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Created June 23, 2023 12:24
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DepthAI Wide FOV depth align to color stream
import cv2
import numpy as np
import depthai as dai
# Weights to use when blending depth/rgb image (should equal 1.0)
rgbWeight = 0.4
depthWeight = 0.6
msgs = dict()
def add_msg(msg, name, seq = None):
if seq is None:
seq = msg.getSequenceNum()
seq = str(seq)
if seq not in msgs:
msgs[seq] = dict()
msgs[seq][name] = msg
def get_msgs():
global msgs
seq_remove = [] # Arr of sequence numbers to get deleted
for seq, syncMsgs in msgs.items():
seq_remove.append(seq) # Will get removed from dict if we find synced msgs pair
# Check if we have both detections and color frame with this sequence number
if len(syncMsgs) == 2: # rgb + depth
for rm in seq_remove:
del msgs[rm]
return syncMsgs # Returned synced msgs
return None
def updateBlendWeights(percent_rgb):
Update the rgb and depth weights used to blend depth/rgb image
@param[in] percent_rgb The rgb weight expressed as a percentage (0..100)
global depthWeight
global rgbWeight
rgbWeight = float(percent_rgb)/100.0
depthWeight = 1.0 - rgbWeight
# Optional. If set (True), the ColorCamera is downscaled from 1080p to 720p.
# Otherwise (False), the aligned depth is automatically upscaled to 1080p
downscaleColor = True
fps = 30
# The disparity is computed at this resolution, then upscaled to RGB resolution
monoResolution = dai.MonoCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_720_P
camSocket = dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB
def getMesh(calibData, ispSize):
M1 = np.array(calibData.getCameraIntrinsics(camSocket, ispSize[0], ispSize[1]))
d1 = np.array(calibData.getDistortionCoefficients(camSocket))
R1 = np.identity(3)
mapX, mapY = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(M1, d1, R1, M1, ispSize, cv2.CV_32FC1)
meshCellSize = 16
mesh0 = []
# Creates subsampled mesh which will be loaded on to device to undistort the image
for y in range(mapX.shape[0] + 1): # iterating over height of the image
if y % meshCellSize == 0:
rowLeft = []
for x in range(mapX.shape[1]): # iterating over width of the image
if x % meshCellSize == 0:
if y == mapX.shape[0] and x == mapX.shape[1]:
rowLeft.append(mapX[y - 1, x - 1])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y - 1, x - 1])
elif y == mapX.shape[0]:
rowLeft.append(mapX[y - 1, x])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y - 1, x])
elif x == mapX.shape[1]:
rowLeft.append(mapX[y, x - 1])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y, x - 1])
rowLeft.append(mapX[y, x])
rowLeft.append(mapY[y, x])
if (mapX.shape[1] % meshCellSize) % 2 != 0:
mesh0 = np.array(mesh0)
meshWidth = mesh0.shape[1] // 2
meshHeight = mesh0.shape[0]
mesh0.resize(meshWidth * meshHeight, 2)
mesh = list(map(tuple, mesh0))
return mesh, meshWidth, meshHeight
def create_pipeline(calibData):
# Create pipeline
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
queueNames = []
# Define sources and outputs
camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
left = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
right = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
stereo = pipeline.create(dai.node.StereoDepth)
rgbOut = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
disparityOut = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
camRgb.setIspScale(2, 3)
manip = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageManip)
mesh, meshWidth, meshHeight = getMesh(calibData, camRgb.getIspSize())
manip.setWarpMesh(mesh, meshWidth, meshHeight)
manip.setMaxOutputFrameSize(camRgb.getIspWidth() * camRgb.getIspHeight() * 3 // 2)
# LR-check is required for depth alignment
# Linking
return pipeline
# Connect to device and start pipeline
with dai.Device() as device:
calibData = device.readCalibration()
pipeline = create_pipeline(calibData)
blendedWindowName = "rgb-depth"
cv2.createTrackbar('RGB Weight %', blendedWindowName, int(rgbWeight*100), 100, updateBlendWeights)
while True:
for name in ['rgb', 'disp']:
msg = device.getOutputQueue(name).tryGet()
if msg is not None:
add_msg(msg, name)
synced = get_msgs()
if synced:
frameRgb = synced["rgb"].getCvFrame()
frameDisp = synced["disp"].getFrame()
maxDisparity = 95
# Optional, extend range 0..95 -> 0..255, for a better visualisation
if 1: frameDisp = (frameDisp * 255. / maxDisparity).astype(np.uint8)
# Optional, apply false colorization
if 1: frameDisp = cv2.applyColorMap(frameDisp, cv2.COLORMAP_HOT)
frameDisp = np.ascontiguousarray(frameDisp)
# Need to have both frames in BGR format before blending
if len(frameDisp.shape) < 3:
frameDisp = cv2.cvtColor(frameDisp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
blended = cv2.addWeighted(frameRgb, rgbWeight, frameDisp, depthWeight, 0)
cv2.imshow(blendedWindowName, blended)
if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
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