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Created June 14, 2017 08:53
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namespace MyNamespace
public class GoogleMapsGeocoding : ISelectionQuery
private readonly string _googleApiKey;
public GoogleMapsGeocoding()
//get key from config
_googleApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleGeocodingApiKey"];
//Will be called when the editor types something in the selection editor.
public IEnumerable<ISelectItem> GetItems(string query)
if (IsCoordinate(query))
//return value if it is coordinates
var list = new List<ISelectItem> { new SelectItem() { Text = query, Value = query } };
return list;
if (query.Length < 5) //don't waste API quota on short query
return null;
var items = GetResultFromGoogle(query);
return EditorFriendlyItems(items, query);
//Will be called when initializing an editor with an existing value.
public ISelectItem GetItemByValue(string value)
//just return the saved value
return new SelectItem { Text = value, Value = value };
private IEnumerable<ISelectItem> GetResultFromGoogle(string query)
if (_googleApiKey.IsNullOrEmpty())
var list = new List<ISelectItem>();
list.Add(new SelectItem() { Text = "Error: missing Google API key", Value = null });
return list;
var apiUrl = $"{query}&key={_googleApiKey}";
var webClient = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 };
var json = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(webClient.DownloadString(apiUrl));
var results = json["results"].Select(r => new SelectItem()
Text = $"{r["formatted_address"].ToString()} ({r["geometry"]["location"]["lat"].ToString()} {r["geometry"]["location"]["lng"].ToString()})",
Value = $"{r["geometry"]["location"]["lat"].ToString()} {r["geometry"]["location"]["lng"].ToString()}"
return results;
//If items returned by Google doesn't start with the query, add a dummy item to make a better experience for the editor.
private IEnumerable<ISelectItem> EditorFriendlyItems(IEnumerable<ISelectItem> items, string query)
var itemsList = items.ToList();
if (itemsList.Any())
if (!itemsList.Any(i => i.Text.StartsWith(query, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
itemsList.Insert(0, new SelectItem() { Text = query, Value = null });
return itemsList;
//Check if query is coordinates
private bool IsCoordinate(string query)
const string pattern = @"^[-+]?([1-8]?\d(\.\d+)?|90(\.0+)?)\s*[-+]?(180(\.0+)?|((1[0-7]\d)|([1-9]?\d))(\.\d+)?)$";
var r = new Regex(pattern);
return r.Match(query).Success;
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