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Created September 3, 2016 10:55
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  • Save Etana/e3c20ea8bb1c5ab60329157e44fc41a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Etana/e3c20ea8bb1c5ab60329157e44fc41a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function insertText(a) {
var c = localStorage.getItem("fasave" + a);
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$("#savep div[onClick^='insertText(" + a + ")']").remove()
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function replaceTxt(a) {
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b[b.length - 1] += d[1], "$" == d[6] || "" == d[4] ? b[b.length] = "" : b[b.length - 1] += d[3].substr(0, d[3].length / 2) + "0", a = d[7]
b[b.length - 1] = a;
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c.val(text.substr(0, start) + a + text.substr(end));
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function saveExport() {
for(var a = null === localStorage.getItem("fasave-length") ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("fasave-length"), c = "[", b = 0;b < a;b++) {
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"[" != c && (c += ",");
c += (null === d ? "" : escape(d) + ":") + escape(e)
replaceTxt(c + "]")
function saveImport() {
var a = $(".sourceMode textarea").val().substring($(".sourceMode textarea").prop("selectionStart"), $(".sourceMode textarea").prop("selectionEnd")).replace(/\s/g, "");
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for(var a = a.substr(1, a.length - 2).split(","), c = 0;c < a.length;c++) {
var b = a[c].split(":");
2 == b.length ? saveItem(unescape(b[1]), unescape(b[0])) : saveItem(unescape(b[0]), "")
function saveSelect() {
var a = $(".sourceMode textarea");
0 != $(a).prop("selectionStart") - $(a).prop("selectionEnd") && (a = a.val().substring($(a).prop("selectionStart"), $(a).prop("selectionEnd")), saveItem(a, ""))
function saveItem(a, c) {
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localStorage.setItem("fasave" + b, a);
"" != c && localStorage.setItem("fasavet" + b, c);
localStorage.setItem("fasave-length", b + 1);
$("#savep select").after('<div class="savedt" onClick="insertText(' + b + ');return false;">' + (c ? c : "&quot;" + a.substr(0, 30).replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;") + (30 < a.length ? "..." : "&quot;")) + "</div>")
$(function(){$(function() {
$("#text_editor_textarea").length && window.localStorage && "Microsoft Internet Explorer" != navigator.appName && ($('.sceditor-button-source').before('<a class="sceditor-button" unselectable="on" title="Sauvegarde" id="save_button"><div unselectable="on" style="background-image:url(">Sauvegarde</div></a>'), $("#save_button").click(function(a) {
if(a.shiftKey) {
$("#saveshift").length || $('<div class="save-bloc sceditor-dropdown" id="saveshift" style="display:none"><div onClick="saveExport()">Exporter</div><div onClick="saveImport()">Importer</div></div>').appendTo("body").css({top:$('#save_button').offset().top,left:$('#save_button').offset().left,marginTop: $('#save_button').outerHeight(),position:'absolute'}), $("#savep").hide(300), $("#saveshift").toggle(300)
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$('<div class="save-bloc sceditor-dropdown" id="savep" style="display:none"><div><select style="margin-bottom:5px"><option value="0">Ins&eacute;rer</option><option value="1">Supprimer</option><option value="2">Nommer</option></select></div><div id="saves" style="display:none"><br /><span onClick="saveSelect()">Sauver la s&eacute;lection</span></div></div>').appendTo("body").css({top:$('#save_button').offset().top,left:$('#save_button').offset().left,marginTop: $('#save_button').outerHeight(),position:'absolute'});
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null !== b && $("#savep select").after('<div class="savedt" onClick="insertText(' + c + ');return false;">' + (null === localStorage.getItem("fasavet" + c) ? "&quot;" + b.substr(0, 30).replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;") + (30 < b.length ? "..." : "&quot;") : localStorage.getItem("fasavet" + c)) + "</div>")
}), $(".sourceMode textarea").select(function() {
}), $(".sourceMode textarea").bind("click keyup keydown", function() {
0 == $(this).prop("selectionStart") - $(this).prop("selectionEnd") && $("#saves").hide()
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