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Created May 22, 2020 18:03
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Examples of how to implement a custom reading time with the Ghost Content API + SDK
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const api = new GhostContentAPI({
url: '',
key: '22444f78447824223cefc48062',
version: "v3"
const {readingTime} = GhostHelpers;
// Example 1: Calculate reading time for a single post page
// Step 1: grab the slug for the post
// This might be grabbed from a html data element on the page, or from the URL e.g. window.location.pathname.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/$/)[1];
let postSlug = 'publishing-options';
// Step 2: Make an API request to get the data we need{slug: postSlug, fields: 'html,feature_image'})
.then((post) => {
// Step 3: Manipulate the HTML and remove any content you don't want included
post.html = post.html.substring(0, post.html.length - 1000);
// Step 4: Generate the reading time string passing our modified post to the readingTime helper
let customTime = readingTime(post);
// Step 5: Insert the string into the page
document.querySelector('#single-result').textContent = customTime;
.catch((err) => {
// Example 2: Calculate reading time for all posts on an index page
// Step 1: grab the slugs for all posts in the page that have reading time
// Something like document.querySelectorAll('.post-card').forEach(link => { console.log(link.href.match(/\/([^\/]*)\/$/)[1]) });
let postSlugs = ['welcome','publishing-options','admin-settings'];
// Step 2: Make an API request to get the data we need
// We can fetch all posts at once this way
api.posts.browse({filter: `slug:[${postSlugs.join(',')}]`, fields: 'title,html,feature_image'})
.then((posts) => {
posts.forEach(post => {
// Step 3: Manipulate the HTML and remove any content you don't want included
post.html = post.html.substring(0, post.html.length - 1000);
// Step 4: Generate the reading time string passing our modified post to the readingTime helper
let customTime = readingTime(post);
// Step 5: Insert the string into the page
document.querySelector('#multi-result').innerHTML += `${post.title} - ${customTime} <br>`;
.catch((err) => {
<h2>Single Post - Publishing Options</h2>
<div id="single-result"></div>
<h2>Multi Post</h2>
<div id="multi-result"></div>
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