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Last active May 12, 2021 21:30
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# Todo: Jinja2 template
import oci
# from jinja2 import Template
import re
from datetime import datetime
region = "us-ashburn-1"
print("Using region:", region)
ts = str(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())[:10]
tenancy_id = ""
config = oci.config.from_file()
client = oci.identity.IdentityClient(config)
regions = client.list_regions().data
# for r in regions:
# region_key = r.key
# region_name =
# print( + ' ' + r.key)
# subscriptions = client.list_region_subscriptions(tenancy_id).data
provider_file = open("providers_"+ ts +".tfx",mode="w",encoding="utf-8")
header = str("#"*49) + "\n"
header = header + "### Terraform Provider File ###\n"
header = header + "### Auto Generated " + str( + " ###\n"
header = header + str("#"*49)
header = header + "\n\n"
header = header + "# Default Provider" + "\n"
header = header + "provider \"oci\" { " + "\n"
header = header + " region =\"" + region + "\"\n"
header = header + "} \n\n"
for region in regions:
region_key = region.key
region_name =
alias = region_name.replace("eu-","").replace("ap-","").replace("uk-","").replace("us-","").replace("sa-","").replace("me-","").replace("ca-","").replace("-","")
alias = alias.strip("1").strip("2").strip("3")
full_name = region_name
region_name = region_name.replace(")","").lower()
region_name = region_name.replace("n. ","").replace(" ","")
region_name = re.sub(r'^.*?\(', '', region_name)
provider = "# RegionKey:" + region_key + " - " + full_name + "\n"
provider = provider + "\n\n"
provider = provider + "provider \"oci\" {\n"
provider = provider + " region = \""+region_name+"\" \n"
provider = provider + " alias = \""+alias+"\" \n"
provider = provider + " # tenancy_ocid = \"\" \n"
provider = provider + " # user_ocid = \n"
provider = provider + " # private_key = \n"
provider = provider + " # private_key_path = \n"
provider = provider + " # private_key_password = \n"
provider = provider + " # fingerprint = \n"
provider = provider + " # config_file_profile = \n"
provider = provider + "}\n\n"
print (str("#"*45)+"\n"+provider)
# tenancy_ocid - OCID of your tenancy. To get the value, see Required Keys and OCIDs #Tenancy's OCID.
# user_ocid - OCID of the user calling the API. To get the value, see Required Keys and OCIDs #User's OCID.
# private_key - The contents of the private key file, required if private_key_path is not defined, takes precedence over private_key_path if both are defined. For details on how to create and configure keys see Required Keys and OCIDs #How to Upload the Public Key.
# private_key_path - The path (including filename) of the private key stored on your computer, required if private_key is not defined. For details on how to create and configure keys see Required Keys and OCIDs #How to Upload the Public Key.
# private_key_password - (Optional) Passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted.
# fingerprint - Fingerprint for the key pair being used. To get the value, see Required Keys and OCIDs #How to Get the Key's Fingerprint.
# region - An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region. See Regions and Availability Domains.
# config_file_profile - Profile Name if you would like to use custom profile for oci standard config file for credentials
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