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Last active April 25, 2023 13:15
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import struct
from os import path
def fontriff(input, width, height, mapPath=None):
"""Creates an FRF font for GodMode9 from a PBM image"""
if width < 1 or width > 8:
raise ValueError("Font width is invalid (Maximum 8, minimum 1, current %d)" % width)
if height < 1 or height > 10:
raise ValueError("Font height is invalid (Maximum 10, minimum 1, current %d)" % height)
# Read PBM
with open(input, "rb") as f:
pbm =
split = pbm.split(b"\n")
if split[0] != b"P4":
raise ValueError("Input is not a PBM file")
# Skip comments
for i in range(1, len(split)):
if split[i][0] != ord("#"):
imgWidth = int(split[i].split()[0])
imgHeight = int(split[i].split()[1])
imgData = b"\n".join(split[i + 1:])
count = imgWidth * imgHeight // width // height
columns = imgWidth // width
fontMap = []
# Prepare map
if not mapPath:
# If mapping file not specified, check if one with the same name as
# the pbm exists and use it if found.
inputTxt = input.replace(".pbm", ".txt")
if path.exists(inputTxt):
mapPath = inputTxt
print("Info: Using %s for font mappings" % mapPath)
if mapPath:
with open(mapPath, "r") as fontMapFile:
fontMapTemp =
if len(fontMapTemp) > count:
raise ValueError("Font map has more items than possible in image (%d items in map)" % count)
elif len(fontMapTemp) < count:
count = len(fontMapTemp)
print("Info: Font map has fewer items than possible in image, only using first %d" % count)
for item in fontMapTemp:
fontMap.append({"mapping": int(item, 16)})
print("Warning: Font mapping not found, mapping directly to Unicode codepoints")
for i in range(count):
fontMap.append({"mapping": i})
# Add unsorted tiles to map
for c in range(count):
fontMap[c]["bitmap"] = bytearray()
for row in range(height):
ofs = ((c // columns * height + row) * (imgWidth + ((8 - (imgWidth % 8)) if imgWidth % 8 != 0 else 0)) // 8)
bp0 = ((c % columns) * width) >> 3
bm0 = ((c % columns) * width) % 8
byte = (((imgData[ofs + bp0] << bm0) | ((imgData[ofs + bp0 + 1] >> (8 - bm0)) if ofs + bp0 + 1 < len(imgData) else 0)) & (0xFF << (8 - width))) & 0xFF
fontMap[c]["bitmap"] += struct.pack("B", byte)
# Remove duplicates
fontMap = list({x["mapping"]: x for x in fontMap}.values())
if len(fontMap) != count:
print("Info: %d duplicate mappings were removed" % (count - len(fontMap)))
count = len(fontMap)
# Sort map
fontMap = sorted(fontMap, key=lambda x: x["mapping"])
# Create file
output = bytearray()
output += b"RIFF\0\0\0\0" # The size is filled at the end
# Metadata
output += b"META"
output += struct.pack("<LBBH", 4, width, height, count)
# Character data
output += b"CDAT"
sectionSize = count * height
padding = 4 - sectionSize % 4 if sectionSize % 4 else 0
output += struct.pack("<L", sectionSize + padding)
for item in fontMap:
output += item["bitmap"]
output += b"\0" * padding
# Character map
output += b"CMAP"
sectionSize = count * 2
padding = 4 - sectionSize % 4 if sectionSize % 4 else 0
output += struct.pack("<L", sectionSize + padding)
for item in fontMap:
output += struct.pack("<H", item["mapping"])
output += b"\0" * padding
# Set final size
outSize = len(output)
struct.pack_into("<L", output, 4, outSize - 8)
return output
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=fontriff.__doc__)
parser.add_argument("input", type=str, help="PBM image to convert from")
parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help=" output to")
parser.add_argument("width", type=int, help="character width")
parser.add_argument("height", type=int, help="character height")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--map", metavar="map.txt", type=str, help="character map (whitespace separated Unicode codepoints)")
args = parser.parse_args()
output = fontriff(args.input, args.width, args.height,
with open(args.output, "wb") as out:
print("Info: %s created." % args.output)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import json
import struct
def transriff(input, version):
"""Creates a TRF translation for GodMode9 from a translation JSON"""
# Read JSON
with open(input, "r") as f:
strings = json.load(f)
if "GM9_LANGUAGE" not in strings:
raise ValueError("Input is not a valid JSON file")
# Encode strings to UTF-8 bytestrings
strings = {item: strings[item].encode("utf-8") + b"\0" for item in strings}
# Remove language name from strings
lang_name = strings["GM9_LANGUAGE"]
del strings["GM9_LANGUAGE"]
# Create file
output = bytearray()
output += b"RIFF\0\0\0\0" # The size is filled at the end
# Metadata
output += b"META"
output += struct.pack("<LLL32s", 40, version, len(strings), lang_name)
# String data
output += b"SDAT"
sectionSize = sum(len(strings[item]) for item in strings)
padding = 4 - sectionSize % 4 if sectionSize % 4 else 0
output += struct.pack("<L", sectionSize + padding)
output += b"".join(strings.values())
output += b"\0" * padding
# String map
output += b"SMAP"
sectionSize = len(strings) * 2
padding = 4 - sectionSize % 4 if sectionSize % 4 else 0
output += struct.pack("<L", sectionSize + padding)
offset = 0
for string in strings.values():
output += struct.pack("<H", offset)
offset += len(string)
output += b"\0" * padding
# Set final size
outSize = len(output)
struct.pack_into("<L", output, 4, outSize - 8)
return output
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=transriff.__doc__)
parser.add_argument("input", type=str, help="JSON to convert from")
parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="TRF to output to")
parser.add_argument("version", type=int, help="translation version, from language.inl")
args = parser.parse_args()
output = transriff(args.input, args.version)
with open(args.output, "wb") as out:
print("Info: %s created." % args.output)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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