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Created May 19, 2020 05:31
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This changes the `load()` method to take a `Union[str, PurePath]`, rather than a `BuildFile`.
# Copyright 2014 Pants project contributors (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
import ast
import logging
import re
import sys
from difflib import unified_diff
from pathlib import Path
from pants.build_graph.address import Address, BuildFileAddress
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BuildTargetParseError(Exception):
class DependencySpec:
"""A representation of a single dependency spec, including comments around it.
This is a helper class to aid in deduplicating, sorting, forcing, and formatting dependency
specs in a BUILD target's dependencies section.
def __init__(self, spec, comments_above=None, side_comment=None):
self.spec = spec
self.comments_above = comments_above or []
self.side_comment = side_comment
def comments_above_lines(self):
for line in self.comments_above:
line = line.strip()
if line:
yield "# {line}".format(line=line)
yield ""
def indented_lines(self, lines, indent=4):
indent_spaces = " " * indent
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
yield ""
yield "{indent_spaces}{line}".format(indent_spaces=indent_spaces, line=line)
def lines(self, indent=4):
spec_line = "'{0}',".format(self.spec)
if self.side_comment is not None:
spec_line = "{spec_line} # {comment}".format(
spec_line=spec_line, comment=self.side_comment
comments_above = list(self.comments_above_lines())
lines = comments_above + [spec_line]
return list(self.indented_lines(lines, indent))
def has_comment(self):
# If all of the comments above are whitespace, don't consider this forced,
# but keep the whitespace.
return bool(any(self.comments_above_lines()) or self.side_comment)
def __repr__(self):
return "\n".join(self.lines())
class BuildFileManipulator:
"""A class to load, represent, and change the dependencies of a given target.
Use BuildFileManipulator.load(...) for construction, rather than constructing it directly.
def load(cls, build_file_path, name, target_aliases):
"""A BuildFileManipulator factory class method.
Note that BuildFileManipulator requires a very strict formatting of target declaration.
In particular, it wants to see a newline after `target_type(`, `dependencies = [`, and
the last param to the target constructor before the trailing `)`. There are further
restrictions as well--see the comments below or check out the example targets in
the tests for this class.
:param build_file_path: A path to the BUILD file. This can be an absolute path or a
relative path from the build root.
:param name: The name of the target (without the spec path or colon) to operate on.
:target aliases: The callables injected into the build file context that we should treat
as target declarations.
source = Path(build_file_path).read_text()
source_lines = source.split("\n")
tree = ast.parse(source)
# Since we're not told what the last line of an expression is, we have
# to figure it out based on the start of the expression after it.
# The interval that we consider occupied by a given expression is
# [expr.lineno, next_expr.lineno). For the last expression in the
# file, its end is the number of lines in the file.
# Also note that lineno is 1-indexed, so we subtract 1 from everything.
intervals = [t.lineno - 1 for t in tree.body]
# Candidate target declarations
top_level_exprs = [t for t in tree.body if isinstance(t, ast.Expr)]
top_level_calls = [e.value for e in top_level_exprs if isinstance(e.value, ast.Call)]
# Just in case someone is tricky and assigns the result of a target
# declaration to a variable, though in general this is not useful
assigns = [t for t in tree.body if isinstance(t, ast.Assign)]
assigned_calls = [t.value for t in assigns if isinstance(t.value, ast.Call)]
# Final candidate declarations
calls = top_level_calls + assigned_calls
# Filter out calls that don't have a simple name as the function
# i.e. keep `foo()` but not `(some complex expr)()`
calls = [call for call in calls if isinstance(call.func, ast.Name)]
# Now actually get all of the calls to known aliases for targets
# TODO(pl): Log these
target_calls = [call for call in calls if in target_aliases]
# We now have enough information to instantiate a BuildFileTarget for
# any one of these, but we're only interested in the one with name `name`
def name_from_call(call):
for keyword in call.keywords:
if keyword.arg == "name":
if isinstance(keyword.value, ast.Str):
return keyword.value.s
"Saw a non-string-literal name argument to a target while "
"looking through {build_file}. Target type was {target_type}."
