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Last active January 29, 2016 00:34
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Publisher and view mock. Once we have the callback to subscribe, we just call it with mocked bucket results
describe("new clean conversationDirective", function () {
* Factory to mock:
* CreateUserChatMessageView
* CreateUserChatStateView
* CreateUserConversationView
* @param id {String} name for the createView() spy "Conversation", "ChatMessage", "ChatState" (name of factory w/o prefix/suffix)
* @return {jasmine.Spy} spy for view constructor function injected into conversationDirective.
* Spies will return a mockView object that conversationDirective calls .subscribe() on
function mockCreateUserViewFactory(id) {
return jasmine.createSpy('createUser'+id+'View').and.callFake(function () {
return mockView(id);
* mock view object that would be returned from createUser_____View
* @param id {String} name for the view that conversationDirective subscribes to,
* ( inherited from mockCreateUserViewFactory "Conversation", "ChatMessage", "ChatState")
* @returns {jasmine.spyObject} mock view Object with spied-on .subscribe() and .destroy() methods
function mockView(id) {
viewSpies[id] = jasmine.createSpyObj('mock' + id + 'View', [
return viewSpies[id];
* Get the callback passed to a given view.subscribe()
* When the chat partner changes, all createUser____View() functions are called to create a view.
* view.subscribe is than passed a callback to call when there is an update from the bucket.
* @param createdView {Object} view returned from call to createUser____View()
* @returns {Function} callback passed to view.subscribe() from conversationDirective,
function getSubscribeCallbackForCreatedView(createdView) {
return createdView.subscribe.calls.mostRecent().args[0];
function mockRosterService() {
return {
roster: {
'first_chat_partner_jid': {
presence: 'something'
function mockChatService() {
return jasmine.createSpyObj('chatServiceSpy', [
function mockChatWindowDisplay() {
return {
show: true,
minimized: false,
unfocused: false
function triggerScrollListener(scrollElement) {
function getIdsOfReadReceiptsSent() {
var argsForActualReadReceiptsSent = chatService.sendReadReceipt.calls.allArgs();
return _.pluck(argsForActualReadReceiptsSent, '0');
var NUM_MESSAGES_TO_OVERFLOW_CHAT_WINDOW = 50,//more than enough
var chatMsgSubscribeFn, chatMessageSubscribeFn, mockMessagesUpdate = [
value: "foo"
value: "bar"
value: "bin"
], bucketMessagesFromChatPartner = _.pluck(mockMessagesUpdate, 'value');
var $rootScope, element, scrollElement, chatService, createUserConversationView, viewSpies ={},
mockCreateUserChatMessageView = mockCreateUserViewFactory.bind(this, 'ChatMessage'),
mockCreateUserChatStateView = mockCreateUserViewFactory.bind(this, 'ChatState'),
mockCreateUserConversationView = mockCreateUserViewFactory.bind(this, 'Conversation');
beforeEach(function () {
module('', function ($provide, $compileProvider) {
//Intentionally not mocking chatStates dependency because it's static
$provide.service('chatService', mockChatService);
$provide.service('rosterService', mockRosterService);
$provide.service('chatWindowDisplay', mockChatWindowDisplay);
$provide.factory('createUserChatMessageView', mockCreateUserChatMessageView);
$provide.factory('createUserChatStateView', mockCreateUserChatStateView);
$provide.factory('createUserConversationView', mockCreateUserConversationView);
$compileProvider.directive('yetiChatInput', function () {
return {
priority: 100,
terminal: true,
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div class="mockYetiConversationPanelDirective">mock chat input directive</div>'
$compileProvider.directive('yetiUserUnreadCounter', function () {
return {
priority: 100,
terminal: true,
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div class="mockYetiUnreadCounterDirective">mock unread message count directive</div>'
inject(function ($compile, $document, _$rootScope_, _chatService_, _createUserConversationView_) {
var directiveInlineStyle = "height:316px;width:280px;position:absolute";
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
chatService = _chatService_;
chatService.currentConversation = {
jid: 'first_chat_partner_jid'
createUserConversationView = _createUserConversationView_;
element = $compile("<yeti-conversation style=" + directiveInlineStyle + "></yeti-conversation>")($rootScope);
//Element that is scrollable, the scroll position of which is under test here:
scrollElement = element[0].querySelector(".messages-list-wrapper");
//Minimum CSS necessary for the element to be sized and overflow in a similar manner to the client:
'position': 'relative',
'overflow': 'auto'
//attach element to DOM so it has a defined style and we can visually QA
