public class XCTHarness { |
private typealias XCTestMainType = @convention(c) (_ something: AnyObject?) -> () |
private static func dlsymcast<T>(_ handle: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!, _ symbol: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> T! { |
dlsym(handle, symbol).map { |
if T.self is AnyObject.Type { |
return $0 as! T |
} else { |
return unsafeBitCast($0, to: T.self) |
} |
} |
} |
// sanity check for troubleshooting, if this is missing we are most likely being invoked manually and whoever invoked us forgot something |
private static let isTestSession = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment.keys.contains("XCTestSessionIdentifier") |
// /Applications/Xcode-13.3.1.app/Contents/Developer/../SharedFrameworks/ |
private static let libraryPath = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"].map(URL.init(fileURLWithPath:)) |
// /Applications/Xcode-13.3.1.app/Contents/Developer/../SharedFrameworks/XCTestCore.framework/Versions/Current/XCTestCore |
private static let XCTestCorePath = libraryPath?.appendingPathComponent("XCTestCore.framework/Versions/Current/XCTestCore").path |
private static let XCTestCore = XCTestCorePath.flatMap { dlopen($0, RTLD_LAZY) } |
// /Applications/Xcode-13.3.1.app/Contents/Developer/../SharedFrameworks/XCTest.framework/Versions/Current/XCTest |
private static let XCTestPath = libraryPath?.appendingPathComponent("XCTest.framework/Versions/Current/XCTest").path |
private static let XCTest = XCTestPath.flatMap { dlopen($0, RTLD_NOW) } |
// dlsym(XCTestCore.framework, _XCTestMain) |
private static let XCTestMain = XCTestCore.flatMap { dlsymcast($0, "_XCTestMain") as XCTestMainType? } |
// relative path from our bundle path to the .xctest containing the tests we are going to run |
private static let XCTestBundlePath = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["XCTestBundlePath"] |
private static let XCTestBundle = XCTestBundlePath.flatMap { Bundle(url: Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent($0)) } |
public static func forceStartTestSession() { |
if !XCTHarness.isTestSession { |
print("Missing XCTestSessionIdentifier, things might not work. I don't think I'm where I'm supposed to be.") |
} |
guard let _ = XCTHarness.XCTest else { |
guard let XCTestPath = XCTHarness.XCTestPath else { |
fatalError("Missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH! Xcode inserts this automatically when running a test host, are you Xcode? What's up buddy?") |
} |
fatalError("Couldn't find XCTest.framework, expected it at \(XCTestPath)") |
} |
guard let XCTestBundle = XCTHarness.XCTestBundle else { |
guard let XCTestBundlePath = XCTHarness.XCTestBundlePath else { |
fatalError("Missing XCTestBundlePath! Xcode inserts this automatically when running a test host, are you Xcode? What's up buddy?") |
} |
fatalError("Couldn't find XCTestBundle, expected it at \(XCTestBundlePath)") |
} |
guard XCTestBundle.load() else { |
fatalError("Can't load xctest bundle at \(XCTHarness.XCTestBundlePath!)") |
} |
guard let XCTestMain = XCTHarness.XCTestMain else { |
fatalError("Can't find _XCTestMain inside \(XCTestCorePath!), I fear DVT has bamboozled us.") |
} |
XCTestMain(nil) |
} |
} |