"name value was {name_value}".format(
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"Could not find name parameter to target call"
"with target type {target_type}".format(
calls_by_name = dict((name_from_call(call), call) for call in target_calls)
if name not in calls_by_name:
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"Could not find target named {name} in {build_file}".format(
name=name, build_file=build_file_path
target_call = calls_by_name[name]
# lineno is 1-indexed
target_interval_index = intervals.index(target_call.lineno - 1)
target_start = intervals[target_interval_index]
target_end = intervals[target_interval_index + 1]
def is_whitespace(line):
return line.strip() == ""
def is_comment(line):
return line.strip().startswith("#")
def is_ignored_line(line):
return is_whitespace(line) or is_comment(line)
# Walk the end back so we don't have any trailing whitespace
while is_ignored_line(source_lines[target_end - 1]):
target_end -= 1
target_source_lines = source_lines[target_start:target_end]
# TODO(pl): This would be good logging
# print(astpp.dump(target_call))
# print("Target source lines")
# for line in target_source_lines:
# print(line)
if target_call.args:
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"Targets cannot be called with non-keyword args. Target was "
"{name} in {build_file}".format(name=name, build_file=build_file_path)
# TODO(pl): This should probably be an assertion. In order for us to have extracted
# this target_call by name, it must have had at least one kwarg (name)
if not target_call.keywords:
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"Targets cannot have no kwargs. Target type was "
"{target_type} in {build_file}".format(, build_file=build_file_path
if target_call.lineno == target_call.keywords[0].value.lineno:
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"Arguments to a target cannot be on the same line as the "
"target type. Target type was {target_type} in {build_file} "
"on line number {lineno}.".format(,
for keyword in target_call.keywords:
kw_str = keyword.arg
kw_start_line = keyword.value.lineno
source_line = source_lines[kw_start_line - 1]
kwarg_line_re = re.compile(r"\s*?{kw_str}\s*?=\s*?\S".format(kw_str=kw_str))
if not kwarg_line_re.match(source_line):
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"kwarg line is malformed. The value of a kwarg to a target "
"must start after the equals sign of the line with the key."
"Build file was: {build_file}. Line number was: {lineno}".format(
build_file=build_file_path, lineno=keyword.value.lineno
# Same setup as for getting the target's interval
target_call_intervals = [t.value.lineno - target_call.lineno for t in target_call.keywords]
last_kwarg = target_call.keywords[-1]
last_interval_index = target_call_intervals.index(
last_kwarg.value.lineno - target_call.lineno
last_kwarg_start = target_call_intervals[last_interval_index]
last_kwarg_end = target_call_intervals[last_interval_index + 1]
last_kwarg_lines = target_source_lines[last_kwarg_start:last_kwarg_end]
if last_kwarg_lines[-1].strip() != ")":
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"All targets must end with a trailing ) on its own line. It "
"cannot go at the end of the last argument's line. Build file "
"was {build_file}. Target name was {target_name}. Line number "
"was {lineno}".format(
lineno=last_kwarg_end + target_call.lineno,
# Now that we've double checked that we have the ) in the proper place,
# remove that line from the lines owned by the last kwarg
target_call_intervals[-1] -= 1
# TODO(pl): Also good logging
# for t in target_call.keywords:
# interval_index = target_call_intervals.index(t.value.lineno - target_call.lineno)
# print("interval_index:", interval_index)
# start = target_call_intervals[interval_index]
# end = target_call_intervals[interval_index + 1]
# print("interval: %s, %s" % (start, end))
# print("lines:")
# print('\n'.join(target_source_lines[start:end]))
# print('\n\n')
# print(target_call_intervals)
def get_dependencies_node(target_call):
for keyword in target_call.keywords:
if keyword.arg == "dependencies":
return keyword.value
return None
dependencies_node = get_dependencies_node(target_call)
dependencies = []
if dependencies_node:
if not isinstance(dependencies_node, ast.List):
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"Found non-list dependencies argument on target {name} "
"in build file {build_file}. Argument had invalid type "
name=name, build_file=build_file_path, node_type=type(dependencies_node)
last_lineno = dependencies_node.lineno
for dep_node in dependencies_node.elts:
if not dep_node.lineno > last_lineno:
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"On line number {lineno} of build file {build_file}, found "
"dependencies declaration where the dependencies argument "
"and dependencies themselves were not all on separate lines.".format(
lineno=dep_node.lineno, build_file=build_file_path
# First, we peek up and grab any whitespace/comments above us
peek_lineno = dep_node.lineno - 1
comments_above = []
while peek_lineno > last_lineno:
peek_str = source_lines[peek_lineno - 1].strip()
if peek_str == "" or peek_str.startswith("#"):
comments_above.insert(0, peek_str.lstrip(" #"))
spec = dependencies[-1].spec if dependencies else None
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"While parsing the dependencies of {target_name}, "
"encountered an unusual line while trying to extract "
"comments. This probably means that a dependency at "
"line {lineno} in {build_file} is missing a trailing "
"comma. The string in question was {spec}".format(
peek_lineno -= 1
# Done peeking for comments above us, now capture a possible inline side-comment
dep_str = source_lines[dep_node.lineno - 1]
dep_with_comments = dep_str.split("#", 1)
side_comment = None
if len(dep_with_comments) == 2:
side_comment = dep_with_comments[1].strip()
dep = DependencySpec(
dep_node.s, comments_above=comments_above, side_comment=side_comment
# TODO(pl): Logging here
last_lineno = dep_node.lineno
deps_interval_index = target_call_intervals.index(
dependencies_node.lineno - target_call.lineno
deps_start = target_call_intervals[deps_interval_index]
deps_end = target_call_intervals[deps_interval_index + 1]
