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Last active September 22, 2015 19:32
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full code sample that shows how to request a signature on a document using the docusign-node client:
// Install NPM package or download source
var docusign = require('docusign-node');
var async = require('async');
var assert = require('assert');
var fs = require('fs');
var integratorKey = "INTEGRATOR_KEY";
var email = "EMAIL";
var password = "PASSWORD";
// Initialize DocuSign Object with Integratory Key and Desired Environment
function init (next) {
docusign.init(integratorKey, 'demo', 'false', function (error, response) {
var message = response.message;
assert.strictEqual(message, 'successfully initialized');
// Authenticate Yourself With DocuSign to Recieve an OAuth Token and BaseUrl
function createClient(next) {
docusign.createClient(email, password, function (error, response) {
docusign.client = response;
next(null, docusign.client);
// create and send envelope (signature request)
function requestSignature(client, next) {
// configure the envelope's email subject and recipient(s)
var emailSubject = "EMAIL_SUBJECT";
var recipients = {};
// add one signer to the envelope as well as one signHere tab located at
// 100 pixels right and 150 pixels down from top left corner of document
recipients.signers = [{
'recipientId': 1,
'tabs': {
'signHereTabs': [{
'xPosition': '100',
'yPosition': '150',
'documentId': '1',
'pageNumber': '1'
// grab the document bytes of the document we want signed
var document = fs.readFileSync("TEST.PDF");
// add document information
var files = [{
name: "test.pdf",
extension: 'pdf',
base64: new Buffer(document).toString('base64')
// Send the envelope!
client.envelopes.sendEnvelope(recipients, emailSubject, files, null, function (error, response) {
console.log('Envelope Information is: \n' + JSON.stringify(response) + "\n");
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