describe("[ Initialization ]", function () {
it("should create a view for the current chat partner", function () {
expect(createUserConversationView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(String), 'first_chat_partner_jid');
describe("when there is no current chat partner", function () {
// i.e. when not yet selected a chat partner or current conversation was removed
beforeEach(function () {
chatService.currentConversation.jid = undefined;
it("should do nothing ", function () {
describe("when the chat partner changes", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
chatService.currentConversation.jid = 'some_other_jid';
it("should create a view for the new chat partner", function () {
expect(createUserConversationView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(String), 'some_other_jid');
//TODO: bring this back: -EB 1/21/16
describe("when the new chat partner has messages", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
var createdView = viewSpies['ChatMessage'];
chatMsgSubscribeFn = getSubscribeCallbackForCreatedView(createdView);
it("should put messages for that chat partner on scope", function () {
describe("when switching into a conversation with unread messages", function () {
var convSubscribeFn, fillerMessages = _.range(NUM_MESSAGES_TO_OVERFLOW_CHAT_WINDOW).map(function (id) {
return {
id: 'stanza_id_' + id,
text: 'message ' + id
}), mockMessagesUpdate =, function (message) {
return {
id: 'bucket_id_' +,
value: message
var mockConversationUpdate = [{
"value": {
"contactJid": 'first_chat_partner_jid',
"hasLoadedInitialChatHistory": false
beforeEach(function () {
element.isolateScope().currentConversation.messages = fillerMessages;
element.isolateScope().currentConversation.hasLoadedInitialChatHistory = false;
scrollElement.scrollTop = 234;//set to arbitrary position
convSubscribeFn = getSubscribeCallbackForCreatedView(viewSpies['Conversation']);
chatMessageSubscribeFn = getSubscribeCallbackForCreatedView(viewSpies['ChatMessage']);
describe("when the chat history for the conversation has not yet loaded", function () {
it("should not auto-scroll", function () {
it("should not mark anything as read", function () {
describe("when there are unread messages", function () {
//assert against these:
var expectedScrollPosition, messageIdsNeedingReadReceiptsInView, unreadMessagesBelowViewport;
function getMessagesDisplayedInView(messageElements, firstUnreadElement) {
return _.filter(messageElements, function (message) {
var messageBottomPosition = message.offsetTop + message.offsetHeight,
chatWindowBottomThreshold = scrollElement.scrollTop + scrollElement.offsetHeight,
isMessageAfterFirstUnread = _.indexOf(messageElements, message) >= _.indexOf(messageElements, firstUnreadElement),
isAboveThreshold = messageBottomPosition <= chatWindowBottomThreshold;
return isAboveThreshold && isMessageAfterFirstUnread;
//triggers subscribe() callback, $digest()
function publishMockMessagesUpdate(mockMessagesUpdate) {
function loadMockHistory(unreadMessageIndices) {
_.forEach(unreadMessageIndices, function markMessageInBucketAsUnread(index) {
_.extend(mockMessagesUpdate[index].value, {wasSeen: false, from:'first_chat_partner_jid'});
//allow auto-scroll to first-unread:
element.isolateScope().currentConversation.hasLoadedInitialChatHistory = true;
beforeEach(function () {
// this index is arbitrary, indicates that message #16 is the first unread message in the conversation
//last unread is necessarily the last element in the messages array.
unreadMessageIndices = _.range(INDEX_OF_FIRST_UNREAD, mockMessagesUpdate.length);
//Now that messages data is on scope/rendered in the DOM, determine which messages are visible to the user
//These are the messages that we need to send read receipts for:
var firstUnreadId = element.isolateScope().currentConversation.messages[INDEX_OF_FIRST_UNREAD].id,
messageElements = element.find("[data-id^=stanza_id_]"),
firstUnreadElement = element.find('[data-id="' + firstUnreadId + '"]')[0],
messagesNeedingReadReceipts = getMessagesDisplayedInView(messageElements, firstUnreadElement),
lastVisibleUnreadMessageElement = _.last(messagesNeedingReadReceipts),
indexOfFirstBelowViewport = _.indexOf(messageElements, lastVisibleUnreadMessageElement) + 1;
messageIdsNeedingReadReceiptsInView =, function (elem) {
return elem.getAttribute('data-id');
//Expect to auto-scroll to the first unread message upon switching ot c conversation with multiple unreads:
expectedScrollPosition = firstUnreadElement.offsetTop;
//As the user scrolls down, more recent unread messages come into view.
//These messages should have read receipts sent for them as they enter the visible area:
unreadMessagesBelowViewport =, indexOfFirstBelowViewport);
//This setup involves a lot of DOM stuff.
