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Last active August 12, 2016 17:02
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  • Save Error601/bc1aed35a4675590cce9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Error601/bc1aed35a4675590cce9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reconcile jQuery's .data() object with an element's [data-] attributes
* Get or set [data-] attributes and
* keep jQuery's .data object in sync
* with those attributes with special
* handling for non-string data and
* proper retrieval of functions stored
* in jQuery's .data object.
* Sets value for name of [data-] attribute. Also adds value
* to name prop in jQuery object that .dataAttr() is called on.
* Returns a new object containing properties from the element's
* .dataset property and jQuery .data object.
* jQuery().data().name values override
* properties.
* @param {string} name - Name of [data-] attribute
* @param {string|array|object|function} [value] - The value to assign to name
* @return {object}
* Returns object map of data attributes and values
* OR the jQuery object .dataAttr() was called on
$.fn.dataAttr = function(name, value){
var $this = this,
el = this[0],
attrVal = value,
if (!arguments.length){
// return all [data-] attrs merged
// with jQuery's .data object
// if no args are passed
return $.extend(true, {}, el.dataset, $;
function processAttrs(){
// future function to consolidate
// .dataAttr and .dataAttrs
// into one function
if ($.isPlainObject(name) || $.isArray(name)){
return $this.dataAttrs(name);
// TODO: separate vars - attrName, dataName, attrVal, dataVal
// strip data prefix from name
name = name.replace(/^(data\-+|data)/,'');
// ensure [data-] attribute names are hy-phen-at-ed
// and data: {} property names are camelCased
var dataAttrName = 'data-' + toDashed(name),
dataPropName = toCamelCase(name),
// events start with 'on'
isEvent = dataPropName.indexOf('on') === 0,
// event name is the [data-] attribute name WITHOUT 'on'
EVENT_NAME = isEvent ? dataPropName.toLowerCase().replace(/^on/,'') : null;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
// get the value from the element attribute
// instead of the data object???
if ($.isFunction(${
// unless it's a function
return function(/* arguments */){
$, arguments);
return $this;
try {
return JSON.parse($this.attr(dataAttrName));
try {
return $this.attr(dataAttrName);
else if (value === null) {
// remove jQuery data and element's [data-] attribute
// if value is null
else {
// if it's a function, it will be available via jQuery's .data() method
if ($.isFunction(attrVal)) {
//fnName = "function(){return $('" + $this.selector + "').dataAttr('" + dataPropName + "'))";
fnName = "$('" + $this.selector + "').dataAttr('" + dataPropName + "')";
// (escape quotes?) and store the function name
//attrVal = fnName.replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(/"/g,'\\"');
attrVal = fnName;
//attrVal = "fn:"+dataPropName; // store the function name
//attrVal = '()';
//attrVal = 'function:' + dataPropName;
if (console && console.debug){
'To invoke the function stored in jQuery\'s .data ' +
'object for this element, call ' + fnName + '();'
// then to call it, just do:
// var func = $('#el').data('foo');
// func();
attrVal = (typeof attrVal === 'string') ? attrVal : JSON.stringify(attrVal);
$, value).attr(dataAttrName, attrVal);
$(document.body).on(EVENT_NAME, $this.selector, $;
function toDashed(str){
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(u) {
return '-' + u;
}).replace(/[A-Z]-/g, function(c){
return c.replace(/-$/, '');
}).toLowerCase().replace(/\W+|_+/g, '-').replace(/^-*|-*$/g, '');
function toCamelCase(str) {
// 'sanitize' by running str through toDashed()
return toDashed(str).replace(/-./g, function(u){
return u.substr(1).toUpperCase();
// return the jQuery object for chaining
return $this;
// handle multiple [data-] attributes
// as an object map
// property names must be camelCase 'attrName'
// and will map to hyphenated 'data-attr-name'
// (do NOT include 'data' in property names)
$.fn.dataAttrs = function(obj){
var $this = this,
name, val,
datas = {},
i = -1;
if (!arguments.length){
return $this.dataAttr();
if ($.isPlainObject(obj)){
for (name in obj){
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)){
val = obj[name];
$this.dataAttr(name, val);
// return an object map of name: value
// if an array of [data-] attribute names
// is passed
else if ($.isArray(obj)){
while (++i < obj.length){
name = obj[i];
datas[name] = $this.dataAttr(name);
return datas;
else {
return $this.dataAttr.apply($this, arguments);
return $this;
// remove [data-] attributes and jQuery .data() properties
// pass multiple names or array of names as argument(s)
// to remove more than one [data-] attribute
$.fn.removeDataAttrs = $.fn.removeDataAttr = function(/* name(s) */){
var $this = this,
names = [].concat(arguments[0]||null),
i = -1,
if (arguments.length > 1){
names = $.makeArray(arguments);
while (++i < names.length){
name = names[i];
if (name && typeof name == 'string'){
$this.dataAttr(name, null);
return $this;
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