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Created September 4, 2012 14:45
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  • Save EricReiche/3621855 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EricReiche/3621855 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gource multi repo script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Generates gource video (h.264) out of multiple repositories.
# Pass the repositories in command line arguments.
# Example:
# <> /path/to/repo1 /path/to/repo2
# 960x540 is youtube resolution
for repo in $*; do
# 1. Generate a Gource custom log files for each repo. This can be facilitated by the --output-custom-log FILE option of Gource as of 0.29:
logfile="$(mktemp /tmp/gource.XXXXXX)"
gource --output-custom-log "${logfile}" ${repo}
# 2. If you want each repo to appear on a separate branch instead of merged onto each other (which might also look interesting), you can use a 'sed' regular expression to add an extra parent directory to the path of the files in each project:
gsed -i -E "s#(.+)\|#\1|/${repo}#" ${logfile}
# using gnu sed on mac, on linux "sed" should work
let i=$i+1
combined_log="$(mktemp /tmp/gource.XXXXXX)"
cat ${logs[@]} | sort -n > $combined_log
rm ${logs[@]}
echo "Committers:"
cat $combined_log | awk -F\| {'print $2'} | sort | uniq
echo "======================"
time gource $combined_log \
-s 0.4 \
-i 0 \
--hide mouse,filenames,dirnames \
--key \
--stop-at-end \
-o gource.ppm
ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec libx264 -i gource.ppm -i /Users/ereiche/Music/Dima_Max_Kompass.mp3 -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 1 -threads 2 -bf 0 gource.mp4
# ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i gource.ppm -i /Users/ereiche/Music/Dima_Max_Kompass.mp3 -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 1 -threads 2 -bf 0 gource.mp4
# ffmpeg -i gource.mp4 -s 960x540 -ps 100000000 -vcodec libx264 output.mp4
rm $combined_log
rm /tmp/gource.*
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Die ffmpeg Zeile ist ungetestet. Wenn das nicht klappt, die beiden unteren Zeilen stattdessen benutzen.

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