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  • Save EricAtMSFT/4a11bb493709659cd067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EricAtMSFT/4a11bb493709659cd067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Store Procedure for getting the most recent photos for each category
// @param numberOfPhotos - The number of photos to return per category
// @param currentDocumentVersion - The current document version number that the service is using
function getRecentPhotosForCategories(numberOfPhotos, currentDocumentVersion) {
let catCount = 0;
let catIndex = 0;
let existingPhotos = [];
getAllCategories(function (allCategories) {
for (var i = 0; i < allCategories.length; i++) {
// Retrieve the most recent photos for this category
// and append them to the response body
function getAllCategories(callback) {
// Perform Query using JavaScript Language Integrated Query.
var result =__.filter(function(doc) {
return doc.DocumentType == "CATEGORY" && doc.DocumentVersion == currentDocumentVersion;
}, function(err, documents) {
if (err) {
throw new Error("Unable to query for all categories, aborting.");
if (documents.length < 1) {
catCount = documents.length;
if (!result.isAccepted) {
throw new Error("Sproc is too close to violating resource limit, aborting.");
function getRecentPhotosForCategory(categoryId) {
// Perform Query using chained JavaScript Language Integrated Query.
var result = __.chain()
.filter(function(doc) {
return doc.DocumentType == "PHOTO" && doc.CategoryId == categoryId && doc.DocumentVersion == currentDocumentVersion && doc.Status == 1;
.sortByDescending(function (photoDoc) { return photoDoc.CreatedDateTime.Epoch })
.value({ pageSize: numberOfPhotos }, function (err, documents) {
if (err) {
throw new Error("Unable to query for photos in category " + categoryId + ", aborting.");
// Append the documents to our total collection
existingPhotos = existingPhotos.concat(documents);
// Once we have iterated over every category, we can return
// them all to the response.
if (catIndex >= catCount) {
if (!result.isAccepted) {
throw new Error("Sproc is too close to violating resource limit, aborting.");
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