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type = internal/date
interval = 1.0
date = %a
time = %H:%M
date-alt = %A, %d %B %Y
time-alt = %H:%M:%S
label = %{A1:gsimplecal & disown:}%{A3:gsimplecal & disown:}%date% %time%%{A}%{A}
format-prefix = " "
# Xresources var value fallback
set_from_resource $bg background #19043C
set_from_resource $fg foreground #F1F1F1
set_from_resource $black color0 #19043C
set_from_resource $red color1 #EE79A9
set_from_resource $green color2 #8C9440
set_from_resource $yellow color3 #DE935F
set_from_resource $blue color4 #05C6F1
set_from_resource $purple color5 #85678F
set_from_resource $cyan color6 #5E8D87
background = ${xrdb:background}
background-alt = #0A131C
foreground = ${xrdb:foreground}
foreground-alt = ${xrdb:foreground}
primary = #666
alert = #bd2c40
red = #CC6666
yellow = #F0C674
green = ${xrdb:color3}
mpd_host = localhost
mpd_port = 6600
mpd_crossfade_time = 2
visualizer_fifo_path = /tmp/mpd.fifo
visualizer_output_name = "Visualizer feed"
visualizer_in_stereo = no
visualizer_sync_interval = 30
visualizer_type = spectrum
visualizer_look = ●┃
visualizer_color = red, green, yellow, magenta, red