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Esteban Fuentealba EstebanFuentealba

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// Label Printer
// vendorId 0x416
// productId 0x5011
// manufacturerName STMicroelectronics
// productName POS Label Printer
async function testPrint(device) {
const cmds = [
'SIZE 99.84 mm,149.93 mm',
This example prints the Wifi shield's MAC address, and
scans for available Wifi networks using the Wifi shield.
Every ten seconds, it scans again. It doesn't actually
connect to any network, so no encryption scheme is specified.
created 13 July 2010
by dlf (Metodo2 srl)
modified 21 Junn 2012
Filetype: Flipper Music Format
Version: 0
BPM: 95
Duration: 15
Octave: 5
Notes: 3P, 19E6, 128P, 41F6, 15G6, 128P, 7G6, 128P, 41G6, 128P, 19A6, 128P, 41B6, 128P, 13C7, 128P, 6C7, 128P, 19E6, 128P, 41F6, 15G6, 128P, 13G6, 128P, 13G6, 128P, 19A6, 128P, 41G6, 128P, 13F6, 128P, 6F6, 128P, 13E6, 128P, 13G6, 128P, 13C6, 15E6, 128P, 13D6, 128P, 6F6, 128P, 13B5, 128P, 3C6, 7P, 13C7, 15D7, 128P, 13C7, 128P, 13B6, 15C7, 128P, 13A6, 128P, 6A6, 128P, 13C7, 15D7, 128P, 13C7, 128P, 13B6, 15C7, 128P, 4A6, 128P, 13D7, 128P, 13E7, 128P, 13D7, 128P, 13C#7, 15D7, 128P, 13B6, 128P, 13B6, 128P, 13B6, 128P, 19B6, 128P, 41C7, 15D7, 128P, 13C7, 128P, 13B6, 128P, 13A6, 128P, 13G6, 8G6, 128P, 41G6, 128P, 19E6, 128P, 41F6, 128P, 13G6, 128P, 7G6, 128P, 41G6, 128P, 19A6, 128P, 41B6, 15C7, 128P, 6C7, 128P, 19E6, 128P, 41F6, 15G6, 128P, 13G6, 128P, 13G6, 26A6, 128P, 41G6, 128P, 13F6, 128P, 6F6, 128P, 13E6, 15G6, 128P, 13C6, 128P, 13E6, 128P, 13D6, 128P, 6F6, 15D7, 128P, 4C7, 3P, 19E6, 128P, 41F6, 128P, 13G6, 8G6, 128P, 41G6, 128P, 19A6, 128
"channels": [
"id": "release",
"title": "Release CFW Channel",
"description": "Latest builds, not yet tested by Flipper QA, be careful",
"versions": [
"version": "unlshd-064",
"changelog": "Summary: BLE Core2 (Copro) crashes should be fixed with this update, Apple BLE Spam app and other apps updated to the latest versions, NFC file sort crashes has been fixed, other fixes and improvements see below:\n\nSubGHz: Nice Flor S - added custom button code 0x3\nNFC: Fixes out of memory crash if we open folder with more than 300 files in it\nLF RFID: Fixed logic in t5577_write_with_pass (by @baugp | PR #612)\nInfrared: Updated universal assets (by @amec0e | PR #607 #619)\nApple BLE Spam app updated to latest version (by @Willy-JL) -> (app can be found in builds , e, n, r)\nOFW: Fix spelling across some project files\nOFW: CCID: Support PC To Reader Transfer Block data\nOFW: Firmware: bigger thread
Registrarse para el examen readiness May 9 Jun 10
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Módulo 2 - Cómputo
Introduction to AWS Lambda
Troubleshooting connectivity using EC2 Serial Console


Script para descargar y desencriptar videos de la plataforma Platzi


  • Node.js
  • ffmpeg

Descargar Segmentos

Entrar por el navegador a un curso, abre las "Herramienats de desarrollador", pega el siguiente código y te descargará un zip con todos los segmentos del video

EstebanFuentealba /
Last active June 17, 2022 15:53
Tropimix Clasicos
if [ -z "$1" ] && [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo Syntax:
echo " /path/to-disk-dir/ \"#fff00\""
# convert image to full hd for video
#convert "$1/cover.png" +dither -colors 5 -define histogram:unique-colors=true -format "%c" histogram:info:
find "$1" \( -iname "*.mp3" -o -iname "*.flac" -o -iname "*.wav" -o -iname "*.m4a" \) -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' line; do
file=$(basename "$line" .mp3)
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
window.OneSignal = window.OneSignal || [];
OneSignal.push(function () {
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory(require("vue"), require("xe-utils"));
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define([, "xe-utils"], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["VXETable"] = factory(require("vue"), require("xe-utils"));
root["VXETable"] = factory(root["Vue"], root["XEUtils"]);
})((typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this), function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__8bbf__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_f0af__) {