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Created August 24, 2016 08:33
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<p>Metaball rendering demo. Many ideas and code taken from <a href="">here</a></p>
const regl = require('../regl')()
const isosurface = require('isosurface')
const normals = require('angle-normals')
const mat3 = require('gl-mat3')
const camera = require('./util/camera')(regl, {
distance: 1,
maxDistance: 3,
minDistance: 0.5,
center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// We manage our own buffers:
var maxCount = 4096
const positionBuffer = regl.buffer({
length: maxCount * 3 * 4,
type: 'float',
usage: 'dynamic'
const normalBuffer = regl.buffer({
length: maxCount * 3 * 4,
type: 'float',
usage: 'dynamic'
const cellsBuffer = regl.elements({
length: (maxCount*3* 3) * 3 * 2,
count: (maxCount*3* 3),
type: 'uint16',
usage: 'dynamic',
primitive: 'triangles',
var propsPositions
const drawMetaballs = regl({
vert: `
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 projection, view;
uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
attribute vec3 position, normal;
varying vec3 vNormal, vONormal, vU;
varying vec4 vPosition, vOPosition;
void main () {
vNormal = normalMatrix * normal;
vONormal = normal;
vPosition = vec4( position, 1.0 );
vOPosition = view * vPosition;
vU = normalize( vec3( vOPosition ) );
gl_Position = projection * vOPosition;
frag: `
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D textureMap, normalMap;
uniform vec3 color, eye;
uniform float normalScale, texScale, useSSS, useScreen;
varying vec3 vNormal, vONormal, vU;
varying vec4 vPosition, vOPosition;
float random(vec3 scale,float seed) {
return fract(sin(dot(,scale))*43758.5453+seed);
void main() {
vec3 n = normalize( );
vec3 blend_weights = abs( n );
blend_weights = ( blend_weights - 0.2 ) * 7.;
blend_weights = max( blend_weights, 0. );
blend_weights /= ( blend_weights.x + blend_weights.y + blend_weights.z );
vec2 coord1 = vPosition.yz * texScale;
vec2 coord2 = vPosition.zx * texScale;
vec2 coord3 = vPosition.xy * texScale;
vec3 bump1 = texture2D( normalMap, coord1 ).rgb;
vec3 bump2 = texture2D( normalMap, coord2 ).rgb;
vec3 bump3 = texture2D( normalMap, coord3 ).rgb;
vec3 blended_bump = bump1 * +
bump2 * blend_weights.yyy +
bump3 * blend_weights.zzz;
vec3 tanX = vec3( vNormal.x, -vNormal.z, vNormal.y);
vec3 tanY = vec3( vNormal.z, vNormal.y, -vNormal.x);
vec3 tanZ = vec3(-vNormal.y, vNormal.x, vNormal.z);
vec3 blended_tangent = tanX * +
tanY * blend_weights.yyy +
tanZ * blend_weights.zzz;
vec3 normalTex = blended_bump * 2.0 - 1.0;
normalTex.xy *= normalScale;
normalTex.y *= -1.;
normalTex = normalize( normalTex );
mat3 tsb = mat3( normalize( blended_tangent ), normalize( cross( vNormal, blended_tangent ) ), normalize( vNormal ) );
vec3 finalNormal = tsb * normalTex;
vec3 r = reflect( normalize( vU ), normalize( finalNormal ) );
float m = 2.0 * sqrt( r.x * r.x + r.y * r.y + ( r.z + 1.0 ) * ( r.z + 1.0 ) );
vec2 calculatedNormal = vec2( r.x / m + 0.5, r.y / m + 0.5 );
vec3 base = texture2D( textureMap, calculatedNormal ).rgb;
float rim = 1.75 * max( 0., abs( dot( normalize( vNormal ), normalize( ) ) ) );
base += useSSS * color * ( 1. - .75 * rim );
base += ( 1. - useSSS ) * 10. * base * color * clamp( 1. - rim, 0., .15 );
if( useScreen == 1. ) {
base = vec3( 1. ) - ( vec3( 1. ) - base ) * ( vec3( 1. ) - base );
float nn = .05 * random( vec3( 1. ), length( gl_FragCoord ) );
base += vec3( nn );
gl_FragColor = vec4( base.rgb, 1. );
attributes: {
position: {
buffer: positionBuffer,
normal: {
buffer: normalBuffer,
uniforms: {
color: [36 / 255.0, 70 / 255.0, 106 / 255.0],
sphereColor: [36 / 255.0, 70 / 255.0, 106 / 255.0],
normalScale: 1,
texScale: 10,
useSSS: 0,
useScreen: 1,
normalMatrix: (context) => {
let a = mat3.create()
mat3.normalFromMat4(a, context.view)
return a
textureMap: regl.prop('textureMap'),
normalMap: regl.prop('normalMap')
elements: cellsBuffer
const metaball = (px, py, pz, strength, subtract) => {
return (x, y, z) => {
return (strength / (Math.pow(x - px, 2) + Math.pow(y - py, 2) + Math.pow(z - pz, 2))) - subtract
const numblobs = 20
const strength = 1.2 / ((Math.sqrt(numblobs) - 1) / 4 + 1)
const subtract = 12
const balls = Array(numblobs).fill().map((_, i) => {
return (time) => {
let ballx = Math.sin(i + 1.26 * time * (1.03 + 0.5 * Math.cos(0.21 * i))) * 0.27 + 0.5
let bally = Math.cos(i + 1.12 * time * 0.21 * Math.sin((0.72 + 0.83 * i))) * 0.27 + 0.5
let ballz = Math.cos(i + 1.32 * time * 0.1 * Math.sin((0.92 + 0.53 * i))) * 0.27 + 0.5
return metaball(ballx, bally, ballz, strength, subtract)
manifest: {
sphereTexture: {
type: 'image',
src: 'spheretexture.jpg',
parser: (data) => regl.texture({
data: data,
wrapT: 'clamp',
wrapS: 'clamp'
normalTexture: {
type: 'image',
src: 'normaltexture.jpg',
parser: (data) => regl.texture({
data: data,
wrapT: 'repeat',
wrapS: 'repeat'
onDone: ({sphereTexture, normalTexture}) => {
let field = (x, y, z) => {
return => b(1)(x, y, z)).reduce((a, b) => a + b)
let mesh = isosurface.surfaceNets([50, 50, 50], field, [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]])
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// We update the buffers through subdata, instead of allocating new buffers every frame.
normalBuffer.subdata(normals(mesh.cells, mesh.positions))
regl.frame(({tick}) => {
camera(() => {
textureMap: sphereTexture,
normalMap: normalTexture
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