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Created March 26, 2021 02:21
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import { eddsa } from 'elliptic';
import { sha512 } from 'js-sha512';
import { sha256 } from 'js-sha256';
import * as BN from 'bn.js';
export interface Ed25519Node {
kL: Uint8Array;
kR: Uint8Array;
A: Buffer;
c: Uint8Array;
// Shorthand for Bignumber instanciation
const bn = (i: number | string | Uint8Array, base?: number, endianness?: 'le' | 'be') =>
new BN(i, base, endianness);
export class Bip32Ed25519 {
private eddsa: eddsa;
// Base point
private bp: eddsa.Point;
// Prime-order of the basepoint
private l: BN;
constructor() {
this.eddsa = new eddsa('ed25519');
// Calculate the basepoint Y coordinate
const two = bn(2);
const q = two.pow(bn(255)).sub(bn(19));
const five = bn(5);
const by = five.mod(q).invm(q).mul(bn(4)).mod(q);
// Derive the point from Y
this.bp = this.eddsa.curve.pointFromY(by);
// Calculate the prime order of the basepoint
this.l = two.pow(bn(252)).add(bn('27742317777372353535851937790883648493'));
* @param masterkey 32 bytes Uint8array
public root_key(masterkey: Uint8Array): Ed25519Node {
if (masterkey.length != 32)
throw 'master_secret must be 32 bytes (a Uint8Array of size 32)';
const k = new Uint8Array(sha512.arrayBuffer(masterkey));
const kL = k.slice(0, 32),
kR = k.slice(32);
if (kL[31] & 0b00100000) {
console.log('Invalid last byte');
return null;
// clear lowest three bits of the first byte
kL[0] = this.clearBit(kL[0], 0b00000111);
// clear highest bit of the last byte
kL[31] = this.clearBit(kL[31], 0b10000000);
// set second highest bit of the last byte
kL[31] = this.setBit(kL[31], 0b01000000);
// Get the public key
const A = this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.bp.mul(bn(kL, 10, 'le')));
const chaincodePayload = this.concatUint8Arrays([new Uint8Array([1]), masterkey]);
const c = new Uint8Array(sha256.arrayBuffer(chaincodePayload));
return {kL, kR, A, c};
public derive(master: Uint8Array, path: string): Ed25519Node {
var root = this.root_key(master);
var node = root;
const chain = path.split('/');
for (let i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) {
let index;
if (!chain[i]) continue;
if (chain[i].endsWith("'"))
// Hardened offset ; @todo 0x8...
index = bn(chain[i].slice(0, -1)).add(bn(2).pow(bn(31)));
// Non hardened path
else index = bn(chain[i]);
node = this.deriveChild(node, index);
return node;
public deriveChild(node: Ed25519Node, index: BN): Ed25519Node {
const kLP = node.kL,
kRP = node.kR,
AP = node.A,
cP = node.c;
if (!(index.gte(bn(0)) && {
throw 'Index i must be between 0 and 2^32 - 1, inclusive';
const i_bytes = index.toBuffer('le', 4);
let Z: Uint8Array, c: Uint8Array;
if ( {
// regular child
Z = this.hmacSha512(
this.concatUint8Arrays([new Uint8Array([2]), new Uint8Array(AP), i_bytes]),
c = this.hmacSha512(
this.concatUint8Arrays([new Uint8Array([3]), new Uint8Array(AP), i_bytes]),
} else {
// hardened child
Z = this.hmacSha512(
this.concatUint8Arrays([new Uint8Array([0]), kLP, kRP, i_bytes]),
c = this.hmacSha512(
this.concatUint8Arrays([new Uint8Array([1]), kLP, kRP, i_bytes]),
const ZL = Z.slice(0, 28),
ZR = Z.slice(32);
const kLn = bn(ZL, 10, 'le').mul(bn(8)).add(bn(kLP, 10, 'le'));
// "If kL is divisible by the base order n, discard the child."
// - "BIP32-Ed25519 Hierarchical Deterministic Keys over a Non-linear Keyspace" (
if (kLn.mod(this.l).eq(bn(0))) {
return null;
const kRn = bn(ZR, 10, 'le')
.add(bn(kRP, 10, 'le'))
const kL = new Uint8Array(kLn.toBuffer('le', 32));
const kR = new Uint8Array(kRn.toBuffer('le', 32));
const A = this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.bp.mul(bn(kL, 10, 'le')));
return {kL, kR, A, c};
private hmacSha512(message: Uint8Array, key: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
// Invalid types for key inside js-sha512 - See
const hash = sha512.hmac
.create(key as any)
return new Uint8Array(hash);
private clearBit(byte: number, mask: number): number {
return byte & ~mask;
private setBit(byte: number, mask: number): number {
return byte | mask;
private concatUint8Arrays(arrays: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array {
let length = 0;
arrays.forEach((item) => {
length += item.length;
let mergedArray = new Uint8Array(length);
let offset = 0;
arrays.forEach((item) => {
mergedArray.set(item, offset);
offset += item.length;
return mergedArray;
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