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Last active January 22, 2019 14:40
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"" ~/.config/nvim/init.vim for neoVim
set nocompatible " required
filetype off " required
filetype plugin on
syntax on
set ruler " Show the line and column numbers of the cursor.
set formatoptions+=o " Continue comment marker in new lines.
set textwidth=0 " Hard-wrap long lines as you type them.
set modeline " Enable modeline.
set linespace=0 " Set line-spacing to minimum.
set nojoinspaces " Prevents inserting two spaces after punctuation on a join (J)
" More natural splits
set splitbelow " Horizontal split below current.
set splitright " Vertical split to right of current.
if !&scrolloff
set scrolloff=3 " Show next 3 lines while scrolling.
if !&sidescrolloff
set sidescrolloff=5 " Show next 5 columns while side-scrolling.
set display+=lastline
set nostartofline " Do not jump to first character with page commands.
set noerrorbells " No beeps
set backspace=indent,eol,start " Makes backspace key more powerful.
set showcmd " Show me what I'm typing
set showmode " Show current mode.
set noswapfile " Don't use swapfile
set nobackup " Don't create annoying backup files
set encoding=utf-8 " Set default encoding to UTF-8
set autowrite " Automatically save before :next, :make etc.
set autoread " Automatically reread changed files without asking me anything
set laststatus=2
set fileformats=unix,dos,mac " Prefer Unix over Windows over OS 9 formats
set showmatch " Do not show matching brackets by flickering
set incsearch " Shows the match while typing
set hlsearch " Highlight found searches
set ignorecase " Search case insensitive...
set smartcase " ... but not when search pattern contains upper case characters
set autoindent
set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
set gdefault " Use 'g' flag by default with :s/foo/bar/.
set magic " Use 'magic' patterns (extended regular expressions).
set number " Show number
set relativenumber " Set Relative number
set undofile " Maintain undo history between sessions
set undodir=~/.vim/undodir
set foldenable "Enable folding
set foldlevelstart=10 "Open most of the folds by default. If set to 0, all folds will be closed.
set foldnestmax=10 "Folds can be nested. Setting a max value protects you from too many folds.
set foldmethod=manual "Defines the type of folding.
"Emmet remaping
let g:user_emmet_leader_key='<C-N>'
""Tabs with Alt + p or + l caveat for mac I need to map directly <ALT+pj> ==> π
map π :tabn<CR>
map ¬ :tabp<CR>
" toggle commenting of lines with command + / Mapping
" <Alt + /> ===> √∑
nmap √∑ :Commentary<CR>
vmap √∑ :Commentary<CR>
" Leader key is like a command prefix.
let mapleader="\<Space>"
""Using mapleader
nnoremap <Leader>; :w<CR>
"Using Leader for buffers
vmap <Leader>y "+y
vmap <Leader>d "+d
nmap <Leader>p "+p
nmap <Leader>P "+P
vmap <Leader>p "+p
vmap <Leader>P "+P
"" Show Next Matched String at the center of the Screen
nnoremap n nzz
nnoremap N Nzz
""Mapping to move lines up and down
nnoremap <C-j> :m .+1<CR>==
nnoremap <C-k> :m .-2<CR>==
inoremap <C-j> <Esc>:m .+1<CR>==gi
inoremap <C-k> <Esc>:m .-2<CR>==gi
vnoremap <C-j> :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap <C-k> :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
"" Mapping to move through buffers
map <C-U> :bprev<CR>
map <C-I> :bnext<CR>
"" You complete me options
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion=1
map <leader>g :YcmCompleter GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration<CR>
""""fzf confgs
nnoremap <C-p> :<C-u>FZF<CR>
"Number and relative Number
let g:user_emmet_settings = {
\ 'javascript.jsx' : {
\ 'extends': 'jsx',
\ 'quote_char': "'",
\ },
"Airline configurations
let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
""ale configurations
let g:ale_linters = { 'javascript': ['eslint'], 'typescript': ['tsserver'] , 'python':['autopep8'] }
let g:ale_fixers = { 'javascript': ['prettier'], 'typescript': ['prettier'], 'python':['autopep8'] }
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1
" NERDTree configurations
"Auto open
autocmd StdinReadPre * let s:std_in=1
autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 0 && !exists("s:std_in") | NERDTree | endif
function! NERDTreeHighlightFile(extension, fg, bg, guifg, guibg)
exec 'autocmd filetype nerdtree highlight ' . a:extension .' ctermbg='. a:bg .' ctermfg='. a:fg .' guibg='. a:guibg .' guifg='. a:guifg
exec 'autocmd filetype nerdtree syn match ' . a:extension .' #^\s\+.*'. a:extension .'$#'
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('jade', 'green', 'none', 'green', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('ini', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('md', 'blue', 'none', '#3366FF', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('yml', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('config', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('conf', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('json', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('html', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('styl', 'cyan', 'none', 'cyan', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('css', 'cyan', 'none', 'cyan', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('coffee', 'Red', 'none', 'red', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('js', 'Red', 'none', '#ffa500', '#151515')
call NERDTreeHighlightFile('php', 'Magenta', 'none', '#ff00ff', '#151515')
"End of NerdTree Configurations
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif
"TypeScript configurations
""This makes completions slow but shows typescrip types
let g:tsuquyomi_completion_detail = 1
""Integrating with Syntastic
let g:tsuquyomi_disable_quickfix = 1
let g:syntastic_typescript_checkers = ['tsuquyomi'] " You shouldn't use 'tsc' checker.
""leafGrat indenting problem
let g:typescript_indent_disable = 1
" set filetypes as typescript.tsx
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tsx,*.jsx set filetype=typescript.tsx
""" light blue
hi tsxTagName guifg=#59ACE5
" dark blue
hi tsxCloseString guifg=#2974a1
hi tsxCloseTag guifg=#2974a1
hi tsxAttributeBraces guifg=#2974a1
hi tsxEqual guifg=#2974a1
" green
hi tsxAttrib guifg=#1BD1C1
hi ReactState guifg=#C176A7
hi ReactProps guifg=#D19A66
hi Events ctermfg=204 guifg=#56B6C2
hi ReduxKeywords ctermfg=204 guifg=#C678DD
hi WebBrowser ctermfg=204 guifg=#56B6C2
hi ReactLifeCycleMethods ctermfg=204 guifg=#D19A66
let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/'
" let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion = 1
" Treat mdx as md
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.mdx set syntax=markdown
let g:python_host_prog="/usr/local/bin/python2.7"
let g:session_autosave = 'yes'
let g:session_autoload = 'yes'
let g:session_default_to_last = 1
"" Copy and paste issue
set mouse=a
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
"" Vim Auto pair plugin
Plug 'tmsvg/pear-tree'
""Vim Game
Plug 'johngrib/vim-game-code-break'
""Vim Commentary
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
"Vim surround
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
""fzf vim for searching files
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
"JavaScript Intendint
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
"Linting for Javascript
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
"JSX Formating
Plug 'mxw/vim-jsx'
Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
Plug 'quramy/tsuquyomi'
Plug 'leafgarland/typescript-vim'
Plug 'peitalin/vim-jsx-typescript'
Plug 'bling/vim-airline'
"Multiple Cursors
Plug 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
"" Solarized
Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
call plug#end()
"""Solarized Theme configurations
" Make sure for iTerm2 the Solarized theme is active too.
" info for configuration
set background=dark
colorscheme solarized
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
source ~/.vimrc
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