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Last active April 22, 2024 17:43
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A responsive grid container for GD script. Updates columns as you change the width.
class_name FlexGridContainer
extends Container
var columns: int = 1 setget set_columns
func _notification(p_what):
match p_what:
var col_minw: Dictionary # Max of min_width of all controls in each col (indexed by col).
var row_minh: Dictionary # Max of min_height of all controls in each row (indexed by row).
var col_expanded: Array # Columns which have the SIZE_EXPAND flag set.
var row_expanded: Array # Rows which have the SIZE_EXPAND flag set.
var hsep = get_constant("hseparation", "GridContainer")
var vsep = get_constant("vseparation", "GridContainer")
var min_columns = 1
if get_child_count() > 0:
min_columns = int(floor(rect_size.x / (get_child(0).get_combined_minimum_size().x + hsep)))
self.columns = min_columns
var max_col = min(get_child_count(), columns)
var max_row = ceil(float(get_child_count()) / float(columns))
# Compute the per-column/per-row data.
var valid_controls_index = 0
for i in range(get_child_count()):
var c: Control = get_child(i)
if !c or !c.is_visible_in_tree():
var row = valid_controls_index / columns
var col = valid_controls_index % columns
valid_controls_index += 1
var ms: Vector2 = c.get_combined_minimum_size()
if col_minw.has(col):
col_minw[col] = max(col_minw[col], ms.x)
col_minw[col] = ms.x
if row_minh.has(row):
row_minh[row] = max(row_minh[row], ms.y)
row_minh[row] = ms.y
if c.get_h_size_flags() & SIZE_EXPAND:
if c.get_v_size_flags() & SIZE_EXPAND:
# Consider all empty columns expanded.
for i in range(valid_controls_index, columns):
# Evaluate the remaining space for expanded columns/rows.
var remaining_space: Vector2 = get_size()
for e in col_minw.keys():
if !col_expanded.has(e):
remaining_space.x -= col_minw.get(e)
for e in row_minh.keys():
if !row_expanded.has(e):
remaining_space.y -= row_minh.get(e)
remaining_space.y -= vsep * max(max_row - 1, 0)
remaining_space.x -= hsep * max(max_col - 1, 0)
var can_fit = false
while !can_fit && col_expanded.size() > 0:
# Check if all minwidth constraints are OK if we use the remaining space.
can_fit = true
var max_index = col_expanded.front()
for e in col_expanded:
if col_minw.has(e):
if col_minw[e] > col_minw[max_index]:
max_index = e
if can_fit && (remaining_space.x / col_expanded.size()) < col_minw[e]:
can_fit = false
# If not, the column with maximum minwidth is not expanded.
if (!can_fit):
remaining_space.x -= col_minw[max_index]
can_fit = false
while !can_fit && row_expanded.size() > 0:
# Check if all minheight constraints are OK if we use the remaining space.
can_fit = true
var max_index = row_expanded.front()
for e in row_expanded:
if row_minh[e] > row_minh[max_index]:
max_index = e
if can_fit && (remaining_space.y / row_expanded.size()) < row_minh[e]:
can_fit = false
# If not, the row with maximum minheight is not expanded.
if (!can_fit):
remaining_space.y -= row_minh[max_index]
# Finally, fit the nodes.
var col_expand = remaining_space.x / col_expanded.size() if col_expanded.size() > 0 else 0
var row_expand = remaining_space.y / row_expanded.size() if row_expanded.size() > 0 else 0
var col_ofs = 0
var row_ofs = 0
valid_controls_index = 0
for i in range(get_child_count()):
var c: Control = get_child(i)
if (!c || !c.is_visible_in_tree()):
var row = valid_controls_index / columns
var col = valid_controls_index % columns
valid_controls_index += 1
if (col == 0):
col_ofs = 0
if (row > 0):
row_ofs += (row_expand if row_expanded.has(row - 1) else row_minh[row - 1]) + vsep
var p = Vector2(col_ofs, row_ofs)
var s = Vector2(col_expand if col_expanded.has(col) else col_minw[col], row_expand if row_expanded.has(row) else row_minh[row])
fit_child_in_rect(c, Rect2(p, s))
col_ofs += s.x + hsep
func _get_minimum_size():
# Only worry about max height, not width (since it does width automatically)
var row_minh: Dictionary
var vsep = get_constant("vseparation", "GridContainer")
var max_row = 0
var valid_controls_index = 0
for i in range(get_child_count()):
var c: Control = get_child(i)
if !c or !c.is_visible():
var row = valid_controls_index / columns
valid_controls_index += 1
var ms = c.get_combined_minimum_size()
if row_minh.has(row):
row_minh[row] = max(row_minh[row], ms.y)
row_minh[row] = ms.y
max_row = max(row, max_row)
var ms: Vector2
for e in row_minh.keys():
ms.y += row_minh.get(e)
ms.y += vsep * max_row
return ms
func set_columns(p_columns: int):
columns = p_columns
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