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Last active August 29, 2022 15:19
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Save Epicfisher/1f5404eeebbcc75561a8eef09af25709 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An AutoHotkey Script for Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) to bring Automatic Cpose Changes ("Randomize Idle Animation" in Character Configuration) to more things
; FF14 Dynamic Randomized Idle Animations
; Written by Epicfisher (
; An AutoHotkey Script for Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) to bring Automatic Cpose Changes ("Randomize Idle Animation" in Character Configuration) to more things:
; Idle Standing (Default "Randomize Idle Animation" Supports this only!)
; (+) Ground Sitting
; (+) Chair Sitting
; (+) Drawn Weapons
; Fashion Items [ OBSOLETE - Update 6.2 has Fixed this! ]
; (This Script will also continue to work if FFXIV is in the background or minimized!)
; ============ HEADS-UP! ============
; Since this is technically automated software, using this is a Terms of Service violation and a bannable offense. Proceed at your own discretion.
; Setup:
; Disable the Built-in "Randomize Idle Animation" in Character Configuration -> Control Settings -> Character (Since this Script overrides it)
; Create a Hotbar, preferably one that's hidden, since the Ability Activation effect can be distracting (Use "hotbar display X" Command to Hide a Hotbar.)
; Enter the Keybind Settings, and in the Hotbar tabs, assign the {Pause} key on your keyboard to a Slot in your new Hotbar.
; Enter the Emote Menu, and Drag and Drop the "Change Pose" Emote over your Keybind Assigned Hotbar Slot.
; Usage:
; Run this script! It will start paused, but can be activated with CTRL+ALT+C. Pressing CTRL+ALT+C again will pause/unpause the script.
; Known Issues:
; Other emotes can be cancelled by this script changing your pose. The only way to prevent this is by pausing this script with CTRL+ALT+C.
; A quiet UI sound plays every time this script changes your pose, which can be annoying. This has two possible fixes:
; Disable "System Sounds" in your Volume settings
; Install the Dalamud plugin "Sound Filter", and Block the following sound in quotation marks: "sound/system/se_ui.scd/116"
; ============ THE SCRIPT: ============
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; Main Script Loop:
Loop {
Process, Exist, ffxiv_dx11.exe ; Checks if FFXIV is Running
if (!errorLevel= 0) { ; If FFXIV is Running...
ControlSend,, {Pause}, FINAL FANTASY XIV
Random, rand, 15000, 15000
Sleep, rand
^!c:: ; Control+Alt+C Hotkey. Pauses the Script.
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