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Last active February 17, 2024 16:37
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USOS deadlines page date highlighter

USOS deadlines page date highlighter [Userscript]

A script that highlights single date deadlines that happend to fall on a weekend (for part time students) and deadlines that are longer than a 1 day.

*The regex in this script may not work due to how other Unis write their pages!!!


  1. Install a Userscript browser extension

*It should work fine with most extensions (if not, write a comment)
2. Add the script

  1. Click on the extension icon (in the top right corner of the browser - you may have to click the puzzle icon first to see it)
  2. Click Control panel
  3. Click Utilities
  4. At the bottom in to Import from URL paste in this URL:
  5. Click Install
  6. Click Install again
  1. Click on the extension icon (in the top right corner of the browser - you may have to click the puzzle icon first to see it)
  2. Click the cog icon
  3. Click +
  4. Click Install from URL
  5. Paste in this URL: <>
  6. Click Confirm
  7. Click Close

*The script should auto update!
*Remember, you can turn the script ON / OFF whenever you like by just flipping the switch next to it's name

// ==UserScript==
// @name USOS deadlines page date highlighter
// @description A script that highlights single date deadlines that happend to fall on a weekend (for part time students) and deadlines that are longer than a 1 day.
// @version 1.3.0
// @author Eryk Darnowski (GH: ErykDarnowski TW: @erykdarnowski)
// @match *://
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant none
// @namespace
// @supportURL
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
/* Releases
- 1.0.0 Initial
- 1.1.0 Add sorting
- 1.2.0 Add year separation
- 1.2.1 Fix incorrect selector (page change)
- 1.2.2 Fix incorrect selector (page change)
- 1.2.3 Fix incorrect selector (page change)
- 1.3.0 Add automatic date table finding
// get first <p> element with a lot of children (more than 20 children)
const pEls = [...document.querySelectorAll('#layout-c22 > div.usos-ui > p')];
let lastChildCount = 0;
let baseEl = null;
for (let i in pEls) {
const childCount = pEls[i].children.length;
if (childCount > lastChildCount + 20) {
lastChildCount = childCount;
baseEl = pEls[i];
const elsContainer = baseEl;
const brs = [...baseEl.querySelectorAll(`br`)].slice(1);
let els = [...baseEl.querySelectorAll(`span`)].slice(1);
const regexSpan = /([\d.]+)(?: r\.)?(?: ?\W )(?:[\d.]+)/;
const regexSingle = /([\d.]+)(?: r\.)?(?: ?\W )/;
const dateStrToISO = str => str.split('.').reverse().join('-');
els = => {
const title = el.textContent;
// check if span of time
let date;
const regexSpanRes = regexSpan.test(title);
if (regexSpanRes) {
date = new Date(dateStrToISO(regexSpan.exec(title)[1]));
} else {
date = new Date(dateStrToISO(regexSingle.exec(title)[1]));
// check if old
if (date.getTime() >= new Date().getTime()) {
// highlight
if (regexSpanRes) { = 'blueviolet';
} else {
const dayNum = date.getDay();
const isWeekend = dayNum === 6 || dayNum === 0;
if (isWeekend) { = 'green'; = 'bold';
} else { = '#c0c0c0';
return [date, el];
// sort by date
els.sort((a, b) => a[0].getTime() - b[0].getTime());
// replace els => el.remove());
for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
const elHtml = els[i][1].outerHTML;
elsContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', elHtml + '<br>');
// separate years
if (els[i][0].getYear() !== els[i + 1][0].getYear()) {
elsContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<br>');
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