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Last active November 15, 2019 21:50
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Eric Mentele's resume (iOS Developer).

Eric Mentele · iOS Developer · Redmond, WA


I develop for the iOS platform and have a background in customer service. My passion for people and learning inspires me to pursue the collaborative creation of valuable software. Programming allows me to participate in the most exciting industry there is: technology. I love creating software on a team because it is incredibly fun and rewarding. It improves my thinking and creativity, while giving me a myriad of paths for growth.

Technical Skills

Proficient Developing
Xcode Node.JS
Swift & Objective-C JavaScript
Git / GitHub Source Control Graphic Design (Pixelmator)


Cudos, Seattle, WA | iOS Developer | May 2016 - present
  • Developing an iOS app with a start up team in Swift.
  • Writing server side code with Node.JS.
Seattle Parks & Recreation (volunteer), Seattle, WA | iOS Developer | February 2016 - present
  • Recruited and managed a team to build official mobile apps for Seattle Parks & Rec.
  • Set up an open-source project that will provide an iOS and Android app to the city.
  • Implemented key app features to greatly improve trail maintenance efficiency.
  • Documented codebase for future developer use.
Digital Film Camp, Seattle, WA · Lead iOS Developer · September 2015 - March 2016
  • Sole programmer of an iOS app that is in the App Store.
  • Participated in business and marketing discussions to guide app design.
  • Worked in live sessions with school teachers, parents and children to get user feedback.
  • Set up source control, via Github, for documentation and distribution to team members.
Cascade Pest Control, Redmond, WA · Pest Management Professional · June - December 2014
  • Grew and managed a large service route. This included scheduling, reporting and customer communication.
  • Successfully managed customer relationships with effective communication. This included immediate resolutions to retain upset customers.
  • Received multiple written accolades from customers regarding my dedication to customer satisfaction and work ethic.
  • Maintained service vehicle and managed materials inventory.


Seattle Trails (GitHub), 2016 (Civic open source project)

This started at the AT&T App Parks And Recreation Hackathon. The app my team and I built uses the Socrata Open Data API to get the trails data for Seattle parks and make it visually available on a map view in an iOS app.

My team is currently expanding it, in collaboration with Seattle Parks & Recreation, to be the official app for the Seattle parks and trails. Currently, this app can allow you to search for trails and parks, see accessibility information about paths, report issues about the parks only if inside of one (determined via geolocation), and share your park experiences on social media. (Swift, Map Kit, Message UI, Social Framework, Xcode, Git, Socrata Open Data REST API)

Film Camp (Demo; App Store), 2016 (Client project shipped to the App Store for Digital Film Camp)

Film Camp allows people to produce short videos with ease. By implementing pre-editing through constraints, a user can focus on capturing a story. I was the sole developer, on a team of 4, for this project. We tested this with users and adapted the software with their feedback over the course of 6 months.
(Swift, Photos, AVFoundation, Social Framework, Swifty Dropbox, Cocoa Pods, Xcode, Git)

FoodXClude (App Store), 2015 (Code Fellows student project shipped to App Store)

This is an iOS app that can identify whether or not a food contains certain allergens by photographing its barcode. This was a team project that we completed in under 5 days. I set up project management tools and git source control, and programmed network alerts and dynamic string modification with regex. (Swift, REGEX, JSON, REST API, Cocoa Touch Framework, Xcode, Git)

Stacktastic (GitHub), 2015 (Code Fellows student project)

This app interfaces with the Stack Exchange API to access questions based on a search term. I utilized OAuth with a WKWebView in order to obtain an authentication token for the API. The logged-in user can access their own profile information and see lazy loaded images of the users whose questions were returned in a tableview.
(Objective-C, REST API, JSON, OAuth, Cocoa Touch Framework, Xcode, Git)


Code Fellows, Seattle, WA · iOS Development · January 2015 - February 2015

Completed an 8-week intensive called the iOS Development Accelerator. Created an app each week from scratch. Two were collaborative projects slated for the App Store. The Projects section of this resume outlines a couple of them and I’ve written more here:

Code Fellows exists to provide people from diverse backgrounds with the skills necessary to be valuable in the tech industry. This program provided me with a great overview of Apple frameworks, and helped me to improve my coding skills. Also, it gave me the confidence and ability to seek solutions to technical problems. The experience of collaborating on a team to make software was invaluable.

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