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Last active January 11, 2018 00:44
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Save Erisa/cde8412379ff4d68ad774879a32ec40b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some assignment for some college thing :teehee:
print("┌-────────────────────────────-┐ _ ")
print("│ Procedural Programming Demo │ ( ) _ ")
print("│ With Python! │ (_` )_('> ")
print("├─────────────────────────────-┤ (__,~_)8 ")
print("│ │ _YY_ ")
def procedure_demo():
print("\n\nThis demo is actually a procedure in itself, but lets demo one anyway!")
print("(Comments will help here")
# Below we're creating a new procedure with the 'def' keyword.
# When this procedure is ran, it will calculate something and return the value.
def calculation():
return int((12 * 8) / (2 * 7))
# Now instead of copy/pasting that sum everywhere, we can just do this:
result = calculation()
print("The result of the procedure is: ", result)
def parameters():
# This is our function which takes a parameter inside ().
def add(num1, num2):
# Inside the function we can do what we want.
return num1 + num2
def libraries():
# Here, we're going to import the 'random' library.
# Which will allow us to generate a random number.
import random
# Now we are using the imported command.
number = random.random() * 100
print("Have a random number from 1 to 100:", number)
def loops():
# int() is used to ensure the input is an integer (Whole number)
iterations = int(input("How many times should I iterate? "))
for i in range(iterations):
# Iterations in Python start counting at 0, so add 1.
print("You are on iteration", i + 1)
print("Iteration ended.")
def variables():
# Here we are assigning "Hello world" to the variable newvar.
newvar = "Hello world"
# When we call newvar, it will have the contents we specified.
print("Current variable contents is:", newvar)
# Here the variable will be changed to whatever the user specifies.
newvar = input("What would you like to set it to?")
# And now it's different!
print("Variable is now:", newvar)
def localvars():
# Here we are going to set a value:
num1 = 100
def squaresum(num1, num2):
first = num1 * num1
second = num2 * num2
return first + second
result = squaresum(3,4)
# ˅ If you uncommented this line, it would return an error.
# print(second)
# ^ This is because "second" is just a local variable for that function.
print("The sum of your numbers squared is:", result)
def conditions():
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
# Only executes if the number is lower than 18.
if num < 18:
print("Your number is less than 18!")
# If the number is 18 or higher but under 23...
elif num < 23:
print("Your number is between 18 and 22")
elif num < 80:
print("Your number is between 23 and 79!")
# If none of the others are true....
print("Your number is 80 or higher!")
print("\n\nWelcome to the Python demo!")
# Hello, this is an example comment.
# Comments are lines which start with '#'
print("To ensure you understand the logic behind this demo, please read the code comments.")
while True:
print("\n\nWhich demo would you like to view?")
print(" - [Procedures] - Basic demonstration of procedures/functions in Python.")
print(" - [Parameters] - Extension of the procedures example, shows parameter usage.")
print(" - [LocalVars] - Example of local and global variables with regards to functions.")
print(" - [Libraries] - Programming libraries and how to import/use them.")
print(" - [Variables] - Basic variable idea demonstration with examples.")
print(" - [Loops] - The various types of loops in Python, allowing to repeat code easily.")
print(" - [Conditions] - Conditional statements for example if and else and elif.")
print("\nPlease enter a valid demo name (Inside the [] ) or 'exit' to quit.")
choice = input(">> ")
if (choice.lower() == "exit"):
elif (choice.lower() == "procedures"):
elif (choice.lower() == "loops"):
elif (choice.lower() == "parameters"):
elif (choice.lower() == "libraries"):
elif (choice.lower() == "loops"):
elif (choice.lower() == "variables"):
elif (choice.lower() == "localvars"):
elif (choice.lower() == "conditions"):
print("That isn't a valid response!")
input("\nPress enter to continue...")
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