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Last active September 30, 2020 13:13
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  • Save ErikDeBruijn/ef66517cb615e2381c4975dcc83caf88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#BitBar Metadata
# <bitbar.title>Frequency of the synchronous grid</bitbar.title>
# <bitbar.version>v0.1</bitbar.version>
# <>Erik de Bruijn</>
# <>Erik de Bruijn</>
# <bitbar.desc>Displays the current frequency of the grid and the time it is ahead or lagging.</bitbar.desc>
# This script in to be used with Bitbar as a toolbar plugin for OS X.
# It will display the grid freqency and time offset compared to the actual time (leading/lagging seconds)
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
# require 'pp'
Source =, :frequency, :name)
# No permission asked. Please check the Terms of Service of the website before using this script.
def fetch_from_swissgrid
url1 = ""
result = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(URI(url1)))
frequency = result["table"][0]["value"].split(" ").first.to_f
time_delta = result["table"][1]["value"].split(" ").first.to_i, frequency, :swissgrid)
# No permission yet! Don't use URL2, please.
def fetch_from_netzfrequenzmessung_de
url2 = "{rand.to_s[2..6]}"
result2_body = Net::HTTP.get(URI(url2))
frequency = result2_body.match(/<f>(.*)<\/f>/)[1].to_f
time_delta = result2_body.match(/<dt>(.*)<\/dt>/)[1].to_i, frequency, :netzfrequenzmessung)
source = fetch_from_swissgrid()
# Don't use this one: (only a fallback if anything)
unless source.is_a?(Source)
# source = fetch_from_netzfrequenzmessung_de()
fallback =
# Grid shutdown: 2.4 Hz off nominal = all connected generation and devices will be shutdown.
# Load shedding starts at 1 Hz below nominal and is increased with every 0.2 Hz further devations
frequency_margin = 0.1
freq_offset = source.frequency - 50
warning = freq_offset.abs > frequency_margin ? "!" : ""
warning = source.time_delta.abs > 20 ? "!!" : "" if warning == ""
color = warning == "" ? "" : "color=red"
puts "⚡️⚖️ #{source.frequency} Hz #{warning} #{source.time_delta}s #{fallback} | #{color}"
puts "---"
puts "Show Frequency Graph | href="
puts "Show | href="
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