# Finally, like we did for the target intervals above, we're going to roll back
# the end of the deps interval so we don't stomp on any comments after it.
while is_ignored_line(target_source_lines[deps_end - 1]):
deps_end -= 1
# If there isn't already a place defined for dependencies, we use
# the line interval just before the trailing ) that ends the target
deps_start = -1
deps_end = -1
return cls(
target_interval=(target_start, target_end),
dependencies_interval=(deps_start, deps_end),
def __init__(
"""See BuildFileManipulator.load() for how to construct one as a user.""" = name
self.build_file = build_file
self.target_address = BuildFileAddress(build_file=build_file, target_name=name)
self._build_file_source_lines = build_file_source_lines
self._target_source_lines = target_source_lines
self._target_interval = target_interval
self._dependencies_interval = dependencies_interval
self._dependencies_by_address = {}
for dep in dependencies:
dep_address = Address.parse(dep.spec, relative_to=build_file.spec_path)
if dep_address in self._dependencies_by_address:
raise BuildTargetParseError(
"The address {dep_address} occurred multiple times in the "
"dependency specs for target {name} in {build_file}. ".format(
dep_address=dep_address.spec, name=name, build_file=build_file
self._dependencies_by_address[dep_address] = dep
def add_dependency(self, address):
"""Add a dependency to this target.
This will deduplicate existing dependencies.
if address in self._dependencies_by_address:
if self._dependencies_by_address[address].has_comment():
"BuildFileManipulator would have added {address} as a dependency of "
"{target_address}, but that dependency was already forced with a comment.".format(
address=address.spec, target_address=self.target_address.spec
spec = address.reference(referencing_path=self.build_file.spec_path)
self._dependencies_by_address[address] = DependencySpec(spec)
def clear_unforced_dependencies(self):
"""Remove all dependencies not forced by a comment.
This is useful when existing analysis can infer exactly what the correct dependencies should
be. Typical use is to call `clear_unforced_dependencies`, then call `add_dependency` for
each dependency inferred from analysis. The resulting dependency set should be the pruned
set of all dependencies, plus dependencies hand forced by a user comment.
self._dependencies_by_address = dict(
(address, dep)
for address, dep in self._dependencies_by_address.items()
if dep.has_comment()
def dependency_lines(self):
"""The formatted dependencies=[...] lines for this target.
If there are no dependencies, this returns an empty list.
deps = sorted(self._dependencies_by_address.values(), key=lambda d: d.spec)
def dep_lines():
yield " dependencies = ["
for dep in deps:
for line in dep.lines():
yield line
yield " ],"
return list(dep_lines()) if deps else []
def target_lines(self):
"""The formatted target_type(...) lines for this target.
This is just a convenience method for extracting and re-injecting the changed
`dependency_lines` into the target text.
target_lines = self._target_source_lines[:]
deps_begin, deps_end = self._dependencies_interval
target_lines[deps_begin:deps_end] = self.dependency_lines()
return target_lines
def build_file_lines(self):
"""Like `target_lines`, the entire BUILD file's lines after dependency manipulation."""
build_file_lines = self._build_file_source_lines[:]
target_begin, target_end = self._target_interval
build_file_lines[target_begin:target_end] = self.target_lines()
return build_file_lines
def diff_lines(self):
"""A diff between the original BUILD file and the resulting BUILD file."""
start_lines = self._build_file_source_lines[:]
end_lines = self.build_file_lines()
diff_generator = unified_diff(
return list(diff_generator)
def write(self, dry_run=True):
"""Write out the changes made to the BUILD file, and print the diff to stderr.
:param dry_run: Don't actually write out the BUILD file, but do print the diff to stderr.
start_lines = self._build_file_source_lines[:]
end_lines = self.build_file_lines()
diff_generator = unified_diff(
if dry_run:
msg = "DRY RUN, would have written this diff:"
msg = "REAL RUN, about to write the following diff:"
sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
sys.stderr.write("*" * 40 + "\n")
sys.stderr.write("target at: ")
sys.stderr.write(str(self.target_address) + "\n")
for line in diff_generator:
sys.stderr.write(line + "\n")
sys.stderr.write("*" * 40 + "\n")
if not dry_run:
with open(self.build_file.full_path, "w") as bf:
sys.stderr.write("WROTE to {full_path}\n".format(full_path=self.build_file.full_path))
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