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Created February 14, 2020 04:28
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Pulumi example for GKE Workload Identity
Creates a GCP service account named 'test-workload-identity' to be used
by a GKE workload using a Kubernetes service account named 'default/default'.
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
const gcpConfig = new pulumi.Config("gcp");
const projectId = gcpConfig.get("project");
const ksa = "default/default";
const gsaName = "test-workload-identity";
const gsa = new gcp.serviceAccount.Account(gsaName, {
accountId: gsaName,
displayName: "An account for testing the GKE workload identity feature",
const binding = new gcp.serviceAccount.IAMBinding(`${gsaName}:${ksa}`, {
serviceAccountId: pulumi.interpolate `projects/${projectId}/serviceAccounts/${}`,
members: [`serviceAccount:${projectId}[${ksa}]`],
role: "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser"
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you got a typo in serviceAccount, it must be:

new gcp.serviceaccount.IAMBinding

notice account must be lowercase. Anyway, thank you so mush, this is exactly what I was looking for.

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