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Created June 11, 2024 00:33
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Vlang - V Tool help command - vlib/v/help/default.txt
V is a tool for managing V source code.
v [options] [command] [arguments]
v hello.v Compile the file `hello.v` and output it as
`hello` or `hello.exe`.
v run hello.v Same as above but also run the produced
executable immediately after compilation.
v -cg run hello.v Same as above, but make debugging easier
(in case your program crashes).
v crun hello.v Same as above, but do not recompile, if the
executable already exists, and is newer than the
v -o h.c hello.v Translate `hello.v` to `h.c`. Do not compile
v -o - hello.v Translate `hello.v` and output the C source code
to stdout. Do not compile further.
v watch hello.v Re-does the same compilation, when a source code
change is detected.
The program is only compiled, not run.
v watch run hello.v Re-runs the same `hello.v` file, when a source
code change is detected.
V supports the following commands:
* Project Scaffolding Utilities:
new Setup the file structure for a V project
(in a sub folder).
init Setup the file structure for an already existing
V project.
* Commonly Used Utilities:
run Compile and run a V program. Delete the
executable after the run.
crun Compile and run a V program without deleting the
If you run the same program a second time,
without changing the source files,
V will just run the executable, without
recompilation. Suitable for scripting.
test Run all test files in the provided directory.
fmt Format the V code provided.
vet Report suspicious code constructs.
doc Generate the documentation for a V module.
vlib-docs Generate and open the documentation of all the
vlib modules.
repl Run the REPL.
watch Re-compile/re-run a source file, each time it is
where Find and print the location of current project
* Installation Management Utilities:
symlink Create a symbolic link for V.
up Run the V self-updater.
self [-prod] Run the V self-compiler, use -prod to optimize
version Print the version text and exits.
* Package Management Utilities:
install Install a module from VPM.
remove Remove a module that was installed from VPM.
search Search for a module from VPM.
update Update an installed module from VPM.
upgrade Upgrade all the outdated modules.
list List all installed modules.
outdated List installed modules that need updates.
show Display information about a module on vpm
Use "v help <command>" for more information about a command, example:
`v help build`, `v help build-c`, `v help build-native`
Use "v help other" to see less frequently used commands.
Use "v help topics" to see a list of all known help topics.
Note: Help is required to write more help topics.
Only build, new, init, doc, fmt, vet, run, test, watch, search, install, remove,
update, bin2v, check-md are properly documented currently.
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