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regex tutorial
# Regex
**Regular expressions**, or **regex** for short,<br/> _Are a series of special characters that define a search pattern_.
Regular Expressions (Regex) <br/> a pattern-matching language used for searching and manipulating text. It allows you to search for patterns within strings, replace text, and validate input
## Summary
Below I'm going to analyze a Regex that is utilized to check if a user is using the correct format to input an email address.
_Im checking to see if the email at has :_
* `a bracket expression containing to match any lowercase letter between a-z,`
* `a digit between 0-9`
* `an underscore ("_") `
* `a dot (".") and ("-") hyphen`
* `followed by an @ symbol`
* `then a bracket expression containing to match either a digit (\d), any lowercase letter between a-z`
* `a dot (".") and ("-") hyphen`
* `followed by a (".")`
* `then a bracket expression containing to match any lowercase letter between a-z, a dot (".")`
* `between 2 and 6 lowercase letters or dots`
* `Also note that The email address must start and end with the given pattern, indicated by the caret (^) and dollar sign ($), respectively.`
`Matching an Email` : <br/> `/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/`<br/>
## Table of Contents
- [Anchors](#anchors)✅
- [Quantifiers](#quantifiers)✅
- [Character Classes](#character-classes)✅
- [Grouping and Capturing](#grouping-and-capturing)✅
## Regex Components (**Atoms**)
### Anchors (Positions)
**Anchors** are used to specify the **position** of a match in the input string, rather than the actual content of the match: <br />
- `^` -> indicates the beginning of the string. In this example, anything to the left of the (`^`) is the string itself. <br />
- `$` -> indicates the end the string, similar to punctuation at the end of a sentence.
### Quantifiers
These are known as Quantifiers : <br />
- `*`
- `.`
- `?`
- `+`
- `{}`
<br />
Are known as metacharacters that specify how many times a particular character, group, or character class should be matched
Let's see these quantifiers in combination with a few more (**atoms** | **components**) below.
### Character Classes
utilizing the **Brackets** `[]` these help us to match a number of char ex: `[a-z\.]`
in other words, they define a set of characters, any one of which can occur in an input string to fulfill a match.
### Grouping and Capturing
Utilizing the parentheses `()` we can **Group** a subgroup of a literal group of char and **Capture** a select number of string char
### Bracket Expressions
utilizing the **Brackets** `[]` these help us to match a number of char ex: <br />
- `[a-z\.]`
<br/>this matches any single character that is either a lowercase letter from "a" to "z" or a period (".") character
## Summary
Brief recap on what is going on here:
- This string begins with a **Class of Characters** and must contain at least one or more alphanumeric char (`^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)`);
- Followed by a **@** symbol
- Then the following string within a **Class of Characters** must contain at least one digit, a lowercase letter between a-z followed by one or more dots and hyphen `([\da-z\.-]+)`;
- Followed by a (**\.**) (period/dot) symbol (which is to be taken as a **literal** period/dot) ;
- The string within a **Class of Characters** must contain a lowercase letter between a-z (`[a-z\.])`);
- These digits wrapped within the curly braces, making it quantifiable - `{2,6}` a quantifier that matches the preceding character, character class, or group between 2 and 6 times, inclusive;
- (`^`)---> This symbol signifies the beginning of a string;
- (`$`) <--- This symbol signifies the end of a string;
## Author
- _About the Author:_ **Olu** is A Creative thinker and capable humane being.
Aspiring to spread Awareness and Empathy through out the world by utilizing the Arts, Technology and Human interaction. <br />I'm doing this in a variety of ways with a variety of mediums ; <br/>
**Avid life learner 🧠** Self driven and self taught Web dev - Software Constructor(**Engineer**) with over a few months of MERN stack experience, yet over 10 years of creative experience;
<br/>Ranging from **UI/UX** conceptual design to hi-fidelity wireframes, Visual design, **Creative Direction**, Product design, **Audio engineering** , Musical production, Visual(Film, Photography, Analog-Collage) and Literature Art. <br/>
`Github` :
//! This test was inspired by Milo Cohen ( )
const randomhex = "#fcba03da";
const notRandomHex = "n9_.-@3no.-.df."
const matchhex = /^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/ ;
const match1 = randomhex.match(matchhex); // the regex match expression is not expected to return a true boolean
const match2 = notRandomHex.match(matchhex);
const test1 = matchhex.test(randomhex); // test will return a false boolean .
const test2 = matchhex.test(notRandomHex);
console.log("result of match1: ", match1);
console.log("result of match2: ", match2);
console.log("result of test1: ", test1);
console.log("result of test2: ", test2);
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