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Created April 5, 2013 16:10
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  • Save EpocSquadron/5320509 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EpocSquadron/5320509 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My global git config
# Don't track permissions other than standard modes.
filemode = false
# Don't ignore File -> file changes.
ignorecase = false
# Vim is better.
editor = vim
ui = true
autocorrect = 1
# Short status
st = status -sb
# Easy checkout
co = checkout
# Remove both local and remote of a branch.
rmb = !sh -c 'git branch -D $1 && git push origin :$1' -
# Show all files affected since refspec (tag, branch, or HEAD~n)
lsch = "!f() { git diff --name-status -r "$1"; }; f"
# Show pretty log
lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --
# Word-diff
df = diff --word-diff
# Amend files more easily
amend = commit --amend
# Count commits from each commiter
count = shortlog -sn --no-merges
# Get what branch you're on
current = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
# Rewrite a commit as if made by someone else
credit = "!f() { git commit --amend --author "$1 <$2>" -C HEAD; }; f"
# Show everything being ignored in the repo
ignored = ls-files --others -i --exclude-standard
# Show everything i've authored on this repo since yesterday.
standup = "!git log --since yesterday --author `git config` --pretty=short"
# See what new commits have been created by the last command (typically after a "git pull")
new = !sh -c 'git log $1@{1}..$1@{0} "$@"'
# See what new commits you have made since last pull on this branch
since = "!f() { git diff $(git merge-base "$1" "$2"); }; f "remotes/origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
# Show all commits whose hashes start with a given string
# Good for inspecting whether there is a collision with a short hash.
abbr = "!sh -c 'git rev-list --all | grep ^$1 | while read commit; do git --no-pager log -n1 --pretty=format:\"%H %ci %an %s%n\" $commit; done' -"
# sha1 of nothing
empty-tree-sha1 = hash-object -t tree /dev/null
# Check whitespace violations in the working tree
whitespace = !git diff --check $(git empty-tree-sha1)
# Stage only deleted, formerly tracked files.
rmadd = "!f() { for x in `git status | grep deleted | awk '{print $3}'`; do git rm $x; done }; f"
# Show all of these
aliases = !git config --get-regexp 'alias.*' | colrm 1 6 | sed 's/[ ]/ = /'
tool = meld
tool = meld
# Always push just the current branch.
default = current
# Makes git pull use rebase for linear history and
# avoids making new commits for phantom branches.
autosetuprebase = remote
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