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Created August 21, 2012 18:16
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<li><a href="#members">Members</a></li>
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<li><a href="#works">Works</a></li>
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<section id="home">
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<h1>Welcome<small>to Tech<sup>2</sup>'s offical club website!</small></h1>
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<p>Welcome to the official Tech<sup>2</sup> website, where we have up-to-date news, schedules and everything else. Tech<sup>2</sup> is a club for Northside students that does everything with technology: from programming software, to working with hardware. Our administrators are extremely knowledgeable in Java, Python, HTML, CSS, computer hardware, and lots more.</p>
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<h3>Find Out More</h3>
<p>To find out when we have meetings, look at our calendar under the Meetings page. If you want to know more about the club administrators, go to the About page. Learn about what we are working on now under the Works tab. To join the club, simply attend our meetings in Room 219.</p>
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<h3>About Us</h3>
<p>Tech<sup>2</sup> is a club that creates, analyzes, and improves on all forms of technology, both hardware and software. Tech<sup>2</sup> is a club for beginners, experts, and everyone in between.</p>
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<h3>We Can Help You With</h3>
<li>Programming - Java, Python, C++, etc.</li>
<li>Design - Web, Game, Graphic</li>
<li>Websites - Building, hosting, maintainence</li>
<section id="members">
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<h1>Members<small>Club Staff</small></h1>
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<h3>Eric Tendian<small>Class of 2013</small></h3>
<small><em>Co-Founder &ndash; Systems Administrator &ndash; Programmer</em></small>
<p>Eric can program in Java, Python, PHP, HTML and CSS, MySQL, a bit of Perl, Shell, and Batch. He started programming in 7th grade. He specializes in web development, Linux/UNIX, servers, and internet culture.</p>
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<h3>Krisztian Koves<small>Class of 2014</small></h3>
<small><em>Co-Founder &ndash; Programmer</em></small>
<p>Krisztian can program in C++, and is learning Java. He began programming in the 7th grade. He specializes in assisting people with computers.</p>
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<h3>Safia Abdalla<small>Class of 2014</small></h3>
<small><em>Co-Founder &ndash; Programmer</em></small>
<p>Safia can program in Python, PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS. She started programming at 13, with Python. She specializes in information theory.</p>
<div class="span6">
<h3>Viktor Koves<small>Class of 2014</small></h3>
<small><em>Public Relations Coordinator &ndash; Programmer</em></small>
<p>Viktor can program in Java, HTML and some CSS, Java, and Python. He has been programming for several years, beginning with Apple Script. He specializes in public relations, Java, and website design.</p>
<section id="meetings">
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<h1>Club Meetings<small>Held weekly</small></h1>
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<h3>Our Meetings</h3>
<p>Joining the club is simple. If you are a Northside College Prep student, all you have to do is come to our meetings</p>
<p>Our meetings are always held in Room 219, Dr. Nguyen’s room, and usually take place afterschool on Tuesdays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.</p>
<p>Meeting days appear in green in the calendar to the left.</p>
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<p>Google calendar?</p>
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<h3>Past Works</h3>
<p>Welcome to the official Tech<sup>2</sup> website, where we have up-to-date news, schedules and everything else. Tech<sup>2</sup> is a club for Northside students that does everything with technology: from programming software, to working with hardware. Our administrators are extremely knowledgeable in Java, Python, HTML, CSS, computer hardware, and lots more.</p>
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<p>What club website would not be complete without games? Listed here are some of our favorite games we like to play, along with a link to the site where you can play them. We also play loads of video games, which are also listed here.</p>
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