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Created December 1, 2016 09:05
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defmodule Day1 do
def main(file_path) do
file_path |>! |> process |> IO.puts
def process(input) do
|> String.split(", ")
|> Enum.reduce(%{x: 0, y: 0, dir: "N"}, &reducer/2)
|> extract_answer
defp reducer(<<"R", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "N"}), do: %{x: x + (steps |> clean_steps), y: y, dir: "E"}
defp reducer(<<"R", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "E"}), do: %{x: x, y: y - (steps |> clean_steps), dir: "S"}
defp reducer(<<"R", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "S"}), do: %{x: x - (steps |> clean_steps), y: y, dir: "W"}
defp reducer(<<"R", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "W"}), do: %{x: x, y: y + (steps |> clean_steps), dir: "N"}
defp reducer(<<"L", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "N"}), do: %{x: x - (steps |> clean_steps), y: y, dir: "W"}
defp reducer(<<"L", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "E"}), do: %{x: x, y: y + (steps |> clean_steps), dir: "N"}
defp reducer(<<"L", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "S"}), do: %{x: x + (steps |> clean_steps), y: y, dir: "E"}
defp reducer(<<"L", steps::binary>>, %{x: x, y: y, dir: "W"}), do: %{x: x, y: y - (steps |> clean_steps), dir: "S"}
defp clean_steps(steps) do
|> String.trim
|> String.to_integer
defp extract_answer(%{x: x, y: y, dir: _}) do
abs(x) + abs(y)
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