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Created September 23, 2017 20:53
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Complex Boolean Statement Parser
fun analyze(statement: String) : Boolean {
var string = statement
var start = 0
var end = statement.length - 1
for ((index, letter) in statement.toCharArray().withIndex()) {
if(letter == '(') {
start = index
val array = statement.toCharArray()
while(end != 0){
if(array[end] == ')')
string = statement.substring(0, start) + analyze(statement.substring(start + 1, end)) + statement.substring(end + 1)
while(string.contains("!")) {
string = string.replaceAll("!true", "false")
string = string.replaceAll("!false", "true")
while(string.contains("||")) {
string = string.replaceAll("true||false", "true")
string = string.replaceAll("false||true", "true")
string = string.replaceAll("true||true", "true")
string = string.replaceAll("false||false", "false")
while(string.contains("&&")) {
string = string.replaceAll("true&&false", "false")
string = string.replaceAll("false&&true", "false")
string = string.replaceAll("true&&true", "true")
string = string.replaceAll("false&&false", "false")
return string.toBoolean()
fun String.replaceAll(replaceWhat: String, replaceWith: String) = this.replace(Pattern.quote(replaceWhat).toRegex(), replaceWith)
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