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  • Save ErikHogenbirk/aaf11785ec8600389e2d561d31b046d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-b0fa8b11a4d7> in <module>()
12 ],
13 trigger_data_special_path = '/project/lgrandi/xenon1t/trigger_monitor_data/Run{run_number:06}',
---> 14 acquisition_monitor_special_path = '/project/lgrandi/xenon1t/acquisition_monitor_data/Run{run_number:06}_acqmondata.pickles'
15 )
/project/lgrandi/anaconda3/envs/pax_head/lib/python3.4/site-packages/hax-1.4.2-py3.4.egg/hax/ in init(filename, **kwargs)
67 import hax
68 hax.runs.update_datasets()
---> 69 hax.minitrees.update_treemakers()
70 hax.slow_control.init_sc_interface()
/project/lgrandi/anaconda3/envs/pax_head/lib/python3.4/site-packages/hax-1.4.2-py3.4.egg/hax/ in update_treemakers()
130 # Import the module, after which we can do hax.treemakers.blah
--> 131 __import__('hax.treemakers.%s' % module_name, globals=globals())
133 # Now get all the treemakers defined in the module
/project/lgrandi/anaconda3/envs/pax_head/lib/ in _importhook(name, *args, **kwds)
299 except Exception:
300 pass
--> 301 return _orig_ihook( name, *args, **kwds )
303 __builtin__.__import__ = _importhook
/project/lgrandi/anaconda3/envs/pax_head/lib/python3.4/site-packages/hax-1.4.2-py3.4.egg/hax/treemakers/ in <module>()
----> 1 class MuonVetoTreemaker(hax.minitrees.TreeMaker):
2 """Computing properties of the Muon Veto Events
4 This TreeMaker will ignore all TPC related events which are stored as objects of PAX classes like 'peaks' or 'interactions'.
5 It gets the information of the MV events from the array stored in events.all_hits as numpy dtype array similar to objects
NameError: name 'hax' is not defined
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