//This is just for visual confirmation that the setup completed successfully:
angular.element(firstUnreadElement).css({"background-color": "lightblue"});
angular.element(lastVisibleUnreadMessageElement).css({"background-color": "red"});
it("should auto-scroll the least recent unread message", function () {
it("should send read receipts for all unread messages visible within the scrollable area", function () {
var idsOfReadReceiptsSent = getIdsOfReadReceiptsSent();
describe("when there are more unread messages than will fit in the scrollable area", function () {
var toastElement;
beforeEach(function () {
toastElement = element.find('.unread-messages-below-viewport-toast');
it("should display a message indicating that the user may scroll down to view the additional unread messages", function () {
it("should display the unread messages directive", function () {
expect(toastElement.text()).toContain('mock unread message count directive');
it("should bind the unread message directive to the jid of the current chat partner", function () {
describe("when the user scrolls down", function () {
//This is because when a readReceipt is sent, xmppWrapper updates the bucket.
//This simulates the resulting publish, firing the callback to view.subscribe() in the directive
function triggerReadMessageBucketUpdate(messageId) {
var bucketMessage = _.find(mockMessagesUpdate, function (message) {
return === 'bucket_id_' + messageId;
bucketMessage.value.wasSeen = true;
beforeEach(function () {
var idsOfReadReceiptsSent = getIdsOfReadReceiptsSent();
_.each(idsOfReadReceiptsSent, triggerReadMessageBucketUpdate);
it("should send read receipts for the messages that come into view", function () {
// normally we would expect that the view updates the unread counter as the user scroll to view
// unread messages. However, since We are mocking the userUnreadMessageDirective,
// displaying the count is outside the scope of this directive
function scrollToUnreadMessage(messageElement) {
//set scroll position such that the bottom of the element is aligned with the bottom of the viewport:
scrollElement.scrollTop = (messageElement.offsetTop - scrollElement.offsetHeight) + messageElement.offsetHeight;
//trigger the scroll event listener bound to scrollElement:
//Return the message for the chatService.sendReadReceipt spy expectation:
return messageElement;
//Scroll to each unread message in turn, and check that an RR was sent for each:
_.each(unreadMessagesBelowViewport, function (unreadElement) {
var nextUnreadElement = scrollToUnreadMessage(unreadElement),
IdForMessageNowInView = nextUnreadElement.getAttribute('data-id');
expect(chatService.sendReadReceipt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(IdForMessageNowInView, 'first_chat_partner_jid');
describe("when a new message is received from the current chat partner", function () {
var batchMessages = _.range(0, 100).map(function (id) {
return {
id: id,
value: {
wasSeen: true,
from: 'first_chat_partner_jid',
id: id,
text: 'message ' + id
function receiveNewMessages(numberToRecv) {
var update = batchMessages;
_.range(0, numberToRecv).forEach(function (i) {
id: batchMessages.length + i,
value: {
wasSeen: true,
from: 'first_chat_partner_jid',
id: batchMessages.length + i,
text: 'new message ' + i
beforeEach(function () {
element.isolateScope().currentConversation.hasLoadedInitialChatHistory = true;
var createdView = viewSpies['ChatMessage'];
chatMsgSubscribeFn = getSubscribeCallbackForCreatedView(createdView);
it("should add the updated list of messages to the directive scope", function () {
var messageValues = _.pluck(batchMessages, 'value');
describe("when the user is scrolled up in chat history", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
scrollElement.scrollTop = 567;
receiveNewMessages(3);//receive arbitrary number of messages
it("should not change the scroll position", function () {
it("should not send a read receipt for that message", function () {
describe("when the user is at the bottom of chat history", function () {
function getMaxScrollHeight() {
return scrollElement.scrollHeight - scrollElement.offsetHeight;
beforeEach(function () {
//scroll to bottom:
scrollElement.scrollTop = getMaxScrollHeight();
receiveNewMessages(13);//receive arbitrary number of messages
it("should auto-scroll to the new message(s)", function () {
var isScrollToBottom = _.isEqual(scrollElement.scrollTop, getMaxScrollHeight());
describe("when returning to a conversation with a previous chat partner", function () {
//Scenario: select partner 1, then select partner 2, then switch back to chatting with partner 1
//Assumes initial chat history already loaded for this conversation
describe("when there are no new messages", function () {
it("should display the message that was in view when the user left the conversation", function () {
describe("when there are unread messages", function () {
it("should behave as if we are loading a conversation with unread messages for the first time", function () {
//i.e. same expectations as above with different setup steps.
//Hey this might be a sign of SIDE EFFECTS!
describe("when the user scrolls to the top of the chat messages list", function () {
it("should request the previous page of chat history", function () {
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