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Created June 5, 2024 11:47
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twofingers.location search by name
<?$LOC_ID = false;
if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('twofingers.location')
&& $location = \TwoFingers\Location\Factory\LocationFactory::buildByStorage())
$LOC_ID = $location->getId(); // ID местоположения
"ADD_ELEMENT_CHAIN" => "N", .............
if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true)
/** @var array $arParams */
/** @var array $arResult */
/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
/** @global CUser $USER */
/** @global CDatabase $DB */
/** @var CBitrixComponentTemplate $this */
/** @var string $templateName */
/** @var string $templateFile */
/** @var string $templateFolder */
/** @var string $componentPath */
/** @var CBitrixComponent $component */
use Bitrix\Main\Composite\BufferArea;
use Bitrix\Main\Loader;
use TwoFingers\Location\Entity\Location;
use TwoFingers\Location\Factory\LocationFactory;
if (Loader::includeModule('twofingers.location')
&& $location = LocationFactory::buildByStorage())
$arLocation["ID"] = $location->getId(); // ID местоположения
$arLocation["CODE"] = $location->getCode(); // Код местоположения
$arLocation["NAME"] = $location->getName(); // название местоположения
if ($location->hasParent())
$parents = LocationFactory::buildParentsCollection($location);
/** @var Location $parent */
foreach ($parents as $parent)
// выводим только регион и страну
if (in_array($parent->getType(), [Location::TYPE_REGION, Location::TYPE_COUNTRY]))
$arLocationParent["ID"] = $parent->getId(); // ID родительского местоположения
$arLocationParent["CODE"] = $parent->getCode(); // Код родительского местоположения
$arLocationParent["NAME"] = $parent->getName(); // название родительского местоположения
$arItemsBySect = [];
$sectIds = [];
foreach ($arResult['ITEMS'] as $one) {
if (!empty($one['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'])) {
$arItemsBySect[$one['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']][] = $one;
$sectIds[$one['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']] = $one['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'];
if (!empty($sectIds)) {
$dbSects = \CIBlockSection::GetList(
['sort' => 'asc', 'name' => 'asc'],
['IBLOCK_ID' => $arParams['IBLOCK_ID']],
$arSects = [];
while ($one = $dbSects->getNext()) {
$arSects[$one['ID']] = $one;
if($one["NAME"]=="Москва и МО"){
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