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Created March 27, 2014 20:44
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Zoran test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/easyrtc/easyrtc.css" />
<script src="/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/easyrtc/easyrtc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="zoran.js"></script>
<body onload="connectWebRTC();">
<h1> Other clients</h1>
<div id="otherClients"></div>
<button id="acceptButton" disabled="disabled" onclick="invokeDoAnswer();">Accept call</button>
<video autoplay="autoplay" width="320" height="160" id="selfVideo" muted="muted" ></video>
<video autoplay="autoplay" id="callerVideo" width="320" height="160" style="border: 1px solid blue" ></video>
<video autoplay="autoplay" id="callerVideo2" width="320" height="160" style="border: 1px solid red"></video>
var selfEasyrtcid = "";
var haveSelfVideo = false;
var webrtcConntactList = new Array();
var conference_mode = true;
var participants = new Array();
var auto_accept_id;
function connectWebRTC() {
console.log("Connecting to webrtc....");
// easyrtc.setSocketUrl("https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:8443");
// easyrtc.setVideoDims(640, 360);
// easyrtc.enableDataChannels(true);
easyrtc.connect("easyrtc.audioVideo", loginSuccess, loginFailure);
function clearConnectList() {
var otherClientDiv = document.getElementById('otherClients');
while (otherClientDiv.hasChildNodes()) {
function convertListToButtons(roomName, data, isPrimary) {
var otherClientDiv = document.getElementById('otherClients');
for (var easyrtcid in data) {
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.onclick = function(easyrtcid) {
return function() {
var label = document.createTextNode(easyrtc.idToName(easyrtcid));
function setUpMirror() {
if (!haveSelfVideo) {
var selfVideo = document.getElementById("selfVideo");
easyrtc.setVideoObjectSrc(selfVideo, easyrtc.getLocalStream());
selfVideo.muted = true;
haveSelfVideo = true;
function performCall(otherEasyrtcid) {
var acceptedCB = function(accepted, easyrtcid) {
if (!accepted) {
console.log("call to " + otherEasyrtcid + " not accepted");
else {
console.log("call to " + otherEasyrtcid + " was accepted");
var successCB = function() {
var failureCB = function() {
console.log("call failed");
};, successCB, failureCB, acceptedCB);
function loginSuccess(easyrtcId) {
selfEasyrtcid = easyrtcId;
console.log("Logged to webrtc. I am " + easyrtc.cleanId(easyrtcId));
// easyrtc.initMediaSource(
// function() {
// setUpMirror();
// },
// function(errorCode, errorText) {
// console.log("didn't get local media");
// });
function loginFailure(errorCode, message) {
console.log("Webrtc connection error. Code: " + errorCode + " ,message:" + message);
function disconnect() {
console.log('Logged off from webrtc');
easyrtc.setVideoObjectSrc(document.getElementById('selfVideo'), "");
easyrtc.setStreamAcceptor(function(easyrtcid, stream) {
if (easyrtc.getConnectionCount() == 2) {
var video2 = document.getElementById('callerVideo2');
easyrtc.setVideoObjectSrc(video2, stream);
console.log("Receiving one more video stream, from " + easyrtcid);
if (conference_mode == true) {
} else if (easyrtc.getConnectionCount() == 1) {
var video = document.getElementById('callerVideo');
easyrtc.setVideoObjectSrc(video, stream);
console.log("Receiving video from " + easyrtcid);
var acceptTheCall;
easyrtc.setAcceptChecker(function(easyrtcid, callback) {
var acceptButton = document.getElementById("acceptButton");
acceptTheCall = function(wasAccepted) {
callerPending = null;
acceptButton.disabled = true;
callerPending = easyrtcid;
if (auto_accept_id == easyrtcid) {
auto_accept_id = "";
} else if (easyrtc.getConnectionCount() == 0) {
acceptButton.disabled = false;
console.log("incoming from " + easyrtcid);
} else if (easyrtc.getConnectionCount() == 1) {
acceptButton.disabled = false;
console.log("incoming from " + easyrtcid);
} else {
console.log("Missed Call", "You have missed call from " + easyrtc.idToName(easyrtcid) + "<br><br><br><br><br>", '<button class="hangup_btn" onclick="VlClient.hide_notification();"><span>OK</span></button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button class="answer_btn" onclick="VlClient.hide_notification();performCall(\'' + easyrtcid + '\')"><span>Call ' + easyrtc.idToName(easyrtcid) + '</span></button>');
function invokeDoAnswer() {
//conference specific code
function connectOtherPeers() {
conference_mode = false;
easyrtc.sendPeerMessage(participants[1], 'AUTO_ACCEPT_CONF', {accept: participants[0]},
function(msgType, msgBody) {
console.log("Message was sent to " + participants[1]);
easyrtc.sendPeerMessage(participants[0], 'INIT_CONF', {call: participants[1]},
function(msgType, msgBody) {
console.log("Message was sent to " + participants[0]);
function(errorCode, errorText) {
console.log("Error sending message to" + participants[0] + " : " + errorText);
function(errorCode, errorText) {
console.log("Error sending message to" + participants[1] + " : " + errorText);
easyrtc.setPeerListener(function(easyrtcid, msgType, msgData, targeting) {
console.log("From " + easyrtcid + ": " + JSON.stringify(msgData));
conference_mode = false;
var acceptedCB = function(accepted, easyrtcid) {
if (!accepted) {
console.log("Sorry, your call to " + easyrtc.idToName(easyrtcid) + " was rejected");
} else {
console.log('Add to conference accepted accepted');
var successCB = function() {
console.log('Add to conference success');
var failureCB = function() {
console.log('Failed add to conference');
};, successCB, failureCB, acceptedCB);
}, 'INIT_CONF');
easyrtc.setPeerListener(function(easyrtcid, msgType, msgData, targeting) {
conference_mode = false;
console.log("From " + easyrtcid + ": " + JSON.stringify(msgData));
auto_accept_id = msgData.accept;
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