstorming for a while, I have decided what I am going to do to continue these mods. This will be a multistep process that will take a fair bit of time I suspect, but it will be worth it in the long run.
The first step will involve replacing Elulib with a new mod MysticLib. This mod will contain all useful features of Elulib after they have been cleaned up and documented, as well as any overlapping utilities between the mods. This includes stuff like guide books, multiblock code and more. For the player, this just means future versions of any of these mods will rely on this.
Alongside MysticLib, Mystic World will be expanded to include base content from across the various Mystic Mods (roots, embers, etc.). This will be stuff like entities, base items and blocks, and structure generation. Everything in this will be configurable as well, and have the option to disable relevant content automatically if the mod it is for is not loaded.
As for content mod updates, I
EpicSquid / 114Thoughts.txt
Last active July 8, 2019 04:16
A small list of notes from a Squid about things to keep in mind while porting to 1.14.3
- TextureMap is now AtlasTexture, but not all the methods are the same
- Minecraft.getMinecraft() is now Minecraft.getInstance
- Minecraft.class is CLIENT ONLY
- Actually separate all Client and Common code into separate files
- Allow access to Client-only code through the proxy to throw actually meaninful errors (thx mcjty)
- TODO - Determine if "GLStateManager.enableAlphaTest()" is the same as "GLStateManager.enableAlpha()"
- ActiveRenderInfo is no longer static and must be retrieved from the gameRenderer
- EntityPlayerMP is now ServerPlayerEntity (similar for client)
- Most items/blocks now have tools for passing essentially builder pattern classes, removing a lot of boilerplate
- IItemTier allows all scaling of items