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Created June 13, 2024 09:09
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from openai import OpenAI
from openai.types.beta.threads.message_create_params import Attachment, AttachmentToolFileSearch
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import json
# Add your OpenAI API key
client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_KEY"))
# Upload the file to the OpenAI API
file = client.files.create(
file=open('my_inference.pdf', 'rb'),
# Create thread
thread = client.beta.threads.create()
# Add the user message to the thread
prompt = "Tell me 5 interesting things that you find in this PDF file."
thread_id =,
attachments=[Attachment(, tools=[AttachmentToolFileSearch(type='file_search')])]
# Create an Assistant (or fetch it if it already exists)
assistants = client.beta.assistants.list()
myAssistant = None
for assistant in assistants:
if == 'My Assistant Name':
myAssistant = assistant
if myAssistant is None:
# Create assistant
myAssistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
description='You are a PDF retrieval assistant.',
instructions="You are a helpful assistant designed to output only JSON. Find information from the text and files provided.",
tools=[{"type": "file_search"}],
# response_format={"type": "json_object"}, # Isn't possible
name='My Assistant Name',
# Run the created thread with the assistant. It will wait until the message is processed.
run = client.beta.threads.runs.create_and_poll(,,
instructions="Please output in JSON format",
timeout=300, # 5 minutes
# response_format={"type": "json_object"}, # Isn't possible
# Eg. issue with openai server
if run.status != "completed":
raise Exception('Run failed:', run.status)
# Fetch outputs of the thread
messages_cursor = client.beta.threads.messages.list(
messages = [message for message in messages_cursor]
message = messages[0]
assert message.content[0].type == "text"
# Output of the Assistant
res_txt = message.content[0].text.value
# Because assistant can't produce JSON (as we're using "file_search"),
# it will output text + some JSON code. We can parse and extract just
# the JSON part, and ignore everything else (eg. gpt4o will start with something
# similar to "Of course, here's the parsed text: {useful_JSON_here}")
if res_txt.startswith('```json'):
res_txt = res_txt[6:]
if res_txt.endswith('```'):
res_txt = res_txt[:-3]
res_txt = res_txt[:res_txt.rfind('}')+1]
res_txt = res_txt[res_txt.find('{'):]
# Parse the JSON output
data = json.loads(res_txt)
# Delete the file(s) afterwards to preserve space (max 100gb/company)
delete_ok = client.files.delete(
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