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Created October 24, 2016 19:58
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Webdriver logs for Appium error
16:55:41.582 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-70DE7262-AEED-4C0B-8A7E-124A7BD411E6 at 2016-10-24 16:55:41.580 with Xcode 8A218a on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fa61d9245b0> {
SimDevice: SimDevice : iPad Pro (9.7 inch) (23790D54-E2AE-4856-B48A-C168590A426C) : state={ Booted } deviceType={ SimDeviceType : } runtime={ SimRuntime : 10.0 (14A345) - }
} (10.0 (14A345))
16:55:41.582 xcodebuild[2832:62270] /Applications/
16:55:41.582 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Launching with Xcode.IDEFoundation.Launcher.PosixSpawn
16:55:41.584 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Initializing test infrastructure.
16:55:41.584 xcodebuild[2832:62293] 23790D54-E2AE-4856-B48A-C168590A426C: Registered for sim device notification, got token 4
16:55:41.584 xcodebuild[2832:62293] 23790D54-E2AE-4856-B48A-C168590A426C: Unregistering for sim device notification with token 4
16:55:41.584 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Sim iPad Pro (9.7 inch) is booted (state = 3)
16:55:41.584 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Calling -[SimDevice getenv:error:] for TESTMANAGERD_SIM_SOCK
16:55:41.585 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Returning /private/tmp/ for TESTMANAGERD_SIM_SOCK
16:55:41.585 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Sim iPad Pro (9.7 inch) has testmanagerd socket at /private/tmp/
16:55:41.585 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Connected socket 31 to testmanagerd for Sim iPad Pro (9.7 inch)
16:55:41.585 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Creating the test bundle connection.
16:55:41.586 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Listening for proxy connection request from the test bundle (all platforms)
16:55:41.586 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Resuming the connection.
16:55:41.587 xcodebuild[2832:62293] Test connection requires daemon assistance.
16:55:41.587 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Received Ready from iOSSimulator
16:55:41.587 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Sending notification: NSConcreteNotification 0x7fa61dc24640 {name =; userInfo = {
deviceUDID = "23790D54-E2AE-4856-B48A-C168590A426C";
16:55:41.623 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Starting test session with ID 70DE7262-AEED-4C0B-8A7E-124A7BD411E6
16:55:41.623 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Checking test manager availability..., will wait up to 120s
16:55:42.022 xcodebuild[2832:62270] Test operation failure: Test operation was canceled.
16:55:42.022 xcodebuild[2832:62270] _finishWithError:Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=3 "Test operation was canceled." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Test operation was canceled.} didCancel: 1
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