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Created May 9, 2014 12:14
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# encoding: Windows-1252
require "unicode_utils/downcase"
sentence_length = 20 # Change this to suit how short a sentence is useless.
saturs ='te.csv').gsub(/([\t\r\n\v\f]+)/){ |m| " " } # IO read in text, removes newlines
saturs.gsub!(/([^ a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F\!\?\.]+)/){ |m| " " }
saturs.gsub! /(?<=[a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F])[ ]+[A-Z\p{Lu}]+[a-z\p{Ll}]*(?=[ ])/, '' # izņem Īpašvārdus teikuma vidū.
saturs.gsub! /(?<!\.\s)[ ][A-Z\p{Lu}]+[a-z\p{Ll}]*(?=\.)/, '' # izņem Īpašvārdus teikuma beigās.
arr = []
normals = UnicodeUtils.downcase(saturs, :lv).split(/[!|?|.](?=[ ])/).each {|s| arr<<s if s.length > sentence_length} # normalize and split input text getting an array of sentences
arr.each do |teikums|
teikums.gsub! /(^[ ]+)|([ ]+$)/, '' ; teikums.gsub! /([ ]{2,})/, ' '; teikums.gsub! /(\.$)/, '' #Attīra final teikumus no liekām atstarpēm
words = arr.join.split(/[ \;]/).size
final = []
x = arr.inject( { |h, e| h[e] += 1; h } # return sub-arrays that have duplicates
x.each {|k,v| final << k if v > 1}
puts final.flatten.uniq
duplicate_sentences = final.length
words_in_duplicate_sentences = final.join.gsub(/([;])/){ |m| " " }.split.size
# 35.times { print "*".yellow}
# puts "\n#{duplicate_sentences}".red+" teikumos atkārtojas ".blue+"#{words_in_duplicate_sentences}".red+" vārdi.".blue
# puts "Kopā tekstā ir #{words} vārdu.".blue
# puts "Unikāli tulkojamie vārdi tātad ir ".blue+"#{words-words_in_duplicate_sentences}".red+".".blue
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